Edgeless Heavy Sword

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Chapter 3

"Dushao, Wenshao, weren't you two very pleased just now?
But since you two are good brothers, I'll send you two to the hospital to continue being good brothers.
Sigh, who told me to be so kind?" Mofeng smiled playfully."Kid, don't be so arrogant.
I, Du Tianwei, am not someone you can afford to offend in this three-man plot of land in Huhai City." Du Tianwei shouted at the thirty-plus people under him.Mo Feng lit up a cigarette and quietly looked at Du Tianwei.
Du Tianwei was tall and thin, and his face was over-drinking and pale.
He was dressed in a well-ironed suit, and he looked like a human being.
A young man around twenty-five years old was dressed in a suit of Fan Sizhe's, making him look elegant and refined.His eyes were dark and uncertain, indicating that this person was quite shrewd.
He silently looked at Mo Feng as if he was deep in thought.
Mo Feng didn't need to think too much to know that this person was Wen Gao."Really?
Hahaha, this is the biggest joke I've ever heard in my life." Mo Feng laughed loudly."Damned drunkard, you're tired of living!
How dare you speak to Young Master Du in such a way!" The one-eyed man picked up a machete and swung it at Mo Feng's head.
Yang Ruoxue watched in horror as the shiny machete slashed down on Mo Feng's head.
He let out a shrill scream as he stared at Mo Feng with worry in his eyes.Mo Feng didn't move an inch and kicked at the blade.
The machete instantly split into two.
His left hand grabbed onto the broken tip of the blade in midair and thrust forward.
"Ah!" A miserable cry reverberated throughout the heavy metal bars.Everyone looked at the one-eyed man and saw that the one-eyed man's left eye had been pierced by the tip of the knife and blood kept spraying out."Hehe, one-eyed man, you're now blind.
Dushao and Shangdi said that if the heavens give someone one thing less, they'll compensate him for one more thing.
Who knows, after the one-eyed man becomes blind, he might become a Heaven's eardrum and become a supreme martial arts expert.
What do you think?"Looking at Mo Feng's smile, Du Tianwei was enraged.
He coldly shouted, "Friend, don't go too far.
You didn't offend the Qing Gang.""Hahaha," Mo Feng laughed wildly and said disdainfully, "Is that so?
What Qing Gang?
Even if your father Dujin comes, the result will be the same today.
In the end, your father is just a dog.""I'll fuck you!
All of you, go!
Whoever kills this mongrel will be rewarded with five hundred thousand dollars!" Du Tianwei said fiercely.There were bound to be brave men under the heavy prizes.
Five hundred thousand.
For these hoodlums, this was simply a pie falling from the sky.
The opponent was only one person, and there were more than thirty people on his side.
As the saying goes, ants bite the elephant to death.
Thirty people raised their machetes and bottles of wine and charged towards Mo Feng.The corners of Mo Feng's mouth curved into a mocking smile.
His figure moved, and screams rang out wherever his fists and feet went.
In less than two minutes, more than 30 Green Gang members fell under Mo Feng's feet, letting out howls of pain.Yang Ruoxue cutely wiped his eyes.
This was an illusion, but he couldn't believe it.
He twisted his arm and felt a wave of pain.
As he looked at Mo Feng's figure, his beautiful eyes lit up."Ah", "ah", "ah", "ah", it hurts me, boss, please be generous, let me go, I will go home to you for the long life card, do not kick.
" The ground kept coming from more than thirty people of the Green Gang bones cracked in pain.
Mo Feng one by one will be the youth gang's feet kicked off, a serious said: "How can that be?
Du Shao is a big man, can not be faithless, just said 500,000 reward to cut me, you can not complete this great and glorious task.
But just like a fierce tiger down the mountain, on my chopping, courage is commendable, this courage I believe Du Shao see in the eyes.
Although the 500,000 can not be used as a reward, but to go to the hospital for bone, I do so for the good of Du Shao.
By the way, Du Shao, if you can't spare 500,000, there is an Indian A-san on Changping Road with a very cheap bone setting, less than 200 yuan a piece.
This way you can save more than 400,000, but do not thank me, this is what I should do.
I'm a kind person who never thinks of others."He responded coldly, "Friend, it's my fault for not meeting Qinshan today.
I'll meet him in the future.
Young Master Wen, let's go.""Hehe, let's go.
Dushao, if you want to leave, then leave.
Isn't it a little too disrespectful of me?
I'm telling you, if you provoke me, you won't have to face any consequences.
No one can leave today," Mofeng said indifferently."Friend, what do you want?" Du Tianwei asked coldly."Dushao, I've got a lot of people here, so I won't argue with you guys so much.
Just like your subordinates, I'll just kick your legs and let this matter rest." Mo Feng shrugged his shoulders and said casually."Friend, leave a line behind.
We can meet again in the future.
Don't go too far." Wen Gao, who had been silent all this time, said angrily."Since you don't appreciate it and don't give me face, then I'll break your three legs.
Without that leg, I believe you won't harm women.
I'm also eradicating evil for the people.
In ancient times, I'm a hero."Yang Ruoxue's face flushed red.
If he hadn't eaten pork before, he would have seen the pig run away, so he naturally knew the meaning of the third leg.
He thought to himself, This drunkard actually has such a powerful martial art, and his methods are cruel.
He's simply a devil.
His skin is really thick.
He said that he's a hero, a kind person.Peh!
What kind of hero is this?
There is no hero's straightforwardness.
Today, I will not be able to get off the stage.
However, seeing that you are willing to uphold justice and uphold my innocence, I will forgive you for your rudeness.Thinking about the consequences of drinking that glass of red wine, she couldn't help but feel a wave of fear."Fuck you!
I'm going to see who's going to give me face!
Dulong, Duhu, Dulang, go kill this bastard for me!" Du Tianwei shouted angrily at the three remaining bodyguards.The Qing Gang was one of the two major gangs in Huhai City.
The leader of the gang, Dujin, only had Du Tianwei as his only son, and had a lot of enemies.
Therefore, he specially hired three skilled Special Forces soldiers to be his son's personal bodyguards, just in case.
Du Tianwei naturally knew the skills of these three bodyguards.
It wasn't an exaggeration to say that they were in a pair of 50s.
He was confident that they could kill Mo Feng with just three of them."Master, I'm not afraid to tell you the truth.
Even if there are thirty more of us, we're still no match for him.
This person is extremely dangerous and his skills are unfathomable," said the tallest and muscular Special Forces soldier."No way.
Dulong, is this person really that powerful?" Du Tianwei's heart sank, and he asked anxiously."Young Master, Brother Long is correct.
According to what I observed just now, every move of this person is a sure move.
It's just that he deliberately hid it.
If he were to fight to the death, I'm afraid that he would be able to kill me with one move." Another medium-built bodyguard, Duhu, said helplessly."Then what should we do now?
Do we just let him do whatever he wants?" Du Tianwei's heart trembled violently, and cold sweat poured down his forehead as he asked anxiously."Young Master, Jinye is loyal to the three of us.
The three of us have no way of repaying him, so we'll have to go all out today.
We'll do everything we can to stop him.
You and Wenshao will leave immediately.""Alright.
Dulong, Duhu, Dulang, I'm the only one who can escape today.
I'll definitely treat you well.
Wenshao, let's go." With that said, he pulled Wen Gaoyang and rushed out of the room.
At the same time, three tables slammed into Mo Feng, and Dulong's right foot kicked towards Mo Feng's head with a whistling sound.
Duhu and Dufeng charged towards Mo Feng's chest from the left and right.Mo Feng sneered.
Then, he leapt high up into the air and kicked Dulong's right foot at the same time.
His two feet collided with each other, and the sound of bones breaking echoed in the air.
Dulong flew back dozens of meters like a kite that had been disconnected from its string.
He smashed into several glass tables and fainted.Mo Feng's body that was suspended in midair swept towards Duhu and Dulang with lightning speed.
The two of them felt as if they were struck by a large truck that was speeding at high speeds.
The sound of breaking bones resounded, and blood gushed out of their mouths as they flew backwards.
Wherever they went, the sound of the glass table breaking rang out.
It wasn't until they were ten meters away that they stopped.
They were covered in blood, and the glass fragments were all over their bodies.
The blood dyed their clothes red in an instant.
They looked at Mo Feng in horror.
In the end, they fell powerlessly to the ground and didn't move at all..Du Tianwei and Wen Gaoyang sprinted towards the main gate.
With such speed, they could participate in the 100-meter Flying Man Tournament, and only five meters away from that terrifying drunkard.
Both of them swore in their hearts that if they left this place today, they would definitely cut that drunkard into thousands of pieces.A familiar voice, unwilling to hear it, sounded, "I've already said it, you can't leave without paying any consequences." Both hands picked up the two of them, walked back to their wine cups, and smashed their bodies on the glass table.Du Tianwei and Wen Gaoyang had been punished like this since they were young.
They only felt pain all over their bodies, and their bones were scattered.
Their hands were pierced by glass fragments, and blood flowed.
They gritted their teeth and pushed away the fragments.
The pain made them suck in a breath of cold air.
They lay on the ground and raised their heads to look at Mo Feng, who was towering above them.Du Tianwei shouted angrily, "Mongrel, what do you want?""That's right, I still have some backbone.
As expected of the son of the leader of the Qing Gang.
Actually, I'm a kind person.
I usually accidentally trampled on a few ants to death.
I've been sad for several days, and I can't eat or sleep, let alone fight or kill.
However, I'm also someone who will do what I say.
Since I said I'll break your three legs, I can't just say I won't do it."Sigh, it's really not good to be too kind.
For the sins I've committed today, I've decided to eat for a long time.
I believe that Buddha will forgive me.
"President Feng, Yang Ruoxue, and the rest of the staff were sweating profusely.
This man was simply an incarnation of a devil and a shameless person, and his skin was extremely thick and thick.
He actually said that he was a kind person.
If he was a kind person, then the streets would be filled with Lei Feng's comrades.Du Tianwei and Wen Gaoyang's faces were deathly pale as they stared hatefully at Mo Feng's indifferent expression.
Du Tianwei snapped, "Brat, if you dare to do this, the ten thousand members of the Qing Gang will never let you off!""Friend, even though I offended you today, I'm sure it wasn't intentional.
If you did this, I'm afraid that Qiu Hai wouldn't have a place for you.
My father is the deputy mayor of Qiu Hai City, Wen Fenghai."President Feng was drenched in cold sweat, and his hair was damp.
If something were to happen to the son of a gang boss and the son of a deputy mayor, it would be difficult for him to treat himself well.
He immediately walked over and flattered him, "Sir, today's matter is indeed Du Gongzi and Young Master Wen's fault."I'd like to ask you to show mercy and spare them for Ruoxue's sake.
Ruoxue, please give Old Feng some face and ask for your friend's favor.
I, Feng Jinxiong, will never forget this favor."..."Yang Ruoxue looked at President Feng's charred expression and understood the implications.
He took a few steps forward and gently persuaded, "Sir, thank you for your bravery today.
But after all, nothing happened in the end.
Let them go.""Haha, Miss Yang Ruoxue, you can't possibly think that my actions today were the result of a hero saving a damsel's beauty and seizing the heart of a beauty, allowing you to devote yourself to such an old-fashioned love story.
To be honest, even though you're a beauty, you're simply too self-conceited."Yang Ruoxue's expression instantly changed.
He gnashed his teeth and glared at Mo Feng.
Right now, in her heart, this drunkard was even more hateful than the two trashes on the ground."Sigh, one of them is the son of the boss of the Qing Gang and the other is the son of the deputy mayor.
It's simply a threat and a threat to a kind person like me.
But, although I'm a kind person, I hate people who threaten and threaten me the most." Mo Feng muttered to himself as he suddenly kicked a few times like lightning.
Instantly, sounds of bones breaking and screams could be heard.President Feng, Yang Ruoxue, and the rest of the staff who were drunk only saw Yang Tianwei and Wen Gaoyang hugging their lower bodies, their mouths emitting miserable cries of pain."There's no need to look anymore.
These two have already become two eunuchs in Huhai, an international city.
I'm a kind person who often helps the old madam cross the road and gives money to the police uncles.
I won't lie to you guys.
President Feng, I've just said that in order to ease my sins, I've decided to eat a day's worth of food and pack five kettles of red stars and two kettles for me."..."