The Chaos Star

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Chapter 3

A shrill shriek left everyone dumbfounded.
Yu Tianhu and Yangqing both stopped and looked in the direction of the sound.
The woman fell to the ground, her head covered in blood.Zhou Liushao didn't seem to mind.
He went over and kicked the woman.
But at this time, he was also dumbfounded.
He thought that the woman had used a bitter plan to make him stop.
But with this kick, the woman lay on the ground, motionless, without the slightest feeling.
He bent down and prodded in front of the woman's nose.
He couldn't help but break out in cold sweat.She didn't expect that her unintentional tug would cause the woman, who was already unsteady, to crash into the wall.
Most importantly, the woman had already lost her breath.Although the Zhou Institute was domineering and tyrannical, it was not something that he could control if someone died.
The thought of having to use all of his financial and material resources to atone for this woman's crimes made his heart immediately think that it was not worth it."Xiaofan, it's fine if your family owes us money, but you don't have to pay it back.
I'm sure you know what to do.
You're a smart person too, and I hope you won't make it so we can't get out of here." Zhou Liushao said.
He didn't dare to stay here any longer.
He hurriedly took Yu Tianhu and Yangqing away while no one else was around.When Xiaofan was beaten, he gritted his teeth.
If he didn't cry out in pain, he would prove that he had the backbone to not bow down to the evil factions.
But he never imagined that something would happen to his mother.Xiaofan didn't care about his injured body.
He hurried over to his mother's side and helped her up.
The woman's face was pale and blood couldn't stop flowing from her head.
Most importantly, the woman no longer breathed.Xiaofan's heart tightened, and a bad premonition appeared in his mind.
Seeing his mother like this, he didn't dare to think about it any further.
His tears couldn't stop flowing out of his eyes.
Although his heart was filled with grief, the unconcealable anger was also revealed.Xiaofan couldn't suppress the pain in his heart.
He howled and cried.
His mother and him had depended on each other for ten years.
Although they lived in poverty, they were happy and happy.
Now that his mother had been killed, the culprit was Zhou Liushao.As soon as he thought of Zhou Liushao's ugly face, he couldn't suppress the fury in his heart any longer.
He stood up, ready to go all out against Zhou Liushao.
Just then, a warm hand pulled him back.Xiaofan stared blankly for a moment.
Then, he felt extremely relieved.
The person who had pulled him was his mother.
Seeing that nothing had happened to his mother, his uneasiness eased."Mother, Faner will get a doctor for you.
You should rest first."Xiaofan was about to leave, but the woman left him behind with a single word."Fan'er, wait a minute...
Mother is fine.
Please don't go looking for trouble with Zhou Liushao.
You can't beat him.
The Zhou Manor is rich and powerful, so I don't want anything to happen to you.""No way.
Zhou Yanyao actually dared to injure you.
Even though I can't defeat his Zhou Manor, I still have to make Zhou Yanyao pay the price." Zhou Yanyao's name was Zhou Liushao's.
When Zhou Yanyao entered the room, Xiaofan hadn't even given him a proper look.
He had even addressed him by the surname Zhou.
He felt disgusted when his name was mentioned.The woman knew what Xiaofan meant.
When she saw Xiaofan's murderous aura, she immediately panicked.
She was fine when something happened to her, and she didn't want to see anything happen to Xiaofan."Fan'er, you don't have to do this for Mother.
Actually, you're not born for Mother.
Mother only raised you and made you suffer from poverty.
Mother really feels bad for you.
Mother doesn't want you to go risk yourself for me.
It's not worth my old bones."The woman quickly tried to comfort her.
She felt a piercing pain in her heart when she said this."Mother, don't spout nonsense.
I know you want to stop me from taking revenge on Zhou Yanyao, but you can't just say that I'm not your biological daughter." Xiaofan immediately felt a hint of gratification and anger.
Although it wasn't obvious, the killing intent on his face had dissipated considerably."Fan'er, mother has been thinking about something for so many years.
I think it's time to tell you something.
You really aren't my biological daughter, but I picked you up in the forest.
At that time..." The woman said to Xiaofan with a desolate heart, slowly explaining something that he didn't know..Xiaofan suddenly felt incredulous, confused, confused, and confused.
All sorts of thoughts became even more incredulous when he listened to his mother's explanation.
Although he was only thirteen years old, he knew many other people who didn't know anything about him.From the moment he became sensible, he knew that it was not easy for his mother, so his poor family background had grown much more mature than others.
At his age, many youths basically spent their time in the academy, reminiscing about their childhood life.
Of course, there were also poor families like him.But he didn't.
The family didn't have such a luxury financial condition for him.
His childhood life was accompanied by his mother, so he didn't have any playmates.
However, he wasn't lonely and didn't complain about his family background.He had chosen to bear the burden.
As a man, he had to take on the family's responsibility.
Since he was five years old, he had helped his mother with farming, chopping firewood, fetching water, and other important tasks.
He had practically taken care of them alone.Xiaofan's mother saw all of this and she was glad.
She knew that the decision she made ten years ago was correct.It turned out that the woman was all alone.
Her husband had passed away decades ago due to illness, but she did not renew the marriage.
She lived an inhuman life alone and the government did not pay attention to her, but she was content.
Her only wish was to have a child, but her husband had already passed away and she did not continue.
This became an impossible long-cherished wish.Ten years ago, as usual, when she finished her fieldwork, she headed home with a small bundle on her back.
Inside was the fresh wild fruit that she had just harvested from the mountain.
Although it wasn't much in the eyes of others, these wild fruits were delicious and the only thing that was difficult to hide was the peels of the fruit.
Every time she picked the wild fruit, she would clean it up at home and then sell it.
Although it couldn't be sold for much money, it could still slow down her family's development."Ahh, ahh!"As the woman was happily returning home, she heard the crying of a child in the forest.
She was stunned and didn't know what had happened.
However, the child cried miserably, and the more he cried, the more painful it was.
She walked towards the forest where the cry came from and found her target next to a big tree.It was a baby basket.
Inside, a baby was pointing and wailing in pain.
Although the baby's clothing wasn't luxurious, it was many times better than her own.
She looked around, but there was no other child.
It was obvious that this baby had abandoned his Nascent Soul.
Who had abandoned it?The woman thought to herself, Could it be that she was moved by the high heavens?
The heavens had sent a baby to her, and her wish had come to an end.
Seeing that there was no one else and the baby was crying so badly, she carried the baby back home.At first, the woman thought that the baby was hungry, so she bought some milk in town.
But who knew that it would be fine if the milk wasn't fed, but when the milk was fed, it would be even worse, and she faintly knew that things were not looking good.
She carried the baby out of the baby basket, and a piece of paper fell from the baby's back.
She didn't know the words on it, so she put the paper in her pocket and carried the baby to the town's clinic.When they arrived at the clinic, the doctor saw the woman's appearance and knew how she lived.
She had patches all over her body and a little mud on her body.
No matter how you looked at it, she was still a poor person.
The doctor didn't allow a woman to enter, which was the difference between a poor and rich.The woman begged bitterly, but the doctor simply ignored her and even chased her out.
Just like that, she desperately searched for medical establishments of all sizes and sizes, and her efforts were rewarded.
Finally, there was a small medical center willing to accept her request.The woman's uneasiness calmed down, but the doctor's words made her extremely fearful.
The doctor had already diagnosed the baby and the baby had a serious illness.
If he did not treat it anymore, then he would really die.
These words were like a heavy hammer, fiercely pounding on the woman's heart.The illness wasn't scary.
Only when one didn't have money would one be scary.
From the doctor's information, it would take at least 20 taels of silver to cure this illness.
For ordinary families, 20 taels might be a bit too much, but they could still take it out.
But for her, it was equivalent to an astronomical figure.
After nearly 20 years of Yin light in her family, there were only 10 taels left.
If she were to take out 10 taels, it would be as difficult as reaching the sky.She could not resolve her desperate thoughts, and the doctor had already given her the best advantage.
Helplessly, in order to save her baby's little life, the woman had gone to the Zhou residence to borrow money.
The Zhou residence had agreed to pay one or two interest per year.
Hence, she could only brace herself and borrow it.
At most, she would have to work harder.Just like that, the little life was saved in her hands.
She found someone to recognize the words on the paper.
It was the word "Fan".
She didn't know why.
She felt that this word might represent some other meaning.
Her husband's surname was Xiao, so she gave the baby a name, "Xiaofan".