The Dark Shepherd's Legend

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Chapter 1

"Stop right there!""Kid, don't run!"Damn it, I'm the idiot if I don't run away.
Three or four people surrounded me, and they even told me not to run away.
These guys' brains are playing tricks on me.She turned around and pointed her middle finger at those fellows.
Then, those fellows jumped in anger and continued running forward like they had lost their lives.
They did not run and were blocked by those fellows.
However, it was not as simple as getting beaten up.Actually, I was quite depressed.
I had to play a good game.
Was it really necessary to call it real?
Didn't I just kill him a few more times and say a few more words?!Sigh, the people right now really had poor tolerance.
If they didn't notice that something was wrong in advance, they might have blocked the internet café.
That would be really terrible!I ran along the path.
With the familiarity I had with the terrain, I led them around the area.
My stamina kept decreasing.
I couldn't hold on for much longer.
I thought anxiously to myself: Fatty, why aren't you here yet?
If you come later, I'll have to suffer a beating!.I ran along the path.
With the familiarity I had with the terrain, I led them around the area.
My stamina kept decreasing.
I couldn't hold on for much longer.
I thought anxiously to myself: Fatty, why aren't you here yet?
If you come later, I'll have to suffer a beating!As if hearing my heart's call, the fatty arrived late with three or four people.
I ran to them and stopped.
I sucked in the fresh air.
I had never felt the air was so beautiful."Hey, bros, come and smoke!"I took out a pack of cigarettes from my pocket and handed one to each of them.
Although I never smoked, I still had a pack of cigarettes out of habit.
I didn't know the people the fat man had brought with me, but judging from their clothes and hairstyles, they looked like gangsters.
I didn't know why an honest man like Fatty knew them, but I trusted Fatty very much.The fatty's name was Lijin, and he was one of the few friends I'd met in college.
He was a kind-hearted man.
Since his weight had surpassed the standard, I preferred to call him Fatty."Achao, do we have enough people?"Pangzi said hesitantly, "I told you in a hurry, so I could only find these people to help at the moment.
I can tell now that even though these people are dressed like gangsters, their auras aren't ordinary delinquents."."Don't worry," I said casually.
"It's nothing serious.
It's just a fight of spirits!"Finally, those guys saw me.
They were gasping for breath.
Compared to me, they were even more tired.
Not only did they have to follow me closely, but they also had to pay attention to the surrounding terrain so as not to lose me.
Actually, if I hadn't deliberately asked them to follow me, they would have been thrown away by me.
However, even if I had lost them now, they had already known about my school.
So, this trouble would have come looking for me.
It was better to solve it early.
Before I realized that something was wrong, I called Fatty and asked him to bring a few people to help me.."Kid, why aren't you running anymore?
Huh?" The few people from the other party panted as they followed.
Only then did they notice that there were already several more people on our side."Tell me, how do you want to resolve this?"I saw that the other party was clearly not confident enough, but I was confident enough.
Sure enough, a fist is the best way.
If I was alone, the other party would have beaten me up to have a good talk, but now..."Mhm, I admit that I did make a mistake.
However, we're all young people and it's just a small matter.
We don't have to make such a big fuss, right?"I spoke slowly, and the other party nodded repeatedly.
It wasn't a big deal indeed.
The other party was just angry at me and couldn't calm down.
It was just a momentary impulse.
It didn't really matter to him."Alright, I'm going to eat at a nearby restaurant today.
I'll apologize to you guys and send you back.
This matter is finally settled.
How do you feel?"They weren't satisfied at first, but the fatty's group of people stared at them.
They seemed to have sensed something and immediately quieted down.
They agreed.
Seeing that, I began to feel that the fatty's identity might not be as simple as I had imagined.