Ability User: Absolutely Unlucky

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Chapter 2

"I'll be waiting here for you..."Under the clear blue sky, a woman indistinctly stood alone on a grassland full of many colorful flowers.
From the tone of her voice, I can vaguely hear the words contained in it.
There is infinite expectation, infinite sadness, and Endless love.."Why are you waiting for me?""Because..." The woman's figure slowly drew closer."This is our agreement."As soon as she finished speaking, she placed her soft hands on Xiaohao's cheeks and gently pressed her soft and rosy lips against his."Wait...
why did you have this dream again?"He didn't know how long it had been since Xiaohao had dreamt of this dream.
Moreover, the scenes of this dream were clearer and more realistic than before."What's going on?
It's only two in the middle of the night...
Forget it, let's just continue to sleep." Xiaohao had originally wanted to see if he could still dream of the dream he had just had, but the queen's life would soon be in danger.Time: August 31, 20000 – 12 noon"Get up, you lazy pig!
Why are you still sleeping when it's sunbathing?!" The girl who was shouting next to the bed was none other than Xiao Hao's younger sister, Ceng Xiaofen."It's starting tomorrow.
Why aren't you paying your school fees at the bank?
Don't you know that it's already twelve o'clock in the afternoon?!" Xiaofen was still unable to awaken the man in his dreams, and he was in a state of rage."Well It's still early.
" After looking at the calendar, Xiaohao turned around and went back to sleep."..." Xiaofen's explosive stat – 50%."My dear big brother...
it's time to get up!" Xiaofen whispered into Xiaohao's ear."..." She continued to sleep."Brother, brother, brother, brother, you should get up!" Nearly 80% of them were in a frenzy."Hmm..." Xiaohao responded."..." Xiaofen was speechless."Get up right now!
Ceng Xiaohao!" Xiaofen raged.Ten minutes later, in the living room, Xiaofen was cleaning Xiaohao's wounds."Aiya!
It hurts!
Stupid little sister!" Xiaohao roared."Who told you to lie on your bed?!
No matter how I call you, I can't wake you up!
Big Brother Pighead!" Xiaofen continued to apply medicine for Xiaohao."Where's Father and Mother?""Something suddenly happened and went abroad.
He won't be back until about a week later.
By the way, what did you call me for?" Xiaohao didn't pay attention to what Xiaofen had said when he was asleep."It's going to start tomorrow!
Why aren't you paying for your school fees?!""I say, little sister...""What?""I went to college...""So?!" Xiaofen exclaimed in astonishment."So...
so my school day starts on September 12th, you...
super idiot!!!" Xiaohao's anger also grew."You think I'm still in high school like you!
Stupid little sister, you've made me so miserable.
Let's see how I'll teach you a lesson!" Xiaohao stretched out his demonic claws and attacked Xiaofen."Help!" Xiaofen cried out in alarm, and hurried away."Stop right there!" Xiaohao began running after Xiaofen."Ah!
No, no, you can't...
you can't touch that side.
I don't want to!" Xiaofen was struggling desperately in Xiaohao's arms."Enough nonsense.
If I don't teach you a lesson today, you won't know who your brother is!""Ha...
Brother, please don't!
Please don't...
Brother doesn't want it...
I'm afraid it's itchy...
my stomach hurts...
Hahaha..."After a period of time..."I'm going out for a bit.
You can deal with dinner yourself!" Xiaohao smiled helplessly at Xiaofen, who was lying on the ground like a pile of mud."Where are you going?" Xiaofen slowly raised his head and asked."It's none of your business, okay?" Xiaohao didn't forget to make a face at Xiaofen."Big brother, you're going to die!" With that, Xiaofen rushed forward and slammed the door shut.After leaving the manor, Xiaohao rode to the back mountain where he used to study.
From afar, he looked at the entire city he lived in.
Whenever Xiaohao was in a bad mood, he would run up the mountain and sometimes spend an entire day there.In truth, the reason why Xiaohao had come here so often was because he hoped to see the lover of the man who had sent him to Qiong Hao in the past.Xiaohao picked up Gouyu, who was hanging on his neck, and looked at him.
"Sister Linai...
do I have the chance to meet you again?""Sigh...
forget it...
I'm overthinking things myself!" Xiaohao shook his head."Hmm...
the air on the mountain is still the best." Xiaohao took a deep breath and lay down on the grass.
At the same time, he closed his eyes and fell asleep."Ah!!!
It's over!
How come it's so late, Fanny must be freaking out right now!" When Xiaohao woke up from his nap, he found that it was already dark, so he hurriedly got on his bike and rushed home, because he didn't want to face the "stormy first machine" at home again.Just as Xiaohao was about to leave, the ground began to shake violently."Earth...
earthquake!!!" As soon as Xiaohao finished speaking, a large tree behind him suddenly collapsed and pressed down on him."Ah!!""Special news reported that at 11:45, there was an intense 7.
3 earthquake on a scale.
This was the second intense earthquake in Taiwanese history after 92, and Zhen Yang was located in XX County in the northeast region.
The earthquake lasted for more than two minutes, and it has been reported that the number of X-people died.
The number of X-people died lightly and heavily.
The number of casualties is still increasing.
The households in the northeast mountainous region have been affected due to the collapse of rocks, traffic barriers, and rescue efforts.
At present, we can't find the correct situation.
Most of the mountains in the north and east have landslides, and we've called for the residents who live near the mountains to pay attention to their own safety."If there is any new information regarding the earthquake, we will immediately broadcast it for you."Next is the news report.
Where is this place?"When Xiaohao woke up, he looked around.
What he saw was a scene that looked like immortal land.
There were many small rivers in a large patch of emerald grasslands.
Looking further ahead, there were rolling mountains..."This...
What the hell?!
Am I dreaming?" Xiaohao tried to punch himself in the face, and the result was –"Ahhhhh ......
it hurts?!" Xiaohao wailed, clutching his left cheek."Yo!
You're awake!" A woman's voice came from the side."Ah...
auntie, you are..." Hao asked the aunty in ancient Chinese silk palace clothes with jet-black hair."Auntie!?" The female looked at herself from below and asked in a tone of disbelief, "Do I look so old?"Realizing that he had said something wrong, Xiaohao immediately changed his words, "No...
It's a big sister!
It's not...
it's a big sister!""Stop being so slick-tongued, brat!
What's your name?" The woman sat down on a nearby rock, her hands tucked into her sleeves, and asked Xiaohao a question."Hello...
I'm Ceng Xiaohao." Xiaohao replied in a rather respectful tone."Why are you so nervous?
You don't have to be so respectful when talking to me." The big sister in front of him suddenly smiled warmly and sweetly at Xiaohao."My name is Feng Qingtian, and I'm the Sect Master of the tenth generation of Shushan Sect.
that's all in the past..." The eldest sister said as she gazed into the distant sky, her face filled with worry."Ah!
Sister Feng Qingtian, can you tell me what this place is?
And how did I get here?"Xiaohao looked at the eldest sister in front of him with a lonely expression and quickly changed the topic."This is a space different from the real world.
I call this place the Dimensional Illusionary Realm.
As for why you're here, I'm not sure about this.""Heavenly...
then can I still go back?" Xiaohao stammered in horror.
Why did the video games or cartoons happen to him?"Xiaohao, guess how many years I've been here?""A few years...""I've seen at least 36,500 sunrises in a row, right?
So how many years do you think it is?" Feng Qingtian looked at Xiaohao with an expression of "What's going on?
You can't even think of it!" However, Xiaohao immediately rolled his eyes."Sister Feng Qingtian, if you want to fool others, you should look at your target, right?
I'm not a three-year-old child.
Thirty-six thousand five hundred times of sunrise, that's equivalent to more than a hundred years!" Unless you're a turtle!
Otherwise, you're a ghost!"Ah!
I'm sorry, I'm sorry!
I forgot to tell you.
Apart from being the Sect Master of the Shushan Sect's tenth generation, I'm also a 'sword immortal'!" Feng Qingtian said proudly."Forget it!
I don't want to talk about this anymore.
Please tell me how to get home."Xiaohao clasped his hands together and bowed to Feng Qingtian, asking her to stop wasting time.
All he wanted to know was how to get home."How come you still don't understand what I'm saying?" Feng Qingtian stared at Xiaohao with widened eyes, as though he were saying, "I've already made myself so clear.
Do you still not understand?""What?!" Xiaohao was still confused."So you're saying that you don't need to do it?!" Feng Qingtian emphasized, emphasizing the last five words."Hey, are you alright?" After hearing Xiaohao's words, he was completely stunned."Hey!" Feng Qingtian reached out and pushed Xiaohao, who then laid her down straight behind her."Hey!
Wake up!
Hey!"Feng Qingtian kept patting Xiaohao's cheeks, trying to wake him up.But Xiaohao was still in a daze.
His mind was in a daze, and his mouth was wide open in a daze.He still could not accept the fact that he would never be able to return home, and fainted in this way --......