Rebirth: True Love Is Endless

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Chapter 2

At 5 a.m., Lile died.
At this time, the sky was bright and the rain was already clear.
However, the sky was still covered in dark clouds, giving off an indescribable pressure.
At this time, people who went to a small town to buy and sell food, picked up various types of crops, and hurried on their way.."Xiaolu..."Lu Yuxuan carried Lile out of Yang Wenxiang's hut, but was stopped by him, "Humans can't come back to life.
I'm sorry...""Thank you, Doctor Yang..." Lu Yuxuan finished speaking and carried Lile's corpse away."Le Er, I'm sorry!
I promised you that I'd live on well, but if you leave, how can I live alone?
Wait for me!" After walking out of Yang Wenxiang's house, Lu Yuxuan carried Lile's body, but instead of going home, he walked towards another mountain.Yunnan, i.e.
"South of Caiyun" "Seven-Colored Yunnan", is also famous for being in the south of Yun Ridge; it is one of the importantuspicious places of human civilization.Cloudy Ridge...
was the name of a mountain.
It was known as the Great Snow Mountain.
It was located in the northwest of Yunnan Province's Furious Jiang County.
It was one of the eight major districts of the natural legacy of the world, the Three Rivers.
It was the dividing line between the Azure River and the Jinsha River.
The mountains were tall and steep, and snow accumulated all year round.
Here, it was the mountains and ridges.
There were many people who lived here, and they would never know what kind of city the outside world would be like.
Some people even felt regretful when they died of old age.
They wanted to take a look at the flourishing big cities, take a train, or go to Beijing, to see the corpse of the great leader who brought hope to New China..There were a lot of people who lived here, and they never knew what the city outside was like.
Some people even felt regretful when they died of old age.
They wanted to take a look at the bustling cities, take a train, or go to Beijing to see the remains of the great leader who brought hope to the new China...However, how many people who lived in prosperous cities wanted to live a peaceful life in such a quiet place where the culture of mountains and rivers originated from?"Little brother, it's so early.
Where are we going?" An elderly man picked up a bag of garlic saplings.
Seeing a woman on his back, he thought that he had gone to the wrong place to look for Doctor Yang."It's nothing..." Lu Yuxuan shook his head in a daze.
He ignored him and continued walking towards the top of the mountain."Le Er, wait for me!" Lu Yuxuan gasped for breath.
His mouth was so dry that his sweat was drenched in the clothes that Doctor Yang's family had given him.
However, he didn't know how to get tired and didn't move at all.
The weather was gloomy and uneventful, and sometimes it was heavy and rainy.
Sometimes it was clear and rainy, but it was still dark and cloudy, just like how Lu Yuxuan felt right now..He climbed over a mountain.
Two, three...
By the time he climbed over the seventh mountain, his destination had finally arrived!Jade Dragon Snow Mountains 15 kilometers to the north of Lijiang City, which is the southernmost snowy mountain in the north.
It is 35 kilometers south and north, 13 kilometers west and west, 960 square kilometers.
The landscape of snowy mountains is more than 4000 meters above sea level, famous for its danger, marvel, beauty, and beauty.
Along with the changes of time and Qingqing, sometimes the clouds evaporate and the jade dragons appear indistinctly; sometimes the blue sky is like water, and the peaks are dazzling; sometimes the clouds are bound to the waist, and the snowy peaks in the clouds are bright and blue.
Sometimes, the sun shines, and snowy peaks are like red veils, incomparably beautiful.The entire Jade Dragon Snow Mountains gathers subtropics, warm belts and cold belts of various natures in one body, forming a unique "spring and white snow" host view.After the refreshing rain, the snow was particularly white and pine was especially green.
It covered the ecology and changed shapes.
It was very similar to snow and green pine playing hide and seek.
It was a mystical sight.Looking at the majestic mountains before him, Lu Yuxuan suddenly felt a sense of belonging, but he didn't know where this feeling came from.
He didn't have much time or space to think about it.The first thing that entered his eyes was the clear water river.
The white water river was also known as the Blue Moon Valley.
It was a river formed by the snowy waters of the Jade Dragon Snow Mountains.
It flowed down the mountain valleys.
The water was clear and ink-green.
Because the river bed was composed of stone and stone fragments, it was gray and white.
A clear spring flowed through it.
From afar, it looked like a white river, so it became famous for it.It was said that the water of the Whitewater River came from the mouth of the jade dragon.
It had a spiritual nature, and it was also a holy land of love.Lu Yuxuan placed Lile next to the river and washed her face with two cups of water.
He originally had a beautiful face, but because of him, he lost his original beauty.
He washed, cooked, chopped firewood, and carried the water...
He originally wanted to throw himself into the river here, but he was affected by the beautiful scenery in front of him.
He looked at the reflection of flowers and trees on the surface of the water.
Although Lu Yuxuan didn't have any education, how could he bear to throw himself into the river and paint this holy paradise?
Although the sky was still gloomy, it didn't seem to affect her beauty at all.
It was peaceful and holy!.Lu Yuxuan placed Lile next to the river and washed her face with two cups of water.
He originally had a beautiful face, but because of him, he lost his original beauty.
He washed, cooked, chopped firewood, and carried the water...
He originally wanted to throw himself into the river, but he was affected by this charming scenery.
He looked at the reflection of flowers and trees on the surface of the water.
Although Lu Yuxuan didn't have any education, how could he bear to throw himself into the river and paint this holy paradise?
Although the sky was still gloomy, it didn't seem to affect her beauty at all.
It was peaceful and holy!Raising his head to look, he saw the golden, glossy ocean.
The glossy ocean was an open grass in the east of the Jade Dragon Snow Mountains.
It was a natural rangeland.
This place used to be a high mountain lake, but due to the change in the terrain, the mouth of the water became larger.
Thus, the local people were commonly known as dry sea..The dried sea wasn't dry, in fact.
The mountains were thick and lush, and the water was winding in the sea.
The velvet carpet covered the ground like velvets, and the summer autumn wildflowers decorated the ground.
There were sheep and mules and horses in packs, and it was a deep yellow in winter, and the snowy mountains and red leaves were a sight to behold.As a result, people gradually called the dried sea prince the sweet sea prince.The mud and sand on his feet were slowly washed away by the spring water, and he felt no more pain.
Even though Lu Yuxuan's heart was cold, he still couldn't bear to leave.
He wanted to soak himself in it and feel the nourishment of the spring water, but he didn't stop.
He knew that Le Er was still waiting for him on the road to the yellow springs, and that she was waiting for him alone..There were a few households living on the edge of the cliff, but they must have gone to work in the farm right now!
He had always been obsessed with the road and had thought that he would be able to climb over the snow mountain as long as he could overtake the ocean.
However, without him noticing, he had actually made his way to Yunshan Square.Yunshan Square It's also known as "dying the country of love".
It's 3240 meters above sea level.
It's the holy land of Yunshan pavilion in the heart of the Naxi.
It's said that from here on, it can lead to the "Yanglong country of Asia".
According to the East Bar Scripture, there are "unfinished silk silk, delicious fruits, endless wine and sweet milk, endless gold and silver.
Fiery spotted tigers as mounts.
Silver horned stags work hard, wide-eared foxes as hunting dogs.
Flower tail brocade chickens come to report the news..According to the Eastern Barbaric Scripture, in the "jade dragon world", there are "unfinished silk and silk, unfinished fresh fruit treasures, endless wine and sweet milk, endless gold and silver lumps, fire red spotted tigers as mounts, silver horned stags as farming, wide-eared foxes as hounds, and flower tail chickens to report the news..."The Yunshang Square was a patch of grass on the east side of the Yulong Snow Mountain.
The snowy mountains were like jade screens, towering into the clouds; the Yunshang Square was surrounded by the city of Dai, lush and verdant.
In the dense forests around the Yunshang Square, trees reached the sky, withered branches hanging upside down, with tree beards, rotted trees everywhere in the forest, withered leaves and moss, as if no one had come to disturb them for thousands of years, just like a natural paradise.It was said that if young men and women died in love at the foot of Jade Dragon Snow Mountain, their souls would enter the kingdom of the Kingdom of Jade Dragon and obtain eternal happiness."Fine, fine!" Lu Yuxuan nodded and said excitedly to himself.He originally wanted to take Lile's corpse to the peak of the Jade Dragon Mountain...
The reason why he wanted to jump off the cliff was not because he wanted to die a grand death, but because Le Er had once said that when she was a child, she would often think that she could fly freely in the sky like a bird.
Thus, he wanted to fly here before he died..