The Peerless Twin Swords

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"There are a lot of people waiting in line!
It's so lively!
Is there anything good?" Lin Yunli stood in a place like the tunnel entrance.
Lin Yunli walked over and followed everyone to line up.
After a long time, she found something strange.
Although there were a group of people walking around, everyone looked vague.
She wanted to take a closer look, but she couldn't see it clearly.
"Do I deepen my myopia again?
Speaking of my myopia..." Lin Yunli touched his face and found that his glasses were gone.
"Where are my glasses?
No wonder I couldn't see them clearly all the time!" Lin Yunli lowered her head and began to look for the glasses on the ground.
My hands are tight recently, and I can't see my glasses.
I remember that when I used a pair of glasses last time, one thousand yuan for a pair of glasses was enough!
Two thousand yuan plus the frame, how many frames it seems to be..." Lin Yunhen kept scanning the ground to find the glasses, and he calculated the money for the heavy matches in his heart.
Suddenly, he was shocked, and he quickly looked up to observe the surroundings.
Only then did he find himself in an inexplicable place.
where is this?
am I?" Lin Yunhen looked left and right in a panic.
The things in front of him gradually became clear, and the people walking around looked listless, just like headless flies.
Looking at the people in front and behind the queue, they were no better than those who had just woken up.
"Why do I line up here?" Lin Yunli looked at the team in front of her and then turned to look at the middle-aged man behind him.
There were more and more questions in her mind.
"Excuse me, what does this line-up want to do?" Lin Yunxuan asked the middle-aged man behind him, but the man ignored him and just stood there quietly.
"What's going on here?
I don't remember how I came to queue up.
They look like they are not full after all.
Can it be that they have to queue up all night to buy something?
But it doesn't look like a fast-food restaurant to queue up for food!
It also doesn't look like a department company to queue up to bring gifts!" Lin Yunli looked around, and his heart was constantly holding up.
"Damn it!
I have a headache." Lin Yunli tried hard to recall, but she couldn't remember anything at all.
Lin Yunli inadvertently saw the wall next to her and found a green light coming out of the wall.
"Is this...
is this the escape door?" Lin Yunli observed curiously.
"If I leave now, I don't know how long it will take to rank again, but I can't do it!" Lin Yunli looked at the crowds in front and behind the line extending all the time, and an idea came to her mind unconsciously.
"I believe 100 percent.
This is definitely not queuing to buy tickets for the concert, nor is it queuing to get a limited edition gift, nor is it queuing to buy tickets for the champion of the game.
Even if I have no money to buy it!
Never mind!
I'm in a bad line!" Thinking of this, Lin Yun was determined to leave the line that had been waiting for him for a long time and walked to the escape door with the green light.
Lin Yunli looked back at the line.
The vacancy he had left was immediately filled by the people behind.
At this time, he was still wondering why he had to queue up.
"Who cares!
Maybe I'll get the answer when I get out of the escape door." Lin Yunli still firmly believed in her decision.
After opening the door to escape, there was a staircase leading to the top.
After entering the door and looking up, she found that the staircase was about the height of a five-storey building.
"It's much shorter than the endless line up.
You'll know where I am when I go!" Lin Yunli walked up in a relaxed mood.
Compared with those who did not sleep well in line, Lin Yunli looked more energetic.
Finally, they reached the door.
Lin Yunli gently pushed the door open, and a cool breeze blew over.
Lin Yunli narrowed her eyes and adjusted her sight.
Then she stood there stupidly and looked at the scenery in front of her in surprise.
There was such a big difference between the inside of the door and the back of the door, because there was a vast prairie in front of them.
But unfortunately, it was not the sky that was cloudless for thousands of miles, but the gray weather and the loud thunder from time to time.
It's two completely different worlds compared to the lifeless underground tunnel." Lin Yunlu's feet stepped onto the grassland.
She felt a little dizzy, and the air became extremely thin.
She felt very uncomfortable.
"Cut!" As he looked back, the door disappeared into the air when it was gently closed.
Lin Yunli suddenly opened her eyes wide and held her breath.
It was not a surprise that the door disappeared, but a huge castle in front of her.
"Wow..." After Lin Yunli exclaimed in admiration, she stood there for a few minutes and looked at the huge castle, which was European-style architectural style.
"Is the ten-story high giant gate for warships to enter and exit?
Or for giants to use!" Lin Yunhen looked at the castle and couldn't help worrying about it.
There were about seven or eight spires in the city.
The tallest one was located in the middle of the castle, so it was impossible to determine the height.
The only thing that could be seen was that there were some dark clouds around the top of the tower, and at the top, there was a ray of five-colored light soaring into the sky.
There were many pillars protruding from the city wall, surrounded by a white fog.
The huge trees outside the city were not only thick, but also very tall.
In general, it didn't seem as romantic as the European-style castle.
"Either he's a serious criminal or he's suffering from a serious mental disease!
It's possible that he's holding a dragon captive!
Regardless of which one it is...
he doesn't feel very good." Lin Yun's heart was dripping with energy.
Looking around, he found himself standing on a small hill.
Lin Yunli wanted to go to the tree seven or eight feet away to have a rest, but she walked very hard.
When she was halfway there, she squatted on the ground and gasped.
"What the hell is going on in this damn place!
Nothing is normal." Lin Yunli picked up the branches on the ground and slowly supported them under the tree.
I can't walk anymore.
I'm so tired...
This is not a branch!
It's a rusty iron pillar!" Lin Yun, who had been exhausted, sat down on the ground to rest.
"Dong dong...
dong dong..." A figure ran over.
This person was not wearing any clothes, and his hair was cut in three parts.
His skin was light blue, and he was 160 centimeters tall.
He was about 20 years old.
The odd-looking rat-like part seemed to be wearing triangular pants and had no hair on it.
He was holding a black notebook in his hand and ran over to Lin Yunli.
"Is this...
a person?" Lin Yunli looked at the blue man in front of her with a suspicious expression.
After the blue-robed man ran over, he suddenly stopped.
He looked back at Lin Yunli and said, "Jie, Yan, Yan, Yan, Yan, Yan, Yan, Yan, Yan, Yan, Yan, Yan, Yan, Yan, Yan, Yan, Yan, Yan, Yan, Yan, Yan, Yan, Yan, Yan, Yan, Yan, Yan, Yan, and Yang, and Yang, Yang, Yang, Yang, Yang, Yang, Yang, Yang, Yang, Yang, Yang, Yang, Yang, Yang, Yang, Yang, Yang, Yang, The blue-robed man saw that Lin Yunli did not speak, so he spread out his hand and said, "Sha Ya Ya Ya Ya Ya Nu?" However, Lin Yunli could only open her mouth.
She did not know what to reply to him.
The blue-haired man frowned and said, "Share, a name of "Boo"?" "Wow!
Let's talk about English!" Lin Yunli only felt very magical, but suddenly forgot how to reply with English.
Blue Man suddenly had an expression of knowing the answer and said seriously, "Why are you looking at me all the time?" "Er...
Er..." Lin Yunran suddenly became speechless and didn't know what to say.
The blue figure looked around and said, "What?" Lin Yunran scratched his head and paused, saying, "Er...
Can I ask you a question?" The blue-robed man asked curiously, "What?" Lin Yun pointed around and said, "Excuse me...
What is this place?" The blue man looked at Lin Yunli, who was sitting on the ground, and said, "Please put your left hand on it." The blue man took the black notebook in front of Lin Yunli.
"Oh!" Lin Yunxuan answered and put his left hand on it.
"If I'm dreaming, I'll have to read fewer comics and movies after waking up." During these long five seconds, Lin Yunli had been staring at the Lan people in front of her.
"F*ck!" After making a sound from the notebook, the blue man took it back and looked at it.
Suddenly, a firefly screen appeared on the notebook, and the blue man touched it to check the information.
"What an exquisite flat computer!
It's thin and certainly not cheap!" Lin Yunli looked at the notebook in Lan's hand.
It's so weird!" The blue figure shouted.
"You're called Lin Yuntu, right?
Why are you here?" Lan Xiao asked curiously.
Lin Yunxuan shook her head and said, "This seems to be my problem!
How do you know my name?" "Generally speaking, people who have just died will go to the Road of Death to report!
How did you get here?
And the person who has just died should have no self-consciousness.
How can you talk to me clearly?" The blue man kept asking.
"The dead...
The dead..." Lin Yunli only heard the four words.
In an instant, a large amount of memory flooded into his mind in less thanuniversity seconds.
There were all kinds of life pictures in his mind, all kinds of sounds of talking, and bits and pieces of life including happiness, anger, sorrow, joy...
The last scene of his memory was the scene of being knocked down by a concrete car.
Oh my god!
What's going on?" Too many emotions came to his mind, which made Lin Yunlie a little collapsed.
Blue Man looked him up and down and said, "Wow!
You're so amazing.
You died one day, but you could still rely on yourself and call back all your memories.
It's so strange.
Is that so strange?" "Whew...
I'm dead!
I'm dead!" Lin Yuntu gasped as if he had just finished running a marathon.
The blue-man laughed happily and said, "Oh...
You're dead!" Lin Yunli looked at her hands and said in disbelief, "Whew...
How is this possible!
How could I die!
I feel so real right now.
How could I die?" The blue-robed man laughed excitedly and said, "Oh...
you're right!
It's weird.
It's my first time to meet him!
If he wants to ask the senior, he should know and come to ask him." Lin Yunlie looked around in fear and asked, "This is...
hell!" Lan Ren smiled and explained, "Ah!
The city in front of you is the Spirit Realm City!
To go to hell or to the Heaven Realm, according to the judgment of the Spirit Realm City, the soul will be sent to the city.
But normal souls should enter the Spirit Realm City from the Yellow Spring Road, while you appeared outside the Spirit Realm City.
Ordinary souls should not be able to withstand the pressure outside the city." Lin Yunlie said with some frustration, "Alas!
I still have a lot of things to do...
A lot of things to do..." The blue-man said curiously, "All right!
All right!
Let's ask the senior!
I have a lot of questions!" Lin Yunxuan frowned and said, "I have a lot of questions!
Lil Lan...
Are you a soul-reaper messenger?" The blue-man laughed in embarrassment.
"Soul-reaper messenger?
you think too highly of me.
I'm just a handyman who sent me documents!
You can call me You Li." Lin Yunli said with a bitter smile, "You remind me of my motorcycle when I see you.
I want to repair a lot of money!
what am I thinking?
I am already dead, so no matter how much money I need to repair the motorcycle, it doesn't matter to me." You Li laughed foolishly.
"Is your motorcycle also called You Li?" Lin Yun disappeared with a blank look and said with a bitter smile, "Ha!
My motorcycle is called Xiaolan, which is the same as yours." You Li pulled Lin Yunlie along and said with a smile, "Okay!
Let's go and ask Senior!
This is really amazing." "The dizziness and exhaustion I just felt have lessened.
Is it because I know the truth?" Lin Yunhen slowly propped up the iron pillar he had just picked up from the ground and thought doubtfully.
Although Lin Yun's discomfort had gradually disappeared, he was still unable to walk or run normally like You Li.
He still had to use the iron pillar that he had just picked up to support him.
He walked more smoothly.
The two of them slowly made their way to Spirit Realm City.
You Li asked curiously, "Didn't you line up along the Road of Death?" Lin Yunxuan suddenly realized something and said, "Oh!
That tunnel is the Road to the Underworld!
I've lined up there for a while, and then walked up the escape door." You Li frowned and said, "Escape door?" "Yes!
You didn't close the escape door, so I could leave the strange tunnel.
I remembered that I was in the line with a bunch of ghosts just now, and now I'm a little scared..." Lin Yunxuan felt goose bumps.
You Li pointed at her and smiled.
aren't you also a ghost?" "Yeah!
So am I!
I don't think it's strange, ha, ha, ha..." Lin Yunli laughed happily for the first time after she died.
You Li laughed in a silly manner.
You're really a strange human!" Lin Yun looked around and said, "After you die, your soul will automatically run to the road to hell?" You Li explained, "That's right!
Spirit Realm City is the birthplace of the soul, so after a soul's creature dies, it will return to Spirit Realm City on its own accord.
It will then be judged by the four Judge of Spirit Realm City.
there are exceptions as well!" Lin Yun asked in confusion, "An exception?" You Lizhi said naturally, "Yes!
Spirits in the God Realm and the Devil Realm won't return to the Spirit Realm City.
In other words, their spirits can control themselves, and they also have their own judicial system, which is not controlled by the Spirit Realm." "Uh..." Lin Yunxuan did not know what to say for a moment, because the knowledge was beyond his understanding.
Lin Yunran looked at You Li and asked, "You Li...
Are you a ghost?" You Li shook her head and smiled.
I'm not a ghost!" Lin Yun followed and asked, "Then...
you are neither a human nor a ghost, then you are..." You Li explained patiently, "I told you!
I work in Spirit Realm City!" Lin Yunlie frowned and said in confusion, "Spirit Realm...
you're not even considered a human, right?" You Li shook his head and sighed.
Why do humans care so much about their names?
Spirit Realm people are just a collective name!
It doesn't mean that there's a difference between the race or the boundaries.
It's just a name." Lin Yunli felt incredible and said, "You can also speak English!" You Li gave an ordinary smile.
"Of course!
How would you know what kind of soul you'll encounter today!
Understanding the language of all the races in the Six Realms is the basic ability of Spirit Realm people." Lin Yun was surprised and asked, "Six Realms?" You Li nodded and said, "Yes!
The Heaven Realm, the Devil Realm, the Underworld, the Spirit Realm, the Immortal Realm, and the Mortal Realm." Lin Yunli said with admiration, "Wow!
I'm only proficient in the two languages of the human world.
You have to understand the Six Realms!" You Li laughed happily.
This is the basic ability of every Spirit Realm person!" As the two spoke, they had already reached the door of Spirit Realm City.
Lin Yunli slowly raised her head and said in surprise, "What...
what a big door!" There was a small door on the right of the door, which was exactly the height of a person.
You Li raised his right hand and touched the door.
"Sizzle..." After a small sound of electricity came from all around the door, a small crack appeared on the door.
"What an advanced fingerprint identification system!
What am I thinking!
Maybe Xiaolan doesn't have fingerprint!
I'm not in the human world..." Lin Yunhen was still sorting out the new ideas and thoughts in his brain.
You Li slowly pushed the door open and smiled happily...
Welcome to Spirit Realm City."