The Peerless Twin Swords

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The Essence of the Five Spirits

Just when everyone's eyes were on Lin Yun and You Li, the iron pillar in Lin Yun's hand began to shake involuntarily.
It was also because of the shaking that the rusty spots on the pillar gradually peeled off layer by layer.
As for the back of the rusty spots, it seemed...
to reveal a faint green light.
The inspector said unpleasantly, "Where did you come from, little devil?
When did you come to the central tower?" Seeing that the two strangers in front of him were not part of his plan, the Imperial Department of Internal Affairs cautiously said, "Humph!
Then listen to my 'Soul Departure Song' and let me mess with your mind!" The Department of Internal Affairs lowered its head and made a hand seal with one hand.
It was chanting the Netherworld language, "The demon's garjit Musheng...
the garjit Musheng's garjituan garjit...
the garjit garjit's garjituan garjit...
the garjit Musheng's garjituan garjitrical garjit..." At this time, a dark wind formed around the Department of Internal Affairs and swirled around.
The sound of the wind was like the sound of crying, filled with shrill, cold, and miserable wailing.
In the blink of an eye, the wind was split into three white winds.
With the rhythm of the inspection department's singing, these three evil winds seemed to be alive and floated to Lin Yun's side.
From time to time, people could also see the faces of the contorted ghost-like faces.
"Wuuuuuuuuu." Under such a weird atmosphere, coupled with the moans and sobs of the Department of Internal Affairs, everyone present felt their blood run cold.
Cui Yuan panicked and shouted, "Lin Yunlun, don't listen to him.
Just guard your mind!" Cui Bi was weaker in kung fu than the Department of Internal Affairs, so he could only shout at the side.
While he was healing the Yin and Yang Department, both of them could not be distracted.
The young man stood still on the side, so the four of them could only watch the Department of Internal Affairs kill Lin Yun.
Oh my god!
What are they talking about?
Look at their mouths.
They seem to be talking all the time, but don't know what they are talking about.
Maybe they are talking about something related to my return to the human world!
Damn it!
It's so noisy!
I shouldn't have picked up something and picked up a strange iron stick." Lin Yunyun was nervously thinking in her heart.
"Ear..." "Er...
What are you talking about?
I'm not very loud.
Did you hear a very loud voice?" Lin Yun cried out loudly to the crowd, because his attention was focused on the iron stick in his hand, so he did not see or hear the magic spell cast by the Department of Internal Affairs.
"Damn it!
What's going on!" At this moment, the shake of the iron rod in his hand became more and more intense, and the green light it emitted became brighter and brighter.
It became more and more obvious.
As long as Lin Yunhen tried to control it with brute force, the iron rod would be more and more uncontrollable.
"Is there anyone who can help me?
It's so noisy!" Lin Yunli shouted loudly at the crowd.
Lin Yun's reaction was beyond the inspection department's expectations.
After he stopped chanting, the terrifying ghost also disappeared.
The Department of Internal Affairs looked at Lin Yunhen in confusion.
"You stinking brat, where are you from?
How dare you not react to my Soul Departure and Youge?" Lin Yun's astonishing attitude made everyone present feel incredulous, but no one knew that Lin Yun was safe and sound because he couldn't hear the chanting of the Department of Internal Affairs.
The Department of Internal Affairs didn't want to drag things out any longer.
It immediately raised its right hand towards Lin Yun and at the same time, it raised the black aura of its body.
"No matter who you are, you shouldn't have appeared at this time!
Stinking brat..." "Go and disappear!" As soon as the words were finished, a black light column immediately spurted out from his right hand and hit Lin Yunli.
At the same time, the iron stick in Lin Yunli's hand burst out a strong blue light that made people unable to open their eyes, just in time to clash with the black light column shot out by the Department of Internal Affairs.
"Ah ah ah ah...
I can't hold it anymore, ah ah ah ah..." Lin Yunli did not care so much and just held the iron stick tightly.
She was afraid that the iron stick would shake and "bang bang bang bang" in the hand.
After a burst of explosiveness, the Department for Internal Affairs blew the central tower out of another big hole.
As the stones at the top of the tower continued to fall, the tower seemed to be on the verge of collapse.
The Department for Internal Affairs closed his eyes, the corners of his mouth lifted into a smile and said, "Hmph!
Let's scatter our souls!" The Department of Internal Affairs looked at the crowd and smiled smugly, "Everyone!
I'm in a hurry, so I'll take my leave first..." As he said this, he noticed that there seemed to be a strange shadow moving in the dust in front of him, causing the Department of Internal Affairs to temporarily stop their words and watch curiously.
Just as he was still puzzled, a green light shot out from the dust.
In an instant, the green light had pierced through the right shoulder of the Department of Internal Affairs, causing blood to splash.
Just as the Department of Internal Affairs was still thinking about what to do, a second beam of light flew in front of their eyes.
"Chi!" The Department of Internal Affairs quickly raised the elemental essences of the Five Elements in their hands to block the green light.
After the green light hit the element of the five elements, it seemed to hit hard objects and made a rustling sound.
Then it bounced back to Cui's bank and passed by Cui's ears.
it's a sword!" Lin Yunli struggled to stand in the dust, holding a sword that gave off a cool cyan light in her hands.
The body of this green sword was very flat, and the edge of the sword was extremely sharp.
Although it did not have a lot of the sword edge, it was replaced by a cyan and thin oval bead.
From the tip of the sword to the edge, the sword body to the sword hilt, there was no gorgeous decoration, there was no fine lines, and there was no domineering Sword Qi.
But as long as you looked at it directly, you would inevitably be cut by the sharp sword intent, and a feeling of coldness arose in your heart.
"What a sharp sword!
Just looking at it, I feel like there's a cut on my body..." Lin Yunli looked at the green sword in his hand and involuntarily immersed himself in the world of the sword.
The whole sword's structure was very simple, but it had a charm that made people look at it again.
At this time, Lin Yunli could no longer see what was beside him.
There was only the sword and him.
Just as Lin Yun was concentrating on the green sword in his hand, there was a stream of hot air slowly flowing into his hands on the handle of the sword, which made him feel warm.
He had originally thought that he would need to support himself with something else before he could stand firm.
Now that his strength was gradually restored, his entire person seemed to have become more agile and energetic.
He felt as though he was about to float up into the air as though he was ignoring gravity.
"The power of...
the sword has run into my body, no...
It's the sword that has run into my body!" Lin Yunli suddenly realized in shock.
The sword in his hand turned into a small green spot of light, and the shape of the sword slowly became translucent.
The threads on the sword hilt began to rush into his hands.
His strength was gradually out of control, and the muscles in various parts of his body became tight and swollen with pain.
At the moment!
Lin Yunli found that the strength of her hands could crush everything in the world.
She could jump over the North herewith Building with her feet.
She could see a small dust in the air, and she could hear someone talking in the distance.
Time seemed to be running slower and slower, as if a minute had passed, and her mind became more and more sensitive.
Sizzle..." A small green dot of light continuously gathered on both of his hands.
At this moment, the sword shape had already completely disappeared, leaving behind only the afterimage of the sword.
However, what his hands held was no longer the sword hilt, but a green crystal ball.
"It took only six seconds for the sword's power to flow into your body." "Er...
It's so hard to control!" Lin Yunli felt like riding a runaway horse, completely out of his control.
"That's not right!
This brat has actually become one with the sword!" Even though the Department of Internal Affairs was heavily injured, it didn't seem right.
His left hand immediately lifted up the five spirit elements as he chanted a few words.
The five spirit element that had been put down didn't fall to the ground.
Instead, it floated in the air like a five-colored bubble.
At the same time the Department for Internal Affairs was chanting, many black dots began to appear on his back, and the black dots gradually began to gather into three massive arrows.
Just as the three huge black arrows of about 150 centimeters in length took shape, the Department for Internal Affairs said calmly, "Let the raindrops fly in the air.
Go..." "Dark Arrow!" At the end of his words, three huge black arrows quickly shot toward Lin Yun, "Bang!" "I can't control it...
ahhhh..." Lin Yunli could no longer absorb the power of the sword.
He raised both his hands forward and a huge thunder instantly rang out.
The cyan crystal turned into arcs of lightning and swept up to the Department of Internal Affairs.
Furthermore, the three huge black arrows that were shooting at him turned into nothing.
The Department for Internal Affairs knew that something was amiss.
They immediately used the five spirit elements floating beside them as shields to block the green lightning that was sweeping towards them.
Booms sounded again and the ground was broken.
The whole central tower turned over like a Buddhist bull rolling and the sky collapsed.
It was like a storm of dust and white sand filling the sky.
Lin Yun, who controlled all the strength from his body, seemed to have just run a distance of 10,000 feet.
His legs went soft, and he leaned forward and fell to the ground.
Although the Department of Internal Affairs managed to block half of the power of the green lightning, it still couldn't stop the other half from leaving scars on his body.
The superior and arrogant inspector's right hand was already broken.
Not only was his blood stained his clothes, but most of his clothes were burned down by lightning, which made his body burn black and burn, making him look like a drowned mouse.
The high and mighty flames from just a moment ago were actually extinguished by a nobody.
Not only was the attack ineffective against him, but it was also injured by him.
This caused the entire Department of Internal Affairs to be very astonished.
"This kid looks silly right now.
Wait, if his strength is completely awakened and the seal on the spirit realm king is lifted, then this...
this is too much." The Department of Internal Affairs was brimming with the intention to retreat.
Once again, a black aura enveloped his entire body.
He straightened his back and instantly grew black wings.
Lin Yunli suddenly realized that there was a black aura in front of him.
Raising his head, he saw that the Department of Internal Affairs had already soared into the air.
"Brat, what's your name?" Although the Department of Internal Affairs was seriously injured, it still looked at Lin Yunhen and asked him with an indifferent expression.
"Lin Yunli," Lin Yunli answered without thinking.
Spirit Realm King, thank you for your great gift!" The Department of Internal Affairs flapped its black wings and quickly flew into the sky.
In less than two seconds, it had disappeared into the horizon.
At this time, the young man kicked hard with his right foot, and the faint gray smell on his body fell off and disappeared.
With this stamp, a big pit was also formed on the ground.
"Spirit Realm King, are you alright?" Cui Yuan asked the young man, trembling with fear.
He's a Spirit Realm King?
He's already a Spirit Realm King at such a young age!
Is that true?" Lin Yunhen looked on.
This young man in front of him was the ruler of the Spirit Realm.
Cough!" Cui Fang knew what Lin Yunli was thinking.
He glared at Lin Yunli and asked him to check.
Lin Yunli's attention was distracted.
From his right hand, a lot of green light spots quickly ran out and gathered in his palm, and the green sword shape slowly appeared.
In a blink of an eye, the sword just now had returned to his hand.
"The sword...
ran out?" Lin Yunli looked at the green sword in his hand strangely.
The Spirit Realm King turned around and asked Zheszt, "Mm!
I'm fine...
How's the Yin Yang Department's injuries?" "Reporting to Spirit Realm King, although the Yin Yang Department's injuries have recovered, it will still take a long time to heal due to them being too badly injured," said Zassler with his hands cupped.
"Reporting to Spirit Realm King, my injuries are already fine.
Please give the order, Spirit Realm King.
I will immediately bring back the escaped Department of Internal Affairs." As the Yin Yang Department replied, they could sense that his breathing was not smooth.
The King of Spirit waved his hand and said, "No!
You should cure your injury first!
I'll call Meiqing to immediately chase after the Department of Internal Affairs." "But..." The Yin and Yang Department didn't want to give up.
The Spirit Realm King said seriously, "The Yin Yang Department, you're the highest ranking manager of the twenty-four departments of my Spirit Realm.
While I'm supporting the central tower, you must temporarily take my place and handle all the matters in Spirit Realm City.
So I want you to take care of your injuries first." "Ah!
This..." The Yin Yang Department, Cui Fang, and Stir simultaneously said at the same time.
The Spirit Realm King sighed, "The Department of Internal Affairs has taken the Five Elements away, which will disrupt the bridge between the various realms and the Spirit Realm.
I will use my own spirit energy to replace this bridge until I regain the Five Elements.
Currently, only my spirit energy is strong enough to temporarily support the entire Spirit Realm." The King of Spirit Realm looked at Lin Yuntu and said, "Your name is Lin Yuntu!
Where did you find the Thunder God Sword?" When the Spirit Realm King looked at Lin Yun's whereabouts, an invisible pressure immediately came.
His blue dual-colored soul seemed to be able to absorb your soul and make it so that you would not hold back in front of him.
"It turns out that the name of that sword is Thunder God Sword!" Lin Yun was excited, but he immediately calmed down and replied, "Er...
I found it outside the Spirit Realm.
I thought it was a broken iron pillar!" The Yin and Yang Department sternly said, "Speak to the Spirit Realm King, don't be rude." Lin Yun stammered and asked, "Unrespectful?
I just...
what did I say...
any disrespectful words?" Szt hurriedly ran to Lin Yunlie's side and said, "Idiot!
To speak with the Spirit Realm King and even honorifics!
How can you be so impudent?" Szt lowered his head and cupped his hands.
"Spirit Realm King, he's a soul that just entered Spirit Realm, so he doesn't understand the etiquette of Spirit Realm City.
Spirit Realm King, please..." "Hahaha...
With such a thing happening, the Thunder God Sword, which had disappeared for thousands of years, was actually used as a walking stick by a mortal's soul.
This also explains why his spirit body was not broken apart by the spirit pressure outside the city.
So it was the Thunder God Sword that protected your spirit body." Spirit Realm King interrupted Zassler's explanation.
I didn't even tell him!" Lin Yunlu said with his heart beating fast.
The Spirit Realm King looked at Lin Yunli and nodded, "Yes!
It seems that Thunder God Sword chose you!" Cui Bo suddenly understood and said, "No wonder his body is still alive.
Through his spiritual body, the Thunder God Sword inadvertently passed the Spiritual Qi to his body in the human world, and it kept his life!" The Yin and Yang Department cupped their hands and said, "Reporting to the Spirit Realm King, let me take the position of the Five Elements!
Spirit Realm City still needs your control!" The Spirit Realm King shook its head and said, "You'll take the responsibility?
Even if you burn all your Original Spirit, you can only hold on for two months at most!" Szt lowered his head and cupped his hands.
"Reporting to Spirit Realm King, I think there's something that can replace the five elements." The Spirit Realm King touched his chin and said, "Well...
you're talking about the Purple Frost Sword, aren't you?" Stirt nodded and replied, "Yes, the Purple Frost Sword also has the power of the Five Elements.
It can definitely replace the Five Elements." Cui Bo frowned and shook his head.
we haven't heard any news about the Purple Frost Sword.
Where can we start?" The Spirit Realm King thought for a moment and said, "I can roughly guess the time when the Purple Frost Sword appeared.
As long as we speculate based on the time when it appeared, we should be able to find the current location of the Purple Frost Sword." The Spirit Realm King continued to explain, "When I investigated the historical data of the past, I discovered that the information about the past one thousand and five hundred years ago was completely covered up.
Not even I was able to pry into it.
Coincidentally, the spirit element's flexibility was the strongest in that period of time, so I deduced that the Purple Frost Sword should have appeared in the mortal realm at that time." "All the information has been covered up?
Maybe your database was invaded by the customers." At this time, Lin Yunli was distracted and thinking about something unimportant.
The Yin and Yang Department said helplessly, "It's a pity that he's not in the Immortal Realm.
Otherwise, it would be easier to find him." The Spirit Realm King smiled and said in a disapproving tone, "I've also thought about it, but if I were Zhong Lei, I wouldn't have sent the swords into the Six Realms.
Firstly, I wouldn't have chosen the Devil Realm or the Underworld.
Secondly, when the descendants of the Netherworld had arrived, hiding the swords in the Heaven Realm would have been stolen..." The Spirit Realm King continued to deduce, "If people from the Celestial World get the Purple Frost Sword to cultivate, they will also use its power.
Therefore, at this time, the ignorant human has become a good place to hide the Divine Tool.
That's why I speculated that the Purple Frost Sword..." "He must be in the human world." The Spirit Realm King said to Lin Yunhen, "Lin Yuncha, do you know how grave the matter is?" "Ah!
I heard You Li say that without the Five Elements, all the souls that should return to the Spirit Realm will lose their way.
They should...
be like that!" Lin Yunli said as she scratched her head.
The Spirit Realm King explained, "Mn!
When the time comes, those spirits will have nothing to return to and the various worlds will be filled with wandering spirits.
When these spirit bodies accumulate more and more, they will not dissipate.
At the beginning, it will become an abnormal energy.
This energy will not only affect the various worlds' organisms, but it will also affect the heavens.
All realms will be met with all sorts of natural disasters, such as the eruption of mountain torrents, the turn of the bull, the abnormal climate, and so on." Lin Yun asked curiously, "Isn't it just a soul that hasn't been reincarnated?
Is it that serious?" The King of Spirit Realm explained again, "Of course!
To put it in the way you human beings are faithful, soul-алаing is a kind of energy.
When hundreds of millions of billions of energy gather together, a magnetic field will be produced.
For things like magnetic fields, sometimes it will affect people's brain waves, and sometimes it will affect the whole nature..." The spirit realm king provided an example, "Think about it...
The rain that will continue for ten minutes might not be scary.
If it pours for ten months in a row, and there's no place for the rain to go away, what do you think will happen?" Lin Yuntu felt that it was unreasonable and said, "Is the God Realm and the Devil Realm all right?" Cui Bo shook his head and said, "Deity and Devil's realm have never been within the scope of the spirit realm, so the influence on them is relatively small." Lin Yunxuan raised his eyebrows and said, "It still feels a little illogical!" The Yin Yang Department said disdainfully, "Hum!
As an ignorant human, you are like a frog at the bottom of a well.
How can you use your knowledge in a well to deduce the trend of this world?" "Alas!
This black gold-faced man has a prejudice against me!" Lin Yunli frowned and continued to take care of him in her mind.
The Spirit Realm King said to everyone, "Right now, we have three plans.
First, based on the chants of the magic of the Department of Internal Affairs, he must be a descendant of the underworld.
That's why I sent demons and monsters to chase after the Department of Internal Affairs and wait for an opportunity to snatch back the elemental essences of the Five Spirits." The Spirit Realm King continued, "Second, I will order the ten great Yin masters to search for the whereabouts of the Netherworld's descendants.
If we can find them, we might be able to catch them at the Department of Internal Affairs.
In the end...we will follow Lin Yun's traces until the last moment the Purple Frost Sword appears.
We will find it and bring it back.
We will use the Purple Frost Sword to replace the Five Elements." Lin Yunlie said in surprise, "Ah!
My tinnitus doesn't seem to recover yet.
Did I hear it correctly?
Did you just say my name?" The Yin and Yang Department shouted, "Bastard!
How dare you be disrespectful to the Spirit Realm King!" The King of Spirit Realm laughed nonchalantly, "Ha!
Let's just give the Thunder God Sword successor the privilege!
Yes, the Thunder God Sword and the Purple Frost Sword were originally one.
They were forced to divide into two swords because of certain relationships.
the Thunder God Sword has already chosen you.
You can become one with him.
If you were to sense the whereabouts of the Purple Frost Sword, I think it would be very easy.
It would be like you have unknowingly become one with the Thunder God Sword." Lin Yun looked awkward and said, "Wait...
It seems to be two-yard thing!
Such an important thing, shouldn't we send a more powerful person to carry it out?
I think there should be a bunch of masters in the Heaven Realm who have nothing to do and are happy to carry out this difficult task!" The Spirit Realm King suddenly said with a gloomy face, "This matter can't be known by the Heaven Realm.
I was the one who sent the Department of Internal Affairs to Spirit Realm City.
If the Heaven Realm blames me, I can't get away with this matter.
So I have to solve it privately and hide the past records.
Besides me, the people in the Heaven Realm must have a close relationship with it, so...
if anyone present reveals what happened today..." Lin Yunlie said incredulously, "But...
How could no one know about such a big event!" The Spirit Realm King explained patiently, "If I were to replace the position of the Five Elements, my spirit energy would be able to support me for a year.
No one would know about this matter for the time being.
Including the Heaven Realm, if I still can't find the Five Elements or the Purple Frost Sword after a year, then the six realms will definitely undergo a change, especially the weak human realm.
Do you think that the living beings in the human realm can survive the natural disaster and earth change?" "One year later...
this..." Lin Yunli felt a little uneasy.
The Spirit Realm King laughed, "Even if I let you return to the mortal world now and the human world is destroyed in a year, you still have to return to the spirit realm.
If you can find the Purple Frost Sword in time, you can save all the living things in the human world.
When that time comes, I'll let you revive and have a few decades of life cycle.
Wouldn't that be the best of both worlds?" Lin Yunran raised his eyebrows and asked, "Is this a threat?" The Yin Yang Department pointed at Lin Yunli and shouted, "You bastard!
You've been disrespectful to the Spirit Realm King time and time again!
Even if you don't go, I'll throw you into hell.
I'll pull out your tongue and throw you into hell." The spirit realm king laughed, "Hahaha...
you're indeed the successor of the Thunder God Sword.
You're the first person in thousands of years who dares to speak to me with such an attitude.
I admire you." "Alas!
It's really difficult for me to get out." Lin Yunran raised his hand and asked, "Do you have a question?" The Spirit Realm King nodded and smiled, "Go ahead!" Lin Yunli asked, "What's the relationship between the Five Elements and the Purple Frost Sword?
Why can the Purple Frost Sword replace the Five Elements?" The Spirit Realm King thought for a moment and said, "Let's put it in this way!
There is a famous Swordcraft Master called Zhong Lei in the Heaven Realm.
In order to please Emperor Xuanyuan, he cast the Sword of Heaven and Earth.
The Sword of Heaven and Earth is divided into two parts, the strength of the sword and the hilt.
The strength of the sword is thunder and lightning, and the strength of the hilt is the element of the Five Spirits.
At that time..." The Spirit Realm King walked back and forth and said, "In order to escape from the Netherworld Clan who snatched the Sword of Heaven and Earth, he sent the Sword of Heaven and Earth into the other five realms in two directions.
One is the Thunder God Sword and the other is the Purple Frost Sword." The Spirit Realm King explained, "The reason why I knew it was because Zhong Lei came to Spirit Realm in order to obtain the power of the five spirit elements.
He borrowed the five spirit elements from the Spirit Realm King in the name of Emperor Xuanyuan..." When the Spirit Realm King talked about this, his expression was a little unhappy.
He said that borrowing is more pleasant to listen to.
In fact, he used the Xuanyuan Emperor's name to force the spirit realm to take the five elements without permission.
Although he only borrowed it for three days, it still created an uneasy phenomenon for the various worlds.
Take the human world as an example..." Spirit Realm King shook his head and sighed, "In the past three days, there was a great disaster in the human realm, and a flood drowned the human realm.
For the sake of his own interests, the people of all walks of life were plunged into misery, and such people could actually be listed as gods in the Heaven Realm.
It's really ridiculous." "It's the big flood again..." Lin Yunhen's heart was dripping with worry.
The Spirit Realm King placed his hands behind his waist and said, "So not only does the Purple Frost Sword possess the power of the Five Elements, it can also replace the Five Elements." The Spirit Realm King laughed and said, "Didn't you say that we should send a more powerful person to execute it?
He can combine with the Thunder God Sword.
Isn't such a person powerful enough?" Lin Yunxuan was still trying to stall for time.
"If the two swords can interact, then why do we have to go back to the past time to look for it?
I already have the Thunder God Sword, so it should be faster for me to return to the mortal world to look for it now!" The King of Spirit Realm laughed carelessly.
Then tell me where to start.
In the six realms, the human realm is relatively small, but...
where do you want to feel it?
The Purple Frost Sword may be in a corner of the human realm, Asia, Europe or America?
Or in the Arctic or the Arctic?
Where are you going to start?" "Uh..." Lin Yunli thought with a frown.
The spirit realm king waved his hand and said, "There's no need to think about it.
If we can find it in the present world, then there's no need to waste so much effort." Lin Yunxuan did not want to step into this mess.
after all, I'm just a soul without a physical body, and I can't help.
It's better for me to resurrect first.
It's better for me to have a body!" The Spirit Realm King smiled darkly and said, "That's easy.
I can give you a temporary body, and your body in the human realm will be my hostage.
Only then will you try your best to complete the task for me.
Lin Yun's whereabouts!
Even if I let you return to the human world, do you think you can escape from me?
Can you escape from the upcoming natural disaster?" The Yin Yang Department said disdainfully, "Humph!
Stupid human, don't refuse a toast only to drink a forfeit!
If the Thunder God Sword hadn't chosen you, I would have sent you to hell to prevent you from ever reincarnating." Lin Yunli threw up her hands and smiled, "Black-golden face, go to hell if you don't move!
I'm just asking for my confusion!
Do you need me to do this to you?" The Yin and Yang department angrily pointed at him and said, "What did you say?
Among all things, humans are the most ignorant in the human world.
They are all self-righteous and cruel..." "Alright!
Stop talking!
Lin Yunxuan, what do you think of your answer?" Spirit Realm King interrupted the Yin Yang Department.
Lin Yunli said helplessly, "Fine!
There's nothing to be afraid of now that they're dead anyway." The Spirit Realm King threw his head back and laughed, "Hahaha...
Then..." The Spirit Realm King said as he walked up the steps where the Five Spirit Elementals were placed, "I'll let the central pagoda recover its original functions." The Spirit Realm King spread his hands on both sides, and his spirit energy instantly soared.
His body emitted a dazzling golden light, and the dazzling light made everyone present unable to open their eyes.
Everyone used their palms to block the bright light.
After the light shot out of the tower, it illuminated the entire Spirit Realm City.
Ten seconds later, the light gradually weakened.
When everyone opened their eyes again, the central tower had already recovered from its previously ruined appearance to its original magnificent and sacred palace.
"It turns out that the tower is so gorgeous!" Lin Yunli looked around curiously.
The central tower was a five-sided spire.
There was no way to determine the tower's height, only that the tower's top was standing tall in the clouds.
The tower's middle walls were placed in a room filled with five spirit elements.
There were five thick white pillars in the room, each of which represented gold, wood, water, fire, and earth.
In the center of the room, there was a flight of stairs that were about a floor tall.
On the flight of stairs was the place where the five spirit elements were placed.
Right now...
the spirit realm king was standing there, using his own spirit energy to replace the five spirit elements' powers.
The spirit realm king's body blossomed with five different colors of spirit energy and illuminated the top of the tower, replacing the title of the five elements.
The five colors of light on the top of the tower once again shot into the clouds.
Spirit Realm King said seriously, "S default!" Sch knelt down and cupped his hands in acknowledgment.
"Your subordinate is here." The King of Spirit Realms ordered, "You have one month to teach Lin Yuntu how to control the power of the Thunder God Sword." "Yes, sir!" The Spirit Realm King reminded, "Lin Yunchau, as long as you've learned how to control the power of the Thunder God Sword, I believe you'll definitely be able to help when you're in danger in the future.
Furthermore, you'll have to rely on the power of the Thunder God Sword to find the Purple Frost Sword.
You only have a month to learn it, and you'll do your best!" Lin Yun nodded and replied, "Yes!" The Spirit Realm King said worriedly, "Remember!
In a year..." "The countdown has begun!"