The Dark Shepherd's Legend

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Chapter 3

On the book, all kinds of shining talents were fighting endlessly.
It was basically a battle between holy and shadow, and the law that emitted a faint white light would only counterattack a little when they made it through the world.The moment my hand touched the shadow, everything changed.
I felt a suction force coming from the book.
Then, I felt that my body couldn't move.
The energy started to flow out of my body.
The shadowy light that was originally comparable to the holy battle flourished and forced the holy light away.
It suppressed the golden light into the corner of the book..God seemed to realize the fate he was going to face, and he gave a final blow in despair.
The golden light was like a small golden sun, illuminating the entire room, and my eyes couldn't open.However, just like the emergence of a cloud, the shadow took a few steps back and absorbed more energy from my body.
Soon, the word "sacred" was submerged in the boundless darkness.At this moment, I had a bad feeling.
The magical scene in front of me couldn't draw any attention because I understood what was lost in my body.
It was my life force.
My life force was constantly being absorbed by this strange book, but I couldn't move or even speak..I was horrified as I watched the entire book arm being sucked into a layer of skin and bones.
The book was now expanding its absorption range to my whole body, and a sense of despair slowly spread through my heart.
Would I die just like that?I started cursing the bookstore crazily.
"Damn it!
If I'm okay, the first thing I have to do is to tear it into pieces and burn it to ashes.
Then, I'll tear down that damn bookstore!"Although I was cursing in my heart, I knew I couldn't do anything right now.
My life force was being drained, my skin was getting old, my hair was getting white, and my vision was getting dizzier.
It was a sign that my life was about to run out, but I didn't dare to relax.
I knew that once I fainted, all I waited for was death..At this moment, only the law and shadow were left on the book.
The black shadow swallowed the holy soul and turned its target to the law.
It didn't allow for any other talent to exist.Soon, the white light barrier was surrounded by the boundless darkness.
The restriction also resisted the attacks of the shadow.
Under the crazy attacks of the shadow, the white light around the center gradually shrank and the light dimmed.
However, it was like a small grass that swayed in the storm and refused to fall..And I couldn't hold on much longer.
The last image that lingered in my head before I fainted was: The white light was finally exhausted, and darkness was rushing toward me!Early in the morning, I was woken up by the familiar sound of the phone music.
I sat up abruptly and turned off my phone.
Looking around, I saw two high and low beds.
Several chairs were placed in a mess in front of the bed.
Several piles of clothes were placed on the benches.
The three bad roommates had returned.
They were probably too tired.
The snoring sounds of each other fluctuated as if they were playing a melody.Seeing this familiar scene, I shook my head with a wry smile.
It was no wonder that they had spent all their energy for three nights in a row.
It wasn't hard not to tire themselves out.The morning sunlight shone on my face through the curtains.
It wasn't blinding, it was gentle, and it gave off a warm feeling.
I lifted my hands and caressed my undamaged arms.
I wondered if it was a dream.
However, everything that happened yesterday was still reflected in my mind.
It wasn't a dream, but where did that book go?
I flipped through the entire room, but I couldn't find a book.
But I wasn't discouraged.
It seemed like I could only find the answer in that book shop..The campus looked a little lonely in the morning as they walked on the campus path.
Occasionally, there would be a few people passing by in a hurry.
On the school grounds, one could see a few people running, and on the basketball court, there were some figures jumping back and forth.
There was also the sound of people reciting English on the stone benches on the flower terrace.
All of this was so harmonious..After walking out of the campus, I arrived at the small alley.
It was very remote.
Since it was early in the morning, people who came and went were almost invisible.
However, I was stunned when I saw that the bookstore had disappeared.
It was as a whole.
There was only a cold and clear wall here.I stood in a daze and thought about it.
Perhaps I had drunk too much last night and remembered the wrong place.
Thinking of this, I arrived at a small shop nearby.
The owner of the shop was a middle-aged man.
I walked up to him and asked, "Do you know where there is a bookshop nearby?""Immortal Bookshop?" The middle-aged man looked at me strangely.
Then, he shook his head and said, "I don't know." I reluctantly thanked him and left.
Then, I walked around and asked a few passers-by.
They all answered the same thing.I turned around and returned to the alley.
I slowly walked into the not-so-deep alley and kicked the stones on the ground with my feet.
What was going on?
Did I remember the wrong place?
I was stunned because I saw the stone platform on the ground.
I remembered that I had kicked the stone platform last night so I fell.
This meant that I didn't remember the right place, but where did the bookstore go?.I turned around and returned to the alley.
I slowly walked into the not-so-deep alley and kicked the stones on the ground with my feet.
What was going on?
Did I remember the wrong place?
I was stunned because I saw the stone platform on the ground.
I remembered that I had kicked the stone platform last night so I fell.
This meant that I didn't remember the right place, but where did the bookstore go?Suddenly, I saw an old man in a white sportswear running slowly in front of me.
I hurriedly ran over."Grandpa, have you seen a celestial bookstore near here?"The old man looked at me strangely.
"Immortal bookstore?
How is that possible?
I've lived here for more than ten years.
I've been practicing here every morning, but I haven't seen any bookstore.
Young man, maybe you remember wrongly!"Could it be that I remembered wrongly?
Or could it be that everything that happened last night was just a dream?
After bidding farewell to the old man, my thoughts were very complicated.
I was confused and walked to the place where the bookshop was.
The place that should have been the door was now a wall.
I touched the cold and emotionless wall.
I finally gave up.
I helplessly mocked myself.
"It seems that I drank too much yesterday.
Not only did I dream of having a bookstore here, but I also rented an evil book here.
It seems that I will need to drink less in the future.""..."