Ability User: The Wandering Castle

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Chapter 4

Early that morning, at five o'clock, I ran into the woods.The master taught me some martial arts and said, "Jintao, you've learned a lot of martial arts in the past few years.
It can also be said that your martial arts aptitude is very good, and you can learn some of my things in such a short period of time.
However, I feel that you're a little strange today, as if your martial arts cultivation will greatly increase in the future."..."I didn't understand.The master said, "I can tell from your expression.
Recently, I'm going to the northeast to have a gathering with a few senior brothers.
I'll only be back for a few months.
It's been so long, but you don't know where I live either.
Let's go to my house for a while.
"Master's house was a little spacious.
With his son's family of three, his son would become my Senior Brother.
I had a six-year-old niece, the daughter of Senior Brother.Master told me that I still had a senior sister who was married to Beijing.
I would have the chance to meet her in the future.Although it was my first time rushing to my master's house and didn't buy any gifts, my mouth was still filled with sweetness.
"I'll definitely make it up next time."At first, I didn't understand why my master said that my future martial arts would greatly increase.
Later on, I analyzed if Uncle Chen had invented something on me.Right now, I really didn't know.
I would find out soon from Uncle Eccentric.Thinking about it, since I was beaten so hard, I had to take revenge.The so-called gentlemanly life wasn't too late for ten years.
During my school training, I began to train my body and martial arts.
When my two good friends realized that I was starting to mature, they felt a little deep.I tried my best not to stir up trouble and become a good student in the past month.
Gu Nana seemed to be paying attention to me, and I also thought he was pretty.This Saturday, I went to my strange uncle's place.He was glad I could keep my promise and check.
And he measured my height."Damn brat, you're one centimeter taller than a month ago and have reached 1.63 metres.
I estimate that you'll be ten centimetres taller in a year.
" He said excitedly."I should be normal when I'm growing," I said doubtfully."Brat, your mouth is still tough.
You'll know when you grow one centimeter tall next month.
" He laughed and cursed.In the secret laboratory, strange uncle used a disinfectant electron to stab into my skin.
Of course, there were some blood.
After the computer checked some strange data, he was very satisfied and said, "My invention succeeded 90%, and there is still 10% unknown data."It could also be said that after my invention, you can use your body's potential even more."I estimate that it will be able to repair your body's consumption or injuries on its own."I smiled.
"Uncle Qin, you mean I'm not going to treat you since I'm injured?""Theoretically speaking, blood clots will automatically dissipate when there's an injury, but of course, it's better to disinfect the wound and treat it.
This way, you can come back to inspect it before the New Year.
I'll know more in two months." The strange uncle said.I agreed and left.Indeed, I started to change.
My first performance was to practice the martial arts taught by my master.
I felt very familiar and familiar.
Also, I soon understood the lessons taught by the teacher.
Sometimes, I could even turn things around.That time, I accidentally fell down in P.
and the skin around the kneecap was purple.
It was very painful.
The teacher asked two classmates to help me to the school's nurse's office.
On the way, I felt an itch on my back and quickly disappeared.
The strangest thing was that I was sitting on the stool in the nurse's room.
When I pulled up my pants, the classmates and I were surprised to find that the blue skin had basically recovered and didn't feel any pain..Also, during the mid-term exams, I had won 4th place in the class.
The teacher and teacher's impression of me had changed, and they thought that I was a student who liked studying.
Gu Nana, a beauty, also liked to brag to us.
More importantly, she often smiled and looked at me.
As for me, who had just started with love, she thought that she was very 'interesting' to me.As the class beauty in our class, Gu Nana could be considered as one of the top three beauties in the entire school.
Of course, I also liked her a little.
Haha, I can only say this now, I can't have any more evil thoughts.To be honest, the last time I suffered such serious injuries, it was all thanks to the three miscellaneous gifts from X Town.I wanted to become the boss of a gang and have my own gang members.It wasn't realistic.
I didn't understand the gang much, and my living environment and family circumstances had made me my current personality.I immediately recruited some followers.
I wasn't afraid of them having too many people when fighting.Right now, I couldn't do it.
No one would follow us.
Many people knew that the three of us were no match for Zhong Wa's gang.Right now, all I wanted to do was practice martial arts.
The experts in the TV series could fight ten and one hundred.
I imagined that I would be able to train that kind of martial arts, so I persisted in training my body and practicing the martial arts taught by my master.My grades began to improve, and for the time being I received the approving gazes of the teachers.
I thought I had to persevere for a while, and try not to be disappointed in them.I had talked to Hujing and Ceng Fan about the people who had beaten me before, and they insisted on finding some friends outside the academy right away to attack those few people.
However, I had different thoughts, so I decided to make a move on the day the semester's final exams ended.There were only the three of us.
There was no need to trouble outsiders.
We were too lazy to owe other friends a favor.Of course, there was still some time until the end of the year that I'd recovered.We tried our best to avoid meeting Zhong Wa and the others.
Even if we met them, I could just ignore their insults and insults.
Then, I quietly walked away and pretended that I didn't see them.This sort of tolerance required a great deal of patience.
At my impulsive age, I was still young and fearless.
Every time I was mocked by them, and every time I met them I was left.
When I returned to my dormitory or classrooms, I clenched my fists.Taking revenge on them and beating them hard was the happiness I wanted the most.We secretly planned out where to attack, how to observe their whereabouts, and how to run.
This way, we could take revenge on them.There were still eight days until the end of term exam.
The three of us had already prepared a plan to take action.However, an accident disrupted our plan.That was the failure of my plan.At noon that day, it was also after the students ate in the canteen.
A boy in class 4 of high school saw Gu Nana laughing with two girls at the playground, so he said some vulgar words on the side, which were the perverted words of men and women in bed.Gu Nana's face reddened as he cursed at the student.
However, the two boys who had accompanied him laughed out loud and said something even more embarrassing.
The other two female students quickly ran over to me because they knew that Gu Nana liked to talk to me, so he might have some sort of 'that'.Coincidentally, I was at the entrance of the school building, bragging to my classmates.
The two girls found me and I immediately ran over to check on the situation.