The Dark Shepherd's Legend

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Chapter 4

My name was Tongchao, a second year student from XX University.
At this moment, the three people beside me were my three roommates.
The tall and skinny man was called Liuliang.
After a long period of close contact with the computer, he wore a pair of glasses, which made his originally handsome face even more refined.However, I knew his personality well enough.
He was a complete degenerate.
In his words, his favorite thing to do was beauties and surfing the internet.
In addition, his handsome face and rich family made him have no disadvantage in picking up girls.
In the end, his girlfriend changed clothes one by one.
Basically, every month, we would see a new face and often spend the night away.
His motto was: Youth is used to fall..This kind of playboy should be very annoying, but his personality was very easygoing.
He didn't have the arrogance of a rich man.
I believe that any man would understand the fact that he liked to pick up girls, so he quickly became one with us.The one on the left was Wan Zhenhua, who was crazily sending a text message with his head down.
He wasn't tall, and was slightly plump.
However, he had a baby face, which made him look cute.
Therefore, he was very popular among girls.Unfortunately, he was a classic tube flame.
He was the type of girlfriend that made him not dare to go west.
Although that was the case, he had always denied this fact in front of us.Yumeng was a mysterious guy in our dormitory.
He looked serious, but in fact, he liked to mess around.
He never talked about his family background and didn't talk much.
However, he often stuck in a few words during the most intense discussion of our questions.
The words he said always hit the nail on the head, which made people admire him.Right now, the three of them were discussing the matters of the Kingdom of Devil Beasts.
When I thought about the Kingdom of Devil Beasts and the Kingdom of Devil Beasts, my expression changed.
However, I quickly relented.
I recalled the dream I had that day.
It was too real.
Even now, I still wondered if it was a dream.At this moment, their quarrels began to get fiercer.
When I listened carefully, it turned out that they were talking about the PvP between a priest and a mage.
Wan Zhenhua suddenly pulled me over and said, "Superman, you're just playing with a priest.
Tell me, who's better at PvPing between a priest and a mage?"They gave me the nickname 'Superman'.
To be honest, the moment I heard the name 'Superman', it reminded me of the guy who liked to wear red underwear and fly around in the sky.Although I had tried my best to oppose this nickname, I had no choice but to accept it."Let's put it this way.
In formal PvPs, I think the priest has a higher chance of winning.
Of course, this is under the standard of operating.
If it's a PvP raid in the wilderness, it depends on the individual's reaction ability.""What about the Dark Priest?""Dark Priest?" I pondered for a moment.
"I don't know.
All I know is that Dark Priest is an offensive profession.
He has instant explosive power and the ability to deal continuous damage.
Unfortunately, the Dark Priest's restrictions are too limited."Wan Zhenhua was a mage, so he replied gloomily, "That's right.
Anmu's limited skills are very limited.
There's only silence and fear, but I was killed by that undead Anmu several times in the wilderness today.
I'm really depressed.""Haha, that can only mean that your personal awareness isn't good.
Your skill is too bad." Yumeng interjected, gloating."Fuck, even if my skill is bad, I can still beat a small hunter like you.
100 gold a plate.
Do you dare to come?""Come on, come on, come on!" I shook my head helplessly when I saw them arguing again.
They were the ones who brought me to play this game.
If these three bastards hadn't been so irresponsible as to let me go leveling alone from the start, it wouldn't have been so difficult for me to level up..After class ended in the afternoon, I returned to my dorm room.
The three of them hadn't returned yet.
Looking at the empty room, I turned on my only computer and started playing the single-phone game I liked.
Unknowingly, it was already time for the lights to go out.
I saw that the three of them hadn't returned yet, so I was sure they had gone all night.
What a genius!
It had been four nights in a row, and they were really crazy.I turned off the computer and climbed onto the bed.
Seeing that the room had fallen into darkness, I yawned in boredom.
Tomorrow, I'll find something to do.
It's too boring to continue like this.