Ability User: Happy and Rich

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Chapter 1

The world was always so colorful, and the things that had happened were bizarre.
There were some that couldn't be used as a scientific basis to determine whether this had happened or not.
There was really no way to explain whether there really was a soul in this world.
These things that couldn't be explained clearly could only be described with feudal thoughts.In fact, this kind of thing can only be believed by you, so it exists; if you don't believe it, it doesn't necessarily exist.
You can also say that this is feudal thinking."However, is there really no soul in this world?
Let's put it this way.
Humans are born from the combination of parents, and they are the product of the combination of yin and yang.
However, this combination really gives birth to intelligent creatures like us?
What they produce are only some fleshly bodies.
Whether those fleshly bodies have intelligence or not, this definitely isn't.
It's just that some of them are mainly made of proteins and other substances.For these substances, do they have thoughts?
For this question, it was more certain at the time of answering.How could a substance have thoughts?
Since they didn't have thoughts, how could creatures in this world have thoughts?
So, as soon as the soul mentioned it, these mindless bodies and souls gave birth to us, especially humans with advanced intelligence."To be able to produce the souls of humans, those are the outstanding souls that have surged out of the single wooden bridge.
Only these excellent souls can produce high-level creatures like us with high intelligence.Another person came up with a suggestion.
Since there was a soul, then if those dead souls wanted to continue living, then wouldn't they have memories of their past lives?
Meng Potang's legend.
This Meng Potang truly didn't exist.As for whether there was a Mengpo Tang or not, there really wasn't any basis for that.
It was possible that there was such an item.
No matter what, if it weren't for this item, everyone in this world would have the memories of their past life, which would bring fear to this world, and make those used to use ghosts even more shockingly.This was why this world was multi-colored.
The creatures that existed in this world were all left behind by the competition of the fittest.
These species that had undergone a series of cruel eliminations had survived and continued to reproduce in this world.
They all worked even harder to live a better life in this world, making the entire species more perfect..Yang Shichang had been living in an orphanage on the other side of the city ever since he was young.
He had been working for more than ten years now.
Although he had been washed in the paste many times, his skin patches and patches had faded a little, but it was still very neat and tidy.
He said, 'Although I'm poor, there's nothing I can do.
I'm not strong enough.'But people are poor, but they can't look down on themselves.
The day after tomorrow they have to work hard to become stronger.
Although their clothes are patched and patched, they have to be clean.
'He's called a Hundred Transformations.
He works in different positions and is well-versed in things.'There were more than a hundred cement workers, electricians, hotel staff, etc., but unfortunately, the competition in each post was too intense.
Only elementary school culture and junior high school had not graduated, and he had no background in these competitions.Right now, he worked as a porter at a construction site.
Although his salary was pitifully low and he would sometimes owe it, he could still barely support himself.Today, he was supposed to go to the local electric University to receive a graduation notice, but he didn't expect to bump into something that made him enter the Public Security Bureau for no reason.
It was unknown how many times he went in this time.Yang Shichang helplessly walked out of the city's public security bureau.
Although he was used to entering and exiting the public security bureau, this time, it was more serious because the other party had died this time.
He warned himself many times not to meddle in other people's affairs, but as soon as he saw others in trouble, he couldn't help but want to help.Ever since he came out of the orphanage, he had been beaten up ever since he was young.
Normal thieves were really not his match, so he had never suffered a single injury when he was helping others.Just like this time, he saw a gangster holding a knife and robbing.
This time, his "love" flooded out again.
He stepped forward to help people rescue them from the hands of robbers.
What he didn't expect was that the gangster had a strong body, but a cotton candy.
It wasn't very important to save people.
He didn't expect that the gangster would accidentally die this time and was invited to the Public Security Bureau just like that.Fortunately, the robber was the witness and was able to be released.Walking through the streets of the city, there were plenty of people who spent their lives without regrets.
But what did they get in the end?
No matter how many villas, cars, and other so-called riches you had, it was a pity that when you slept, you were just taking up a small piece of land.When you die, you can take away a few of these so-called treasures, but you didn't take them away at all.Yang Shichang loved to say the most, "Humans, it's not easy to come to this world.
They can't go all out every day and make themselves miserable."Why would he risk his life for?
Wouldn't he be able to live a better life?
Then why couldn't he make himself more comfortable and enjoy life in this world?"Yang Shichang went straight to his destination ve years to get this piece of paper.
In order to obtain it, he had spent a lot of time and didn't have much money left to study.
He could only go to garbage piles to pick up things that could be pulled back.
As for obtaining these things, he needed blood and meat to exchange them for them.There are fixed factions in each district that can only be taken.
An outsider wants to take them.
Only by kicking out the original factions will you be able to obtain what you want in this district.Furthermore, he was only at the elementary school level.
How much time and energy would it take for him to graduate?It was already late autumn, and this Juick, who had accompanied him for so many years, made him feel a little warm.
He tightened his grip on the thin Juick, lowered his head, and hurried on his way.
His only fashion tool, a twenty-eight card, stopped not far away from him.Yang Shichang had to pass by a group of pedestrians and live here.
There were some people who were as poor as him.
Seeing them made him feel happy.
At the very least, he still had a place to stay and eat.When they first entered the underground tunnel, they saw a pair of unfamiliar mother and daughter huddled at the entrance.
They were poor people who lived in the underground tunnels.
They themselves were divided into three, six, nine ranks.
Some powerful people lived inside.
As for the newcomers and the old and weak, they could only stay at the ventilator at the entrance.
Here, they were hungry and cold.
Often during the cold winter, the death rate here was quite high.As they passed, they heard the little girl pulling the woman next to her and whispering in a trembling voice, "Mommy, I'm hungry.""Mommy, I'm hungry.
" The woman hugging the girl's cheeks were covered with tears as she whispered to the little girl in a choked up voice.Yang Shichang knew that he couldn't stay, but he still couldn't help but stop.
He couldn't help them, nor could he help them.
However, the nerves in his mind prompted him to do something.
In the end, he gave them all the remaining coins on him.
The remaining few days could be passed, and it would be fine once the wages were paid.He took out his transportation tool and asked Aunt Wang what time it was.
He didn't expect it to be so late.
It wouldn't be long before the electric current closed the door.
He hurriedly rode up and rushed out.Lowering his head, he stomped on the 28 Big Cards nonstop.
The cold wind rushed straight into his thin body, freezing him so much that he quickly tightened his clothes.
Suddenly, a loud noise rang out.
For some reason, he felt himself flying out, and then he didn't feel anything at all.When Yang Shichang sensed it again, he felt as if he was floating in midair.
He could only watch helplessly as he lay on the ground.
He felt strange.
His head was drenched in blood, and an old bicycle was lying not far away.
The front wheel had already been bent and shriveled.A MPV stopped thirty meters away.
The front of the MPV was dented and the driver, who was seated in the driver's seat, was at a loss.Along the way, pedestrians gathered and discussed about the car accident that happened just now.