Three Kingdoms: Surviving in a Desperate Situation

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Chapter 93

Liubei was astonished when he saw the words 'Grave of General Yanliang' written on the stele.
He quickly stepped forward and asked the woman, "Big sis, may I ask who you are from the Yan Jiangjun Clan?"The woman didn't even turn her head.
"Yanliang is my husband."When Liubei heard that this was Yanliang's widow, he asked Zhangcong to invite her over for a chat.
Yanliang's widow tidied up her clothes, tied up her hair, and then arrived in front of Liubei.
Liubei saw the newcomer, and even though his clothes were ragged, it was clear from his aura that he had received a good education.Yanliang's widow bowed to Liubei and asked, "May I know this guest's name?
What instructions do you have?"Liubei returned the old woman's greeting, "Xiao Yaowang, Liubei, Liu Xuande..."It seemed as though Yanliang's wife wasn't an ignorant person.
She politely said to Liubei Bin, "So, it was Emperor Liu who arrived.
Discourtesy!" After saying that, the woman turned to the young man beside her and saluted Liubei.
She told him that this was the only seed that Yanliang had left behind.
The young man bowed respectfully to Liubei and said, "Yanzhong greets uncle!"Liubei couldn't bear to look at the mother-son duo's clothes.
He asked Madam Mi Li to bring two sets of clean clothes over and get them to change.
As the mother-son duo changed, Liubei paid his respects to Yanliang in a formal manner.
After that, he carefully inquired about the two of them's living conditions.Yanliang's wife was extremely grateful for Liubei's help.
She also told him that she was also a member of the royal family.
Her name was Liunan, and her father was Liudai, who was in the history of the Rainbow State.
Her father and brother had sacrificed their lives to defend against the Azure Province's yellow cloth thief.Liubei sighed and turned to Liunan, "Liu and Liu Zhongyu are your younger brothers?"Liunan replied, "That's right.
Is there something going on between Uncle and me?"Liubei hurriedly denied, "Feifei, I only heard from a few friends."For some reason, Liubei felt a little uneasy about the fact that his wife, Liunan, had fallen to such a state.
Liubei's heart skipped a beat.
Perhaps out of respect for Yanliang's valiant martial arts, Liubei felt pity for Liunan.
He decided to help this woman: "Although General Yan died while fighting against Caocao in Yuanshao's camp, General Yan was still the general of the Han Dynasty.
At that time, all the nobles were fighting each other for justice, and I was once part of Yanliang's army.Now that Caocao was dead, the entire world had officially submitted to Xiandi.
The people of the world lived and prospered.As General Han's wife and a member of the Han Clan, it was time for Madam to end this lavish life.
I sent someone to send you and your son to meet Mr.
Zhuge in Luoyang, to ensure Yanzhong's filial piety.
From then on, he ascended the path of officialdom, allowing you and your son to have a good time."..."Liunan bowed and expressed his gratitude to Liubei.
Liubei feared that the people around him weren't doing well, so he had the carriage general Zhaoyun, Zhao Zilong, and Yanzhong personally escort Liunan and his mother to the capital to handle this matter.
Liubei once again invited the local executive, White Horse Pond, to renovate Yanliang's tomb.
Liunan bowed again.After all the arrangements were made, Liubei gave the order to set off.
On the way back, Liubei invited General Guanyu over to take a ride with Liubei.
The two of them sat down and Liubei asked about the details of Guanyu's visit.Guanyu recalled what had happened in the past.
When he thought of Chen Tian and Chen Zhongzhi, his eyes started to tear up.
He slowly explained the situation to Liubei, "Wenchou was killed by Zhongzhi in the midst of the chaos.
Zhongzhi died in that battle, and he collapsed five steps away from me.At that time, the situation was extremely chaotic.
The two armies were stuck together.
I saw Zhongzhi kill Wenchou and was surrounded by Wenchou's guards.
I wanted to open a hole and rescue Zhongzhi.
Unfortunately, before I could reach Zhongzhi, Zhongzhi couldn't do anything.
He fell to the ground, with at least five spears piercing through his chest.
I killed Wenchou's guards and took out Zhongzhi's corpse.
I buried Zhongzhi's corpse.
I didn't make any markings, so I went to look for it.
I couldn't find the graveyard."..."Liubei sighed, and inwardly pointed at Chentian.At the beginning of November, Liubei arrived in Zhouzhou and returned to the "old land" that he had never set foot in before.
Under the welcome of the citizens of Yanzhou, he returned to Liubei's residence, the Yu'er Villa.Although the main doors of the Yu'er Villa were facing the street, they were not luxurious and one could not see anything from the outside.
It was just that a pair of stone lions was very conspicuous.
The main doors were not big and the stairs were not high.
On the golden plaque, there were four delicate words written: "Yu'er Villa."In front of the door were two guards in black and blue pants, standing at the door.
In the front courtyard, there were green trees and shades.
There were eleven rooms on both sides, five to six on the left and six on the right.
There was a row of stables that could fit twenty horses, and a row of cages.
Chickens, ducks, ducks, and gooses were everywhere.There was a long corridor that led straight to the middle courtyard.
The middle courtyard was rich and majestic, with birds and beasts carvings of sandalwood and jade.
There was also a plaque on the plaque, with the words 'Red Lotus Court' written on it.
The buildings in the courtyard were neatly gathered on the left side, and on the right side was a large pool.
There was also a small island in the middle of the pond, connected by three stone bridges.The artificial mountains around the pond were piled up in different shapes, and there were pavilions on the island.
It was as beautiful as a paradise.The rear courtyard occupied a hundred zhang of land.
It was a farm made of a small hill, and it was very suitable for raising horses and sheep.
The hill wasn't very steep, and it was a very good pasture.
The sheep and cow circles were neatly separated from the east and west sides, and the wall at the back door was a row of stables with two hundred horse seats.The Yu'er Villa was just a manor.
Its fields were not located in the manor.
After leaving the back door of the manor, it was a fertile black land.
This was the farm of the villa.After Liubei settled down in Yu'er Villa, he left Zhangcong and Zhuangfu by his side and followed Liubei to Zhou Zhou's Guanyu and Zhangfei back to Luoyang.Two days after returning to the villa, Liubei had ordered Zhangcong and Zhuangfu to secretly bury a million jin coins, 600,000 platinum pancakes, as well as a large amount of gold, silver, jade, and other treasures under the ground.After ten days of returning to Yu'er Villa, Liubei's dizziness suddenly worsened.
The most nervous one was Madam Zhen, who guarded Liubei day and night.
Madam Mi had been busy taking care of the entire villa, and Madam Shi also came over to take a look from time to time.
No one thought that Liubei's dizziness would be serious, but Madam Zhen was the only one who was worried.One day at the end of the year, Liubei was watching the golden fish while enjoying the sunbath.
Madam Zhen was accompanying Liubei, occasionally saying some strange things to Liubei.
Liubei didn't know what Madam Zhen was saying, but when he looked at Madam Zhen, he would often feel dizzy.
This time, he seemed to have a great headache, and the more he heard Madam Zhen's voice, the more dizzy he felt.
Madam Zhen, on the other hand, didn't know how Liubei felt.
She was still chatting non-stop.
Liubei couldn't stand this kind of voice, so his vision darkened and he fell unconscious on the ground....One day at the end of the year, Liubei was watching the goldfish while enjoying the sunbath in the pond in his courtyard.
Madam Zhen accompanied Liubei and occasionally said some strange things to Liubei.
Liubei didn't know what Madam Zhen was saying, but seeing Madam Zhen often made Liubei feel dizzy.
This time, it seemed like he was really dizzy, and the more he heard Madam Zhen's voice, the more dizzy he felt.
Madam Zhen didn't know what Liubei felt, and continued to nag and nag about him.
Liubei couldn't stand this kind of voice, so his vision darkened and he fell unconscious on the ground...When Liubei opened his eyes, he found himself lying on the hospital bed.
The stench of disinfectant in the hospital that he hadn't seen for a long time stimulated Liubei's nerves.
A nurse was opening the curtains, and a ray of morning light shone into the room through the wide aluminum alloy window.
Chen Feng Kai was sleeping soundly in front of the bed..Liubei was surprised to find that the nurse who had turned around was actually Madam Zhen.
The nurse also noticed that Liubei had woken up and shouted excitedly, "Brother Liu He woke up!
Brother Liu He woke up!"Chen Feng Kai's screams alarmed him.
She rubbed her eyes and looked at her ex-husband, Liuhe, in disbelief.
Liuhe's eyes were wide open, and he was staring at her.
This woman was so excited that tears began to flow down her face.
Her three months of hard work had not been in vain.Liuhe looked at Chen Feng Kai in shock, and then looked at the nurse who looked exactly like Madam Zhen.
She couldn't help but call out the word 'lotus flower'.Chen Feng Kai said unhappily to Liu He, "Did you call for a lotus as well?
Hurry up and thank Zhen Huzhang.
If Zhen Huzhang hadn't told you the tales of the Three Kingdoms every day and used them to awaken your memories, it would still be a question if you could wake up."Liuhe saw Captain Zhen's badge.
Title: Head Nurse of the Neurology Department.
Name: Zhen Lianhua."Head Nurse Zhen, Head Nurse Zhen!" Liu He almost called out his name.Zhenlianfua's face was filled with shyness, and he didn't dare to look directly at Liu Heng.
He murmured, "I'm not familiar with the history of the Three Kingdoms, Big Brother.
After work, I found some books like 'The Romance of the Three Kingdoms' and 'The Romance of the Three Kingdoms'.
Then, I came back and told Big Brother about it.
I've always been very unreasonable and made up a few characters.
The purpose was to wake Big Brother up earlier.""..."Liuhe muttered to himself.
No wonder I felt dizzy the moment I saw this Zhen Lianhua.
It turned out that she was summoning my consciousness.
Who was Shi Honglian then?Liubei cupped his hands in thanks, "Many thanks for saving Zhen Huzhang's life!
I wonder who Shi Honglian is?"Zhenlian Lianhuayanyan smiled but didn't answer.Chen Feng Kai patted Liu Heng lightly, "Do you really think you're still in the Three Kingdoms?
What kind of person are you?
Let me tell you, the nurse just left the night shift last night.
Since you've woken up, I'll go and get you discharged.
You've been lying here for three whole months, so it's time for you to go back and take good care of yourself.""..."Liuhe disliked Chen Feng Kai the most, and he had no choice but to act on his own.
Liuhe's heart sank.
He turned around and ignored Chen Feng Kai.Chen Feng Kai didn't give up and continued to nag, "I say, you're the same.
Why did you suddenly run over to the South Village?
Fortunately, a kind person found you lying on the side of the road and threw his phone to the side.
He used your phone to call me and even called the police.I was the one who sent you to the hospital."Why are you running around all alone?
Who hit you like this with a car?
Do you remember?
We're looking for this driver to pay for medical expenses and mental damage."No wonder Liu He didn't find his cell phone anywhere.
It turned out that he didn't travel with Liu He.
Instead, he flew out of the third wheel and landed on the side of the road.Then what had caused Liuhe to experience this 'death experience'?
Was it the phone that had been lost by the roadside?
It shouldn't be.
Liuhe believed that it was because of the human factor.
Liuhe firmly believed that Zhen Lianhua had worked hard to create the Three Kingdoms' stories and awaken Liuhe's consciousness.
This was the reason why Liuhe had been able to experience two lifetimes of fate: crossing the Three Kingdoms was a chance of life, returning from the Three Kingdoms to reality, and another chance of life..Liuhe didn't want to explain Chen Feng Kai's question.
He simply used the excuse of forgetting to excuse himself.The discharge process was soon completed.
Chen Feng Kai happily picked up Liu He and returned home.
After experiencing a strange life, Liu He didn't want to spend the rest of his life together with Chen Feng Kai.
He returned to his own snail house and completely separated from Chen Feng Kai.Liuhe had once returned to the hospital to look for Zhen Lianhua and Shi Honglian.
After all, these two women had an intimate relationship with him during the Three Kingdoms period, and the fragrance of their bodies still lingered in Liuhe's mind.
The hospital told Liuhe and Shi Honglian that they had resigned and left the hospital.Liuhe quietly left the hospital, hoping to meet two people in a sea of people...The entire book was finished!