My Dear, Please Don't Hurt Me

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Chapter 3

In my memories, I've always hated animals: cats.
Cats are too ambiguous, and I refuse to have something that lacks bones.Now I've changed the way I treat cats.
It's just a wild cat, not a domestic cat.Once, I encountered a wild cat with black threads.
The eyes of the wild cat shone with alarm and suspicion.
It refused to hurt, so it was afraid of humans.
However, the wild cat would always avoid the influence of human beings.
It was afraid of humans and needed humans.The wild cat almost died because it had eaten a poisonous bun that the child had given it.
The wild cat had narrowly escaped this calamity.
The wild cat would also eat the food that humans had given it.
It had no way of determining which food or poison was clean and safe.If you don't eat it, it will starve to death; if you eat it, it's equivalent to a gamble.The wild cat's life was destined to be the Domino bone card for a round of gambling.
No matter which card had an issue, its life would end.For more than ten years, I have been living in the state of cats.
I have won the gambles and retreated unscathed.The family that raised me for more than ten years was truly a never-fallen Titanic?In the face of this home, I was a lone leaf.
Any vortex could kill me in the deep sea.I was afraid of Qiukun, his drunkenness, his insults, and his vicious beating, which made my hair stand on end.
Even Zhiming couldn't feel the warmth of love from her body.God knows how much I hope to leave this house!However, I didn't dare to leave.
If I left, the only way out would be to roam the world and become a useless little beggar.Even if I died, I wouldn't want to become a little beggar.
When I was young and didn't understand anything, my mind had this kind of awareness: I would rather be a glorious empress for a day and then die.
I would never be a peaceful beggar for the rest of my life.I would rather endure the humiliation than run away.
I just wanted to get away from the beggars and fly to the throne of the Empress.I believed that I had a noble bloodline flowing through my veins.
I wasn't a mediocre person.
Embarrassment was only temporary.
One day, the clouds would dissipate, and the most dazzling glory would only belong to Qiujing alone.
Only Qiujing deserved to bask in glory.At that time, we were all children.
I was seven, and she was six.
She was only six years old, yet she had used her own childish thinking to explain the meaning of nobleness.
Even now, I was also superstitious about her explanation.
Thus, I believed that Fengning was the noble goddess of freedom in my heart.Xiao Fengning lifted his arm and said to me, "Sister, actually, I have a mother as well.""How do you know?" I asked.She was very serious and said very seriously, "I asked mummy.
Mommy said that children have mothers.
Children are just a group of little sperm.
There are many, many little tadpoles running into mommy's belly and growing in mommy's belly.
Only when they grow up will they come out."I didn't understand.
I had seen sperm before, but it was an old nose.
There were a bunch of sperm and they had turned into children.
Didn't that mother have a lot of children?
But I knew that a mother only had two or three children at most."There are so many little tadpoles, doesn't that mean there are a lot of children?""No." Xiao Fengning said, "Mom said that only a little tadpole can enter Mommy's stomach.""Then what kind of sperm would run into Mommy's stomach?""Mother said that as long as those strong, obedient, obedient, smart, noble, and kind little tadpoles can enter Mommy's stomach.
"Clever, noble tadpole.
In other words, I'm also a smart, noble child.
Both I and Fengning are noble children?Was it really possible?I stared down the window at the sun.
It was blindingly bright and warm.So, I have a mother, and I have my own mother.
But why did my mother abandon me like a doll?"Then, what about daddy?""Daddy?" Xiao Fengning hesitated for a moment.
"Mommy told me that I'll understand once I grow up.
She won't let me overthink things.""Oh, your mom's amazing.
She knows everything." I envy her for having a good mother."Of course, my mother's a doctor.
She's a very, very powerful doctor.
She understands everything." Xiao Fengning revealed a proud expression when he mentioned his mother.
"Sister, we don't need to envy anyone.
Once we grow up, we'll know a lot."I closed my mouth and looked coldly at the sun.
Fengning was really noble.
She was much more knowledgeable than I knew.
She was brighter than I was.
She was brighter than I was.Fengning was my friend when we were seven years old.
We met at Maple Mountain.
She left a month later and had no idea where she had gone.
Today, there was still no news.However, more than four years ago, the first time they met was when they met.
It was this time when they were separated from each other and seriously injured a newly born relationship.
This knot was called self-esteem.
It was a wound that had been torn apart by the wind and clouds, and it was also a heart-wrenching truth.For the rest of my life, everything I could forget, and everything I couldn't forget, was locked together with this girl named Fengning.When I was seven years old, I sat on Red Maple Mountain alone in a daze, staring straight at the rising and spinning orange wooden horse.
My memories seemed to overlap on a certain point.
Suddenly, my memories faded and became blurry again.At this moment, a little girl interrupted me.
She was so cute.
She strode out of her left foot and shouted, "One."Then he followed with his right foot, which was at the same level as his left foot.
He shouted, "Two!"Then, he stepped out of his left foot again and shouted, "Three!"Then, he leapt forward and shouted, "Let's go together!"One, two, three, we go together, bouncing and bouncing as we walk.
People look at her curiously.She wasn't too pretty.
Her unique cuteness had completely surpassed ten beautiful points.
Her clothes were snowy, and her snow-white dress was beautiful.
There was a ribbon in her long hair and a pair of butterfly wings tied to her back.
The sun was orange.My first impression was that she was an Arctic penguin.
Happy and cute.She noticed that I was staring at her, so she stopped and smiled at me.
The wind blew a few strands of hair on her forehead, and then she turned to look at the pine tree above her.
There was an obedient squirrel on top.
Then, she walked toward me.Her eyes were round and bright, and she looked at me for a long time.
Then she crouched in front of me, one arm against my sitting knees, and the other took out a large pack of white sugar from her pocket and handed it over.
"Here you are."My clothes are old, shabby, and I haven't washed them for days.
I run out for a day, covered in dust, with a few shards of grass hanging on my head.
It's sour compared to this girl.
My presence reveals her brilliance, and her appearance reveals my embarrassment cruelly.At this moment, I was a little beggar.
She was the one who threw things to the little beggar.I wanted to slap the big white rabbit out of its sugar, but what good would it do for me?
Not only would I be able to satisfy the fleeting momentary emptiness, but I would also be weak, and nothing else.
If not, why would I need to get rid of it?Since I was young, I had developed the ability to weigh the pros and cons.I took the milk candy, teared it apart in one breath, and put it in my mouth."Anything else?" If she was willing to give it, I wouldn't refuse.
My bright moon, I've said, floated above the living conditions of a stray cat.She stood up and looked around.
"Wait a minute.
"She ran away.
After a while, she ran back with a bag of delicious things in her hand.
She must have bought them with money.
I didn't have money on me.
I ran out for a day and could only starve for a day.
When I ate at home, I didn't dare to eat too much, and I couldn't eat too little.
Every meal was very hard.If I ate too much, I, an outsider, would be disgusted by Qiukun.
If I ate too little, it would cause Zhiming to be oversensitive.Therefore, hunger became a friend who followed like a shadow.I grabbed the food, worried that she would take the rest, so I tried to eat everything.Halfway through the meal, I asked carefully, "Why did you give me something to eat?""Can we be friends?""Sure.
" Of course, as long as she had something to eat."My name is Fengning." She stood up and reached out with a serious expression on her face.
"It's nice to meet you."I grabbed her hand and said, "My name is Qiujing.""How old are you?
Do I call you sister, or do you call me sister?""Do you like to be a sister, or a sister?" I opened my mouth and asked her."I like to be a younger sister.""Well, I'm older than you.
I'll call you sister, and you'll call me sister." Later she knew that she was a year younger than me, and it was not a bad thing for her to be a sister.There was once when Fengning and I strolled on the streets, and we bumped into a fight.The group of children scolded a child.
The child who was scolded was an illegitimate child.
They scolded him for being a scum and a little monster.
When he grew up, he would become a heartless man and destroy the happiness of others.As an illegitimate son, I decided to avoid this dispute.
However, I didn't expect Fengning to charge forward.
A little girl like her actually dared to shout at a group of boys, "Shut up!
You're all too evil!
A bunch of people bullying a person.
Aren't you ashamed?""Xiao Yatou, try saying that again, or I'll beat you up.""How dare you "My dad said he's an illegitimate son who destroys other people's families.
He's a bad guy, so he lets the wolves eat.""Nonsense, your father is the bad guy.
Teacher said that bullying and cursing are not good children who beat people up.
""Your father is the bad guy.""Your dad's bad --""Your dad's bad --""Your dad's bad --"......Fengning had argued with them for a long time.
He didn't know who would win or lose.
The final result was that the group of children had left, leaving only Fengning and me.My eyes were empty, and my heart was filled with gratitude.
It was the first time in my life that I'd truly felt the warmth, so sudden and unexpected.
It tore through the coldness that I'd tried so hard to cover, and I didn't dare to face it directly.
My heart was already numb, and at the same time, it really made me feel ashamed.
It was cold and sore and helpless in the sunlight, and I didn't know how to ease the pain and dispel it..Thus, he hurriedly ran away and fled.In the next few days, I met Xiao Fengning a few times.
She came to Red Maple Mountain to look for me, so I waited for her there.However, a month later, Xiao Fengning had never visited Red Maple Mountain again, and she had disappeared without a sound.
I waited for her at the Red Maple Mountain every day, and at the same time, she stared blankly at the horse that was spinning around her, filled with warmth and love.
She listened to the orange melody and sniffed the sweet orange juice.Xiao Fengning disappeared from my line of sight.
I didn't know what had happened to her, and I didn't know where her house was.
I didn't know how she would be able to find her, and I didn't know anything about her.In the morning, my brother Qiu Yunpao came over and asked me if I wanted to go to school with him.Since Zhao Qijun's incident, Teacher Zou had asked me to stay at home.
I was not allowed to go anywhere, nor was I allowed to go to school.
Once I had a clear idea of what to do, I would go to school once I was done.Teacher Zou hated me strangely.
She had long wanted to find an opportunity to drive me away.
How could she let go of such a good opportunity!Zouna was my class teacher in elementary school for a year.
Later on, she asked me to stay in school, which meant that I would spend two years to study for a year.
Qiuyun and I were the same age, and he was one year older than me.
In this new class, I would be one year older than everyone else.The primary school rules stated that the class teacher had to follow the class: from one year to six years, until graduation.
But for some reason, I had to follow the new batch of students to enter the first year.
Zouna shouldn't have.
She should have followed the previous class to teach the second year, but she had really dropped to the first year, to teach the new batch of students, and to teach the first year.Like this, Zouna became my class teacher again.Zhao Qijun's matter was basically over.
I should go to school.
Before I had a clue about finding my mother, my only choice was to go to school."You don't have to be afraid, sister.
No one has the right to take away the nine years of compulsory education.
If Teacher Zou causes trouble, we'll find the principal and sue them at the Ministry of Education."As he spoke, he brought me a bowl of soy milk, two fried dough sticks and a few steamed buns."I want to rest for a day.
I'll go tomorrow."He didn't think about it.
Instead, he nodded repeatedly, "Alright, you should rest.
You can rest for a few days.
I'll help you with your class."His older brother was a good student and his grades were the best in the entire city.
He had won first-class awards in many competitions in the city.Qiuyun went to school, but I wasn't idle either.
I picked up my bag and left.
I didn't go to school, but to an orphanage not too far away from home.The orphanage wasn't big and it looked exquisite from the outside.
It was a unique withering aura in the late autumn, withered yellow leaves, broken branches, and a strong autumn cool.
They all covered the entire orphanage with cuts and bruises.A few rickety blue-purple oxflowers were crawling on the wall, and vines were wrapped around the trees and cedars on the side of the wall.
There was also Autumn Seatang, whose red color was especially eye-catching in contrast to the green and withered yellow.The black coloured iron door.
The railing was also black and rough, but the top of the railing was a beautiful shape.I had come here purely to look for a person.
A bastard child, Zhiming's and another man's child.
I didn't know the child's name either.
I hadn't seen his appearance, but I only had a weak thought.
He must be here, and I would definitely be able to find him.Qiukun hated this child and slandered him.
He said that he was a bastard, a monster.
He had three heads and six arms, a cow's head and horse's face.
He was ruthless and merciless, and he specialized in eating children and harming others.
If he saw a bastard, he would definitely scold and hit him.As for his situation, I only knew that he was an older kid.
He was three years older than me, and sixteen years older than me.
Moreover, I knew that he had always lived in this orphanage.
Zhiming had used money to provide him with school and often bought good things for him to eat.
I really didn't know anything else.I walked up to the iron gate and pressed my face against the cold railing.
The door to a small house opened and a fifty-year-old uncle walked out.
It seemed that he didn't welcome strangers here.
He walked over and frowned impatiently.
He shouted at me, "Hello?
Who are you?
What's so nice about this orphanage?""Find someone.
""Who are you looking for?"The uncle ignored her.
He looked very sleepy and his eyelids were fighting.I could tell that it was the child that Zhiming had given me, so he would definitely know who I was looking for.
Zhiming often came here, and many people knew her.However, he really couldn't say that.
If he did, Zhiming would know that I had been here.
That would be a very troublesome matter, and she would suspect him.
If Qiukun found out that I was looking for Zhiming's illegitimate son, he would immediately kick me out of the house.The disaster came from my mouth, and I kept my mouth shut when I was afraid that I would say something wrong.
I followed the railing and looked inside.
There were many trees planted inside.
There was a layer of withered leaves on the ground and a beautiful flower bed.
There was a small plastic shed on the top, covering half of the flower bed."Hey, hey, hey, what are you doing?!" The uncle stared blankly at Nian Yu with a troubled expression.
"What's wrong with the past few days?
I don't want anyone to rest.
Nian Yu belongs to Ye Maozi.
Ye Maozi leaves at night, but he's fine.
He leaves at night and during the day."This was a good thing.
There was another stuffy gourd.
It was early in the morning.
What kind of thing was this?
However, if you were fine, you wouldn't have cared about it.
If you were willing to look at it, then look at it yourself.
It was a cold day, and no one cared about you."..."I staggered backward with my back behind me.
My vision expanded, and I could see the entire orphanage.
As I got further and further away, my vision gradually blurred.What could I find here?It would guide a girl to find her mother faster?Truth be told, I really didn't know why I had come here and why I had to look for Zhiming's child.He was probably an illegitimate son, and I was also an illegitimate son.
Zhiming was his mother, and Zhiming had adopted me.
This indiscernible symmetry was probably the only reason I had come to find him.He was a big kid, and he knew something about me, about my mother or dad.I couldn't let go of even a tiny bit of hope.
However, I didn't know if he would help me find my mother.Finding my mother was a slim hope.
If I couldn't find my mother, no one would take money to send me to a noble school and study abroad.
Then, I could only go back to my primary school today and live the life of a normal person's child.
I was afraid that I would lose the chance to live a normal life.
For example, beggars weren't living a normal life.How many times have I woken up from such a nightmare?To be honest, the primary school I studied wasn't bad at all.
The city's most important model primary school.
Many rich people would take out a sum of money and send their children here to study.
It was said that they received the help of the scholarly atmosphere.There were many, many rich kids in the school.
They had beautiful cars to pick them up and send them off from school.
It was awe-inspiring.
The atmosphere had changed from the smell of books to luxury and competition.I ran to the school and to the door of the classroom.
It just happened that the bell of the second class rang.
I didn't dare to go in and stood there with my bag in my hand.Teacher Zouna was in a particularly good mood today.
He didn't ask about Zhao Qijun's situation, nor did he ask why he was late on his first day at the academy.
Instead, he said gently, "Return to your seats.
Remember that you're not late next time."There seemed to be something very important.
It was a hundred times more important than what I had to do.The classroom fell silent.
The teacher walked to the teacher's desk and asked everyone, "Students, we've been together for four springs and autumns.
We're already fifth year students.
Have you had fun learning together for so many years?""Happy"Classmates, we must have gotten to know many new friends.
Are you happy?""Happy"Students, do you wish to meet a new classmate or friend?""Hope-""Students, teacher asked everyone, how many students do you have in our class?""Fifty three classmates --""So, with one more student, how many students do we have in our class?""Fifty four classmates --""Very well, everyone, welcome our class's fifty-fourth students." The teacher was the first to clap, so everyone clapped together.
I also clapped.The teacher turned to the side and faced the classroom door.
As he clapped his hands, he shouted, "Our fifty-fourth classmate is Fengning."I was the first to stop and clap my hands.
Then, I stood up.
The people around me also stood up and craned their necks to look forward.He muttered softly, "Who's Fengning?""I don't know.
I heard that her father is an official, Mayor.""Really?""Mm, really.
Her mother is also an official, the hospital director.
""I heard that their family is very rich.""No.
They have power.""I heard that their families do big business and always go to America and France."......I heard these words clearly, but I also wanted to know if this person named Fengning was the long-lost Fengning.I stared at the door --A dazzling girl walked in with a snow-white silk scarf, furry clothes, and a pendant hanging from her neck.
The person next to her was the principal.
They walked side by side to the podium, and the principal generously said something.
This time, not to mention a single word, even a single word could not be heard.Because she was the little Fengning I knew.I believed that she was the little Fengning from before.For so many years, Fengning had changed so much that it was practically a completely different person.
She was tall, with short hair in the past, and long hair now.
She was prettier than before, and her eyes were brighter as well.
Time was a cruel magician, and it could make a person unable to recognize himself.
But that wasn't all.
There were some things that couldn't be changed.
Her breathing, her temperament, and her cuteness would never change.I immediately recognized her, the cute little Fengning.
However, I didn't know if she would recognize me.I couldn't look away from her, just like how I stared at the happy little penguin in the past.
Fengning sensed something and glanced at me.
Her expression, her smile, her surprise, and her excitement.It turned out that she knew Qiu Jing from back then.
The years were just our looks, but they couldn't do anything to the resonance and affection in our hearts.Just like in the past, she slowly walked towards me.
Back then, she was in Maple Mountain Park.
She jumped whenever she wanted, and if she wanted to, she would jump as she pleased.
She wouldn't be affected at all.
But today, she was in the classroom.
Fengning didn't seem to be at all restrained.
She strolled around casually, as if no one was around her.Everyone, including the teachers and the headmasters, looked at me in unison.
There was a great sense of pride.At the same time, Qiaosha also walked over.
She and Fengning stood in front of me.
Like Fengning, she was a gorgeous girl.
She was happy and rich.Qiaosha's family was very rich.
On his fifth birthday, her father bought a high-end wind chime that cost thousands of yuan from France.
When he was six, his father sent her to study abroad, but she hated foreign languages and didn't like living abroad, so she came back.
On her tenth birthday, her father's birthday gift was a Ferrari..Qiaosha and I had known each other since we were young.
She seemed to be very nice to me, and I was also very respectful to her.
However, we weren't playmates, nor were we friends.
The most appropriate description of my relationship with Qiaosha was that I was a wild cat, and she belonged to a human being.When I was squatting or sitting on the ground, she would throw me a thousand yuan wind chime.
"Here, I'll give it to you."Then, she patted her fair and tender hands and walked away, twisting her waist.She would give me some of the super delicious pastries and then said, "How is it?
You haven't eaten them, have you?
If it weren't for me, you wouldn't have been able to eat such delicious things in your entire life.
Do you know, this is an original creamed pizza?
It's so expensive, and your clothes are only enough for you to eat."As long as you are obedient and obedient to me, I will give you some food every few days.""I won't refuse Qiaosha just because I don't want to eat the food from Mi Li." Life and suffering told me that I really do need these things right now.Life itself was unjust, and so was mine.
If one had to stubbornly choose a clear river between dignity and lowness, then life was not fair and unfair.
Life would mess you up, and the clear river would drown.In fact, I'm someone who needs dignity more than anyone else, and I'm even so extreme that I can understand my dignity as noble and hot.
There's no harm in that.
I'm a strong person, and I won't view my dignity as a weak face.
My dignity is the blood of nobles flowing in my blood, eternally noble, and accumulates the nobleness of several generations.Look, Qiaosha.
You're just a coward who can't control himself.
Once I find my mother, I'll definitely have more money than you.
I'll have a red sedan, and I'll have many, many beautiful clothes to wear.Don't you need a high and mighty feeling?
Fine, I'll give it to you.Didn't you like the majesty of the King's Landing?
Yes, I flatter you.Qiaosha put an arm on Fengning's shoulder and said to me, "Qiujing, let me introduce you to a new friend.""Sister, we've known each other for a long time.""You know each other?" Qiaosha was a little baffled.
She looked at me and Fengning and asked, "How could you possibly know each other?
Didn't you just return from abroad yesterday?"It turned out that since Fengning and Qiaosha knew each other, they must have been very friendly with each other.
It turned out that even though Qiaosha knew Fengning's message, I didn't know anything about it.
The happiness I felt earlier had transformed into a sense of displeasure, and I didn't even have the slightest bit of pride left in me."That's right.
We just got back yesterday.
We've known each other since we were young," Fengning and Qiaosha continued."As a child?""It's been a long time since I was a child!""It's been so long, how can you still recognize it?""Of course, because we're sisters.""Nonsense!" Qiaosha was displeased.
She snorted and walked away."Sister..." Feng Ning grabbed my hands.
Her hands were very slippery, and her skin was as soft as a baby's.
"I've missed you so much for so many years.
I really didn't expect to see you here..." She said a lot of things, and I would rather think of these things as nagging and nagging.I really couldn't believe that our reunion would be like this.
It was such a boring and boring collision.
Rather than this, it was better to not have met each other in the past.
Rather than this, it was better to never meet each other again.At the age of school, Fengning went to study in England.
Although education in England was good, their parents also had their worries.
If a child was influenced by Western culture since childhood, then they would definitely distance themselves from traditional Chinese culture and lower their sensitivity towards Chinese characters.
They decided to let Fengning return first, finish the primary school curriculum in the country, finish middle school, high school, and then go to an external university.They knew the past and the present, and learned from the central and western world.
This was the seed that they had sobbed for Fengning.Teacher Zou walked down from the podium and pulled Fengning to the podium.
She wanted Fengning to introduce himself in front of his new classmates."Greetings, fellow students.
My name is Fengning." Just as Fengning spoke, Zouna interrupted him, "Can you speak in English?"Everyone knew that this was a chance Zouna had given Fengning to display his talents.
I wasn't interested at all!However, it didn't take long for me to subdue Fengning.
It was an irresistible conquest.
This conquest was as soft as silk, like a seed bathing in spring rain.
It was a wake-up call and adoration.I had seen translators speak in foreign languages and also heard lectures from foreigners.
They didn't have Feng Ning's unique inner power.
The word 'Feng Ning' was just and square.
She smiled and hesitated.
Her words contained an irresistible charm.Only one person was able to fully display the true meaning of a song.
Fengning was the angel who could touch your soul, a true soul noble.
He was a transcendent fairy.Instantly, my heart began to grow wild.
Things that could not be looked upon would often stimulate my endless longing, although I didn't know if it would be fulfilled.
The resonance, the drum-like sensation, was enough to throw me beyond the sky.What I was looking forward to was the nobleness, the admiration, and the unattainable pride.The impulse to smash into the heart and the impulse to seize all of it was something that only Fengning could give to me and turn this impulse into a rash courage.
This energy was something that no one possessed.
Qiaosha's wealth and outstanding talent didn't exist.
His big brother Qiuyun had won the first place in the academy all year round, and he had won endless honor and applause.
However, he also didn't make me envious.Fengning, on the other hand, possessed such magic power.
Only those talents and abilities that weren't easy to possess or that I didn't have were able to make me worship and worship.Subconsciously, I wiped my eyes with my sleeves.What Fengning had today was exactly what I yearned for.Fengning, I want everything you have.
I want to surpass you, far beyond you.
I must!
One day, I will surpass you!Some people began to discuss how powerful Fengning was.
Some even said that Fengning's piano was the most powerful.
She had already reached Level 10 when she was ten, and she had even won first place in the European Vienna's Competition.After school, Qiaosha and Fengning got into their own cars and returned to their respective homes.
I hid behind a big tree, watching everything.Fengning and Qiaosha were the same.
They were the children of rich families.
The reason why they were outstanding was because they had the capital to receive a better education.
They had the money to go overseas to study and spend money to learn the piano.Which day will I be like them?Why doesn't Mommy want me?For so many years, whether it was wind and rain, frost and Xingzi's mockery, or the beating and beating, it wasn't enough to make me break down.
Because I believed that as long as I found my mother, fate's needles would change.
I would also walk smoothly through the clouds until I reached 90,000 miles.."I believe that my mother is a very, very wealthy person.
My father may be a wealthy man.
If I find them, I will be educated like aristocrats.
I can study abroad in England and live in a villa every day to make a small car driven by a driver.The things that others have, I want them; the happiness of others, I want to surpass them.It was this belief that ignited the candle of longing that was extinguished time and time again.
Even if it was unrealistic and even absurd, I really needed this belief.I believed that it was true.The attachment of Maple Mountain, the reminiscence of the horse, the orange and orange smells, etc.
They used a quiet melody to hint at the truth.
Mommy was really rich, and her father was also a big boss.But why did they have to abandon their own daughter?......