The Intoxication of Colors

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Chapter 5

For the past few days, Zimei had been strolling around the streets, and his sunglasses had helped him a great deal.
This way, he wouldn't be discovered by passersby, but his hair was a little strange.
But later on, he discovered that people didn't find his hair strange at all.
In fact, he actually saw other colours of hair in this world besides black hair.What red, green, yellow?
It turned out that he knew that it was caused by some people dyeing their hair.
He didn't understand why people in this world were so strange.
They really didn't like color very much.
Even their hair could be dyed in another color..What red, green, yellow?
It turned out that he knew that it was caused by some people dyeing their hair.
He didn't understand why people in this world were so strange.
They really didn't like color very much.
They could even dye their hair in another color!Of course, he only found out after experiencing some things.But how could he get the money?
This was another question.
The bun was so delicious that it gave off a sweet sensation.
He always walked with his head lowered, and no one noticed his eyes.
He began to recall the life he had before, so he asked for food on the street.He didn't want to do something like asking for food, but he couldn't resist the temptation of steamed buns.
He hadn't eaten for several days.
Therefore, he chose to pretend to be pitiful in order to gain sympathy from others and get money.
In fact, when he did this job, he felt nothing.
It seemed that he was overthinking things.He found that he could get more money in places with more people.
After he had more money, not only did he buy it, he also bought a kind of food called buns.
There was meat and vegetables in the food called buns, which was delicious.In his world, food was just air, water, leaves, grass, meat, and vegetables.
Every time he ate meat, he hated it because there was a bloody smell inside.However, in the human world, not only did the meat not taste fishy, but it was still as smooth and tender as before.Actually, he was a monster who didn't need to eat, but when he first tasted a steamed bun, he couldn't resist it anymore.Human delicacies were simply too tempting to him.
He no longer thought about going back.
He believed that there must be something better than buns and buns.
He had to taste all the delicacies here before going back.
In fact, he was not a greedy monster.
In his world, he basically didn't eat anything.He saw that there were also foods on the street that were different from buns and steamed buns, but he didn't dare to go closer because he was wearing too dirty clothes.
Besides, he couldn't look at others.
Therefore, he decided to buy a lot of beautiful clothes before buying those delicacies.Everything was fine in this world, but people were too cold and indifferent.
This was a feeling he felt after coming to this world.
Everything was about money, as if he could only wait for death without money.On this day, he was still squatting down and asking for food, taking the money that someone else had given him."Look up and open your eyes.
I'm sure you're not blind!" An Ruoqi finally walked over to the purple-haired young man.It was a woman's voice.
It sounded very gentle, somewhat similar to Sister Cheng's voice.
He shook his head.
He couldn't open his eyes because he was afraid of scaring others.
In truth, as a monster, there was no need to be afraid of others.
There was also no need to be afraid of scaring others.
However, he was different.
For the sake of the delicacies of the human world, no matter what, he couldn't become the monster that humans were talking about.
Besides, the humans here were simply too powerful.Now that he didn't have any magic power, he definitely couldn't beat humans."You're a monster, aren't you?" An Ruoqi whispered softly in his ear, wanting to see his reaction.When she heard this voice, Mei Zi suddenly opened her eyes and stared straight at her with a pair of deep purple eyes!An Ruoqi looked at those purple eyes and was a little surprised.
Although she felt that he was a monster, she didn't feel that he was so beautiful.
His pale face had a pair of dark purple eyes.
His nose was straight, and his lips were small and thin.
His entire face was a little pointed.
He looked a bit like a hybrid, but he was so demonic.Meizi was also staring at An Ruoqi.
To think that this woman would be able to tell that he was a monster.
Even though she wasn't as beautiful as his older sisters, she could still be considered a beauty in the mortal realm.
However, her hair was a little short, and her face carried a mischievous feeling.
Her eyes were large, and her facial features could fit her features perfectly."What are you doing here?
How did you get here?
Why is the demonic qi on your body so weak?" An Ruoqi asked the monster in front of him in a small voice."I don't know how I got here.
I just want to eat." Meizi wasn't afraid of her.
He didn't know if it was because her voice had surpassed Yurou or something else.
Besides, he didn't have the slightest bit of spiritual power right now, so it was probably useless."What kind of food do you want to eat?" In An Ruoqi's eyes, this wasn't an ordinary monster.
It didn't seem like it existed in this world.
Moreover, judging from his behavior, there were monsters kneeling on the ground asking for food.
He wanted to figure out what was going on."For example, buns or meat buns," said Meizi.
These two things were something he often ate, and he didn't seem to have eaten much other things.
His eyes were filled with silence and tranquility.An Ruoqi laughed out loud.
What kind of monster was this?
He actually said that he wanted to eat steamed buns or meat buns.
This was obviously not a place to talk.
She wanted to find a quiet place to interrogate him.
Since he wanted to eat, she would take him to eat."I'll take you to eat and you can come with me.
Don't worry, I won't hurt you.
But if I find out that you've hurt humans before, I'll definitely kill you..." An Ruoqi said very clearly.
She felt that this monster in front of her had never hurt humans, because the food that a monster who had hurt humans wanted to eat was not something that just buns and buns could solve.."I'll take you to eat and you can come with me.
Don't worry, I won't hurt you.
But if I find out that you've hurt humans before, I'll definitely kill you..." An Ruoqi said very clearly.
She felt that this monster in front of her had never hurt humans, because the food that a monster who had hurt humans wanted to eat was not something that just buns and buns could solve.Meizi nodded but didn't say anything.
He wasn't afraid.
What was there to be afraid of when this woman said she would treat him to a meal?"You'd better close your eyes.
Your eyes are too eye-catching.
I'll take you to buy clothes before you eat.
If you follow me like this, people will misunderstand." An Ruoqi didn't know why he would say something like buying clothes to such a monster..An Ruoqi brought the monster to a small shop.
There were all kinds of clothes here, but they were very cheap.
She couldn't find a big shopping mall to buy clothes for the monster.
There were too many people there."Are you male or female?" An Ruoqi couldn't tell the difference between male and female when he looked at this demonic face.
Why was this monster so good looking?
Where did he come from?"Men?" Meizi looked at her.
This woman is really stupid!
Even a little girl like Yan Er can tell that he's a man, but this woman actually asks if he's a man or a woman!"Mmm, Boss, give me a pair of men's jeans and a T-shirt.
Just look at his size.""Take these clothes and go to the fitting room to change.
If you want, come with me." An Ruoqi handed the clothes that the boss had brought over to the monster.Seeing the clothes in his hands, Mei Zi was somewhat at a loss.
She was a little excited, but she still followed An Ruoqi's instructions.
After changing, An Ruoqi suddenly noticed that the color of this monster's hair had become a little darker.
After putting on human clothing, the entire thing had changed, as if it could only be described as seductive.Thankfully, the shop owner was busy with other customers.
She kept this monster behind her and didn't attract much attention.
She just paid the money and took this monster to eat."How did your hair color change?" An Ruoqi noticed that the color of the monster's hair seemed to be changing, which made her even more curious."When I'm in a good mood, the color of my hair will change, and some parts of my body will change..." Mei Zi explained carefully to this human.
He didn't understand why this human would treat him so well.
He had been in the mortal realm for almost half a month.
Although, apart from Yan Er, no one had ever treated him sincerely.Although some people gave him food and money, no one said that they would take him to eat and buy clothes for him.An Ruoqi's answer was a little strange.
This monster was indeed not an ordinary monster.
She brought him to a noodle shop.
The waiters in the restaurant were all looking at this monster.
In An Ruoqi's eyes, the only thing that these people were curious about was whether this boy's hair was purple or that long.
There was nothing else."Miss, can you give me a bowl of beef noodles and a plate of soy beef?"Mei Zi, who was seated across from An Ruoqi, was clearly a little uncomfortable, but he still kept his head down.
He knew what beef was, but what was beef noodles?
What was a sauce beef?
This woman wouldn't have ordered some delicacies to poison him to death, right?
He didn't want to die.
He really didn't want to die.When the food was placed in front of him, he dispelled his earlier thoughts.
Looking at the faint fragrance of the food in the bowl, it was extremely hot.
Wouldn't the long things in the bowl be melted after being soaked in the water?
He couldn't stand it anymore.
Then, he looked at the beef next to him.
It was fresh and tender."Eat.
Don't worry, there's no poison in it.
I still have some questions to ask you.
The food in the bowl in front of you is called beef noodles, and the small dish next to it is called stew beef," An Ruoqi explained.
From his eyes, An Ruoqi could tell that this monster didn't know what kind of food in the mortal realm was.."Eat.
Don't worry, there's no poison inside.
I still have some questions to ask you.
The food in your bowl is called beef noodles, and the small dish next to it is called stew beef," An Ruoqi explained.
From his eyes, An Ruoqi seemed to be able to tell what kind of food this monster was.Meizi ate the beef noodles in his bowl.
He felt that the steamed buns and meat buns were much more delicious.
There was also the soup.
The noodles were very, very, very long.
Why did humans make them like this?
However, this was simply too delicious.
It made Meizi forget about it.
He slowly enjoyed it.An Ruoqi couldn't help but laugh when he saw the look on his face.
This monster was really interesting.
It looked like he had tasted something delicious.
Sigh, I really don't know what kind of monster it is.
From where it came from, there was only a little bit of demonic energy on it.
It seemed that it should be very weak.When Meizi ate the pastry beef again, he was even more surprised.
When had it become so delicious?
The fragrance of meat didn't even feel the smell of blood at all, and when he chewed it, it became very soft.
It didn't look like what he had eaten before...
If one day he went back to his world, he wouldn't be able to eat any more of these delicious foods.
He didn't want to go back anymore...
He finally finished this meal under An Ruoqi's watchful eyes..When Meizi ate the pastry beef again, he was even more surprised.
When did the beef become so delicious?
The smell of meat didn't smell good at all, and when he chewed it, it became very soft.
It didn't look like the ones he had eaten before...
If one day he went back to his world, he wouldn't be able to eat these delicious things anymore.
He didn't want to go back anymore...
He finally finished this meal under An Ruoqi's watchful eyes..."What's your name?" She asked as she watched him finish eating.
Every time she saw him, she would find it strange.
This was the first time she had felt strange towards a monster.
The attitude she used to treat monsters was to kill, but now it seemed completely different."Meizi!""Girl?""No, it's these two words..." Meizi wrote his name on the table."You know human language?""As long as the colour exists, I understand everything.
The language is created by humans.
Although it has nothing to do with the colour, people like to write in colours, so I understand.
""What kind of monster are you?
Where did you come from?""I came from another space, I don't know if you've ever heard of the city of color, I'm the charming purple there...""The city of colours?
I'm not too sure.
Do you have any plans?
For example, the place you came back to?""I definitely have to go back, but I don't want to go back yet.
Besides, I don't know how to go back...""Then are you willing to go with me?
Firstly, I won't harm you, but I can't guarantee that you will hurt humans, so I need to keep an eye on you.""Mmm, alright.
I have no place to go anyway.
Besides, I can't eat such delicious food even if I need to eat every day.
As long as you can provide me with some delicacies, I'll listen to you.
"An Ruoqi didn't expect this monster to be so obedient.
The more she asked, the more curious she became.
This curiosity made her want to keep him.