Fun and Chaotic Gods

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Chapter 5

After the event, Buxie's name became even more famous in Liao Ning's Mansion, and it was practically common knowledge.
Every day, there was an endless stream of people coming to Buxie's manor.
Some people from the High School of Sports and Sports came to persuade Buxie to join the event.
TV stations came to interview him, and medical institutions came to dig for information.
There were also those from the College of Life and the Prestige of Life.
It was a mess.Bu Taiming and Gao Xiaolan's family had to wake up early and sleep late at night every day, but everything was still a mess.
Xiao Xie had been annoyed for the past few days, and had been 'scratched' by people from all over the place.
She felt extremely awkward.And after night's sleep, there seemed to be a faint voice calling out to him: get out of here, get out of here, get out of here, get out of here, get out of here, and this day, I can't stand the noisy crowd of reporters.
"Dad, Mom, I don't want to go to school anymore."Bu Taiming and Gao Xiaolan were talking about how to get pregnant in the thunderstorms, and how to give birth to a genius after the first lightning bolts were relatively high.
How to feed a woman during pregnancy in order to ensure that the baby would be able to absorb everything...?
Bu Taiming muttered absentmindedly, "It's great to leave this place.
I want to run as well.
Where are you going, son?"."I want to leave this place..." Bu Taiming and Gao Xiaolan were discussing in great detail about how to get pregnant in the thunderstorms, and how to produce a talented baby after the first few lightning bolts.
How to supplement a pregnant woman's pregnancy in order for the baby to be able to absorb it completely...?Bu Taiming listened to Buxie's words, "It's great to leave this place.
I want to run as well.
Where are you going, son?""I want to go to Shaolin Temple, I want to make a fortune!""It's great that daddy wants to go...
W-what are you talking about?!""I want to go to Shaolin Temple!
I think there's something I want there!""Go, go, Xiao Xie.
Don't make trouble for now.
Stay by the side for a bit.
We'll talk about anything when daddy and mommy finish recording the show.
Be good!" Old Bu grabbed a bunch of white rabbits and handed them to Xiao Xie.
It was late at night.
Hehe, I'm sorry, but it was thunder again.
Gao Xiaolan lay down on the bed and said to Bu Taiming, who was still drowsy, "Why does my son suddenly want to go to Shaolin Monastery to make a fortune?
Such a young child...
is too scary.
Our son is really different from everyone else.""Let's not talk about our son anymore.
I've been causing a ruckus these past few days, and my head has grown bigger.
Hehe, but it's quite fulfilling...""Our son has been in a rather low mood these past few days.
How can he be happy?""Sigh!
Kid, I'll be fine in two days.
I don't care.
Go to sleep.
Tomorrow, our boss wants me to teach everyone how to educate our children.
Oh, I'm so sleepy, honey!" Gao Xiaolan also fell asleep in a daze.
A golden light flashed, and the God of Thunder appeared in the dreams of Gao Xiaolan and Bu Taiming."Listen up, you two.
Xiao Xie must go to Shaolin Temple unconditionally.
I've already made arrangements there." Gao Xiaolan asked, "Hubby, who is he?"Bu Taiming: "He's the author of this book.
It's pretty disgusting.
He's always threatening me...""What right do you have?
We only have one son, yet you still arrange for him to make a move?
Are you human?"Looking at Gao Xiaolan sobbing, the God of Thunder also felt aggrieved."But Buxie isn't home.
How do you want me to write?
Why aren't you going to continue reading?
No one is looking at me eating or drinking?
Why do you look so smug when you haven't eaten or drank?
It sounds familiar) The two of you are already eating and drinking here.
I've already owed Xiao Xie two months of electricity and electricity bills!
I don't want to let Xiao Xie go home either.
Everyone is just a little sympathetic, alright?"."But Buxie doesn't come home.
How do you two expect me to write?
Why aren't you going to continue reading?
No one's going to see me eat or drink.
Why do you even stink when I haven't eaten or drank?
It sounds familiar) The two of you are already eating and drinking here.
I've already spent two months on my water and electricity bills!
I don't want to let Xiao Xie go home either.
We're all human beings, so why don't we have some sympathy?""I don't care, I just don't want Xiao Xie to start a family!"The woman was really stubborn.
God of Thunder was enraged as well.
I'm the author and I have the final say!
Make a move!
I'll go tomorrow!
Otherwise, everyone's fucking done!"As soon as he finished speaking, a golden light flashed, and he vanished from sight.
Looking at Gao Xiaolan who was still crying, Bu Taiming said helplessly, "Honey, go ahead.
You've seen it for yourself.
This fellow's temper isn't that bad.
What if...
and Xiao Xie's going would be a good thing for the readers."......