Love In The North

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Chapter 64

On their way back to the hospital, Zouhang's heart was filled with sorrow.
The pain had completely shattered their words, and they couldn't find any words to suppress their grief.
But how could their pain compare to Zouhang's mother?
She cried in the hospital, "You're the only son I have.
How could you have the heart to leave me?
Zouhang, my Hang, you've always been obedient and sensible.""If you fail your exam, Mommy will not blame you.
You have always been the pride of our family.
Why did you leave just like that?""I want to get out of here," Wurong suddenly said when the car reached the West Burial Bridge."Wurong, why are you getting out of the car here?
Come to my house..." Before Ninghong could even finish his sentence, he was interrupted by Wurong, "Stop the car!
I want to get out of here!" Chauffeur Sun slowly stopped.
Without a word, Wurong got out of the car and shut the door behind him.
Tears splattered out of his eyes once more.."Wurong, Wurong." Ninghong was still shouting, but Chen Wanting stopped him, "Just let her go.
They have their memories here." The car began to drive again, and Ninghong turned around to look at Wurong.
She looked completely despondent, as though she was about to leap off the bridge."She shouldn't do anything stupid!" Ninghong said worriedly."Don't worry, she's not that weak." Chen Wanting seemed to know Wu Rong very well.Wurong stood at the bridge for quite some time, and his tears almost dried up.
As he thought about how Zouhang had left them just like that, he felt even more regretful.
She didn't want anyone to believe that this was the truth.
She and Zouhang had such a tacit understanding that they didn't need words.
All they needed to do was look at each other, and they could understand what they meant.However, at this moment, he left without saying a word.
She still had a lot to say.
She regretted not telling him personally that he would always be number one in her heart.She needed to shout in an empty place, and shout with all her might: Ah...When Wurong arrived home, he didn't say a word and fell asleep on his bed.
She wished that everything that had happened today would be a dream.
After waking up, everything would be the same as before.
As soon as Wumei entered the room, he muttered to himself, "She's really too lazy to sleep at home.
She sleeps in broad daylight." Wurong was so tired that he didn't have the energy to respond.
He would rather sleep than wake up."Three days later, Wurong received a notification from Chenshi that Ninghong wanted her to make a trip to her house.
It seemed to be related to Zouhang's matter.
Wurong had been listless for the past few days.
To be honest, he didn't want her to go to Ninghong's house.
If it weren't for the fact that he was going to discuss sending Zouhang off, she would definitely refuse him.When they arrived at Ninghong's house, there was no one downstairs.
Wurong went to Ninghong's room on the third floor to take a look at the flowerbed on the top floor.As expected, Ninghong and Chen Wanting were both there."Wurong, you're here." Ninghong was very happy to see his classmate at the same table.
He pointed at the flowers in the flower garden and said, "Look at how beautiful the flowers are right now.""Are you here to show me the flowers?" Wurong couldn't bring himself to look at the flowers and plants."How can there be girls who don't like flowers?" Chen Wanting cried out from the side, "Hong, you don't have the slightest desire for beauty at your table.
You're definitely not a woman!""Chen Wanting, don't spout nonsense.
Whether Wurong is a man or a woman needs you to test it!" Ninghong rolled his eyes at Chen Wanting."It's not a question whether it's a man or a woman.
I'm most afraid that it's not a man or a woman," Chen Wanting said, learning from his voice.Wurong couldn't stand it anymore and raged, "Are you done messing around?
He's already dead.
Do you still want to play?"Ninghong's smiling face immediately stiffened.
He remained silent and silent.
They really couldn't find any reason to continue laughing and laughing."Hey, Wurong, do you think you're the only one who's sad?" Chen Wanting looked at Ninghong's face and shouted at Wurong, "Aren't we sad?
You're not the only one who's upset right now.
We're also blaming ourselves for the pain!
Ninghong has always said that if we hadn't asked Zouhang to come down, perhaps that incident wouldn't have happened.But how could there be so many 'ifs' in life?"Chen Wanting, don't say anymore." Ninghong didn't want him to criticize Wurong any longer.
She knew that no one would be in a good mood right now."Why didn't I say anything?
Hong, haven't you had nightmares for a long time?
Since the incident with Zouhang, haven't you been awakened by nightmares all night long?
You haven't slept until dawn, have you?" Chen Wanting continued, "And me, I've always been sleeping under pillows.
But I've always dreamt of Zouhang's face these past few days, and I couldn't see his flesh clearly.
But you told me, Chen Wanting, don't you love him?
We'll be uglier and scarier than anyone else's face, and then I'll wake up from my shock!"."Why didn't I say anything?
Hong, haven't you had nightmares for a long time?
Since Zouhang's incident, haven't you been awakened by nightmares all night long?
You didn't sleep until dawn?" Chen Wanting continued, "And me, I've always been a sleeper who slept with pillows.
But I've always dreamed of Zouhang's face these past few days, and I can't see his flesh and blood clearly, yet you've told me that you love him very much.
Chen Wanting, don't you like him?
We'll be uglier and scarier than anyone else's face, and then I'll wake up from my shock!""Don't say anything else." Wurong choked with sobs.
Ninghong went up and hugged her, "Wurong, that day, after we paddled the boat, Zouhang asked me to tell you that it wasn't that he didn't tell you about Jinning's incident, but that he was afraid that it would affect your studies.""He's such a fool.
There's no need for him to say anything.
I know!" Wurong leaned against Ninghong's shoulder and sobbed."I told you to come down and tell you about it." Ninghong said, "Tomorrow is his funeral.
Let's call a few more students to send him off!""Mm." Wurong promised Ninghong that he would stay at her place tonight, and that he would get up early tomorrow morning to accompany Zou Hang.The next day, all the students in Class Three came to meet up with Ninghong's family.
Ninghong had Aunt Li go buy all the white flowers from the flower shop.
He and Wurong each took a lily and split it with one hand.
Some of these students held lilies in their hands, while others used their chrysanthemums to drive Zouhang on their last journey.Zouhang was buried in a mountain valley.
They walked for a long time before they arrived.
The monk recited scriptures and did some rituals.
Then, he watched as Zouhang's ashes were placed in the graveyard and then covered with layers of yellow soil.
Then, he let out a sigh of relief and burned the paper money.
They placed the flowers in their hands in front of the grave and made their final farewells to Zouhang.Wurong kept thinking about what had happened to them.
She knew that he would always stand on her side, including the rumor that Jinning had made.
She didn't speak the other day on the boat, but just let the past pass.
She didn't want this matter to become a burden between them.She hated herself for being so stingy back then.
She should have thanked him.
I know you did everything for my own good.Now that he was standing in front of the graveyard, he could only silently mutter in his heart: Zouhang, since you have a spirit in the sky, you will definitely understand what I mean!In the blink of an eye, it was time for the military training of the new cadets.
The seniors of Twin Tower High School were all discussing about regretful Chen Wanting's transfer of classes.
With his departure, the Twin Towers School had lost a lot of entertainment.
Then, there were students who were talking about Chen Wanting's romantic affairs.
They said that his family had been singing and dancing all night.
In order to participate in his dance, a girl secretly hid from her parents that she didn't want to come home.
She took off her shoes and placed them downstairs, making it seem like she was at home.What was even more mysterious was the reason why Chen Wanting had dropped out of school.
It was said that because a girl who was in her third year of high school didn't hesitate to get an abortion at the hospital for him, and was under the pressure of her parents, she had once again transferred to another school.As for social figures, they were like public figures, and their private lives couldn't help but become the topic of discussion for the public.
Since the person involved wasn't around, there was naturally no way for them to dispel the rumors.
The strange thing was that Ninghong's residence was still there, and there were quite a few people entering and exiting the manor.
However, there were only two people missing.
Ever since Zouhang's funeral, Ninghong and Chen Wanting seemed to have disappeared out of thin air from Twin Tower Town.Jinning had gone to look for Ninghong several times, and Auntie Li, the butler, had said that she wasn't around, so it wouldn't be easy for him to bump into a wall.After the reformation of the new principal, the school promotion rate was 80%, but most students may not necessarily relocate to the same class.
In addition, some went to different schools to study, so being classmates for three years was already the limit.
Even if they became classmates again, they weren't necessarily familiar with each other.
Everyone was stroking themselves in front of the snow, so no one could remember the other, except for good students and influential characters.Good students were promoted to a certain level by their teachers and had a cold feeling so it was difficult for them to have a true friend.What they could talk about was all about learning.
They were clearly friends, but they couldn't compete in the dark.After the military training, the new semester began.
The freshmen were busy familiarizing themselves with the environment and familiarizing themselves with their new students.
They quickly forgot about their junior high school classmates.
Wurong became a college student in year 1.
There were no friends, no rumors, and he was still a lone hero.
One day, he received a letter signed by Louting.
It was from America, on the other side of the ocean.There was nothing written on it except a poem titled 'The Final Purple Flower'.
The entire poem was as follows:The last violet flower!It was so sparse that she forgot about the New Year's Wheel!It was full of memories!The lights of the Wan family were all lit up!It turned the night upside down!It lengthened the day.Just like that...It was as if autumn was the season!He never gave up!Faint violet.Breathing in the gap!Cut off the extra branches!Glory scattered everywhere!She raised her head and looked up.Dance in midair!Forgetting the hatred and chagrin...This round of bright moon was shining brightly!Gently brushing away Fuhua...Overlooking the world!ole book is finished