Fun and Chaotic Gods

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Chapter 89

Shenghuang turned around and pointed with his right hand, and a bewitching beam of light shot towards him.
Buxie's entire body swelled with golden light, and a massive dragon leapt into the air.
With a sweep of its tail, it deflected the bewitching beam of light.
Buxie chuckled, "Lord Shenghuang, let's use some real martial arts.
Otherwise, even the readers of the spear battle would be unhappy with it.""..."With that said, he suddenly teleported to Shenghuang's side, and Shao Lin's seventy-two unique skills rained down on Shenghuang like a storm.
Shenghuang didn't show any weakness either.
He used his moves, used his moves, and resisted the attacks of Bu Xie like a rainstorm.
Shenghuang leaned back, and then sent a kick straight for Little Evil's dantian.
Then, he kicked out an evil footprint.
Without waiting for his moves to grow old, he turned around and clenched his hands into fists.
Then, he suddenly turned around and shot a beam of evil light towards Little Evil's face.Buxie lifted his knees to block the footprints, and his upper body covered his head with his arms.
With a loud bang, two figures separated.
To be more precise, Xiaoxie was pushed back by Shenghuang.In space, Xiaoxie's hands trembled as he thought to himself, This lass is quite strong.
Shenghuang smiled coldly, "It's only so-so.
Is there any other new moves?"Buxie couldn't help but feel bitter in his heart, "Is there a new move?
I do!
I'm afraid you haven't seen it before!"Shenghuang was stunned when a piece of diet came out of his mouth - What move?
I've never seen it before.
Xiaoxie chuckled, "I've never seen it before, have you?
Let's try it!"After saying that, he used the Bloody Mist Divine Art to create 10 blood-red figures.
Each of them used a different technique to surround Shenghuang and beat him up.
Shenghuang was a bit confused.
Even though his divine abilities were slightly stronger than Buxie's, these tricks weren't as fancy as Buxie's.
He relied solely on his superhuman speed to block the attacks of the ten Buxie.
In just a short moment, he began to sweat.
Buxie had also hit him several times.In a hurry, he used his killer move to cover the four evil doppelgangers in front of him with both hands.
"Evil light rushes!"With a wave of his hand, a massive curtain of light appeared and the four doppelgangers were extinguished.
However, the curtain of light continued to move forward.
Everywhere the light barrier passed, the Holy World's domains were destroyed, and all the objects affected by the light screen were vaporized.
Wuxie's entire body was covered in white sweat, not because he was surprised by the power of the move, but because he felt familiar with the move.While Shenghuang had destroyed his doppelganger, he was stunned.
He raised his hand and struck a sphere of light right at Shenghuang's back, causing Shenghuang to cough up a mouthful of blood, causing space to explode.Shenghuang turned around and wiped away the blood seeping out from under the mask.
Gege laughed evilly, "You really shouldn't have hit me like this.
You even beat me so far away."At first, I wouldn't be able to do anything to you in a close-combat battle, but now..." Both hands spread out and hugged the Holy World.
The entire Holy World felt as if it had been sucked dry.
The space around them started to distort in a strange manner.
A thick black curtain of light was already laid out.
"Your friend is right behind you.
If you dodge, they will die!
Evil light, charge!
Go!".At first, I couldn't do anything to you in close-quarter combat, but now..." Hugging his arms, the entire Holy World felt as if it had been sucked dry.
The space around him started to distort in a strange manner.
A thick black curtain of light had already been laid out.
"Your friend is right behind you.
If you dodge, they'll die!
Evil light rushes forward, go!"Bu Xiedun felt as though everything in the Holy World had been frozen.
Only Shenghuang's barrier of light was stubbornly moving, devouring everything in its path.
Damo and Sha Huhu, who had already lost consciousness, had already drifted into the space behind him.
Just like Shenghuang had said, if he teleported away, the two of them would be done for!
Buxie cursed, "Damn it!
I'm not afraid of you!" He gathered all the godforce in his body and waved his hands, "Damn it!
Break it!".It was unknown when the unconscious Damo and Sha Huhu had managed to make it to the space behind them.
Just like Shenghuang had said, if they were to teleport away, the two of them would be done for!
Buxie cursed, "Damn it!
I'm not afraid of you!" He gathered all of his chaotic godforce and waved his hands, "Damn it!
Break it!"A massive curtain of light appeared in front of Huang Xiaolong's eyes and welcomed the rays of light.
Two powerful forces collided with each other in the Holy World's space, forming an enormous energy whirling well.
However, there was no God Emperor or Evil Emperor stopping for a long time.
In just a few short minutes, a massive explosion occurred.
The entire Holy World relied on the space created by the Heavenly King and Evil Burial.
A horizontal explosion destroyed everything in the space.The planets were vaporized and the galaxies were devoured one after another.Both Xiaoxie and Shenghuang spat out a mouthful of blood amidst the explosion.
Then, with a flash of golden light, they moved towards Shenghuang, hoping to take advantage of this opportunity to deliver a fatal blow to him.
This was a freakish thing transformed from spiritual energy.
It wasn't a bad thing to call it a dragon, but the Dragon God was also the first to charge towards Shenghuang and hit him on the mask.The ball shot out of lightning followed closely behind Shenghuang, unleashing the Five Element True Qi.
What Golden Tearing Force, Mysterious Ice Qi, Heavenly Fire Refining, Earth Submerging Technique, and Wood Wounded Mind were all struck on Shenghuang's mask.With a loud boom, the perverted Dragon God wailed and shattered into pieces.
The little ball was sent flying for several light years, vomiting pig blood.Xiaoxie's fists also landed on Shenghuang's chest, while Shenghuang's palms suddenly shrunk back when he was less than two meters away from Xiaoxi.
At the same time...
Shenghuang's mask fell, revealing Shenghuang's true appearance.The Heavenly King spat out a mouthful of blood, and his face flew backward like gold...
"Lord Dream God!""Xian'er!" It was a little chaotic, and it came back again.2500!3000!3500!......
I divided it into cranes in an instant, or else it would have looked a bit chaotic.
First, the perverted Dragon God and Little Ball hit Shenghuang's mask almost indistinguishably.
The Dragon God shattered, and the Little Ball was sent flying.
Shenghuang's mask shattered, and Little Evil punched Shenghuang in the chest.
The Little Ball cried out in alarm, "Lord Dream God!"Then, he continued flying.
Shenghuang withdrew the evil light that was about to hit Xiao Xie.
Xiao Xie cried out in alarm, "Xian'er!"Shenghuang's mask fell off completely, and he vomited blood, and then flew away...
But in that short moment, Little Evil felt as though several lifetimes had passed, and his mind went blank.
Tang Xian'er...
Shenghuang's epiphany-like expression appeared in front of his eyes, and he couldn't be rid of it until the dying ball teleported back to remind him, "Lord God Emperor!
Go and take a look, it's the dream god!"Xiao Xie suddenly woke up, "Ah!
Lord Dream God...
Xian'er..." Who cares?
Hurry up and take a look!
With a flash of golden light, he caught up to Shenghuang, who had fallen, and swept his chaotic godforce through his arms.
After a long time, Shenghuang coughed out a mouthful of blood and opened his eyes.
Instantly, he felt a little confused, but then he regained his clarity.
As if he had comprehended something, he raised his right hand and caressed Little Evil's face."My lord...
Xiao Xie...
is it really you?
This is not a dream, is it?"Buxie endured the pain and nodded, "Xian'er!
How did you..." For a moment, he didn't know where to start.
The little ball also teleported over, "Lord Dream God, why is Shenghuang here?"Shenghuang smiled pitifully, "Tangmeng...
I'm called Tangmeng in the Holy World..." Bu Xie's head buzzed.
Tang Xian'er...
Dream God...
Shenghuang continued, "I know you all are confused...
I also...
only understood at that moment...""Xian'er, don't talk yet.
I'll heal you first..." Tangmeng looked at the God of Thunder with a resentful gaze.
"Xiaoxie, it's useless.
Let me finish my sentence..." Buxie's eyes were bloodshot as he stared at me.
He flashed a golden light and grabbed my neck.
"If you dare to kill my fairy again, I'm not done with you."."Xian'er, don't say anything.
I'll treat your injuries first..." Tangmeng looked at Thunder God with resentment.
"Xiao Xie, it's useless.
Let me finish my sentence..." Bu Xie's eyes were bloodshot as she stared at me.
A golden light flashed and grabbed my neck.
"If you dare to let my Xian'er die again, I'm not done with you!""Cough cough, don't be impulsive.
Calm down.
You'd better go back to your book and listen to what Tangmeng has to say.
She's going to die!"Buxie glared at me again and returned to the book, ignoring me.
Tangmeng continued, "It's no wonder why you're here.
I should have met you in the four worlds..." Tears streamed down his cheeks as he looked at Buxie affectionately.
"Therefore, don't despair.
If fate comes, we'll meet again...
ahem..." He coughed up two mouthfuls of blood.Leishen couldn't help but say, "I'll talk about it..." After saying that, he didn't care whether the others agreed or not.It turned out that the Holy World was the energy whirling well created by the God Emperor Buxie and Fiend Emperor Buxie.
The Dream God transformed into a dream and imprisoned the Fiend Emperor Buxie here.
The Fiend Emperor was Buxie's avatar, although it represented evil.However, Mengshen gradually fell in love with Evil Emperor and used his divine ability to attach him to his mask.
However, after a long time, Mengshen's indulgence allowed Evil Emperor to slowly control Mengshen's thoughts.
He used Mengshen and Tang Xianer's love for him to turn Mengshen into a new Tang Meng.It looked like he was going to succeed in helping him escape from the Holy World.
Who would have thought that his God Emperor's avatar and the tassel tiger would barge into the Holy World and fight with his avatar.
In exchange for the destruction of the Evil Emperor, the monstrous dragon god and Xiaoqiu had used the price of one death and one serious injury.Xiaoqiu called out, "Lord Dream God." He summoned the memories of the Dream God in Tangmeng's body, and Xiaoxie awakened the memories of Tang Xianer's body, allowing Tangmeng to instantly understand everything and show mercy to Xiaoxie.After wiping away the sweat on his head, Leishen continued, "So you and Tangxian Xianermengshen's fate with Tangmeng hasn't been severed yet.
You should be able to reach perfection in the other world.
But now..." As Leishen concluded, Tangmeng's body also underwent a transformation.
His body slowly transformed into a multicolored star as he drifted away.
Looking at Tangmeng who had already dissipated, tears streamed down his face.
"Immortal, I will definitely find you no matter what!
This is a promise I will never change!".After wiping away the sweat on his head, Leishen continued, "So you and Tangxian Xianermengshen's fate with Tangmeng hasn't been severed.
You should be able to reach perfection in the other world, but now..." As Leishen concluded, Tangmeng's body also underwent a transformation.
His body slowly transformed into a multicolored star and flew away.
Looking at Tangmeng who had already begun to dissipate, Buxie's tears fell.
"Immortal, I will definitely find you no matter what!
This is a promise I will never change!"Tangmeng smiled.
"Lord God Emperor...
Xiao Xie, I finally see your tears.
I don't care about the myriad worlds, I, will, wait, you..." Finally, they disappeared.
Buxie looked at the sky and laughed.
I finally understand my purpose!" He turned and looked at me calmly.
"Lightning God, I have found my purpose for existing, so I hope you don't write about me anymore.
I'm going to find my fairy, I don't care about the myriad worlds!
Divine Emperor...
please let someone else do it."..."With that said, he ignored the injured Da Mo Huhu and the still in a daze, and with a flash of golden light, disappeared into the vast universe...
God's 58th said goodbye to the chaotic divine memory (the ending)A girl in white clothes, eight or nine years old, was standing before him.
She held a drum-like toy in her hand.
Her innocent eyes revealed a calmness, without the slightest hint of fear."Big brother, can you do me a favor?"Looking at the little girl in front of him, Xiaoxie suddenly felt a sense of familiarity.
An inexplicable pain rose in his heart, and a strong killing intent was suppressed..."Hmm?""Can you lend me a tear?""Why?""Someone once said they would give me a tear...
but I couldn't find him..."A poem suddenly flashed through Xiaoxie's mind:"If the Heavens give me a chance to salvage it.I am willing to drain the last drop of water from this planet."Those are tears that my heart ached for..."It's as if a long time ago, she's familiar with the feeling of heartache, she regained her human nature, inexplicably, she cried...A teardrop fell upon the toy in the girl's hand and a golden light burst out!The entire book was finished!