Three Kingdoms: Surviving in a Desperate Situation

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Chapter 3

While Liubei was still bewildered, Zhaoyun shouted at the eastern side's generals, "Child!
My Lord is here!
Hurry up and cross the waters!"Liubei was stunned.?Zhao Zhiyi?
Could it be Taishi Ci?
Liubei didn't dare to be sure.
He turned to Zhaoyun and asked, "Zilong, is Taishi Ci the one who came?" Zhaoyun was deeply puzzled.
He turned to Liubei and said, "My Lord, I'm here because of my son.
Why is my Lord unfamiliar with my son's son?"Liubei pretended to be relaxed, "Perhaps Cai Mao was frightened just now, and his eyes were blurry and hazy." Zhaoyun didn't ask any further questions, and ordered his men to pick up Tai Shici.Taishi Ci bowed to Liubei and said, "My Lord, Yun Chang is worried about the safety of the Lord's public security, so he specifically ordered my troops to come and assist him.
When I arrived at Xiangyang, I heard that the Lord had already left the city in the west, so I rushed over." Liubei explained, "Cai Mao wanted to harm me, but thanks to Zilong's timely arrival, I realized that the danger had passed and was just about to return to New Wilderness."..."Zhaoyun and Tai Shici reorganized their troops and followed Liubei towards the north mountain.Tai Shici saw that Liubei didn't have any warhorses, so he ordered a song and pulled out a red date horse for Liubei to ride.
Liubei thought, oh god!
How could I know how to ride a horse?
What should I do?
Liubei rolled his eyes and said to the person who was leading the horse, "My body was injured when I was riding just now.
I can't ride a horse now.""..."Tai Shici immediately walked up to Liubei and said: "Lord, the journey is long, we won't be able to reach New Wild without riding.
Let me help Lord to get on the horse."As Tai Shici spoke, he helped Liubei onto the warhorse.
Liubei had no choice but to obey his commands.
He finally got on the horse's back, afraid that he would fall off.
His legs clasped tightly around the belly of the warhorse.
When Tai Shici saw Liubei on the warhorse, he called for a song to lead the reins and started walking.
Tai Shici followed closely behind.Liubei didn't feel scared at all.
Instead, he seemed to be in high spirits.
He felt that he was quite proficient in horse riding.
Liubei made a big question mark in his head.?What's the point??Liubei thought to himself and understood what was going on.
He must have inherited all of Liubei's previous skills.Thinking of this, Liubei boldly reined the reins in his hands and spurred his horse forward.
Taishi Ci didn't know what was going on, so he urged his horse to follow closely.
Afraid that something might happen to Liubei, he asked, "My Lord, are your muscles and bones fine?" Liubei laughed heartily, "Get on your horse and get on.
It's full of energy!
I command you to move forward at full speed!".Thinking of this, Liubei boldly reined the reins in his hands and spurred his horse forward.
Taishi Ci didn't know what was going on, so he urged his horse to follow closely.
Afraid that something might happen to Liubei, he asked, "My Lord, are your muscles and bones alright?" Liubei laughed heartily, "Your horse's spirits are in high spirits, and your entire body is filled with power!
I order you to move forward at full speed!"Tai Shici shouted loudly, "Lord orders to move forward at full speed!"When they reached the foot of the mountain, Zhaoyun, who was at the front, had already dismounted and returned to the army.
After waiting for Liubei's arrival, Liubei also dismounted and went up the mountain path with the troops.After crossing the mountain bridge, the scouts reported that a bandit with hundreds of people was chasing after two young men.
Liubei climbed up the slope and looked at them with binoculars.
He saw two young men wearing green clothes, blue pants, a knife, a long spear, and a back-to-back battle.There were dozens of corpses lying on the ground.
The two of them were waving their weapons up and down, and the gang of bandits couldn't get close to them.Taishi Ci said to Liubei, "My Lord, these two are my good friends.
In the past, when I was under Liuyao's account in Yangzhou, the two of them never left each other.
They eat together and sleep together.
The two of them are biological brothers, eldest brother Limeng Mengzizilu and Liuyao's subordinates as pawns.
Second brother Lida is well-versed, and the soldiers in the army are as well.It's the Qufu people too." Liubei was stunned by Tai Shici's words.?Qu'er??Liubei asked again, "Are you really the Qufu people?" Tai Shici responded, "My Lord, yes.""I'll share a tent with Limeng and Lida for more than a year." Liubei hastily ordered Zhaoyun and Tai Shici to lead the troops to kill the bandits.
When the bandits saw that there were soldiers attacking, they didn't bother defending against them.
Instead, they scattered like birds and birds.Seeing that the bandit had already dispersed, Zhaoyun didn't bother to chase after them, so he stopped to prepare himself.
The two brothers, Limeng and Lida, were shocked upon seeing Tai Shici's appearance.
The three of them hugged each other excitedly.
Liubei didn't bother them, so he stood aside and watched.
Seeing Liubei standing to the side, Tai Shici immediately pulled the hands of the two brothers to introduce them to Liubei.Limeng and Lida knelt in front of Liubei, bowing repeatedly in gratitude for saving his life.
Liubei helped the two brothers up and asked kindly, "Heroes, who are those people?
How could they have done anything to the two of you?" Limeng replied, "Imperial Uncle, my brothers are the hunters of the Wei Clan Manor.
My name is Limeng, and my name is Lida."Recently, there were bandits harassing the Wei Clan Manor.
The two of them were hunting.
When they met this bandit group, they were surrounded and attacked.
Fortunately, they met uncle.
Otherwise, the lives of the two of them would have been extinguished.Liubei continued to ask, "Where did this bandit come from?
If there's a chance, I'll settle this matter!" Limeng responded, "This is the Yellow Cloak Army.
The one leading them is a leader named Liaohua, and there are more than five hundred thieves here who have committed evil deeds.Liubei asked, "Is that leader Liao Hua, Liao Yuanjian?" The two brothers shook their heads frantically.
Liubei comforted them, "I've only heard a little about it.
I'm sure I'll be able to wipe out this bandit in the future.""..."Liubei changed the subject and asked, "Listen to your son's words.
Your two brothers are from the Qu'en Clan, so why are you hunting in this mountain?" Limeng said, "My family lives on the eastern bank of the Yangtze River, and lives on fishing.
Eight years ago, Sun Cejun entered my village to hunt for food.
Both his parents were killed by him, and he burned down the straw cottages of my family and took our fishing boat.
The two brothers had no one to rely on, so they joined Liuyao's army and swore to take revenge.The next year, my uncle came to see my uncle and aunt, who were seriously ill.
He really wanted to meet the two of them, so I left the military camp and went to my uncle's house, leaving my brother in the army."My uncle's house is in front of the Wei Clan Manor," Lida continued, "That year, Liuyao and Sunce went south and south to set off their troops.One day, I looked around and saw Sunce's dozen or so people standing on top of the mountain peaks.
Their enemies were extremely jealous of each other.
I didn't care about the military orders, so I went up the mountain alone, hoping to take Sunce's head for revenge.
However, I hated that I couldn't defeat him and allow him to escape.I was afraid that Liuyao would blame him, so I didn't dare to return to the barracks.
Instead, I ran straight for Wei Manor.When I arrived at the Wei Clan Manor, I no longer had the chance to meet with my aunt.
My uncle pityed the two of them and left them in the manor to hunt for a living.
In the blink of an eye, six or seven years had passed."When Liubei heard about the two of them, he said, "The bandits have been temporarily dispersed by our army, and they will definitely come back to life.
I wonder what the two heroes have planned?" The eldest brother, Limeng, replied, "The lives of my brothers were saved by the benefactor.
I will leave them to the benefactor." Liubei said, "Are you willing to follow me and fight on the battlefield to gain fame and glory?"The two brothers knelt down and kowtowed again, "I am willing to follow uncle around."Liubei laughed heartily and said, "To be able to obtain two generals' talents today is the will of the heavens.
Zilu, Zitong, please rise!" The two brothers stood up and invited Liubei, Zhaoyun, and Tai Shici to head to Uncle Limeng's manor.
Over a thousand people slowly descended the mountain.Along the way, Tai Shici was the happiest one.
He chatted and laughed with Limeng and Lida.
He told them about how he had informed Liuyao that his mother had left to help Kong Beihai, and how he had gone to the plains to get reinforcements.
Liuhuang Huangshurende had done everything in his power to save him.
After getting out of the encirclement of the North Sea, he didn't return to the military camp.
Instead, he went straight to Uncle Liu.Taishi Ci praised Liubei's character, saying that Uncle Liu was generous, righteous, and generous.
He was the wise ruler of this world.
As he spoke, the outline of the villa appeared in the distance, and the mountain path became much wider.
When they reached the entrance of the manor, Liubei had people wait outside the manor.
No one was allowed to disturb the people.
Liubei only brought a few subordinates and entered the manor with Zhaoyun and Taishi Ci.When they entered the manor, the neighbors heard that Uncle Liu had arrived, so they all came out to watch.
It was extremely lively.
A strange man with big ears, hands, and knees, who was also the current emperor's uncle, naturally stirred up a commotion.
Normally, they only heard that the Enlightened Being had arrived, and all of them wanted to take a look.
The two brothers, Limeng and Lida, led Liu Bei to meet Uncle Wei of the Wei Clan Manor, the uncle of the Li Clan.
Then, they went back to their rooms to get some luggage.Uncle Wei brought Liubei into the living room and sat down.
He instructed his servants to make tea and greet each other.After their exchange of greetings, Elder Wei introduced himself to Liubei, "This old man's surname is Wei, and his name is Hong.
His words are long and profound.
He was originally a member of the royal family."Liubei asked with interest, "I wonder which family Uncle Wei is from?"Wei Liao greeted the guests for tea, and then sighed, "It's as dark as a shuttle!
In the last two years, I, Chu Ping, have returned home.
In the blink of an eye, fifteen years had passed.
Back then, I was at Liudai's manor, and I was teaching martial arts for my two young masters.
First young master Boyu and second young master Zhongyu."Liu Bei was a little confused.
He had only heard of Liu Ye, Liu Jiyu, and did not know that there were even Boyu and Zhongyu.
Thus, he interrupted Uncle Wei and asked, "What Uncle Wei said, Boyu and Zhongyu are Liu Yan's sons?"Wei Hao laughed heartily and said, "No, no, no.
Boyu and Zhongyu are the two young masters of Liudai's mansion: First Young Master Liu Tong Boyu, Second Young Master Liu and Liu Zhongyu.
These two are my disciples, and I teach them how to wield swords and spears."Liubei praised, "These two must be Uncle Wei's apprentices.
Uncle Wei is still very agile at such a high age.
I can tell that he's an expert in martial arts and has excellent internal skills.
The disciples you teach must be fierce tigers in this world."Wei Hao let out a long sigh and said, "Fourteen years ago, that is to say, three years ago, Chu Ping.
The Azure Province suddenly rose with 300,000 Yellow Cloak Army.
Liudai started with his army and unfortunately died in battle.
Even Eldest Young Master Boyu and Second Young Master Zhongyu lost contact with each other.
They probably died in battle together!"Liubei and Uncle Wei sighed.There was an endless stream of people who came to Wei Mang's house to watch the show.
The living room was crowded with people.
If they couldn't stand down, they would be crowded at the entrance of the hall.
One of them was a 11 or 12 year old child.
He bowed and came forward to shout, "Emperor Uncle Liu, I would like to recommend my big brother to my uncle's place as a general." Everyone in the room was amused by this child.
Limeng's uncle was already an old man in his age.
Seeing this child's nonsense, he quickly knelt down and said, "Emperor Liu, don't listen to my son's nonsense.
If you have offended me, please forgive me."..."