The Intoxication of Colors

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Chapter 1

"Whose family's child is this on the side of the road?""Child, where do you live?
Let's send you home!""Let's call the police and get them to find him!""Look, why does this child have purple hair?
And it's so long.
Look at his clothes, they're different from us.
Don't tell me he forgot about him while filming, right?"The man lying on the ground was a little annoyed by this mess of noises.
Just where did he go?
Why were there so many sounds?
He opened his eyes slightly.
Those piercing rays of sunlight were staring straight into his eyes, making him half-squint.
Then, he looked at the people around him and confirmed that they were human.The moment he opened his eyes, those people stopped talking, because they saw the person lying on the ground with his extraordinary eyes, his deep purple eyes.
In an instant, someone shouted, "Monsters, monsters running!"In an instant, everyone had left, and no one else had appeared by his side.
He stared blankly ahead.
The buildings in front of him were so tall that he couldn't see the top even after looking up for a long time.
There were four more cars zooming around him.
He thought for a long time and found himself under the bridge, but he didn't understand what kind of bridge it was.
There was no water under the bridge, so why did it have to be a bridge?"Is this a human world?
How did I end up in a human world?
Shouldn't I be discussing my plans with Brother Green tomorrow?
It seems like..." His head hurt a little, so much so that he stopped thinking about it.
He stared blankly at everything around him."The human world has only been seen in ancient texts, but it's not as it is now.
How can there be such a tall building?
And those four staggered cars are running too fast, aren't they?"He walked aimlessly without staying where he was, because he always felt that he had frightened those people just now, and he couldn't bear it.
If he stayed there any longer, he was afraid that others would attack him in groups.
Judging from their reactions just now, they probably only thought that he was a monster when they saw his eyes, and that he had purple eyes, let alone a head of purple hair.But even so, when he reached a place where there were too many people, there were still some people talking about him.
From the words of others, he already knew that his clothes and hair were too tempting.
His hair couldn't be changed, and his lilac hair hung down slightly.
It was a little messy, so he couldn't tell if he was a man or a woman.However, clothes could still be changed.
Just find a set of human clothing."Little blind man, are you looking to die?!" A taxi stopped in front of him and almost bumped into him.
The driver in the taxi couldn't help but scold him with hatred.
How could he walk randomly on the road?
He didn't even know how to hide in the middle of the road!When he heard this sound, he still did not open his eyes, mainly because he was afraid that he would scare this human when he opened his eyes, so he retreated!"Are you fucking blind or are you pretending?
Go that way!" The taxi driver still scolded him.
After getting out of the car, he pushed him aside and pushed him all the way to the side of the road.
"You're blind!
How dare you cross the road!" he muttered.He still didn't open his eyes and didn't take the human words to heart.
He just felt that he had suddenly come to the mortal realm.
This was something that he had never thought of before!He silently lowered his head and found a quiet place to listen to the noises of this world.
He had never heard such a sound before!It was finally dark.
It wasn't easy.
After hiding for a long time, the sun set and the moon rose.
He came out again, and he thought no one would come out.
When he came out again, he realized he was wrong.
The streets were no different from daytime, and there were places where crystals were shone.The human world was too luxurious.
There were crystals all over the street, and there was a crystal on top of such a tall pole.
The crystal was too bright, which made him curious.
He really wanted to go up and touch the crystal.
Why was it so bright?
There were also crystals in the pavilion in the building, and he saw some of the crystals being cut into words on the walls.
It was so beautiful, there were all kinds of crystals.There were also crystals in the cars that emitted a hazy light.
He looked at everything in shock.In order not to affect humans, he did not want to be noticed by more people.
He continued to squat in the corner of the corridor and looked up at the crystals on top of the pole.
After an unknown period of time, he finally realized that there was no one outside.
He wandered under the pole for a while, and wanted to jump to see if he had any magic power left.He jumped up for half a day, but there was no effect.
He jumped up and fell down again, and he didn't feel much of a jump.
He climbed up the pole and finally climbed to the top of the pole.
Looking at the faint yellow light coming from the crystal, he was curious.
There seemed to be some silk-like object inside the crystal.He touched the crystal and found that it was a little warm.
How did the crystal have heat?He tried a little bit, and he was sure it was just a little bit, and the crystal broke so, but he also fell from the top of the pole.
Because at the moment the crystal broke, he found that something had made him numb, and he could no longer hold the pole.So human crystals were so easy to shatter?"Who broke the streetlights?!"A human voice shouted towards him.
He wanted to run, but he didn't move.
Perhaps the numbness from before had yet to fade away, the moment he raised his leg, he was heavily thrown to the ground!"Little girl, are you alright?"An old man helped him up, and before he could speak, he heard..."Miss, did you see the person who broke the bulb?" The old man pointed at the crystal on the pole, his face gentle and kind.
This was the first person he had ever seen who was kind to him.It turned out that humans called that light bulb was not a real crystal.
He shook his head."Miss, you should go home early at night..." The old man left him this sentence before he left.Due to the dark night, the old man did not see his appearance clearly.
If he could, the old man might be frightened.
He stared at the light bulb that he had crushed, picked it up, and looked at it again.
He could not help but smile.
He was unfamiliar with this human world, and he did not know where he wanted to go.
In any case, he would not be able to return for the time being.