World of Power

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Chapter 2

Zhangjie was also stunned by the melodious song.
He couldn't help but think to himself, Master Jing is different from the rest.
If he was in Huhai Province, he would have heard a shrill shriek coming from the northbound court.
It was the blade-axe hand that cut through the night.
Suddenly, something occurred to him.
He turned to Lishu and asked, "Who wrote this poem?
What kind of official could it be?"Li Shuban was completely stunned.
He didn't know who the author of this poem was.
If he were in front of the 'maester of studies', perhaps he would have blushed.
Fortunately, the one standing next to him was an unflinching Zhangjie.
However, he thought to himself: since the author of this poem didn't even know him, it could be seen that he wasn't a celebrity.
Since he wasn't a celebrity, he naturally wasn't a good poem.
Thus, he twitched his mouth and said to Zhangjie, "Oh, this poem is common.
The person who wrote it isn't worth talking about.""..."Zhangjie didn't seem to be satisfied with this answer.
He felt that there was no reason for "normal" to sing a song in the capital's mansion.
Thus, he grabbed his cheeks and tilted his head, as if asking another question.
At this time, the sound of crickets walking could be heard from behind the golden screen embroidered with "Pill Phoenix Dynasty Yang".Li Shuban hurriedly waved his hand to stop Zhangjie's questions.
Then, he tugged at Zhangjie's clothes and motioned for him to straighten up and stand upright with him.
Then, under the protection of a large number of lamp lamps, a noble man dressed in a purple robe and a gold belt appeared in the hall, supported by two attendants.As soon as the noble came in, he didn't greet anyone.
He didn't even look at Li and Hu, who were standing there solemnly.
He just casually sat on the big bed that was paved with brocade.
Then he stretched out his legs and put his feet on a delicate mahogany carving foot.Li Shuban hurriedly took a step forward and took a deep breath.
Then, with a solemn voice, he said, "Bing Tiangong, the people sent by the scales have been waiting here for a long time."As Li Shuban spoke, he turned to the side and pointed at Zhangjie.
Zhangjie had already knelt down on the ground, and his eyes were drooping down as he gazed down at the pairs of golden-colored boots that the noble one had revealed beneath his purple robes.However, he had already seized the chance to report to Lishu.
He sneakily glanced up and saw that the noble man had a fair complexion, light brows, and a clean and clean complexion.
He was a fatty with short legs and a well-maintained foot.
He couldn't help but think inwardly, So this is the Tian Shunmin that the current emperor calls 'A-Father'!Speaking of Tian Shunmin, he was indeed the first influential figure in the current dynasty.
His surname was Chen, and he was originally a lesser eunuch in charge of the stables.
Because of his shrewdness, scheming, capable of handling affairs, and having read a few books, he was already "unordinary" in the eunuchs' group.
Furthermore, he was also skilled in his affairs.
Thus, when the current emperor, Xizong Huangdi, was still in the palace as the 'Prince Pu'.She took a liking to him, and loved him deeply.Tian Shunmin, on the other hand, also took a liking to this young king's 'unique goods'.
Even though he had always been fooling around with the imperial palace's tricks and only knew how to play and play around, in Tian Shunmin's eyes, not only were they harmless, but they were also very beneficial to him.
Especially when he recalled the experience of the 'monarchs' taught by his seniors, Chou Shiliang, in the eunuch's line of work, Tian Shunmin felt that his knowledge was far greater.The feudal officials and feudal officials had a fair share of experience.
They couldn't allow the emperor to observe the book, nor could they allow the emperor to get close to the officials.
They had to use the sound of the ball to make him 'composure', and then 'I'm the one who'll be able to take advantage of the situation'.
As such, Tian Shunmin had to do everything he could to satisfy and encourage the young king's playfulness, especially when he was in the limelight back then.Xiao Wangye was so happy that he couldn't leave him for even a day.
He even had to accompany him to sleep.It wasn't long before the day that Tian Shunmin had been waiting for finally arrived.
The young prince's father, Emperor Yizong, had just passed 40 years ago, and he had already 'broken' into Yu Cheng's Palace.
Thus, the young prince had boarded the 'big treasure' in front of his casket, and changed his 'qian symbol'.
He had become Wei Ziwei.Since the fourteen-year-old Emperor didn't even think that he had enough time to play, how could he have the time to go?
Ten thousand times in a day?
How could he manage it?
Thus, he decided to "take care of the people" of the entire army."..."Tian Shunmin had been waiting for this for a long time, so he immediately took responsibility for it.
He was so happy that Xizong Huangdi had saved him a lot of trouble.
He could play as he usually did every day, and he would be able to express his gratitude to Tian Shunmin.
Father."This was the origin of the "Ah father".
From then on, Tian Shunmin was promoted by the small horse farm and became the lieutenant of the Divine Strategist Army.
This official position was quite important in the Tang Dynasty, and it had a special importance.
Its authority was to command the Imperial Guard to protect the "Heavenly Prince".
Its position was higher than the other armies, and only the trusted officials of the emperor could replace it.Tian Shunmin had both military authority and the title of 'Ah father' in his grasp.
He was truly arrogant and overflowing with power and bribery.
Even the royal ceremony of feudal officials, titles, and rewards of crimson and other feudal dynasties had been decided by him, without needing to go through the emperor.
He knew that the emperor was not afraid and only needed to satisfy his 'special game'.In this regard, Tian Shunmin had never dared to neglect them.
For example, Xizong Huangdi had often played a song with his tricks and rewarded him with 130,000 RMB.
He had almost spent all of his savings on 'Left Keep' and 'Qi Tian', so Tian Shunmin had been extremely worried about it.He finally came up with a plan.
This was the gold and silver treasures of Chang'an Dong and West Districts that were instigated by the military behind the scenes.
Whether it was the "fans" or Chinese businessmen, all of them were bought in the name of "palace" and sent to the palace for reward.In addition, they secretly sent people to investigate the teahouses.
They would arrest all those who wanted to report to the capital city and kill them with the crime of creating rumors.This matter caused an uproar in the streets, and every household was terrified and uneasy.
No one dared to speak out.
Even the historian had to record it in this way: "Be lower than the prime minister, don't talk about the pincers.""..."Tian Shunmin had the ability to turn the situation around.
He naturally had a side eye.
Many people, including the 'arcissists', had a hundred tricks to get into the camp.
It was likely that this was how Li Shuban had come here.
As for the people who had something on them, they didn't hesitate to spend a lot of money to ask him for help.
Zhangjie, who had fallen at his feet and didn't dare to look up to him, was one of them.Zhangjie, who was kneeling on the ground, didn't even dare to breathe loudly.
Suddenly, he heard Tian Shunmin's shrill voice, which sounded like a woman's voice, and asked, "Did you lose your land when you came here?""Yes, yes." Zhangjie agreed, but he couldn't help but laugh.
This was the first time he had heard the unique voice of a eunuch."You really can't talk.
How did you lose two provinces in a row?
How many people are there in this bandit group?""At least tens of thousands.""Just how many tens of thousands?" Tian Shunmin's voice became even more shrill and shrill.
"You're too confused.
How can you not be defeated when you don't understand the situation?"Zhangjie could hear the anger in Tian Shunmin's voice.
It was as if even the row of candle flames trembled in fear, and the surroundings became even more silent.
Not only did the smile on his face fade away, but he was also flustered, unable to say a word.Fortunately, Li Shuban quickly helped him out of his predicament.
He bent over and interjected, "According to Caozhou's subordinates, this bandit group is a group of lazy refugees.
They often roam about the countryside, and the villagers and bandits cannot be distinguished.
Whenever there's any sound of wind, they start to stir up trouble, and when the robbery is cleared up, they lull out again.
As a result, there are no changes to the situation."..."Zhangjie had already calmed down from his panic and hurriedly took over Li Shuban's words, "My lord, Mister Li is correct.
Many of those Thieves are country bumpkins who have been forced to pass by.
As soon as they hear that they've eaten a large family, they follow.
After they've eaten them all, they've been transferred elsewhere to rob and kill them.It's hard to tell exactly how many people there are.
However, there aren't many real Thieves either.
They're the leaders.""Who's the one in charge?" Tian Shunmin asked angrily."Big boss's name is Wang Yanwei.
He's from Yanzhou.
He's a salt dealer.""I know that.
Who else?""There's another one named Shang Junzhang, the deputy chief.
This person specializes in stealing good things.""Sigh, how could there be robbers not snatching good stuff when they see it?
I already know this person.
Who else?"Zhangjie could tell that Tian Shunmin was asking a question that he knew the answer to, and wanted to verify it.
He couldn't help but think that Tian Shunmin was a shrewd person, so he immediately replied, "Oh, there's another one.
This person's arrow shot very well, and he's also from the illicit salt trade.
I've heard that he has studied and been evaluated as a scholar!""Huh?
There's such a person among the salt lords!
I've never heard of any Xiu Cai being a bandit since ancient times.
Tian Shunmin's back has never left the brocade cushions.
He couldn't help but lean forward and ask, "What's this person's name?" "Huang Xiaohui." "Huang Xiaohui." Tian Shunminxiang repeated to himself.Suddenly, he raised his voice and asked, "Why didn't this person be written on the military book you sent over?""Because he's a newcomer, and he's just brought several hundred bandits with him." Zhangjie deliberately shrunk the number of people in the group.
In fact, there were over 2,000 people in the group."Where is he from?""That's right," Zhangjie replied.
He couldn't help but feel a sense of nervousness in his heart, fearing that he wouldn't be able to answer.
Then, Li Shuban bowed and interjected, "Caozhou was the one who had dealt with this injustice.
I heard from someone else that Huang Xiaohui had tried so many times that he had failed.
It was clear to me that there was a limit to this person's knowledge.Looking at his behavior, it could be seen that he had read the book of sages crookedly.
He had joined forces with Wang Yanwei.
It must be because he couldn't resist the pursuit of Cao Zhou's army, so he had no choice but to come up with such a plan.Zhangjie thought to himself -?This Li Shuban really knows how to say things, and he's taking advantage of this opportunity to get rid of Caozhou's spine.
He must have gained quite a bit of benefits.
In fact, how could Caozhou's soldiers dare to chase after him?
They would run away the moment they saw a Thief, and even abandon the city...Just as Zhangjie was deep in thought, he suddenly heard Tian Shunmin ask, "Do you know how this group of people made a ruckus back then?""It was at the beginning of the year of the New Year.
First, there was a war of salt and rice in Changyuan.
Soon, it reached the four villages and eight towns, and all the way to Cao Zhou.
The locals, regardless of whether they were adults or children, men or women, were singing two sentences.
The more they sang, the more they sang, the more they sang.
In the future..."It's two sentences?""The gold-coloured toad is vying for the eye, but he flips over Cao Zhou's world upside down.
"Tian Shunmin suddenly fell silent, as if he were savoring these two sentences.Zhangjie waited for a while and felt that the atmosphere around him had gradually calmed down.
Then he flattered, "That bandit bandit group used these two sentences to fan the fire and the wind everywhere.
They said that the world is going to be in chaos and that they would come without food and food!
They even said that there was no distinction between rich and poor, and that there was no distinction between nobles and commoners.In our place, there wasn't anything else.
There were only a lot of people who were so poor that they had to risk their lives.
As soon as I heard these words, tens of thousands of people started to mess around behind me.Wang Yanwei grew even bolder when he saw how many people were gathered.
Not only did he steal the treasury, attack the magistrate, kill and set fire, but he also used a banner to call himself 'Great General Replenished Heavenly General'!""Sigh, nonsense!" Tian Shunmin sneered contemptuously.
After a pause, he continued, "Those demonic words are the easiest to tempt.
Your King's Fate should have been played early.
It's always a moment of negligence and indulgence, and it's a mess that can't be dealt with."When Zhangjie heard that even Lord Wang had been reprimanded, he couldn't help but shiver.
He immediately replied with Tian Shunmin's tone, "Your Excellency, you are right.
Our King's Code is a virtuous and virtuous way of speaking.
We thought that the emperor had recently ascended to the throne, and that the world was peaceful.
This year, the first month of the year, the first month of the year, the first month of the year, the first month of the year, the first month of the year, the first month of the year, the first month of the year, the first month of the year, the first month of the year, the first day of the year, the second of the year, the second day, the second of the year, the second day, the second of the year of the year.Unexpectedly, these people couldn't let go of him.
The more he loosened up, the more trouble he would cause, and the more he resisted rental evasion.
It wasn't like the county had reported it earlier.When our Lord Wang found out, he immediately led his troops to calm down.
He did not sleep for several nights, and his eyes turned red.
One time, he was almost surrounded by thieves, and it was this little one who desperately protected him from coming out.
But because of the lack of troops, he dared not show his face.
There were also traitors who secretly tricked thieves..."Tian Shunmin was already impatient to hear this, so he waved his hand and interrupted Zhangjie's words.
However, he felt that the person sent by Wang Jiedu was quite skilled and could deal with it.
He couldn't help but take a look at Zhangjie.
He had a thin skin and little flesh, and there was a black mole under his left eye, as if he had three eyes..When Zhangjie saw Tian Shunmin looking at him, he hurriedly lowered his eyelids, but his heart was filled with joy.
He felt that it wasn't easy for him to be looked at by 'A-father', so he looked even more fearful and trepidated.
Tian Shunmin asked, "How many troops do you have now?
Is the city secure?""There are more than 2,000 troops." Zhangjie deliberately said a little less, but then added, "I always think that the world is peaceful.
The city walls have been abandoned for many years, and the weapons aren't that good either.
There are many swords and spears that have been kept in the armor storehouse for many years, and they have all rusted away.
There are also many broken bowstrings.""We're even more lacking in military supplies.
This year, we're so thirsty that we don't even have enough water to drink..."Tian Shunmin had no interest in listening any further.
He interrupted Zhangjie's words and asked, "Have you ever found out where that bandit group is headed to next?"As soon as Zhangjie heard the question, he immediately raised his voice and replied, "It's eighty to ninety percent likely that he's going to hit our Zhou State.
It's precisely because of this that Grand Authority Wang sent me a letter overnight to ask Tiangong for help."Li Shuban took the opportunity to interject, "Jiang Zhou is a major town in the east, so you can't fall into the hands of thieves.
It's better for you to report it as soon as possible."However, Tian Shunmin only had a stern expression on his face as he remained silent.
Hu and Li didn't dare to utter another word.
They simply waited with bated breaths.After a long while, he finally heard Tian Shunmin cough dryly, as if he were about to speak.
Suddenly, there was the sound of footsteps behind his back, and a person dressed in luxurious clothing walked over with a somewhat nervous expression.
Zhangjie didn't know who this person was.
When he saw how respectful Li Shuban and the others were, he knew that this person's status wasn't low.He lifted his foot and walked over to Shunmin's side, whispering something into his ear.
Tian Shunmin listened attentively, and his indifferent brows furrowed even tighter.After that person left, Kou Shunmin said to Zhangjie in a shrill voice, "Hurry back and send a message to your king, telling him to protect the city no matter what.
Remember, you must guard the city.
If there's any mistake, it'll be hard to speak.
Do you understand?"After Zhangjie replied, "I understand," Tian Shunmin continued, "As for the rest, I have my own arrangements.
The imperial court is currently in the process of laying down orders, and there will be some other instructions at that time.
In short, this bandit group must be exterminated!
They must be eradicated!
Go!"After Tian Shunmin finished speaking, he gently waved his hand, as if he were chasing away a fly that flew over to disturb him.Zhangjie had wanted to bring up the matter of sending reinforcements, because this was something that Wang Jiedu had repeatedly taken care of.
However, when he saw Tian Shunmin's expression, he didn't dare to say anything else.
Moreover, as soon as Tian Shunmin called out, he heard the bells on the watermark beads ring.
Guards had already lifted a corner of the curtains, and they seemed to be saying, "Get out!"Zhangjie felt that he couldn't stay any longer, so he had no choice but to get up from the ground and leave the room with Li Shuban.When he walked into the courtyard, he unconsciously stretched out his waist and loosened his legs.
Only then did he let out a breath of relief.
Although he felt that his knees were already aching from kneeling, he was still extremely happy.
He felt that Chang'an had truly seen the world this time.
He had actually seen "A-Father"!
With just this one, he could return to Lord Wang to receive the reward, not to mention talking to "A-Father".When Zhangjie was happy, the things that shouldn't have been asked by him also arose:"Mister Li, who was the official who just entered?""Oh, he's Tiangong's real brother, Chenjinghan." Li Shuban still looked at the 'door bag' and answered.
Then, he began to mutter to himself in doubt."I don't know what he's here for, but it looks like he's not idle at all.
Ahem, there's been a lot of work going on in the manor recently.
What a ruckus!" Li Shuban said as he looked up and let out a long sigh.
Moonless, half-wheeled, treetops hung low.
Suddenly, a gust of night wind blew past, causing him to shudder.He tilted his ears to listen, and the "replosion" had already stopped at an unknown time.