Realm of Light

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Chapter 3

Although it was late into the night, Robin's tent was still lit.
Robin was leaning against the military bed and reading a book.
A moment later, he closed the book and walked out of the tent.
Na Erka stood there quietly and turned around.
He was dressed in black.
Although he had been running for half the night, he didn't look tired at all.Luobin walked up to them.
The two of them stood side by side, staring at the moonlight.
It had been a long time since they last spoke.After a long time, Luobin chuckled softly and said, "I've recently learned something.
Why don't we have a fight now?"Naer Erkatou didn't reply, "Forget it, I've already killed people tonight.
I don't want to do anything more."After a moment of silence, he looked at his hands and said, "Many times, but I still don't like this feeling.
"Luobin sighed.
"We're soldiers.
Killing is our responsibility.
If you kill a few of them today, we will lose a few enemies tomorrow."By the time the sun smiled from the east, the Knights of Training had already taken their rest.
Today they were both excited and curious to fight with dwarfs who had long since vanished from the Kingdom's page.
Dwarves were only the existences of legends and books, and now they were standing before them.
No matter what, it was worth going back and writing a special book, to add to their tales of gallant deeds.Moreover, Dwarves were famous for building mechanisms and forging weapons.
Just thinking about the spoils of war was enough to make one excited.When the path turned a corner and revealed an open area, the silent Dwarves' battle formation appeared in front of the knights.
Many of them sucked in a deep breath.There were only seventy to eighty warriors, each clad in iron armor and wielding battle axes.
However, in the silence, a solemn and solemn aura washed over them.
In front of the battle formation stood a dwarf with a beard that reached his chest.
He was clearly the leader, and there were two coffins beside him.Seeing the knights slowly approaching, the Dwarves did not move at all.
Only the Dwarves spoke."Knights who came from afar, did you kill my two clansmen?" The voice was unfamiliar.
It was actually the language of humans.
However, it was clear that it had not been said for many years.Mi Jiate and Luobin leapt forward, and Mi Jiate bellowed, "You guys shouldn't have appeared on human territory at all.
We're here to completely annihilate you."The dwarf sighed softly.
"Young knight, do you believe only in slaughter?"Mi Jiate coldly snorted.
"The crooked demonic path is something that everyone has to kill." He was talking about the holy war slogan of the Radiant Saint Sect that had been widely spread on the continent more than a hundred years ago.
The dwarves on the opposite side had clearly heard it and lightly sighed as they retreated into the battle formation.
The Dwarves warriors roared in unison, their voices both majestic and low.
This was the battle song of the Dwarves since ancient times.Luobin waved his hand, and the knights behind him also shouted in unison.
They quickly formed a formation and started casting defensive spells on the knights.Mi Jiate's spear pierced a dwarven, but the dwarves didn't seem to feel any pain.
They roared and charged straight at him.
Mi Jiate furrowed his brows and thrust out his spear.
He pushed his battle qi with all his might and threw the dwarves far away.
The dwarves heavily smashed into the ground, creating a large pit.
Blood sprayed out, but the dwarves struggled to get up.
They gripped their battle axes tightly and staggered towards the battlefield.None of the surrounding Dwarves had the time to help him.
All of them had bloodshot eyes.
Even if they were seriously injured, they didn't care.
Even if they had to take their last breath, they still had to get up and participate in battle.
Because behind them were their family members.
The glory of their ancestors and the future of their tribe were all attributed to them.It wasn't easy to kill the gnomes, but the gnomes soon collapsed after being attacked by magic, a punishment beyond their comprehension of a simple mind.
Dwarves had thick skin and thick flesh, and were not afraid of death.
Even if they were struck by magic electric arcs, they would turn and continue fighting as if nothing had happened; but the knights were well-equipped and well-trained, and there were many mages helping them fight, and both sides were deadlocked for a moment.Blood splattered on this wheat field, and life gradually faded away.
This was war.
For the survival of the real tribe and the illusory glory of the illusory master, it was destined to kill both you and me.Perhaps the wheat that would be soaked in blood next year would be an unprecedented harvest.The battle formation of the middle dwarves was suddenly flustered.
At Robin's command, a troop of knights led several mages around the edges of the battlefield to the valley.
The mages unrolled their scrolls, and wave after wave of fireballs enveloped the valley.
Although the dwarves' rooms were built on the cliffs, they could not resist such attacks.
For a moment the valley began to scream, and several of the cliffs collapsed, and several of the immature dwarves fell to their feet, their bodies burning, screaming and rolling on the ground.When the valley was attacked, the Dwarves' defense line was in chaos.
When several Dwarves left the defense line and tried to return to the valley, they were knocked down by the archers of the Knights.A faint ripple of water magic came.
Na Erka looked over and saw that Tess was chanting the spell, and the faint water magic energy was gathering slowly between her hands."Tess!" The apprentice knight, Kate, also noticed the scene, and in his great roar he wanted to rush forward to interrupt Tess's work, but was stopped by Na Erka.
If the mage was interrupted in the use of magic, it would lead to a backlash of magic, a light vertigo, a heavy injury of vitality.As an apprentice knight, Kate naturally didn't understand this, but in a moment of desperation, he desperately tried to stop Taisi.
After all, according to the laws of the empire, Taisi's actions were extremely serious crimes, and he might be executed on the spot by the commander.The spell was done, the clouds gathered, and for a moment the rain poured down, and Tess's face drained of all her magic.
It was evidently a very serious test for an apprentice mage like her to cast a third spell, the Infinite Rain.Seeing this, Luobin sighed and waved his hand to seal Tess.
Carter was relieved, and just as he was about to say something to her, his face suddenly changed and he flew in front of her.
A battleaxe had already arrived, carrying a drop of blood.With a low snort, Kate fell, and blood splattered from his neck and dyed Tess's robes red.
Tess's eyes widened in disbelief as the flying axe slammed into her shoulder, and she fell limply.
Na Erka rushed forward, picked her up, handed her to the priests behind the battlements, and leapt into them.