The Arrogant Cultivator

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Chapter 1

Deep into the night, the Dawn Sect was very cold.
It was a stark contrast to the colorful lights of the city.The enormous Myriad Scrolls Pavilion was like a giant monster that occupied the Dawn Sect under the night sky.
At this moment, a black shadow dashed towards the Myriad Scrolls Pavilion from the direction of the Myriad Scrolls Pavilion.
It was extremely fast."Teacher, I'm here!" Black Shadow stopped outside the Ten Thousand Scrolls Pavilion and bowed."Come in." An aged voice came from the Myriad Scrolls Pavilion.
If Wangbing and Chenyuan were here, they would surely have recognized that the owner of the voice was the old man from the day."Yes, teacher!" Black Shadow replied respectfully, then pushed open the door and walked in."Teacher, you asked me to come..." Black Shadow stood outside the round platform and bowed to the old man who was lying on the chair.The old man slowly opened his eyes and said, "Hehe, the Dawn Sect has picked up a treasure this time.
You should know what to do, right?""Teacher, are you referring to Wangbing and Chenyuan?" Black Shadow asked."Mm, that kid named Wangbing is quite good!
With my eyesight, I can't even see what kind of cultivation technique he practices, let alone his exact cultivation.
This is quite strange!" The old man chuckled."What?
Even you can't see through his cultivation, doesn't that mean...""You don't have to worry about that.
He definitely hasn't reached that level.
At most, he's only at the Saint level.
However, I can't see his depth.
It's strange!" The old man squinted his eyes and continued, "Moreover, the moment I released my aura, he sensed me and almost found me.Black Shadow broke out in a cold sweat.
He naturally knew the extent of his teacher.
If even his teacher couldn't see through him, could he have come from there?
However, with his teacher around, he wouldn't be too worried.
He asked doubtfully, "Then teacher, you asked me to come...""If you want to recruit these two people, it will only benefit us!
That spirit element cultivator's future accomplishments won't be low either.
Besides, I believe that he has already taken the cultivation technique inside.
I wonder if they have the courage!
Hehe, I want to see how far they can go.
I'm looking forward to it!
Interesting, interesting...""Teacher, that Wangbing isn't too bad.
As for that spirit element cultivator, even though he rarely appears on the continent of Qi La, in your old eyes, he's just average?" Black Shadow asked softly."Haha, you've been in the Saint realm for quite some time now, haven't you?!" The old man chuckled."Fifty-three years." Black Shadow replied respectfully."Your vision isn't open enough.
This way, it'll be hard for you to advance.
Remember, as far as you can see, you can walk as far as you can!
Don't limit your vision to the illusion in front of you," the old man said to Ke Meng.
"Don't underestimate that spirit element cultivator.
He's already at level 5 at seventeen."He will definitely break through to the Highgod Realm within ten years.""Wang Jie's fifth rank?
How is this possible?!
He's clearly an eighth grade master rank cultivator!" the shadow exclaimed softly."Hehe..." The old man shook his head and said, "He has cultivated a cultivation technique to conceal his cultivation.
Even if you're a Saint Realm cultivator, it's hard to detect if you don't investigate carefully.
Alright, you can head back first!
Remember, you should cultivate properly.""Yes, teacher.
The students will take their leave!" Black Shadow bowed to the old man.
His heart surged as he walked outside, sinking into the night."The youngsters nowadays are getting stronger and stronger, haha!
I'm looking forward to it!" The old man smiled.
The Myriad Scrolls Pavilion fell into silence once again."Sigh, it's a pity that the Primordial Chaos Realm has been sealed by teacher.
The Origin Energy is extremely scarce, and cultivators can only cultivate elemental energy.
The highest achievement is at the God boundary." The old man sighed and said, "Teacher is also missing.
I wonder when this old man will be able to return.
With this old man's cultivation, who will be able to keep him?"Thinking of his teacher's cultivation, even though he had disappeared for so many years, the old man still believed that his teacher was still alive."Do I really want to break the Elemental Crystals?" Chenyuan asked with a bitter expression.After memorizing the cultivation method, even though Chenyuan had already figured out how to break the relationship between the two of them, he was still hesitant.
After all, breaking the Elemental Crystal wasn't a joke.
If he didn't get it done well, then not only would his cultivation be lost, but he might even become a cripple.
He had never heard of anyone who had recovered the Elemental Crystal after breaking apart.Furthermore, his current cultivation was something that he had painstakingly cultivated.
If he were to break through just like that, it would be a lie if he said he didn't feel sorry for her!"Of course I do." Wangbing responded with an expressionless face.
Chenyuan had already asked the same question over and over again in the morning.
This fella really was a top-notch person."Really...""Alright, enough talking.
You've already said it all morning!" Wangbing impatiently interrupted Chenyuan's words and roared.?This fellow is really annoying.
He's been saying it all morning without stopping!"Alright, I'll stake my life!
If anything happens to me, you have to take care of me for the rest of your life!""..." Wangbing was rendered speechless.?What do you mean by 'I'll take care of you for the rest of my life'?
What are you saying?!Seeing that Wangbing's expression was getting worse and worse, Chenyuan immediately leapt onto the bed and sat down cross-legged.
Then, he raised his head and said, "Let's go all out!
I'm willing to cut my body into pieces and practice my arcane effort.
I'll begin!"Wangbing stood in front of Chenyuan's bed, his eyes fixed on Chenyuan as he solemnly said, "Alright, I'll protect you.
Let's begin."Wangbing didn't dare to relax at all.
If Chenyuan really failed, then his sins would be great.
Perhaps he really had to take care of a man like him for the rest of his life!
However, if he didn't gamble, how would he know that he wouldn't be able to do it?
Wealth and honor were in danger.
Nothing was so easy.
If there weren't any risks, then the harvest wouldn't be that great.
The things that happened in the sky were just nonsense..After closing his eyes, Chenyuan concentrated his mind and began to slowly circulate his cultivation technique.
Since he had never experienced any reversals in cultivation techniques, he had no choice but to focus his attention and memorize every change in his body.
He didn't dare to be careless at all!Chenyuan's lower abdomen began to flicker with two Elemental Crystals, one green and one red.
The elemental energy in the surroundings began to change in a disorderly manner, and then turned green and red.At this moment, Chenyuan's facial muscles twitched under the unfathomable movement of his cultivation technique, and beads of sweat shot out from his forehead like soybeans.
It was clear how much pain he had suffered.After a while, the two Elemental Crystals in Chenyuan's abdomen suddenly began to shrink and thump like a heart.
As the Elemental Crystals began to pulse, Chenyuan's body began to flicker with an azure and a red light.Suddenly, Chenyuan's tightly shut eyes opened, and two beams of determination shot out of them.
He shouted, "Break!"Following Chenyuan's shout, Wangbing seemed to hear two crisp cracking sounds coming from within Chenyuan's body.
He knew that Chenyuan's elemental crystal had broken."Hurry up and tighten your mind.
Don't be distracted.
Absorb the broken elemental crystals, crush the two elemental powers in your body, and condense them into a mixture of elemental powers..." Wangbing shouted.He could tell that Chenyuan had become extremely weak the moment the elemental energy crystal shattered.
However, this was a critical moment, and it wasn't time to rest.
If he didn't fuse his elemental energy in time, Chenyuan's cultivation would soon vanish.
At that time, all of the elemental energy he had accumulated would vanish, and he would truly become a cripple.Chen Yuanquan felt as if his body had been torn apart, and he felt a great deal of pain.
He was extremely weak, and his consciousness was gradually falling into a state of drowsy.
He had completely forgotten to use the nine revolutions of the kibreak technique.
Just as he was about to fall into a deep sleep, he suddenly heard a thunderous shout.
Chenyuan woke up with a jolt.It wasn't the time to sleep yet.
She had to hurry up and cultivate, or else everything would be over.Chenyuan barely managed to defend his consciousness, which was on the verge of falling into a state of drowsy.
He restrained himself, preventing himself from fainting.
Then, he began to revolve his nine revolutions of the Elemental Energy Breaking Art.
As the Elemental Crystal had just shattered, most of his elemental energy was scattered within Chenyuan's body, but it didn't dissipate immediately.
However, at this moment, the elemental energy within his body was in an extremely chaotic state.As Chenyuan revolved the [Nine Revolving Yuan Breaking Technique], the chaotic elemental energy in his body began to calm down bit by bit.
Although the speed was extremely slow, it allowed the elements of wind and fire to entangle in his body.
This way, he would be able to fuse the elemental energy into the Kun Peng.The fusion of elemental powers wasn't an easy task.
When two types of elemental power clashed, it was easy for them to explode.
Of course, this was for ordinary cultivators.The body of a spirit element cultivator was like a coexisting tool.
Elemental powers of different attributes could coexist within their body and not affect each other.
This was also a place where spirit element cultivators were blessed by the heavens.
The reason why the 'Nine Revolving Origin Breaking Technique' was suitable for a spirit element cultivator to cultivate was because the body of a spirit element cultivator had this fundamental attribute.This attribute is called a freak, it's not an exaggeration at all!With the help of the Qi Method, Chenyuan's elemental energy began to fuse with the elements of wind and fire.
After the fusion, the elemental energy began to circulate in his body according to the nine revolutions of the ki breaking technique.
As more and more elements were fused, the procession began to grow larger and larger.It had been an entire morning, and Chenyuan had only fused with less than one tenth of his elemental power.
At the same time, the elemental power that hadn't yet fused with Chenyuan poured out of his body and dissipated into the air.
Chenyuan had no other choice but to watch them disappear.After observing closely for an entire morning, Wangbing finally heaved a sigh of relief when he saw that Chenyuan had already fused a portion of his elemental power, and that the most dangerous joint was already over.
He shouldn't have been in any more danger.
Even though Chenyuan was cultivating, Wangbing wasn't at all relaxed.One had to know that the protectors were all tense and tense at all times.
Every strand of wind and grass could make their hearts thump for half a day.
This kind of thing wasn't a joke!After confirming that there weren't any major problems, Wangbing returned to his room.
He had been in a daze all morning, and had consumed a lot of mental energy.
He had to rest for a while.In the room, the little beast was still lying on the bed.
Recently, the little beast had become more and more drowsy.
Perhaps it was because of the black stone.
The Gold Essence Beast's body had been modified by the black stone and was growing stronger every day.
Previously, Wangbing had never believed that there would be a pie falling out of the sky for no reason.
But now that he saw the Gold Essence Beast, Wangbing believed it.
What a jealous little fellow!Sitting cross-legged on the bed, Wangbing began to cultivate.
Cultivating the Perception Force was the best rest for him.He didn't know when Chenyuan would be able to finish his cultivation, but he didn't dare to leave.
Although Wangbing had said that he didn't know what the 'Nine Revolving Yuan Breaking Technique' was, in truth, he still didn't know what it was.
In the end, he still allowed Chenyuan to cultivate it.
After all, this was a god-class cultivation technique, and it was also a cultivation technique for spirit element cultivators.The so-called 'treasure is sought in danger'.
If you don't take the risk to gamble, how do you know it isn't a treasure?!......As soon as the elemental crystal shattered, Chenyuan felt as if all the energy in his body had been sucked dry.
The feeling of rotation made him almost faint.
Now, after an entire morning of fusion, the mixed elemental power in his body had already formed into some sizes.As Chenyuan's elemental power continued to increase, the exhaustion in his body slowly lessened.
His face, which had been distorted by the reversal of his cultivation method, gradually turned slightly pale.It was important to break it.
It was also important to establish it.
It required great courage and perseverance.
Chenyuan knew this very well, so at this moment, he was sparing no effort to use the [Nine Revolving Origins] cultivation method in order to maximize the strength of wind and fire elements.It was as much as he could mold it, but it was something that he had painstakingly cultivated.
Wouldn't it be too much of a pity for it to disperse just like that?Just like that, Chenyuan spent two days and nights cultivating.
During these two days and nights, Wangbing had merely been cultivating on his bed.
His tense nerves didn't dare to relax in the slightest, and he kept an eye on Chenyuan's room at all times.
If there were any movements in his room, Wangbing would immediately head over.