Ghost Dance

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Chapter 90

After receiving Jiwu's orders, Pien hurried back to the city.
Loulan City's survival and destruction depended on this final battle.
Pien thought to himself: I will definitely bring the secret magic legion here, or else the consequences will be unimaginable.Pien stopped at a corner and shouted at a wall: pineapple pineapple honey, honey ah ah ah honey carrot, pineapple pineapple honey, honey ah ah ah honey carrot, sesame open the door, ding ding ding dang dang whirr ah.This was a top secret code, meaning to be on alert.
Mages, hurry up and come out to protect your homes!Because this was a top secret, many people didn't know about it, and it was even more impossible for them to know that this seemingly ordinary wall was actually the door of the secret magic legion.There were a lot of people gathered at the side.
Some people said, "Look, this friend from the Western Region is dressed in military uniform.
He's crazy facing a wall.
Who knows where the nearest mental hospital is?
Do we need to help him go home?"Someone at the side whispered, "Don't talk nonsense if you don't understand.
Look carefully, this person isn't crazy.
He's doing something.
It's very likely that it's related to magic."Someone said, "How do you know it's related to magic?"The man said, "Are you all blind?
Can't you see the words 'Secret Magic Corps' engraved on the city wall?"Pien suddenly turned around and slapped the man with one hand.
He was trying to sense the strength of this man.
Why did an ordinary person seem to be able to see something that others couldn't see or even possess a high level of military secrecy?
Either this person was a genius, or it would be best if Pien took him back to Jiwu's place, or this person was a mage..Pien exerted his strength with his hand and didn't notice any response.
He was just an ordinary person.
He looked at the man in his twenties and asked, "What's your name?"The man said, My name is Big Fish.Pien said, "Very good, Dayu.
Come back with me later and I'll bring you to meet someone."Pien wanted to support this young genius.Dayu said, "No, this big brother in military uniform, I won't go back with you.
I have my own things to do, and I have my own responsibilities.
My parents are waiting for me to retire and die.
My wife and children are waiting for me to make money and go home.
I can't just go with you to the frontlines and die.
Please let me go.".Pien took out several thousand silver notes and handed them to Dayu, saying, "Is it enough?"The big fish had never seen so much money before, so she immediately took the money and stuffed it into her pocket.
Then, she said with righteous indignation, "What a hateful legion of dukedoms.
They bullied my people, took my good land, killed my parents, and took over my wives and children.
I, the big fish, do not share the sky with them.
Even if I die on the battlefield, it doesn't matter!
Big brother of the legion, hurry and take me away.
I can't contain the anger in my heart anymore..The big fish's attitude changed so quickly, and its acting skills were superb, causing everyone around to be moved.However, none of them were willing to accept the fact that it was mediocre, so they all argued with Pien, "Big brother, I've also seen the word 'secret magic legion' on the city wall.
I'm willing to live and die with Loulan, so hurry up and take it with me!"In fact, what they wanted the most was a huge amount of money.Pien knew that these people were plagiarizing the big fish.
With a wave of his hand, he said: Stop!
The secret magic legion is about to emerge from this wall.
They are people with limitless magic power who kill without blinking.
They all move aside and quickly move away.
It's very scary, step back a little.Pien commanded everyone to retreat.
The city walls began to squirm and a mage mounted on a horse emerged from the wall.
The crowd cheered: "Ouch I go!
Oh my God!
Oh my God!
Holy shit, man!
Holy shit!
What kind of horse is this, with such big hooves?
How's this animal plowing the fields?
Tsk, tsk, really good stuff, the hair is still yellow miles, strange fucking rare, good horse, really good horse."The first magician to appear looked at the vulgar humans contemptuously.
The corners of his lips curled up slightly as he was intoxicated by everyone's worship.I don't know who pushed the wizard off the big horse in the crowd's amazement, and then the crowd gathered around the big horse and cheered again: Oh my God!
Oh my God!
Oh my God!
Oh my God, my God!
Oh, my God!
What kind of horse is this, with such big hooves?
How's this animal plowing the fields?
Tsk, tsk, tsk, really good stuff, the hair is still yellow, used to fucking rare, good horse, really good horse.The sorcerer who was pushed to the ground wiped away his sweat, and his eyes wandered as he looked at his camel being touched by everyone.Then came a second mage, third and fourth.
When all the members of the secret magic legion came out, Pien pointed at the front and mounted his horse.
He shouted: Mages, please follow me!!!Then, all of the sorcerers immediately rushed over a hundred meters away.
Pien was surrounded by billowing smoke and dirt.
When he rushed out of the dust and arrived in front of Jiwu, he reported that the magic legion had arrived.
Jiwu was currently gnashing his teeth.Pien said, "Reporting to the Keywood Regent, the magic legion has been brought here.
Now that we're facing a great enemy, how are you going to pick your teeth here?"Jiwu handed him a piece of meat and said, "This is the roast lamb leg of a soldier of the enemy's army.
Have a taste."Only then did Pien realise that his magic army had already started playing bonfires with the Blue Phantom Mercenaries.Jiwu patted Pien on the shoulder and said, "We know the situation, Wei Junjie.
The enemy has only fought our magic army once, and they obediently surrendered."Pien said, "Is it so magical?"Jiwu said, Yes.Pien said, "Then how many casualties did I receive?"Jiwu said, "Our mage is unharmed."Pien said, "Then, how many casualties did the enemy receive?"Jiwu said: All the mounts have died, five magicians have died, and ten have been seriously injured.Pien said, "That's good, that's good.
The world is finally peaceful."Jiwu suddenly cried out, "No, my Luxi!"Pien said, "Lord Regent Wang, what's wrong with Luxi?"Jiwu said that he had been kidnapped and taken away by one of the enemy's remaining dukedoms.Pien said, "Let me go.
This damned duke has died and is still struggling.
I will definitely not disgrace my mission this time.
I will definitely bring Lucy here."Jiwu said, "No, they created a barrier.
Everyone can only enter and cannot leave."Pien said, "Where is the barrier?"Jy Wu said, "We are in the center of the barrier.
Anyone who enters a radius of one mile will die without a doubt.
Unless there is a genius who can find the barrier switch and shut it down, my Lucy will return to the west before sunset.
"Pien said, "Oh my god, this is the first time I've heard that the barrier has a switch on it."Just as Jiwu was chewing on the enemy's leg in a heartbroken manner, Pien suddenly thought of a person.
That person's eyesight was extraordinary.
He could see things that ordinary people couldn't see, and perhaps he could see the switch on the barrier.Pien said to Jiwu, "I have a candidate who can follow me to rescue Luxi.
Come, come, come, greet the Regent."Dayu knelt on the ground and said, "I, Dayu, greet the Regent."Jiwu wiped the oil off his mouth and said, "What do you know?
Tell me what you're best at."Dayu said, "I sometimes see things that others can't."Ji Wudun's interest was piqued.
"Then tell me, what colored underpants are inside Pinnqiu pants?"Pien hurriedly covered himself and backed away, saying, "King Regent, what kind of joke is this?
I'm used to it."The big fish said, "Reporting to the Regent, there's nothing in Lord Pien's pants."Jiwu said, "Mm, not bad.
Everyone knows it."Pien desperately searched for a hole in the ground.Jiwu asked, "Are you born with your X-ray vision or later?"Dayu said, "It's a post-birth.
When I was young, my father wanted me to take a Close-vision examination.
Then, I spent my days studying, reading, and reading.
Finally, I read Close-eye."Jiwu asked, "But it's two different concepts when it comes to using your X-ray vision?"Dayu said, "I know.
You heard what I said.
Didn't I get close to you later?
Over 1,000 degrees?
It's almost like I'm blind.
I searched for Godly Doctors everywhere and they all said that they couldn't understand.
In the end, there was really nothing I could do.
I went to the toilet several times and went to the women's toilet.
In the end, I came up with a solution: eat chili pepper."The more she eats, the more her eyes hurt.
It's been in pain for more than half a month.
Finally, it doesn't hurt anymore.Jiwu said, "Attack poison with poison.
Good boy."The big fish said, "The fire is too strong.
I'm blind and my eyeballs don't have any reaction.
"Jiwu asked again, "If you're blind, why can you see things now?"Big Fish said, "I'm a dog's eye, it's from the Western Region's organ transfer technology treatment treatment.
"Jiwu asked again, "Are you a donkey?"Big fish said, It's a big fish that can swim.Jiwu said, "Then show me the color of the socks in my shoes."The big fish glanced at Jywu's shoes and said, White left and black right.Jiwu nodded, saying, "Not bad, not bad.
With your X-ray vision, can you see where the damn barrier is?
If you save Luxi, I'll let you have Pien's official position.
What do you think?"Pi Endun was speechless...Dayu said, "That's not good."Jiwu said, "What's wrong?"Dayu said, "Sir Pien is my eunuch.
I shouldn't have taken his place.
I think you should let me have a higher official position than Sir Pien.
The so-called Qing is superior to the Blue."Pien vomited blood on the spot...Jiwu waved his hand, saying, "Don't stay here with me.
Hurry up and save him."Pien and Dayu...Pien and Dayu rode off on their horses, while the other sorcerers protected the Regent to prevent any sneak attacks.The big fish came to a small river, got off the horse, and carefully approached a bush.Pien followed closely behind, and suddenly Dayu stopped.Pien quickly asked in a low voice, "What did you find?"The big fish's face was unsightly and red.
"I ate the leftovers from the day before yesterday this morning.
I can't hold it anymore."A loud crash resounded, and the smell welcomed Pi En's face.After making it convenient, the big fish carefully inspected the area and found the switch on the barrier under a small stone.
It was a water-type magic stone, the size of an egg, but it weighed at least 200 catties.The two of them used all their strength to lift the Sorcerer's Stone and slowly approached the river.Pien said, "Take your time.
I have a plate on my waist."The big fish said, Why did you throw this Sorcerer's Stone into the river?Pien said, "If we throw it into the river, the Sorcerer's Stone will follow the current.
Without magic power, the barrier will naturally disappear.
If the barrier doesn't disappear, we won't be able to get out."When the Sorcerer's Stone fell to the bottom of the water with a bang, it was already late, and it was too late to find Lucy.The barrier disappeared.
Pien and the big fish hurriedly lashed out and searched for an inn.
They asked the boss if he had seen a person with the appearance of a high official and a woman passing by.
The boss said, "This lord, I haven't seen a woman in this inn in ten years, let alone a high official.".When the two turned around to leave, the big fish suddenly pulled Pi En around to hide in a big tree behind the inn.Pien said, "What's wrong?
Did you find anything?"The big fish said, This inn is very suspicious, and the boss is even more suspicious.Pien said, "Why?"Dayu said, "First, there is no waiter.
Second boss didn't ask us to stay in the shop until tomorrow.
Third, the boss said that I haven't seen a woman in ten years.
It's even more suspicious because I can smell the perfume used by women."Pien said, Are you a dog or a mermaid, you stinky brat?Dayu said, "Lord Pien, do you really admire me?
Don't worry, once we rescue Luxi, my official position will be higher than yours.
I will take good care of you."With a snap, Pien gave the big fish a big mouth and said, "Hurry and find Lucy."The big fish said, No need to search, my lord.Pien said, "Why?"Dayu said: Luxi is in this inn.With a loud thud, Pien smacked the big fish again, saying, "Are you dumbstruck by me?
Open your eyes wide and take a look.
This is a fucking tent with two tables, and there's also an open-air inn in a hut.
There's no one else here.
Even a weasel wouldn't have any.".As soon as he finished speaking, a weasel fell from the tree and lay on Pien's shoulder.The big fish said, This female weasel is too shameless.Pien said, "Hurry up and take it away.
How do you know this weasel is a mother?"The big fish said, It has milk.Pien said, "Then why do you say it is shameless?"The big fish said, "It's not wearing anything."Pien vomited blood again...The big fish pointed to the toilet.
I saw a woman in the toilet conveniently.Pien said, "Why can't I see it?
Where is it?"Dayu said, "Follow me."The two of them had just walked out with two shiny knives placed on their necks.
One was held by the inn owner while the other was held by a heavily injured mage.The inn owner said, "Master, you actually chased me here.
"Pien said, "Are you the Duke who kidnapped Luxi?"The inn owner said, "It's fine if you die.
I am.
Can you kill me?
Ha ha ha ha ha."The dukes opened their mouths and laughed loudly.
With a bang, the mage's blade stabbed into the dukes' hearts.The dukes fell to the ground, blood stained the floor of the straw cottage, and a woman's scream came from inside.Pien asked, "Why did this mage kill your master?"Mo Fashi said, "I've thought it through.
If I can't follow the dukes, I'll die sooner or later.
I'm willing to follow you all and protect Lou Lan."Pien looked at the man carefully and didn't think he was lying.
He said, "That's good.
I'm glad that you said that.
I hope you can protect Lou Lan with us."Lucy, who was in the toilet, was rescued.
The four of them hurriedly rode back to Jywu and gathered together, cheering and cheering.The world would be united for a long time, and it would be divided for a long time.
The dukedoms would be wiped out, and there would no longer be any rebellion from the dukedom.
Lou Lan would enjoy eternal peace.It's over!