Fun and Chaotic Gods

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Chapter 3

Buxie had gone to school!
Buxie had gone to school when he was five years old.
It wasn't for some reason.
Bu Taiming and Gao Xiaolan's knowledge was already insufficient to educate Xiaoxie, including television.
They wouldn't forget what they read, and they would understand as soon as they remembered it.
Especially when they looked at the stock market market and the discussions of the so-called stock market specialists on television.Old Man Xiao Xie said that they were spouting nonsense, causing Old Bu to be enraged.
"You little brat, how many principles do you understand?
When these old geezers eat, I haven't even eaten milk yet!
Shut up!
Dad still wants to see what happens to our stocks.""But what they said was wrong.
There aren't many bulls and bears that are right..." Little Evil pouted.
Bu Taiming agreed.
These guys were on TV.
Today, they were wearing glasses and saying that they were going to go shopping.
They were going to be awesome.
They took off their glasses and went to the other tables tomorrow, saying that they couldn't do it.
They were going to be a bear.Old Bu was nervous every day.
After all, he wasn't a wealthy family, so losing a few hundred yuan was already a huge headache!
How many white rabbit milk sugar did he have?
In the end, it was Gao Xiaolan who knew that his son was different from everyone else.
After all, his mother had still taken care of his son for a long time."Xiao Xie, let's not talk to your father.
Can you tell Mommy a few stocks?
If you make money, Mommy will buy Xiao Xie a lot of white rabbit milk sugar, okay?"Xiaoxie loved eating white rabbit milk candy the most.
He happily told his mother a few stocks, and then added, "Buy milk candy for Xiaoxie..." It was strange.
Ever since Gao Xiaolan had bought those stocks, several companies had truly given him face, and their performance had risen.
During the financial storm in Asia, several stocks had never fallen.
Gao Xiaolan's eyes were wide open, and he was so happy that he almost smirked...
From then on, the Xiaoxie family entered Xiao Kang.It's impossible, isn't it?
How many big enterprises have been destroyed by the financial storm?
Those who aren't bankrupt sniggered.
Why did Xiaoxie still talk about it?
It's too exaggerated!
In fact, I made Xiaoxie be sent to a private school of "emperor and noble" just like that.Unexpectedly, Xiao Xie was almost expelled from school on the first day of school.
If Old Bu hadn't thrown 40,000 yuan on the face of the school director,Here's the thing.
On the first day of school, as usual, all teachers and students gather in the playground to listen to the highly respected principal's speech.
What welcome to new students, teachers and students work hard to create glory, study hard and study up every day.Perhaps it was because he had been talking for too long, and Xiaoxie felt rather bored, so he began studying the principal's appearance with his classmates.
Xiaoxie felt that the headmaster wearing glasses, Grandma Xiang Lang, and the other student had a different opinion.
He felt that the principal was more like Ge Gewu.Some people took the lead, and some of the children became excited.
They all joined in the discussion.
Perhaps they felt that Xiaoxie's aura was very strong, and sympathized with the weak and pure nature of the little guy, causing the students to start helping him.From the beginning to the end, his face turned red and his ears turned red.
Little Evil's tongues clashed with the heroes without the slightest fear.
It wasn't until later that several students became angry with Little Evil and began to cry.The teacher hurried over to suppress him.
"Behave yourselves and focus on listening to the principal's words.
Why are you fighting?
Why are you fighting?"Xiaoxie's face was filled with righteousness and indignation, "Teacher!
Say, do you think the principal looks more like Grandma Wolf?" There was a moment of silence...
The most brilliant thing was the teacher.
He looked at the principal on the podium carefully and said solemnly, "You guys are so boring!
The principal's nickname is Old Duck Tang!
How could he look like Grandma Wolf?
How could he possibly be related to Ge Gewu?".Xiao Xie's face was filled with righteousness and indignation, "Teacher!
Say, do you think the principal looks more like Grandma Wolf?!" There was a moment of silence...
the most wonderful thing was that teacher.
He looked carefully at the principal on the podium and said seriously, "You guys are really boring!
The principal's nickname is Old Duck Tang!
How could he look like Grandma Wolf!
How could he possibly be related to Ge Gewu?!"After being silent for a long time, she added another word.
"Ah!" The entire school fell into an uproar.
Under the furious gazes of the principal, the sound of ants pissing their pants could be heard.
Later on, the teacher resigned on his own initiative, while Xiao Xie stayed because she was still young.
In fact, Old Bu paid Xiao Xie double the fees.Old Bu was already on the verge of losing his mind.
He requested to leave the arena as soon as possible with the author's application.
Under my earnest advice: Xiaoxie is still young, how could he not have a father so early?
He was sternly reprimanded: Xiaoxie is still young!
How could he not have a father so early?!
I finally agreed not to leave the arena, but I tried to avoid it as much as possible.Sigh!
Nothing is difficult these days!
The author has been threatened by the characters in his book.
Where is justice?
Where is justice?
How can this be?
A persimmon flies over.
"Want to die?
Write quickly!" Alas!
The readers are also parents!
Xiaoxie began to show his comprehension and leadership ability beyond ordinary people in his second year.During an English class, Xiao Xie didn't have much interest because of her teacher.While the teacher was humming like a monk, his head was getting heavier and his eyelids were getting heavier and heavier.
After resisting the teacher's hypnosis spell for three minutes, he finally fell into a deep sleep.
In his dream, he went to a mysterious place, a very blurry dream, but he felt very familiar.
He came to a door in a daze.
In class, the teacher was talking about opening the door and closing the door.
The students read to me, opening the door.
The combination of dreams and reality put Xiao Xie in a semi-state state.
Because the first row was next to the door, she unwillingly stood up and opened the door.
No matter how sleepy she said, she had to give face to the teacher.
She came back to continue dreaming.The teacher looked at Xiao Xie and ignored him.
He thought to himself, "A good-for-nothing who pays double the tuition fee, sigh!"Maybe rotten wood can't be carved, and mud can't support the wall or something.
Then she said, "Close the door." Xiaoxie was a little unhappy.
"Just opened it?"He muttered but obediently closed the door.
The teacher then said, "Buzz buzz buzz open the door" and completely enraged Xiao Xie!
He stood up and said with a righteous face, "Are you going to open it or close it?
Can teacher abuse his students like this?"Little Evil's best friend, the dozing worms in English, all got up and said, "9494 bullied our age?
Snuffled!" The English teacher was so angry that nearly 5 mm 15,000 degrees of glasses were broken.
Get out!"Accompanied by the teacher's furious roar, the entire school building bulged a few times, and then calmed down under the strong tugs of reinforced concrete.
This time, the school's board of directors received fifty thousand yuan from comrade Bu Taiming's sponsor and secretly visited some 'honest' children.The conclusion was: In our excellent school, especially the 'emperor aristocrats', all of our students have a pure golden-blooded private school.
They severely punish all kinds of crimes that abuse their authority to bully the weak!
To the English teacher, Mi Site.This time!
(Teacher's surname is Ge) remembered it more than once.At the same time, Buxie was awarded the Youth Award!
The students were enraged.
The weak had finally defeated the strong!
Money had defeated justice!
All second year students were singing: The sun shines in the sky, flowers smile at me, birds say early...
but that day, Mi Site.The swallow under the eaves of the house vomited blood and died.In the blink of an eye, the annual Inter-Academy Games were about to begin.
In order to show how much importance they placed on the Olympic Games.
After researching by the school's board of directors, the parents of the students in Emperors Primary School 'cooperated' 1,000 yuan on their own, and decided to hold an exercise with several nearby primary schools.Three sports elites from each class formed a team of athletes from Royal School.
Due to the importance of the school, the head teacher of each class nervously selected the sports elites from his own class.
It should be known that the school invested a lot of capital for this sports event, and spent a high price to invite several more backward primary schools to participate.The school wouldn't be heartbroken if they won the school's honor.The classroom for the third class in the second year was silent.
Buxie was in the third year of the second year.
The head teacher of the class, Ye Touteng (also having a headache) stood on the podium and looked down at the students below, "I hope that the students with special skills can sign up for it.
After all, this time, the school gives everyone a rare opportunity to exercise.
It's a large-scale joint exercise that several schools are participating in!
If you perform well, you might even have a chance to choose the national team of primary school students."..."You're lying to them, aren't you?
Otherwise, no one would be interested in this.
However, even if they entered Earth's team, they wouldn't be able to attract the attention of these pampered young masters and young misses.
In the end, no one signed up.
Ye Touteng smiled wryly as he glanced at the mobilization slogan on the blackboard, 'Enhanced the people's physiques.
If I don't become an East Asian sick person', I'll still think that this slogan is too big.'Little Buxie had already been sleeping for half a day, drooling.
It wasn't that he loved to sleep.
It was just that every time he entered a dreamland, he would be stuck in a world he didn't know.
He wouldn't be able to tell what kind of thing to do even if he were to wake up from a dream.
Buxie felt that that was his own world.Ye Touteng looked down at the listless young masters and young misses.
He picked up the table and knocked on the table.
He clenched his teeth."If the students who participated can fight for honor in the school, other than the school's reward, I'll personally invest in the reward of five catties of white rabbit milk sugar!"...
milk sugar?
Big white rabbit milk sugar!
The eyes of the students brightened, and after all, milk sugar was more appealing than anything else.
Little Budge woke up under the summons of the big white rabbit."Is it true, teacher?""Mm!"Ye Touteng resisted the severe headache and nodded vigorously, "And five kilograms...""I'll go!
I'll go!""I want to participate too!"...
teacher smiled in satisfaction.
What a good group of children!
In the end, under teacher's careful selection, three small players were selected.
They were also the sleeping spirits ranked in the top three of class three in the second year.
Teacher's logic is very simple.
Sleepy = poor learning = poor grades = developed motor cells.This was especially true for Xiao Xie.
Looking at his saliva drooling in his sleep, he felt a great deal of pressure.
Dou Yacai (Pea Sprouts) at the same table was practically wearing rain sandals every day, causing Dou Yacai's parents to think that her school was in the rice field.However, I heard that Japan also had a famous early Inada University, so I didn't bother about it.
The Imperial First High School's third class was set in a chaotic manner...