My Dear, Please Don't Hurt Me

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Chapter 44

If Nian Yu left, what would happen to the child in Qiaosha's stomach?On this day, I came to see Qiaosha.
It was me who took the initiative to look for her.
I wanted to ask her if possible, could she give birth to this child?Si Tubo was dead, Si Tuming was gone, and Si Tunian was gone, along with the Situ Clan's bloodline.
Nian Yu, after all, was a descendant of the Situ Clan.
He appeared cold and heartless on the surface, but in reality, he was someone who valued blood relations very much.
Otherwise, he wouldn't have been in a mess because of Si Tuming's death.The baby in Qiaosha's stomach was their Situ family's only hope.Since Qiaosha was pregnant, the academy had said that she had blasphemed on the academy's rules, and that she hadn't gone back on her words at all.
Therefore, they decided to fire her and kick her out of the house.
She couldn't go home either, so her mother definitely wouldn't allow Qiaosha to keep this child.
The chairman of Tianyu's investment bank, or her father, Qiaoji, wouldn't have done anything to her daughter.She was left alone, alone in the house where she had lived with Nian Yu.How could she not be sad when it came to touching the scenery?I knocked on the door, and Qiaosha opened the door.
Her empty eyes were terrifyingly gaunt.
She opened the door and didn't even bother to look at who it was.
She turned around and walked down the sofa in a dejected manner, revealing an irresistible stubbornness.She glared at me and shouted, "Why?
Are you here to persuade me?" She raised her voice and shouted, "I'm telling you, unless I die, the child dies too.
As long as I don't die, I won't let anything happen to the child!"What was wrong with her?
What was she saying?I was stunned and looked around.
There were a lot of tonics, fruits, flowers, new clothes, and quilts in the room.Why would Qiaosha, who had yet to recover from his trauma, buy these things?I understood that Qiaosha's parents had been here before.
News of the incident had spread like wildfire, and it was impossible for them not to know about it."No -- no," I shouted at Qiaosha.
"I want you to give birth to this child.
I beg you, give birth to this child.
All right.
I beg you, all right?"Qiaosha was stunned.
His pale face revealed a trace of understanding and agreement.
She smiled and stared at me, as if asking for a reason why this child was left behind.I was also stunned, because I actually knelt down and knelt at Qiaosha's feet.Qiaosha, how about this reason?Qiaosha pounced on me and her body slowly moved down.
We knelt face to face and hugged each other.
At the same time, we cried together.We stuck our faces to our faces, forehead to forehead."I'm godmother when the child is born.
Can you?" I asked her.She nods hard.
With a nod, we rub our cheeks against each other, rubbing warmth against each other and embracing each other.At this moment, we were a true pair of sisters.
We were sisters who shared the same bloodline.
This familial affection that we hadn't seen for a long time had been separated for too long.
We almost brushed past each other.
This would be a lifetime's regret.I asked her softly, "Will you regret giving birth to a child?"She said firmly, "Never.
""If the child affects your future life, I will take care of it."I gave her a promise that I needed to give.
Didn't I?Nian Yu, Qiaosha, and Qiu Bite were born in love.
Their bodies collided and turned into a cup of beautiful cocktails, which were clearly graded and bright.
Therefore, I added a drop of crimson pepper juice.
Although the cocktails were even more gorgeous, they had changed their taste.
It was extremely spicy and spicy.I admit that my silence was covered with awe-inspiring savagery and destruction."Consider this my punishment.
It is my duty to make this promise.
At the same time, I will use this promise to cut off an incomplete endpoint for my emotions.Qiaosha and the child who had already been born and lost in his destiny, let us start a new beginning.
Together, we welcome the sun tomorrow.
We spread our arms and leaped forwards."How can you do it alone?
Let's go home." I suggested that she should leave the scenery.
When she got home, there would be many people around her, children, and herself.
She shook her head, and her body trembled a few times as she shook her head, and she explained uneasily, "No, no.""They said, no matter what method you have, you must get rid of this child.""Them?
Your father, Qiaoji?""That's right, it's him."Qiaosha called out to them.
Qiaoji, you've really lost everything.
You can't blame me for falling in love with someone else.
Someone like you...
What a pity.I patted her on the back and encouraged her, "Don't worry, I have a way to convince your father to accept this child."She didn't believe me and stared at me.I rubbed my hands and rubbed her tender face.
I picked up a few of the delicious things, warmed them, boiled them, and fed them to her.She ate, and I took her from here and led her to a hotel.
I left after everything was settled.I left at 1:37 in the afternoon.It was Sunday, and the school didn't have any classes.
I hurried back to my dormitory, but didn't go upstairs.
Instead, I bounced on a flower bed in front of my dormitory.I knew that if the plan wasn't bad, there would be an unexpected visitor today.Sure enough, two hours later, two luxurious cars stopped at the entrance of the dormitory building.
Laosi Silaisi phantom walked down to a man.
He walked straight to the flower bed and rushed straight to me.
I was close, I was close, I was close, and he was also looking at me.
His gaze was strange, like a torch in a trembling hand, and the flames were flickering.His surprise was incredible.
He was Qiaoji.
I've seen him before.When I looked away from his face to the face of the lady behind him, the woman in red who had just left the red BMW, I fully understood his disbelief and surprise.I looked exactly the same as the lady.
She was Man Zi, right?
My mother, Man Zi.She remembered that when I wasn't sensible, she took me to the amusement park for an entire day and gave me an orange scarf.Unfortunately, I couldn't smell the scent of family at all today.Qiaoji was stunned.
He moved forwards, his mouth wide open.I shouted at him, "Dad --"His father's voice broke through his daze.
He couldn't help but shed tears.
He stretched out an arm and wanted to touch me, saying, "You, what did you call me?
You're Xiao Man, you're Xiao Man.
"I took a step back and jumped onto the flower bed."I'm sorry, I don't know who Xiao Man is.
I only have one name, Qiujing."My tone was as cold as the snow."I'm Qiaoji, and I'm your father.
I've been looking for you for so many years, but I didn't expect that you and Qiaosha would already know each other!"His tone was as hot as summer's."No matter how you edit it, you haven't done your father's duty." I hate excuses like that."I understand, I understand.
Tell me, I can make it up to you as much as I want.
You know, the person I love the most in my heart is your mother.
The daughter I love the most is you, Xiaoman."Mom?
What a joke.
Whose mom?Xiaoman's memory was so poor?
He had just stated that my name was Qiujing and Xiaojing.
There was no way I would call him Xiaoman.Alright, for the time being, it was different from his theory."I can acknowledge you as well.
There's a condition."He quickly accepted it and promised, "You can say any condition you want.""Bring Qiaosha home, love him well, and treat him well.
Also, respect her wishes and allow her to give birth to the child in her womb.
Take good care of the child."He hesitated.
I jumped down from the flower bed and turned to leave.I knew that he loved Man Zi too much.
Therefore, he would never give up on the child that Man Zi gave himdecision must have shattered his hesitation.Unsurprisingly, he grabbed my arm and swore, "Daddy agreed.
Dad agreed to anything."Humans were truly strange animals, selfish animals, and cruel animals.
For example, two years ago, I personally set up a trap and killed the baby in Mi Yang's belly.
Today, in order to protect the baby in Qiaosha's stomach, I would rather call Qiaoji 'daddy'.Who would know how much pain the word 'daddy' was stinging me.
Who would know how much it would swallow me?Qiaosha clearly remembered whether his fiancee's mother had the right to abort the child debate.
He gnashed his teeth and expressed his support for beating off the baby.
Right now, she didn't hesitate to sacrifice everything for the sake of the baby.There were many things in Fate that would always play out inadvertently.
Finally, the curtains fell in the dark.Qiaoji walked away from the flower terrace, walked out of the dormitory building, and walked past Man Zi.
Qiaoji slowed down.
He looked at me and then at Man Zi.I strode forward, and it was a bit slow.
Qiaoji also quickened his pace and followed me.I noticed that Manzi's mouth twitched, and his hands extended out.
When she saw my cold and heartless expression, she gave up on recognizing him.In the end, she still didn't have the courage to take a step forward and call out to me.
If she did, then I would simply tell her: I'm sorry, I've already earned enough money for Fengning to study abroad.
I don't need to acknowledge you as my mother anymore.If someone asks me:You hate Manzi?You resent Man Zi?Would you love Manzi?My answer was: In the vast sea of people, when you see someone you don't know, do you hate her?
Do you hate her?
Or do you love her?In the inn, Qiaoji took his daughter, Qiaosha."You're not going home?" he asked, full of expectation.Home I have a home?I wanted to tell him what Nian Yu had said: Don't be too greedy.
There are only two levels of greed.
Either you have nothing, or you have to die.I couldn't bear it and quietly swallowed this sentence.Qiaoji, he was a man who had betrayed himself through the passage of time.
The woman he loved most had abandoned him.
He was in pain and crazy.
But, he shouldn't have placed the blame on another woman.
Since he had married someone, he must love her and his daughter, Qiaosha.
Men must be responsible, must have courage, must be willing to bear and take responsibility.Don't be petty, often use "love" to cover up your mistakes, and use "love" as the reason for your indulgence.Compared to Nian Yu, he didn't have a single word.
Nian Yu didn't love Qiaosha, but who would dare to say that his sacrifices and responsibilities were not true love?For the first time, I carefully examined Qiaoji and told him that Qiaosha's children were also my children.
I had to take good care of them.
If anything went wrong, I would never forgive him.Was this what a daughter should say to her father?But, I said it.Qiaoji also smiled.A few months later, I finally fulfilled the promise I made to myself and fulfilled my reckless efforts.Fengning walked into Leiton University, and I prepared enough money for her to guarantee that she would be able to finish her studies, masters, doctors, and even more.
I didn't tell her that the money was earned from running a bar, and I lied to her that it was the money my father and mother gave me.
I didn't want her to have too much to worry about, and I didn't want her to think that she owed me.This was all I had done for Fengning.
She had to walk the rest of the way on her own.
I firmly believed that she would succeed.
An angel full of spirituality, a pure fairytale princess.Next, I have to do what I want to do.Dear Miya, thank you.
Your teachings and guidance made me give up on my studies.
As you said, if I didn't give up on my studies, my dreams would still be bright and beautiful.My dream was to study, become a scholar, and become a local tyrant.
This was also Fengning's dream.Fengning, you have to work hard.
You have to fly.Fengning, I must surpass you.Fengning, the farther you fly, the greater the potential of my motivation.Fengning, let us compete together, no one can lose to anyone.Fengning went to Holland and Leiton University.My next stop, England.England, I open my arms.Dear Miya, you must be waiting for me and still love me.Right?You must still love me.
I can feel your heart beating, and your heart is full of concern.I love you, Miya!(The entire book is finished)