The Unconstrained Young Master

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Chapter 111

Wangzi's feet trembled, and a black wave of energy, visible to the naked eye, surged towards the fleeing Ma Hongjun.
"Damn it!" Ma Hongjun turned around and looked at the black wave of energy.
His face was drained of all color, and his speed of escape increased by several degrees.
"Damn it, what kind of monster did I provoke today?" Ma Hongjun cursed inwardly, but before he could even run five meters away, he flew up into the air.BANG!?That black energy wave instantly sent Ma Hongjun flying into the sky.
Tangsan and Xiao Wu's eyes were wide open - Heavens, I can't believe he was sent flying!
Ma Hongjun couldn't explain his bitterness right now.
When that black energy wave struck him, did it invade his body without a second word?.BANG!?That black wave of energy instantly sent Ma Hongjun flying into the sky.
Tangsan and Xiao Wu's eyes were wide open - Heavens, he was actually sent flying!
Ma Hongjun was struggling to explain himself right now.
When that black wave of energy struck him, it immediately invaded his body without a second word?Thud!
Ma Hongjun landed on the ground, but his expression was simply comical.
His entire body was covered in a layer of ice mist, and he wore an ice helmet.
His beard hung two thin icicles, and his face was covered in a layer of frost.
He was still shivering nonstop?.Thud!
Ma Hongjun landed on the ground, but his actions were simply comical.
His entire body was covered in a layer of ice mist, and he wore an ice helmet.
His beard hung two thin icicles, and his face was covered in a layer of frost.
He was still shivering nonstop?Tangsan and Xiao Wu looked at each other.
To be able to torture someone so miserably with just one move was too terrifying."Hey, run!
Why aren't you running anymore?" Wangzi walked over and sneered disdainfully at Ma Hongjun, who was frozen into ice.
"Boom!" A layer of violet flames ignited on Ma Hongjun's body, desirous of melting the layer of ice.
In the end, the violet flames flickered a few times, and then went out without even melting a single drop of ice."How could that be?" The frozen Ma Hongjun thought to himself.
His phoenix flame was extremely hot, and it couldn't melt this layer of ice.
In that case, this person should be very strong.
Thinking of this, he immediately became obedient.?What the hell?
Who's going to play cross-level challenges when they're full?
I've been reduced to such a state with just one move, and I'm going to go look for trouble.
I'll probably turn into an ice sculpture next time."Kid, don't move.
I'm an Arctic Ice Soul.
I have a nickname called 'Absolute Bingfeng'.
There's no way you can break it with your strength." Wang Zile looked at Ma Hongjun and threatened.
Ma Hongjun didn't say anything.?Damn, an Arctic Ice Soul?
I've never heard of it being a divine horse, but I know how powerful it is with that nickname 'Absolute Bingfeng'.
I still want to live for a few more years, so I'll have to accept it.Wangzi sensed Ma Hongjun's resignation, and immediately withdrew the frigid qi around him.
The frigid coldness spread out in all directions.
It's so cold." Little Wu gasped and leaned into Tangsan's embrace.
This time, it was Tangsan's turn to be embarrassed, but there was nothing he could do about it.
The frigid cold aura from earlier was simply too cold.
Even he himself couldn't help but shudder a few times.
Naturally, he wouldn't be able to push Tangsan away just like that..Ma Hongjun was still lying on the ground like a corpse, his entire body emitting a cold aura.
If it weren't for his still-condensed eyes and his unceasing breathing, those who didn't know would have thought that this brat had died.
After being frozen for so long, Ma Hongjun's limbs were already numb, and he couldn't move at all.
Even his pitiful soul force was sealed, and he wouldn't have been able to unseal it without half a day."What's wrong with him?" Xiaowu asked curiously.
She even squatted down and used her slender hands to fiddle with Ma Hongjun's beard, causing Ma Hongjun to feel like crying.
It was also his bad luck that his entire body was frozen, and he couldn't even speak.
He could only let Xiaowu do whatever he wanted."Fatty, do you know what you're doing?" Wangzi was like a devil that had descended into the mortal world.
He laughed sinisterly, and then clenched his fists together, releasing loud crackling noises.
Ma Hongjun was truly scared, but he couldn't speak.
He could only watch Wangzi approach him step by step."Stop fighting!
Stop fighting!" Lady Emerald Blossom suddenly opened her mouth and ran towards Ma Hongjun."Cuihua Huaguniang, what are you doing?" Little Wu couldn't help but feel confused when she saw Cuihua's concern for Ma Hongjun.
Wasn't this fatty bullying her before?
Why was he suddenly...Cuihua pleaded, "Stop fighting.
In fact, Hongjun is a good person, and we're just not suitable for him.
That's why I can only break up with him.
You guys can leave.
I'll explain everything to him."Ma Hongjun was suddenly able to speak.
He roared angrily, "Don't worry about me!
Get out of my way!"It was at this moment that a surprised voice sounded out, "Tangsan, Wangge, Pangzi, what are you doing?"Tangsan and Wangzi both looked towards the source of the voice.
They saw a white-robed man with neatly combed hair wearing a white robe walking towards them.Xiaowu snorted.
"What happened?
You can ask him.
This fatty bullied girls in broad daylight.
We can't stand it.
We have to teach him a lesson."Dai Mubai couldn't help but laugh.
"Xiaowu, I think you've misunderstood.
Cuihua Huaguniang, you can't stand him anymore?" Cui Hua blushed and nodded before turning around to leave.
This time, Ma Hongjun didn't stop her.
Instead, he looked depressed.
Tangsan walked to Dai Mubai's side and asked, "What the hell is going on?" Dai Mubai looked at Fatty and asked, "Do you want me to tell you or you?"Ma Hongjun glanced at Dai Mubai and lowered his head, "Speak."Dai Mubai laughed heartily.
"What's wrong?
Even a damned fatty like you is embarrassed?
Fine, I'll speak up for you."Dai Mubai nodded.
"Fatty was the one who entered the academy the last time.
Although I didn't see it with my own eyes, I can guess it.
Actually, I can't blame Fatty for this.
I can only blame him for his wild martial spirit.""Nonsense, your martial spirit is the straw fowl, and my martial spirit is a phoenix.
Even if my martial spirits are all chickens, I'm still a phoenix.
Have you never heard of a golden phoenix in a grass nest?" Ma Hongjun said in annoyance."Are you saying that the purple flame earlier was his phoenix flame?" Wangzi asked.
"Yeah." Dai Mubai nodded.
"Because of the mutation in martial spirits, Fatty's flame power is very strong.
This kind of flame is very strange.
Not only is it extremely hot, but it also has a strong attachment to it, which is very difficult to extinguish.The dean said that after his martial spirit mutated, it was really possible for him to become a phoenix.
However, his martial spirit also had a huge flaw.
Although the mutation brought with it a powerful soul force, it also affected his body.His ability in the field of men and women became extremely strong, and his desire was ten times greater than that of an ordinary person's.
If he only suppressed it without losing, then he could have died from the explosion of the evil flame at any time."..."Ma Hongjun hurriedly added, "The evil flames can't be suppressed!" Wangzi immediately whipped.
This fatty was probably not even thirteen years old yet.
Nima's side was actually so fierce.
Damn it!Zhanlan Hailong, on the other hand, walked over and overheard Dai Mubai's words.
He extended his right hand in front of everyone, and then...
extended his middle finger!
He didn't forget to add, "I despise you.
Dammit, I've always said that dragons are perverted, but I didn't expect you to be so lecherous!".Zhanlan Hailong, on the other hand, walked over and overheard Dai Mubai's words.
He extended his right hand in front of everyone, and then...
extended his middle finger!
He didn't forget to add another sentence, "I despise you.
Hells say that dragons are perverted, but I didn't expect a turkey like you to be so lecherous!"Everyone was instantly rendered speechless by Zhanlan Hailong's sharp words.
Wangzi looked at the old dragon who had lived for thousands of years and raised his eyebrows?
He was already powerless to retort.And Ma Hongjun, who was lying motionless on the ground, was already covered in tears?Dai Mubai looked at Ma Hongjun, who was lying upright on the ground, and couldn't help but laugh, "Damned fatty, even if you want to play with a corpse to suppress the evil flame, there's no need for you to do this." Then, he even kicked Ma Hongjun's belly with his foot.
What a heavy chill." Dai Mubai retracted his foot, and a layer of frost began to form on his shoes."Don't touch him right now.
He's hit by my Arctic Soul.
The temperature of his body is too low.
Wait for me for a moment." Wangzi said.
At the same time, he formed a simple seal with his left hand.
The burning energy in his hand poured out and fused into Ma Hongjun's body.
"Hu!" Ma Hongjun exhaled deeply, and then spat out strands of white energy.A layer of white mist shrouded Ma Hongjun's body.
This was the cold aura that had forced Ma Hongjun out of his body.
Dai Mubai glanced at Wangzi and discovered that this man was becoming increasingly difficult to see through.