The Peerless Twin Swords

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Ling Realm City

"So many people!
No, so many ghosts!
no, it's so many...
Many people of the Spirit Realm from various colors, including Xiaolan, Little Huang, and Little Red!" Lin Yunli was walking back and forth in front of a bunch of Spirit Realm people.
Everyone in the Spirit Realm was holding a black notebook similar to You Li's.
When they heard the conversations of many different languages, it made Spirit Realm City seem quite lively.
"Everyone is busy!" Lin Yunli looked around curiously like a child.
Yourry laughed as he gestured.
"Let's go this way." "It's so much different from the Spirit Realm that I've imagined!" Lin Yunli looked like a country bumpkin who had just arrived in a big city for the first time.
She was curiously looking at this city in a new world.
Let's go!
We have to find the senior!" You Li was like a tour guide, introducing Spirit Realm City to Lin Yunxuan while walking.
You Qing explained, "Normal souls will not come here.
Most of them are distributed from the Road to Hell to the King of Hell in Spirit Realm City.
Maybe you will be the first to enter Spirit Realm City as a soul!" As he walked, he arrived at a remote corner of Spirit Realm City.
He saw a full-green Spirit Realm person sweeping the area with a broom.
It was impossible to tell what this person was.
He had a pointed head and no hair, and two small horns were growing on his head.
This Spirit Realm person is quite similar to the little devil in the image," Lin Yunli thought.
Yourry called out excitedly, "Hey!
Senior Stir!" "Ah!
It's You Li!" Szt stopped cleaning and waved his hand to greet You Li.
Yourry laughed happily.
"Senior Stirmer, you've been looking for you for a long time!
So you've come all the way here!" As he looked around, he sized up Lin Yunli and said, "That's right!
The place in the corner is getting dirtier and dirtier!" After looking at it for a moment, he secretly sized it up...
"It's him!
We finally...
waited for him..." After looking at Lin Yunhen, he lowered his head and continued to sweep the ground.
He said seriously, "You're acting so recklessly, running around with a soul.
If his spirit body accidentally scattered, this isn't a mistake that can be offset after entering the eighteen floors of hell!" "Oh!
Senior, you're too amazing.
Just one look and you'll know!" You Li looked at Sanzang with adoration.
"Come on, Xiaolan, you're so careless.
Since we entered Spirit Realm City, I'm the only one who looks like a 'human'.
Other people don't open their mouths and wear a pile of naked clothes or have long horns on their heads.
Otherwise, who wouldn't know that I'm wearing a strange color all over my body?" Lin Yunli said with worry in his heart.
"Where did you bring him out?
Hurry up and bring him back." Szch continued to sweep the floor in displeasure.
You Li laughed in a silly manner.
"It's because of his problem that I want to ask you for a very strange matter." With that, You Li told Stingham everything about Lin Yun's disappearance.
That's weird!
He shouldn't have had his own self-awareness before the judgement!
What's wrong with him?
Is it because his life is not over yet?" With disdainful eyes, St.
Su sized up Lin Yunhen again.
"Wonderful, this is definitely the case.
I have hope of returning to the mortal world.
This Spirit Realm person is much more composed.
I thought that all the Spirit Realm people are as nervous as You Li!
As expected, the people sweeping the floor are usually rather powerful." Lin Yunli was extremely happy to hear that it was possible for them to resurrect.
You Li frowned and said, "That's impossible!
I've already investigated his background.
Moreover, if his life is to come to an end, his spirit body will be crushed by the spirit pressure outside the Spirit Realm for five minutes." Stes took the black notebook from You Li's hand and looked at the information.
Take him to the Hell Temple and show it to Judge Cui!
Maybe he knows the reason." You Li laughed foolishly, "Senior!
I've only been in Spirit Realm City for ninety years and haven't been to many places!
Senior..." Stirst said impatiently, "Sigh!
When I saw you, I knew I was in trouble again.
Let's go, I'll bring you guys, it really is wasting my time.
When the time comes, you'll have to come and help me sweep." You Li scratched her head and giggled.
"Ha..." "If I have the chance to go home, I really want to wake up from this strange dream as soon as possible!" Thinking that everything was almost over, Lin Yunhen finally became more energetic.
Outside the Palace of Hell Stir brought the two of them to the outside of the Hall of Hell.
The hall was about five or six stories tall, and its exterior looked like an ordinary temple.
"It's really weird!
Spirit Realm City is clearly the style of European-style castle, but only the Temple of Hell still keeps the Chinese style temple.
It's really not suitable!
If this is my dream, it will be more reasonable." Lin Yunli was thinking in his heart.
The walls outside the Hall of Hell were as tall as a building.
Outside the walls were two purple-robed guards holding tridents in their hands.
"I wonder if Judge Cui is busy now?" You Li stood outside the Hall of Hell, looking out.
Don't think too much about it here, or Tong Tong will catch you all!" Shout Jia shouted in a stern voice.
It's so fierce." You Li was scared by the loud scolding and quickly retreated to the side of Szt.
Stirst said seriously, "The preliminary trials of the soul entering Spirit Realm are carried out here.
If it wasn't for the related personnel breaking in, they would either be arrested or executed on the spot." You Li was still in shock as she said, "Oh!
that Yun Li is a soul that has just arrived in the spirit realm.
He can go in now!" Stirt nodded.
"Yes, but...
one can only enter from the Road of Death.
Spirit Realm City isn't allowed in.
Otherwise, it'll still be treated as a forceful attempt!" "Road to Hell...
If you want me to go to that weird tunnel...
Forget it!
We can wait here for him to come out." Lin Yunli still had a lingering fear when she recalled the feeling of losing herself on the way to hell just now.
If she lost herself again, she didn't know whether she could return to her memory or not.
Stir raised his brows, saying with confidence, "Hey!
I didn't do anything in Spirit Realm City for the past thousand years!
I know a secret passage, follow me." You Li nodded with a smile.
As expected, you're the one looking for Senior." He led the two of them to an alley next to the Temple of Hell, and they walked to a corner.
There was a small circular formation under the corner.
If they didn't pay attention, they wouldn't be able to tell!
Stirst stood in the corner of the wall, his hands touching the wall, and his mouth seemed to be speaking some unknown language.
After a short while, the circular formation under the corner emitted a faint blue light.
"Ji ji..." At this moment, the circular formation suddenly became large, as if it was translucent as it floated in the air.
"Don't talk nonsense when you see Judge Cui later!
Let's go!" Szt turned around and looked at the two of them with a strange smile.
The size of the circular formation was just enough for one person to pass through.
Szt turned around and entered the circular formation and disappeared.
"It's the teleportation point.
As expected of Senior Stir.
Trace of the Clouds, hurry up and leave!" Then, You Li entered the circular formation.
As expected, the people who are sweeping the floor are all masters who are hidden." Lin Yun was a little worried that he had not passed through the transfer point, so he first touched the circular formation floating in the air with one hand.
The moment they touched each other, Lin Yunli's hand penetrated the circular formation and disappeared in the air.
He felt that the missing hand was cool and there was no uncomfortable feeling.
Lin Yunli took a deep breath and closed her eyes to walk into the circular formation.
A chill passed from the front to the back.
After three seconds, Lin Yuntu slowly opened his eyes and found himself in a study room.
He looked around and found that he had not seen the scenery and the round array in the alley.
"It's amazing.
If you can, please connect it with my family's company with the circle formation.
It's too convenient." Lin Yunhen was thinking about it.
You Li laughed, "Why is Yun Li so slow?
Senior Shuangshuang went to find Judge Cui.
Let's wait here!" This room had a study room about 20 square meters large.
There were two tea tables in front of the desk, and the walls were full of books.
"Which country are these words from?
I don't understand them!" Lin Yunli looked curiously at the books on the bookcase.
At this moment, two people's voices were getting closer and closer.
Is it the legendary judge?" Lin Yunhen's thoughts flashed through his mind.
"I can't believe I'm lucky enough to meet the legendary Justice!
He must have a fierce and fierce face.
His voice is low and rough, and his right hand is holding the Judge Pen and his left hand is holding the Life and Death Book.
When I see him later, I must have some rules.
If I leave him a good image, he may help me live for a few more years!" Lin Yunli was concentrating in his heart.
The temporary escape formation that I set up for you is meant to run away when necessary.
It's not meant to break into your home and make tea for you.
My study seems to be the back garden of your home.
You'll come in as soon as you say you're coming in.
It's not like you don't know that it's the peak season.
I'm busy right now.
Don't worry..." At this moment, the door opened and a gentle voice sounded from outside.
This person was wearing a red robe of about 40 or 50 years old.
He looked like a scholar with a beard on his face.
He was about 170 centimeters tall.
His right hand was holding a pen, and his left hand was holding a 15,inch black notebook as thin as a piece of paper.
He was pointing at a broken voice.
At this time, Lin Yunxuan and Judge Cui suddenly looked at each other.
The Spirit Realm is indeed very advanced.
How can each person have a tablet computer!
But why is it a little different from what I thought of the judge..." Lin Yunli was thinking in her heart.
Judge Cui raised his eyebrows and looked at Lin Yunli and said, "Otherwise, what do you think of the Judge?
Is he a man with thick eyebrows, big eyes, thick voice, and thick waist?
My job is to judge souls, not to fight.
I can't be more gentle!" "Is this the legendary mind-reading skill?" Lin Yunli was shocked, and then calmed down.
She thought that it was not a trifling matter.
Judge Cui said with a relaxed face, "Otherwise, how can you know which soul is lying!
Don't be nervous, every soul will have this expression when they know it.
I am used to seeing it." Judge Cui asked, "What's wrong?
Is this soul bribing you to ask for something from me?" "Will I be this type of person?
There is something strange that I have to ask you about!" Szt roughly stated what happened.
Judge Cui looked at Lin Yunli and said, "Well!
Why do you emit a little Spiritual Qi?
You must have controlled a large part of the Spiritual Qi outside the city, so you can stay outside the city for so long.
Well, put your left hand on the wall." Judge Cui handed the tablet computer on his hand to Lin Yunli.
Judge Cui took his look at the tablet and said, "It's strange!
The person is dead, but the body is still alive.
If the soul is here, what is the energy in the body?" Judge Cui touched his beard and thought for a moment.
He grabbed his left hand into the tablet and then stretched out his hand to throw it in the air.
A projection immediately appeared in the air, just like the PPT made by a projector.
The image was overlooking from above.
Lying on the hospital bed was a patient with a pale face and a respirator.
Her entire upper body was wrapped in large amounts of bandages.
There were five or six people outside the ward, as if they were talking to each other.
this person..." Lin Yuntu looked at the image in the air with a puzzled face.
"Isn't this Lin Yuntu?
Yun Wuhen is yours!
Heh..." You Li said happily as if he was telling a riddle.
"Oh my god!
It's me...
I..." Lin Yunli looked at Ding Hao with his eyes wide open in disbelief.
Judge Cui explained, "Believe it!
That's your body in the human world.
According to common sense, once a spirit is completely separated from your body, your body will die.
It's like a car in the human world.
Without gasoline, the car will not move.
gasoline is a spirit, and the car is like a body.
The two are inseparable." Judge Cui frowned and continued to say, "Your situation is very strange.
The oil of the car has been pulled out, but the car is still moving.
Although the reaction is not big and it seems that there is energy between your body and your spirit body, it...
It also can't explain why you have self-consciousness and can survive outside Spirit Realm." Lin Yun stammered and asked, "So...
I am dead, still alive." "He's dead!" The Judge Cui answered without thinking.
If I do this...
if I do this...
I will die!" Lin Yunli said incredulously.
Judge Cui did not do anything and said, "Otherwise?
Do you think you can survive if you are hit by such a fast speed?
Forget it!
It's better to die early than live!" At this time, in the hospital.
"There are some bruises on the left side of the body, and his right arm and right foot have comminuted fractures.
There are some tiny internal bleeding in his body.
Although he is protected by a hard body, there is still a brain shock of Y under the impact of such a fast speed.
What's more, there is a small piece of blood in his head that will be compressed to the brain nerve.
He needs to take it out." The doctor described the current situation of Lin Yun's whereabouts.
"Oh, my Yun Li, how could this be?" Lin Yunli's mother sat on the chair outside the ward, crying.
Yun Li's brother, Lin Yunkai, was comforting his mother beside him.
Lin Yunkai was eight years younger than Lin Yunli.
He was a very strange person.
Seeing his brother in such a serious accident, he still had a reason to deal with the following matters.
"Moyang judges that he had some protection at the moment of impact, so he can survive.
This is a great blessing in misfortune.
Although he is seriously injured, his heart is still beating steadily.
And his brain waves seem not to be injured.
It's amazing.
I don't know what kind of power is used to maintain his life.
The most terrible thing for the sick is to give up himself.
For someone like him who still has such a strong trace of life, I think his probability of recovery is very high." The doctor explained the situation to Lin Yunhen like everyone else.
"When will he wake up?" asked Zhang Songyu, the manager of Lin Yunhen.
I'm not sure at the moment.
It depends on whether his condition has improved in the past three days.
If he can get out of the ICU in three days, I think the chances of waking up will increase." The doctor frowned and said.
Zhang Songyu comforted her and said, "Don't worry, Aunt.
Yun Tuan is usually a good child.
He will be fine." Zhang Songyu was 32 years old.
He had been taking good care of Lin Yun territories in the store.
He was a good supervisor, a teacher and a friend of Lin Yuntu.
Please don't be sad, Aunt." Lin Yinxuan held back her tears and said.
Yu Xiaolian was not in a good mood and could only silently pray for Lin Yun's whereabouts.
Lin Yunkai nodded gratefully and said, "Thank you for your concern.
The driver of the concrete car and the staff of their company are here.
I'll talk to them first." "I'll go and have a look too.
Yin Xuan and Xiaolian will stay and take care of Aunt." After giving his orders, Zhang Songyu followed Lin Yunkai and left.
"Thank you." Lin Yunkai nodded his head and thanked them before talking to the driver of the accident.
In the study room of Judge Cui of the Yama Hall Lin Yunxuan asked anxiously, "Justice Cui...
do not have any chance to remedy it!" Judge Cui touched his goatee and said, "A remedy?
You thought it was an exam!
How could you have any opportunity to remedy it?
You think too much!
There is only one chance in your life.
If you have used it, please hurry up next time!" Lin Yunhen pointed at the picture in the air and said, "But my body is still alive, isn't it?
Doesn't this mean that as long as I return to my body, I can come back to life, right?" Judge Cui raised his eyebrows and said, "That's right, but the Book of Life and Death shows that your life is coming to an end.
If I let you come back to the human world, you'll be in a mess.
As the saying goes, the Yama wants you to die at midnight, but who dares to keep you at 9,am?" "I'm so angry.
My body is still in the hospital for first aid.
As long as I can go back, I can be resurrected!
People say that money can make gods think.
It's a pity that there is nothing on my body except for a rusty iron pillar." Lin Yunli thought.
Judge Cui looked at Lin Yunli and said, "Ha, ha, ha...
stupid boy, don't forget that I know what you are thinking!" "Yes!
I forgot that he knows mind-reading skills." Lin Yunhen restrained his mind.
"I say Cui Fang!
You haven't answered me yet.
Why does this guy have spiritual power attached to him?" It seemed that he was very familiar with Judge Cui, who directly called his name.
Cui Fang touched his goatee and looked at Lin Yunli, saying, "This question is difficult for me.
It is impossible for a human to have spiritual power!
If so..." "Wow!
If so much dust descends, you have to clean it up again, Senior Sorcer," You Li said with a smile as he looked out of the window at the conversation that interrupted them.
Judge Cui's study was on the fifth floor of the King of Hell Palace.
Through the window, one could see a large hole in a high tower in the distance.
A large amount of gray smoke was emitted from the hole.
At this time, a loud noise was heard from the tower, and then two black beams of light shot out from the hole.
Cui Bo was shocked and said, "Ah!
What happened to the central tower!" There was originally a five-color light rushing into the clouds at the top of the tower, but after a loud noise, the five-color light disappeared.
Cui Bo anxiously shouted, "Scram!
Hurry up and set up the formation and bring me there!
Quick!" From the expression on Szt's face, he could tell that things weren't going well.
Without hesitation, Szt squatted down and rubbed his hands on the ground, muttering to himself.
Five seconds later, a round formation with a diameter of 200 centimeters appeared on the ground.
The pattern in the formation was different from the one in the alley just now.
When the round formation appeared, Cui's side immediately entered the formation.
In less than three seconds, the two of them gradually disappeared, leaving Lin Yunyun and You Li behind.
Lin Yunlie opened her eyes wide as she looked at the diagram formation.
"It's really convenient!
If there's a chance, I'd like to ask Senior Stir to teach me a lesson." Then Lin Yunxuan looked at You Li and asked, "You Li, do you know what happened?" You Li replied with a puzzled expression, "I don't know.
I only know that someone took the five elements of the central tower away, and that's why the connection between the spirit and human realms disappeared." Lin Yunxuan scratched his head and asked, "The connection between the spirit realm and the human realm?" You Li explained, "That's right!
The five rays of light emitted from the top of the central tower are connected to the spirit realm and the human realm.
All of the souls will return to the spirit realm through the guidance of the light." "Oh!
So that's how it is.
No wonder people who've been on the brink of death would see a ray of light and walk along the ray of light to the Spirit Realm." Lin Yunhen looked at the circular formation that he had just cast on the ground that was about to disappear.
He also wanted to see how the central tower looked.
You can't go there.
The Central Tower is a forbidden area in Spirit Realm City.
Without the permission of the Spirit Realm King, you can't enter it," You Li stopped Lin Yunli from walking toward the circular array.
Lin Yunlie frowned and asked, "Spirit Realm King?" You Li explained, "Spirit Realm King is the ruler of spirit realm.
In other places, people call him Emperor Fengdu or Emperor Dong Yue, and so on...
he has many names.
In spirit realm, we call him the king of spirit realm." "My problem has not been solved yet!
I don't know when they will come back.
If all the souls can be guided from the central tower to the spirit realm, there should be a way to go to the human world!
I can secretly go back to the human world!
I am so smart." Lin Yunli suddenly smiled when he thought of this.
Lin Yunxuan planned to call out to You Li and said, "Yun Li, think about it.
Judge Stir and Judge Cui had already run over without the King of Spirit Realm's permission.
It shouldn't matter if we go and take a look, right?
The worst case scenario isn't right.
We'll just come back!
Furthermore, you haven't seen the interior of the central tower, right?
Do you want to take advantage of this opportunity to go and take a look?" You Li thought for a moment, then smiled.
"That's right!
The Spirit Realm King should not know that he ran back after stealing a glance." "Let's go!
The array is about to disappear." Lin Yunli stood beside the round array and took a deep breath before stepping into it.
After entering the circular array, he felt that it was exactly the same as the previous situation.
There was a chill all over his body, and then the scenery inside the study began to blur and slowly change, like a oil painting soaked in water.
The things in front of him gradually melted, and a new scene ran out from the melted oil painting and replaced it.
Inside the central tower.
"Inspector, do you know what you are doing?" This person's face was golden, and the left side of his face was black.
He was kneeling on the ground, panting, and his clothes were severely damaged, as if he had been severely injured.
"What's the situation now?
Will the good win or the bad win?" Lin Yun and You Li hid beside an extremely large pillar, with their eyes fixed on each other.
The inspector laughed proudly, "Hahaha...of course I know!
Only the five elements can help my clan see the light of day!" His left hand held a basketball-sized pearl, which was constantly emitting five colors,gold, green, blue, red, and yellow.
His right hand seemed to be holding a black aura.
Cui Fang pointed at the Department of Internal Affairs and said unhappily, "You aren't from the Department of Internal Affairs at all.
Who the hell are you?" The Department of Internal Affairs laughed loudly, "Hahaha...
didn't you say you can read what's on people's mind?
Then read it!" A young man next to him said, "Do you think you can safely leave Spirit Realm City?" This person was roughly thirty or so years old, and he was wearing the clothes of an ancient priest.
He was also breathing heavily, as if he was in a very difficult situation.
The inspector said to the young man, "Hmph!
Although my sealing skill can only temporarily seal you for a few minutes, but...
no one in Spirit Realm City is my opponent in these few minutes.
Even your Imperial Guards, Wan Yao, were driven away by me..." The Department for Internal Affairs turned around and said to the man with a black face and gold face, "Furthermore, our Yin Yang Department has already fallen into my trap.
It's already very impressive that you can still stand.
who else can stop me?" "If Judge Cui and the black gold face are from the country, then it means that now, they are the good side losing the followers!" Lin Yunhen looked at them from the side.
At this time, Szt ran to the back of the Yin Yang Department's head and said, "Lord Yin Yang Department, don't talk, I'll stop your wounds." After saying this, Szt placed his palms behind the Yin Yang Department's back and started to train.
The Department of Internal Affairs laughed, "Yeah!
Lord Yin-Yang Department, don't talk, we don't need to move your True Qi!
Ha..." The Yin-Yang Department closed their eyes and concentrated on channeling their qi.
The Department for Internal Affairs said smugly, "Mr.
Cui, have you read it out?
If you don't read it out, I'll leave." Cui Fang frowned and didn't dare to move.
The Five Elements in the Imperial Department's hands suddenly flashed.
At this moment, a high frequency voice entered Lin Yunlie's ears.
"Ear!" "Ear" was similar to "Ear".
"What's this strange sound?" Lin Yunli found that the iron pillar in her hand emitted a cyan light.
The sound seemed to be from the iron pillar.
Gradually, the high-frequency sound became louder and louder, "What's the matter!
Can I turn off the switch if there's any?
It's so noisy!" Lin Yunli was in a hurry to touch the iron pillar and look for the switch, afraid that it would be discovered if it was too loud.
You Li looked at Lin Yun's flustered expression and said to him, "Stand in a corner, or you'll be discovered." "Uh!
I can't hear You Li's high-frequency voice." Lin Yunli only saw You Li's mouth moving, but she couldn't hear what he was saying.
The high-frequency voice was getting louder and louder.
You Li looked at Lin Yunli and didn't answer, so she told him once again.
"Oh my god!
What is he talking about?" Lin Yunli touched the iron pillar in a panic and continued to look for the way to turn off the voice.
Lin Yunli suddenly shouted loudly, "What are you talking about?
Or speak louder, or I can't hear you!" You Li suddenly widened her eyes at Lin Yun's disappearance in shock.
Lin Yunli then shouted, "Why didn't you say anything again?
You're talking again!
It's so noisy here!" Because Lin Yunli's ears were full of high-frequency voices, and she could not hear her voice, she unconsciously spoke louder and louder.
When Lin Yunli noticed that everyone was staring at him, he knew why You Li looked so shocked.
"Oh, no!
Did I speak too loud?" Lin Yunli said unconsciously in a loud voice again, "Did I speak too loud?" "Yin" If there was a hole, You Li really wanted to get into it.
You Li looked at Lin Yun's trace with a stiff face and reluctantly nodded.
The Department of Internal Affairs walked out from the side of the pillar and said with a proud face, "When did two more idiots appear here?
Are they also your helpers?" "Oh...
Come on!
Let me put you in, one by one..." "The Eighteen Levels of Hell!"