Ability User: The Wandering Castle

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Chapter 2

"Damned brat, you came so fast, you let me take the medicine again.
" Uncle Monster said."Uncle Chen, they're in the wrong.
It's always me who gets hurt," I said with a dry smile.He glanced at me and smiled.
"It's hard to differentiate between right and wrong.
It depends on your standpoint.
In short, it's the truth that you're injured." As he spoke, he helped me deal with the wounds on my body.When he was taking the medicine, he muttered: "The program has been designed for a few years, and the A.I.
Chip has also been designed many times.
It seems that it can be tested."I didn't understand.
"Uncle Chen, what experiment are you talking about?"He was stunned for a moment and said with a smile, "You don't understand.
In the future, when you are seriously injured, I will use you to test my invention.
Do you dare?""What's there to be afraid of?" I said casually.
"Anyway, you have to help me heal my wound.
It's fine as long as I don't see my mother's wounds.""Hehe, you can just help me cook today to pay for my medical expenses." Uncle Chen smiled.I had cooked him twice, so I could cook again today.
My cooking skills were superb, and he even said it was better than his.They ate lunch together and surfed the internet on his computer to watch some messy online news."Uncle Weird?" Chen was a computer expert.
He was bragging to me.
He even listened to his bragging.
He used to be a medical specialist in a big city, so he had to make an appointment in the hospital for his consultation.
Of course, his salary was very high.
I don't know how much it was.At five o'clock in the afternoon, when strange uncle was about to close the door, he checked the wound again.
He said that my body was in good condition, and my wound healed much faster than the average person's.
He urged me to take the anti-inflammatory medicine and asked me to go home.
He wanted to read a book.Before I went home, I took off my vest and wrapped it around my bandaged arm, revealing my healthy chest muscles.
This was one of the results of my constant exercise.
If I wrapped it like this, my mother wouldn't be able to see the wound."Xiaotao, why are you dressed like this?
It's not cultured at all.
Quickly get into the room and take a shower and get dressed." I heard my mother's reprimanding voice, and I immediately ran into the room with a smile on my face.After taking a shower, I wore a shirt with long sleeves that covered my wounds, successfully avoiding my mother's burning gaze.
After dinner, I helped my mother pack up the things in the market and ran out to look for Xiaohu.Little Hu's name was Hujing, and Little Jiu's name was Ceng Fan.
He was a year old student in my junior high school, and he was also a very good friend.
However, I had studied martial arts for two years, and my fighting skills were better than theirs.
My grades were also slightly better, so the two of them said that I was their boss.This time, the three of us got into the same high school in the county.Their home wasn't far from ours, so I quickly found Hujing."That Third Grandpa beat me up today.
If I hadn't run fast enough, I would have been beaten to death by them." I said hatefully."Boss, after he came to trouble us that time, I secretly asked around.
The three of them are from X Town.
They have money and influence at home.
I heard that there is a group of people helping them.
It seems like I heard from a brother that they are almost the branch masters of X Town." Hujing said."We're studying in the same school this time, so we might as well take care of them in the school.
As long as we don't go to X Town, would he dare to bring people to the school and beat them up?
I don't believe it.""If we fight one on one, none of them will be Boss's match.
It's just that we still don't know how many brothers San Ye has in school.
As long as he provokes us, we'll just keep an eye on his list and take care of them one by one."We discussed how to get back to the new school and take care of the three people from X Town.After another seven or eight days of summer vacation, I went to the new school to register.Coincidentally, Hujing, Cengwan, and I were assigned to the third class at the same time, and the days that we had been living happily became a happy one.
We didn't seem to be too anxious about studying either.On the day after the teacher's holidays, Zhong Wa from X Town was one of the third seniors.
He saw Gu Nana, the prettiest student in our class, in the sports field, flirting with each other and causing Gu Nana to cry for a long time.
What was even more coincidental was that Duhua (one of the three people in X Town, Xiaoming) had beaten up a third year student in the academy.
Although he had only slapped Gu Nana a few times, many students had seen him, so they didn't dare to speak out loud.The three of us thought this was the best opportunity, so we went to the administration office to complain to Teacher Zhu about the bullying of the two students.
After listening, Teacher Zhu coldly said, "We'll talk after we investigate."The next day, our teacher, Teacher Qin, called the three of us to his office and said, "Teacher Zhu, you three have started to cause trouble in the school.
If you don't have any other students, the school will punish you."As soon as we retorted, Teacher Zhu took a sip of tea and said, "Don't say anything.
Teacher Zhu is Zhong Wa's uncle."We understood that the excuse was to give Teacher Zhu a problem.
Fortunately, we didn't receive any criticism or punishment so we had no choice but to let it go.Back in the classroom, we were enraged.
It was Gu Nana's first time taking the initiative to come over, "I've let you guys get scolded for what happened to me.
I'm really sorry."I said, "It's nothing.
It's just that I didn't defeat those old men.
I'll have a chance to take care of them."Gu Nana said, "I heard that they are very arrogant in school and have a lot of backers.
I think there's no need to argue with them.
I can hide from them if I can't afford to offend them, so I don't have to be serious with those second-rate kids."Ceng Fan was so angry that he said in a loud voice, "Why should I hide?
There will always be a chance to take care of those three turtles."This incident calmed down, and Gu Nana had a better chance to talk to the three of us.On the surface, Zhong Wa and the others didn't pay attention to us, but we could still sense that they were secretly monitoring us.
Especially since we were about to make it to the 11th day of the National Day.
I noticed that some students often noticed when I would leave the academy or go to the cafeteria to eat."From my experience, they needed to find an opportunity to deal with the three of us.
Thus, the three of us discussed: During the holidays, you must pay attention to your safety.There was a long holiday at the National Day and a holiday at the school.
The three of us walked out of the school together.
We didn't find anything strange, so we split up.
As soon as I walked to a corner of the street, I saw Tuoba and two unfamiliar students standing in front of me, sneering at me.I hurriedly turned around and walked to another street.
It was only twenty meters away, and Zhong Wa and his two classmates were also standing nearby.
When I turned around, I saw that the child had followed me.
I had no choice but to take the other path.It had only been a few meters, and I was stunned.
I had fallen into their trap.They purposely forced me into the alleys of these two residential districts.
Because there was still the Mo guy and three people in X Town standing near the exit.They actually dared to prepare here.
Although they weren't far from the streets where people flowed, it seemed like they were prepared.With my martial arts, it might not be a problem for me to defeat three or five of them, but there were still a few young men who didn't know the depths of their bodies together.
I had to face the siege of nine people.
This was a fact that was about to happen.I quickly analyzed the scene and made my judgment.
The best way was to withdraw from the street battle and run to the street.
The pedestrians on the road always called the police.
As long as the police came, they would still be afraid.As soon as I turned around and was about to implement this tactic, the situation in front of me changed.
Zhong Wa rushed toward me with an iron rod in his hand, and the others followed closely behind me.
I saw something shining.
It was definitely a knife.
With my current fighting experience, I knew that I would be seriously injured if they rushed into the narrow alley.Thus, he immediately ran towards the other end of the alley.
A pair of three should feel better.I was wrong again.
I knew that if I didn't go all out, it would be the greatest sorrow.That Mo guy and three young men were holding short bats as they rushed toward me.
This was my mistake.
One of the mistakes was that the three young men weren't from our school.
From what I could tell, the three of them were stronger than the three from X Town.As I ran, I threw the bag on me twice, turning it into an emergency weapon.
This bag was originally a cloth bag containing a few pieces of clothes that were ready to go home to wash.
At this moment, it could only be used as a weapon to slow down the force of the wooden stick.I quickly got close to him.
I used the explosive power of my Charge to punch him.
At the same time, I waved the cloth bag and the wooden club that was hitting me from left to right.Mo Yi shrieked at my punch and fell backward.
I borrowed the force to steady myself and kicked another young man.
The other young man's wooden stick was successfully swept away by me with a cloth bag.
As soon as the wooden stick fell to the ground, I threw myself at it and picked it up.
I waved my hand to block the other wooden stick.Zhong Wa and the others also ran up to me.
An iron rod swung at me.
The wooden staff I parried sent a huge force through my body, causing my thumb and mouth to go numb.
I kicked out and hit his wrist with the iron rod.
The impact was reduced.
At the same time, a huge pain came from my back.
I hit my back with the wooden stick..I turned around and punched someone.
I didn't know who it was, but I used this chance to hit someone behind me.
However, a wooden stick hit my right hand.
I couldn't tell which one of them hit me.I insisted that I didn't throw down the stick.
I turned around and ran toward the exit of the alley.
I wanted to run, but I couldn't.Because I wanted to run, the man was so close that he wouldn't run.
I felt a chill on my back.
The knife must have left a gash on my back, and then I was kicked to the ground.Instantly, blood splattered all over the place.
Several wooden bats hit me and kicked me.
I used my hands to protect those wooden bats from hitting my head.
I also used my feet to retaliate.
Someone must have been kicked because I heard a painful scream.But I could feel the knife slashing down on my arms and back.
I couldn't tell which hand had been cut, but I realized with a little awareness that they weren't using machetes, but knives like fruit knives.Blood flowed out again, and I was hit on my back by a wooden stick again.
I collapsed powerlessly.At this time, a blurry voice sounded: "Run, or else someone will die.""Let's go.
He's already lost so much blood.
We can't fight anymore."Then they ran on both sides.
I put one hand on the ground and watched them run away hatefully.
At this moment, the arm and body that had been hit felt a sharp pain.I was still conscious.
My experience and injuries told me that at least one of my ribs had been broken, and some of my skin and flesh had been cut open by the knife.
There were also red bloodstains on my hands.
However, I wouldn't die.
These were serious external injuries, but fortunately, they didn't hurt my face.I didn't scream from the pain.
I just groaned a few times.
I wanted to get out and get a car to send me to Uncle Strange, but I didn't have enough strength.
One or two people wanted to cross the alley and get close, but when they saw the bloodstains around me, they hurriedly turned and left.While I was helpless, someone ran over.
When I saw him, I relaxed and lay on the ground.