Realm of Light

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Chapter 4

The rain stopped the fire for a moment, but a moment later, the magi released another wave of fireballs, and the valley was in another mess.
Seeing that the dwarf warrior was worried about his family and didn't want to fight, the dwarf elder shouted a few times.
Then, the dwarven battle formation slowly retreated, leaving behind a few more corpses.The Dwarves retreated into the valley entrance.
Under Luobin's command, the Kingdom Knights weren't in a hurry to catch up.
Instead, they cleaned up the battlefield and settled the wounded.
Only then did they slowly approach the valley entrance.In the empire, military knights were special existences.
They were often synonymous with commanders on battlefields.
Not only did they have to have a certain level of strength, but they also needed to be familiar with the capabilities and shortcomings of all sorts of troops.
They needed to implement tactical combinations to effectively attack their opponents.
Therefore, during this training, even if Mi Jiate was the leader of the guardian knights, he still had to obey the command of the military knight Luobin.Although the battle just now was short, there were eight or nine warriors Guangrong had died in battle, including the intern knight Kate.
The Dwarves had left over twenty corpses.
Although the results of the battle looked similar, Luobin knew that the Dwarves were doomed.
At this moment, they were just struggling to die..The dwarves gathered at the mouth of the valley began to move the boulder, trying to block the entrance.
This was clearly the dwarven tribe's self-preservation plan.
The Kingdom Knights slowly approached the battlefield under Robin's command, as if they didn't care.Just as the Dwarves were about to close the boulder and seal the entrance of the valley, an earth-shaking explosion occurred.
Countless severed limbs and arms were thrown around in the wake of the explosion.Although the knights were outside the range of the explosion, they couldn't help but retreat a few steps.
The female magicians screamed even more.
In contrast, the guardian knights who had experienced hundreds of battles were pale, but they stood steadily and maintained their battle formations.The smoke and dust dissipated.
The dwarves were dumbstruck between the bloody corpses on the ground.
This great explosion had caused the Dwarves to lose most of their warriors."This isn't a battle, it's a murder," murmured an apprentice knight.
He subconsciously looked at the expressionless Luobin and then looked at his comrades-in-arms.
It was obvious that one of them had already buried a special magical scroll that the Kingdom Magic Association had researched in recent years.
Only now did it have such destructive power..Seeing that the entrance to the valley had been opened, Mi Jiate didn't hesitate.
He shouted and led the knights into the valley.The Dwarves had suffered heavy casualties, and were unable to resist the knights' attacks.
Many dwarfs and women cried and ran out of hiding, picking up stones from the ground and throwing themselves at the knights, even if they were unarmed.Clearly, the Knights of Training had not expected to encounter such a situation.
Knights' dignity and sense of honor made it impossible for them to wield their swords against women and children.
The formation was in disorder, but Mi Jiate's Sect Protector was steadily advancing.
Wherever they passed, no matter if they were women or children, there were Dwarves on the ground.Luobin followed the Knights into the valley.
Seeing the Knights gradually withdraw from the battlefield, he didn't say anything.
After all, at this moment, the Dwarves had no strength to resist.
Victory was right in front of them.A cold sigh was heard.
The long-bearded old man stood tall in the middle of the valley.
It was obvious that this was an altar.
The old dwarf sighed and looked around.
Then, he lowered his head and tears fell on the altar.He seemed to have made a decision.
As he shouted, the dozen or so remaining Dwarves quickly retreated to guard the altar, and the women and children gradually gathered together.The dwarves' gloomy and desolate singing began to ring.
This was an ancient sacrificial song that had been passed down in the tribe since ancient times.
It was an offering to the ancestors to the great stone hills that had raised them.
At this moment, they were singing in awe and trepidation.
Their voices became louder and louder, as if they had forgotten the imminent calamity of extermination.Unfortunately, the Dwarven Empire had been destroyed for a hundred years, and the Dwarves' language had gradually faded away.
Almost no human could understand the last sacrificial song.With the sound of the song, the Dwarves old man activated the mechanism on the altar.The country had been destroyed and the tribe had declined.
After moving here and settling down, the entire tribe had been preparing to deal with the unfathomable future.
However, in today's great battle, the mechanisms in the valley had clearly been completely destroyed, almost without any use.However, as long as this mechanism was intact, it was fine.Even though they had been defeated in battle, they could still choose to die with dignity.Burying together in this mountain range was a good place to stay.The Dwarved elder thought to himself.
As he watched the cliffs on both sides collapsing under the tremendous force, the enemy had already realized that they were rapidly withdrawing from the valley.It was yet another bright moon night.
The moonlight was as bright as water.Na Erka danced his sword under the moonlight, and the moonlight reflected his figure.
After a long time, he sheathed the sword.Luobin sat down next to him and looked at the mountain valley that seemed to have existed since ancient times.
After a long time, he said: "This place is really good.
I wonder where we will be buried when we die?""Is this important?""Of course it's important.
If you can't choose your own life, you can choose how to die.
Aren't you doing this to them?"Na Erka fell silent.
Moments later, he asked, "How is Taisi?""Fortunately.
All she can do is stand strong in battle."According to historical records, in 755 of the Holy calendar, the last dwarven empire on the Continent of Venus had been destroyed.
The surviving dwarves had fled in all directions.
Most of them had been wiped out by the human army, and some had even moved into the dark underground world.
A large number of dwarves that were left on the ground had been swept away as slaves.
In the following decades, when the last dwarves had died, humans were shocked that there were no more dwarves..What was not recorded in the historical records was that in the spring of a certain year, a dwarven tribe had activated a mechanism to bury themselves in one of the valleys deep within the Argan Mountain.
The dwarves that had lived on this land for tens of thousands of years had vanished from the history of humans.
After so many years, no one knew the final destination of this final battle and dwarves.