Ability User: Happy and Rich

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Chapter 5

Just like that, she slowly adjusted her breathing, allowing her body's various physiological functions to revolve and slowly recover.
As she leaned against her body, she felt that the female ghost was about to awaken.
Sure enough, not long after, the female ghost slowly opened her eyes and looked at the female ghost who looked very beautiful.
Her oval face, curved eyebrows, large eyes, tall nose bridge, and delicate mouth.
Although her complexion was a little pale, such a beautiful face made one's eyes light up, making it hard to breathe.
Especially when she smiled, the two dimples made her even more uncontrollable.Wow, she laughed again.
I'm going to die.
Let me die.After Lin Meiling straightened out Liuhai's disheveled forehead, he raised his head and looked at Yang Shichang.
When he saw the benefactor in front of him standing there like a fool, all he knew was to stare straight into his own eyes and laugh foolishly, "Idiot, am I beautiful?"Then look at that Yang Shichang, which eyes like to burst out, the mouth water like a waterfall, the mouth murmured: "Beautiful, so beautiful." Heart beating extraordinarily powerful, extraordinarily fast.
Fluttering, fluttering heartbeat sounded like a mountain, heard very clearly."Thank you for saving me." Perhaps the wound had been touched, and the beautiful woman's brows furrowed.
Her plain and pitiful demeanor made everyone want to protect her.
But who was it that was so hateful that such a charming beauty such as Chu Chu had suffered such a serious injury?
He should have cursed her for breaking his corpse into ten thousand pieces, never to come back to life after death."Hehe, no thanks, no thanks." Yang Shichang scratched his head and laughed foolishly."Can you do me a favor?" Lin Meiling suddenly thought of something.
He didn't care that he was seriously injured, whether he was an evildoer or a bad person.
However, the importance of this matter didn't allow her to have any other thoughts.
However, when she told Yang Shichang about this matter, she subconsciously used her seduction technique.Yang Shichang, who had been rendered speechless by Lin Meiling's seductiveness, replied with a silly laugh, "Of course, of course.
Hehe." Seeing Yang Shichang's dazed expression, Lin Meiling sighed and felt a wave of disappointment in his heart, as if he were relieved.Yang Shichang's body, which was caused by the charm technique, underwent a tremendous transformation.
A warm current instantly broke through the barrier, causing his mind to cool down.
Immediately, Yang Shichang woke up and his eyes regained their composure.
He smiled and said to Lin Meiling, "Beauty, if there's anything you want me to do, I'll go up the mountain and cook a pot of oil.
I won't hesitate to do anything else.""..."Lin Meiling's eyes lit up at Yang Shichang's awakening.
He didn't know what to think, but his face was as red as a monkey's buttocks, and the way he looked at Yang Shichang was also interesting.Although he didn't know why he had embarrassed her so much, the way he handled things was steady and steady, and the things that needed to be handed over were still complete.
"It's like this.
Can you help me give this to my father?" As he spoke, he took out a brocade sachet from his sleeve.
When he saw that Yang Shichang had placed the brocade sachet in his pocket, he added, "Wait a minute." Then, he took out a brocade sachet from his pocket and wrote something on it.
Then, he handed it to Yang Shichang.After receiving the token, she was about to turn around and leave when she turned around and asked, "Oh, by the way, it seems that you haven't told me where your father is yet.
How can I find him?"Lin Meiling smiled sweetly, "Fool, what's the hurry?
I haven't told you yet, but you're so anxious to leave.
Can't I let you stay a little longer?""No, no, no.
What will happen then?" Yang Shichang scratched the back of his head and chuckled awkwardly, "Haha, I'm in a hurry, aren't I?
I have to be very careful with your orders.
Hehe, I'm done.
Come back and see you soon."Lin Meiling looked at his silly expression and his eyes lit up when he heard the last sentence, "Is that true?
You're so anxious just to see me right away.
Hehe, you're so nice." Then, he leaned towards Yang Shichang.Looking at the beautiful woman in front of him, Yang Shichang couldn't contain his excitement.
Was he going to hug her, or not?
Just as he was hesitating, Lin Meiling looked curiously at Yang Shichang's troubled expression.
He didn't know what to do with his hands.
He waved his hand and asked curiously, "What happened to you?".Looking at the beautiful woman in front of him, Yang Shichang couldn't contain his excitement.
Was he going to hug her, or not?
Just as he was hesitating, Lin Meiling looked curiously at Yang Shichang's troubled expression.
He didn't know what to do with his hands.
He waved his hands and asked curiously, "What's wrong with you?""Ah." A strange cry, see Lin Meiling face full of curiosity to stare at himself "regret ah.
Shame on you, how could I be like this?
I don't see it, she didn't see it, she must not have seen it." The mouth muttered, eyes dodging peeking at the beautiful woman in front of him.
Seeing that she didn't seem to be angry, she was busy saying back, "Nothing, nothing, huh." Giggling and looking at the beautiful woman in front of him.Seeing that he was alright, Lin Meiling continued, "Mhm, let's do this.
I was just about to head to a place, and it happened to be on my way.
You should accompany me for a bit, and I'll tell you how to proceed.
Oh, right.
Come over and close your eyes."Yang Shichang's mind began to wander again."Alright, there's no need to close anymore.
Hey, why are you pouting?
I didn't ask you to pout.
Hmph, what are you thinking about again?
Big pervert." Lin Meiling's face flushed red with anger."Hehe, this, this, this..." I don't know what to say, I don't even know how to let go of my hand, I just stood there dumbfounded.Lin Meiling pretended to be angry, "Hmph, fool.
What are you still doing there?
Hurry and help me up.""Ah, oh, I'm here, I'm here." He didn't know how to put his hands down, but he carefully helped Lin Meiling up.
He was so stupid that he didn't know where to put his hands.
He wanted to hold Qianqian's waist, but he felt that something was wrong.
He quickly let go of his hands, but when he saw that the beauty was about to arrive, he quickly helped her up.This was not possible, nor was this possible.Yang Shichang was left in a rather sorry state.
In the end, Lin Meiling's face turned even redder, and he gasped for breath.
His little face seemed to be dripping with blood, and his eyes were glistening with tears.
Lin Meiling was so angry that he raised his hand and tried to strike down.
However, he was afraid that his attack would be too heavy, and that he would be in a difficult position to move back and forth.In the end, Yang Shichang finally compromised, "Alright, alright, just let me hold your hand."