The Vampire Diaries

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Chapter 5

"Let him in," said Alvin."No need, I have already entered.""It's good to see you alive, Alvin." Following the sound of pure Chinese, the heavy wooden door was silently pushed open and a tall old man who appeared to be in his fifties slowly walked in.His face looked more like an animal.
Every part of his clothing was covered with thick layers of fur.
No wonder the book said that the vampires of Gangrel would eventually transform into some kind of animal.Alvin gave me a look and asked me to stand behind him.Then, she said indifferently, "K, it's been a long time.
Why are you sneering and mocking me as soon as we meet?
Your old temper can't be changed." K's eyes shot out an angry look.
There was no such thing as a simple relationship between him and Alvin.
I could clearly feel the smell of gunpowder between them.K mercilessly sat across from Alvin and smiled.
"Yeah, I should change my temper.
I can't use a direct method to deal with a villain like you." Alvin waved his hand as if he didn't know what to do.
"I'm a villain.
I just ate a descendant of yours, didn't I?
Did you use it to fight me for so many years?" He paused before continuing, "Did the werewolves force you into a corner and come to my place when you're free?" I guessed correctly.
It seemed like the unlucky fourth generation of the Gangrel blood race was the descendant of K.
I remember saying that the blood race of the Gangrel race was very straightforward, but if you angered them, it would be good for you..K tapped the ground with his cane and said, "Stop spouting nonsense.
In order to preserve your strength, you haven't developed any descendants for so many years.
I thought you would never be able to hold the grudge for that arrow."Now." Before I could finish speaking, K's eyes swept over me.
It made me very uncomfortable.No way, is this old guy trying to hurt me?
What kind of joke is this?!
Alvin noticed my unease and coldly stared at K.
"He only became my descendant a few days ago, and he's still a Childe.
You won't do this kind of thing, right?" K chuckled a few times before continuing, "Of course I can wait.
I won't be too impatient after a few decades or hundreds of years.
However, I hope that before I get the chance to kill him, he won't be killed by someone else!" Alvin said, "You don't have to worry about that.
I will arrange everything myself.
When Wangfeng has the ability, I will let him go find you.
After all, this matter will come to an end sooner or later.""K looked at Alvin for a while and said, "Alright, I'll believe you.
I'll wait."Then, he shot me a strange look and sighed, "Alvin, I really admire your eyesight.
If Carl had half his aptitude, he wouldn't have been eaten by you."I understand these words.
It seems that I am still considered to be a rare talent among the blood race.
I really don't know whether it's a blessing or a curse.
K stood up and walked outside.
He didn't forget to throw a sentence, "I say, it seems that there are a few people from the Taitai Clan who have set their sights on your descendants.
Be careful.
My advice is that you should not leave him at all.""After speaking, K closed the door and went out.The woman who had been standing behind Alvin the whole time let out a low roar.
It sounded like a wolf's howl.?A wolf's howl?
What is she?
Is she the blood race?
I looked at Alvin in confusion, hoping to get an answer from him.The wolf girl walked out of the room without a word.
Alvin signaled me to sit down where K had sat before.
He looked at me quietly for a while and said, "You need to know something." Like I thought, I didn't speak and just listened quietly."It should be known that only twelve of K's third generation vampires have appeared in the entire world.
Right now, perhaps there are still eleven surviving in this world.
They aren't any worse than Gods.
" "From this, you can think of how powerful they are.
Having such a strong opponent will be very helpful to your cultivation.
Perhaps, you can reach the level I want faster than I expected.
"Alvin took a bottle of wine from the table and gulped down a few mouthfuls before continuing, "Within the blood race, strength is everything.
We have the absolute principle of the law of the jungle.
No one can escape."He glanced at me.
"A rookie like you won't be able to live a day without my care."Alvin handed the bottle to me and I shook my head.
Alvin impatiently said, "It's not wine.
Try it.
It's fresh." I was curious.
What was it?
When I took it, the smell of blood rushed into my nostrils.
It turned out to be blood.
I didn't know where I got it from.Perhaps out of the fact that my humanity hadn't completely disappeared yet, I was very disgusted by these things.
I hurriedly put them on the table again."I don't want to drink this kind of thing.
Is there water?" Alvin looked at me strangely.
Then, he picked up the bottle and said, "Although a vampire like you doesn't have a strong desire for blood, very few vampires can resist the temptation of blood.""He gulped down another mouthful of blood and muttered, "What a strange seed.""Is there anything else you can drink?" I added.
"No, any delicacy is just a taste for all of us.
You should learn to taste different types of blood.
You'll find out that it's no worse than the delicacies you used to have in the past!" At this moment, I heard a few screams from outside the house.
"Is the wolf girl your so-called werewolves?" Alvin sighed.
"It's time for you to supplement your knowledge.
How can werewolves mix with us?
The wolf woman is just a Gangrell of the thirteen generations of blood.
However, her current ability is not much worse than the sixth generation.".I had provided her with blood for a hundred years, under the condition that she became my personal accessory." "A accessory?" I didn't understand the word."In the Blood Clan, there are very few Blood Clansmen who are willing to provide their own blood to others.
I had no choice but to do so.
After all, this is much easier than creating a descendant."I'm too isolated." There was a sense of disappointment in Alvin's words.
"I am her master.
She can only be considered as my pet." I wasn't used to treating people as they weren't people.
I twisted my body uncomfortably.Alvin saw my discomfort and sighed, "When the life of the blood race is too boring, if you lived for three thousand years, you would know that there are really no new things in this world." I couldn't help but say, "After all, time is changing.
How can you say that there are no new things?" Alvin smiled.
"Yes, time is changing, but the principle is the same.
People have done what they do a few hundred years ago.
There are no new ideas.""I don't dare to agree.""For example, politics.
In a few hundred years, it will still be the same!"?As I thought about it, I had to admit that Alvin's words made some sense.Alvin took a sip of wine and said, "Making a descendant like you is because I have nothing to do for so many years.
Anyways." He glanced at me and said, "It's rare to see someone as good as you." I smiled bitterly.
It was the second time I heard someone praise me, but I couldn't feel happy.The door creaked open, and I was startled to see the wolf girl walking in.
She was drenched in blood, her nails thirty centimeters long, her nose protruding, and her face looked like a wolf.This was the [Gangrel] beast transformation form?
It was too terrifying.As soon as the wolf woman entered the room, her beast form began to recede and gradually return to human form.
She was carrying an unlucky vampire.
I examined the unconscious Xitai Clan member.
He looked to be in his twenties, but who knew how many years he had survived?
I remembered that the sinister Xitai Clan came from Egypt.
It was said that they worshiped the immortal vampire, Xitai, and tried their best to serve him..The Solitary Star Clan would often try to corrupt the victims before using their weaknesses to enslave the other party.However, no one knew the reason why the Soaring Dragon Race did this.The Blood Clan despised the Taiyi Clan, and the Taiyi Clan didn't form an alliance with others.As long as there was the Roc tribe, it would bring evil and Shen Luan, so many vampires refused the Roc tribe to enter their city.Alvin glanced at the man and said nothing more.
The whole room fell into silence.Suddenly, Alvin raised his head and said, "Wangfeng!
I want you to make a choice now: first, you have to abandon everything and focus on learning all kinds of skills of the blood race from me, turning yourself into an outstanding blood warrior."Second, leave now.
I have nothing to do with you anymore.
Everything you have in the future has nothing to do with me.
I will no longer ask about anything related to you.
Of course, your life or death has nothing to do with me!" Damn, what kind of choice is this?
I have only one path to go.
If I break away from Alvin, the moment I leave this house, I will become food for the other blood races.
I will die..However, what did he have to force me to make a statement?
Was it related to the blood race on the ground?
To be able to make the wolf girl in such a sorry state, he must not be a coward.
He must have some background.
Just what kind of background did he have?
It would be great if he could understand more about the blood race.At this time, the wolf girl had returned to her original form.
She stood quietly behind Alvin, just like an object.I don't want to be like her.A headache.
How do you answer?
Alvin saw my worry and said, "You are different from her.
You will have freedom." He stared at me.
"Now, I want your answer."