Edgeless Heavy Sword

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Chapter 5

"It's raining?" Mo Feng mumbled unconsciously as he slept on the sofa.
"No way, it's an earthquake.
But what's it to me?
There's still a tall man to hold up when the sky falls.
Ah, ah, it hurts, it hurts, it hurts me to death." When he opened his eyes, he saw Yang Ruoxue biting his left hand to death, and when he woke up, he bellowed angrily, "Damn drunkard, what time is it?
You still have the mood to sleep, you, this person, simply heartless and lungless."Yang Ruoxue held a bucket in his hand.
He gritted his teeth and stared fiercely at Mo Feng, his eyes almost spitting fire."Miss Yang, don't you know it's a sin to disturb someone's sleep?
It's still 5:30 AM now.
Besides, if you want me to wake up, you don't have to splash water on me.
You can wake me up.
This way, it'll be easy for you to catch a cold.
You have to know that going to the hospital for a small flu costs more than two hundred yuan.
""In this era, you can be poor and can't be sick.
""Damned drunkard, stop spouting nonsense with me.
You're sleeping like a dead pig.
I've called you dozens of times but there's no response.
Would you wake up if you didn't do that?
Our photos are already full on many websites and the Public Security Bureau has a bounty of six million for us.
As long as we walk out of this house, we'll be immediately reported.""...""Not bad, our worth is still worth six million.
Why don't we turn ourselves in?
These six million will belong to us, and the fertilizer won't flow into other people's fields.
Hey, you can't be, right?
This bucket is very strong.
Just throw it at me.
It's a good thing that I'm nimble, otherwise I'll be injured.""...""Damned drunkard, you're still spouting such sarcastic words right now.
Do you think it's humorous?""Miss Yang, a few hours ago, I told you that the police will arrest us online.
This is already within my expectations.
What's there to be surprised about?""You're smart, you're amazing, I'm convinced, okay?
What should we do now?""What do you want to do?
Look at you, you haven't slept the entire night, right?
You've already become a national treasure panda.
Sleep isn't enough to be a woman's beautiful natural enemy, don't you know?" Mo Feng didn't care about his drenched clothes as he continued to fall asleep on the sofa.Yang Ruoxue was enraged.
He walked up to the sofa and pulled up the black wind.
He shouted, "Don't sleep.
Hurry up and think of something.""Well, I'll think of something.
Do you still want to go to school today?""I don't know.
My heart is in turmoil.
The police and the gang will definitely wait for me at school.
As soon as I appear, arrest them immediately.""That's right, he's very rational.
Stay here for the next few days, and don't go there.
""Uncle drunkard, but I can't stay here forever.
The police and the gang will find us sooner or later.""You're right.
If I want to leave Huhai, no one can stop me.
However, your environment is not optimistic.
They won't let you go.
It's better if you fall into the hands of the police, but if you fall into the hands of the Qing Gang, you'll be miserable.""Is there a difference between them?""Of course there are differences.
If you fall into the hands of the police, you'll be charged with the crime of being an accomplice and imprisoned for a few years.
Or perhaps Wen Fenghai would threaten to force you to marry his son and live as a widow for the rest of your life.
If you fall into Qingbang's hands, you'll suffer a lot.
Qingbang is a gangster, and he's committed all evils.
Du Tianwei is Dujin's only son.
Now that he's become a eunuch, it's the equivalent of cutting off the Du Family's fragrance.""Dujin will make sure you can't live and can't die.
He might call his subordinates to torture you every day and then send you to that kind of erotic place as a third Miss.""Uuuuuuu..." Yang Ruoxue thought about his future fate and couldn't control his helplessness and despair.
He began to sob."Stop, stop, stop crying.
Don't you still have me?
Don't worry, everything will be fine in two days.""Really?
You're not lying to me, are you?" Yang Ruoxue looked at Mo Feng pitifully as if he were holding onto the last straw that could save his life."I've said it before, I'm a person who keeps his words.
Do I look like a liar?""Even if you're a liar, I can only choose to trust you." Yang Ruoxue glanced at Mo Feng and lowered his head.Mo Feng was greatly shocked and sighed, "Sigh, it's hard to find confidantes!
It's hard to find confidantes!
But I don't blame you.
I've always kept a low profile.
Don't worry, it's my duty to protect beauties."With a soft chuckle, Yang Ruoxue wiped his tears and said disdainfully, "You really are thick-skinned!
Two words: Shameless!
Four words: extremely shameless!""Hehe, this is also one of my strengths.
You don't have to praise me.
Otherwise, I will be proud."Yang Ruoxue was speechless.
He could only reply to Mo Feng with a vomiting posture and a look of disdain.
Mo Feng's expression suddenly turned solemn as he said, "Miss Yang, I almost forgot something.
The police are currently at your house, so they can be considered to be protecting your family.
Otherwise, they would have captured you long ago."But, what about tomorrow?
The Qing Gang must have taken action to kidnap your family and force you out.""That's right.
My dad's going to work tomorrow, and my sister's going to school.
The Qing Gang definitely won't let them off.
It's all my fault that I dragged them into this." Yang Ruoxue's face was deathly pale, and his face was filled with tears as he complained with guilt."Stop, don't cry.
Don't you still have me?
Sigh, who told me to be a kind person?" Mofeng walked into the main room, took out a black and white cell phone, and put it in the electric room."Uncle, do you want to call?
I have a phone here." Yang Ruoxue handed an old phone to Mo Feng."No need, my phone is very special.
By the way, write out your family address and name.
Someone will automatically send your family to a safe place in about half an hour.""That's right," Yang Ruoxue said.
"The words are beautiful and beautiful.
I still think beautiful women are ugly." He picked up his phone and dialed a number.
"It's me, Zai Hua." Yang Ruoxue could hear the other party's excited exclamations.
"What are you so excited about?
You're currently in Huhai, aren't you?
Mm, that's great."That's right, I'm also in Huhai.
Last night, I had kicked Wen Fenghai and Dujin's son into the ranks of eunuchs.
They wanted me arrested on the internet, and you'd better get someone to remove these photos.
Now, I'll head over to Yunqing Alley, Tai Qinglu, and take Yang Tongren, Li Xinzhen, and Yang Ruolan to your place for a few days.Alright, let's meet up in a few days.
""Alright, Miss Yang, don't be so nervous.
Things are very serious now.
All the photos on the internet have disappeared in about half an hour.
Your family will be safe." Mofeng looked at Yang Ruoxue's nervous expression and comforted her.Taiqing Qingluyunqingcang's seventh son, Yang Ruoxue's father, Yang Tongren, his mother, Li Xinzhen, and his younger sister, Yang Ruolan stared nervously at the twenty-plus police officers in the room.
Yang Tongren cautiously asked, "Officers, how could my daughter be the murderer who harmed others?
Are you mistaken?""Mr Yang, we won't let a bad person go, and we won't accuse a good person.
After the criminal investigation team's evidence collection, your daughter and a man injured thirty-eight people in heavy metal alcohol.
We obtained an effective confession and video recording from the person in charge and staff, which is enough to prove that your daughter is the murderer.Mr.
Yang, you have to understand the policy of the Party and the country.
Be honest and be lenient, and resist strictly."You'd better tell me where your daughter is hiding.
If you don't say it, it'll be a cover-up.
The judge will sentence you to prison," threatened a fat middle-aged man in a first-class police officer uniform.This was Yan Chuguo, the chief of the Cloud District Public Security Bureau of Huhai City."It's all my fault for hurting my daughter.
If I hadn't suffered from such a harmful disease, Ruoxue wouldn't have had to go to that kind of place to work at night.
I'll just have to die." Li Xinzhen choked with sobs as he continuously hit his head with his hand."Mom, don't be like this.
Big sister will be fine.
They must have wronged you," Yang Ruolan comforted as he held his mother's hand."Deputy chief Yan, more than 300 soldiers suddenly came from outside.
They were armed and surrounded this place." A police officer rushed into the house and reported in a panic.Soldiers?
What are they doing here??Yan Chuguo thought to himself.
A cold and dignified voice rang out, "Sniper, get ready.
Take the highest position.
Kill all those who oppose us.
The first and third rows of soldiers will follow me.""Yes, Chief."As soon as the words left his mouth, the sound of orderly military boots rang out.
Thirty soldiers wearing helmets, bulletproof vests, holding Type 95 automatic rifle in their hands rushed into the house.
The muzzle of the gun was pointed at every officer in the house, and their faces were expressionless.
An invisible murderous aura filled the air.
Then, a heroic-looking young soldier dressed in a military uniform walked into the house.
His cold gaze swept over the officers around him and he respectfully asked, "The three of you are Mr Yang Tongren, Ms Li Xinzhen and Miss Yang Ruolan, right?""That's right.
May I ask why you're looking for us, officers?" Yang Tongren asked nervously."Mister Yang, don't be nervous.
I'm here to invite the three of you to stay at my place for a few days.
It's not safe here, it'll endanger your lives.
""I'm Yan Chuguo of the Public Security Bureau of Puyun District.
May I ask where the general is?
These three are the family members of the criminal suspect.
According to the rules, we can't leave here now." Yan Chuguo reacted and hurriedly said."I'm Zhang Jinhua, the captain of the special forces stationed in Huhai.
I'm taking them away as military secrets, so I don't need to report to you.""So, you're General Zhang.
I've heard of you for a long time.
I've seen you today, and you're truly a hero and a genius.
However, they're the family members of the thirty-eight murderers.
General Zhang wants to take them away, which makes Yan Chuguo a little difficult." Yan Chuguo naturally knew Zhang Jinhua's name.
He was the capital city, the red-coloured great clans of China.
His grandfather was the vice-chairperson of the political bureau and the military commissar.
He wasn't someone that a small branch chief like him could afford to provoke.Every soldier in the special forces stationed in Huhai City was a killing machine, a national tool to protect the city.However, if Zhang Jinhua were to take Yang Tongren and the other two away, it would be difficult to explain to Wen Fenghai.
The Wen Clan's influence in China couldn't be underestimated."Haha, it's really funny.
Aren't you afraid that it'll be hard to explain to your master, Wen Fenghai?
You can just say that I'm the one who took the three of them away.
Also, Yan Chuguo, the male killer you mentioned isn't someone you can afford to provoke.
What kind of murderer?
Even if he killed those dozens of people yesterday, it wouldn't be a big deal."Zhang Jinhua said coldly."General Zhang, is there any room for discussion?""Mr.
Yang, bring some clothes and daily necessities with you three with you," Zhang Jinhua said to the three of them, ignoring Yan Chu."Thank you, General Zhang.
Xinzhen, Ruolan, let's pack up a few sets of clothes and go with General Zhang." The three of them quickly packed up several sets of clothes and daily necessities, and prepared to leave.
Yan Chuguo quickly stopped them and said loudly, "You're the family members of the criminal suspect, so you can't leave.""Yan Chuguo, it looks like you're looking to die.
I'll count to three.
If you continue to stop them, you'll have to immediately use the Spear Technique for treason." In an instant, the thirty soldiers from the special forces immediately pointed their black hole gun muzzles at Yan Chuguo."One...
Two..." Zhang Jinhua's cold voice rang out.
Yan Chuguo quickly dodged to the side, sweating profusely.
In his heart, he didn't doubt that only Zhang Jinhua counted to three, and he had been turned into a honeycomb by these Special Forces soldiers.
With Zhang Jinhua's family background, killing him was equivalent to killing an ant.
Even if he died, it would be in vain.
Wen Fenghai wouldn't offend the Zhang Clan for his sake."Gather up and return to the camp.""Yes, Chief.
" All the Special Forces soldiers leapt onto the military vehicle and headed towards the military base of the special forces in Huhai City."Into Hua, I've already informed Tengyun to erase all the photos on the internet.
It's been five years, but I never would have guessed that we would still have the chance to meet him in the same city.
In the photos, he has become much more experienced.
He doesn't even have the luxury of decorating himself.
He looks like a dejected man around thirty-five years old.
Who would've thought that he's only twenty-six years old this year?" said a tall and handsome young man in a bulletproof Hummer with Zhang Jinhua.This was Jiang Wenzhi, a member of the special force stationed in Huhai."No matter how he becomes!
In the hearts of our brothers, he will always be our banner and our pride.
Oh yes, wise, did you tell your sister that he was in Huhai?""Can I not tell her?
Otherwise, if she finds out about it in the future, she will definitely kill me.""That's true.
With Linger's personality, he might already be on his way to Huhai.
Sigh, it looks like I have to tell big sister too.
Otherwise, she won't spare me.""This isn't a good idea.
If Sister Yunyan and Linger meet, they'll definitely encounter Mars on Earth.""Heh heh, I can't care about that anymore.
Since he didn't want me to destroy the Qing Gang, then I'm sure he wants to personally deal with this matter.
When my big sister finds out, will she let me go?
With his human nature, it's fine if he doesn't take action.
If he makes a move, he will be struck by lightning.
Dujin simply doesn't know the meaning of death.
He actually provoked him.""Zhang Jinhua said gloatingly.Suddenly, all the cars in front of us stopped.
A Special Forces soldier walked over.
The soldier opened the window and said, "Report to the two seniors and five hundred or so people from the Green Gang.
They want us to hand over Mr.
Yang and the other two.
Please instruct us.""Dujin thinks he's the boss of Huhai.
He doesn't know the meaning of death.
Wenzhi, what do you think?""Kill the chickens and warn the monkeys!" said Jiang Wenzhi leisurely.
"Tiecheng, inform Commander Wu Nuofeng that if they dare to stop our carriage, we'll use the crime of rebellion to kill them.""Yes, Chief."In front of the military vehicle, Lei Long, one of the eight major Wolves of the Qing Gang, and five hundred people from the Qing Dynasty shouted, "So what if it's a soldier?
Can you protect the murderer?
If you don't hand over the murderer's family, don't even think about leaving your car unless you kill us.""That's right?
You want to leave after hurting someone?
Do you still have the law and the law?""Humph!
Didn't the people from our gang get scared?
You think we're scared just because you pointed a few guns at us?
If you have the guts, open fire!
My head is here, shoot at it!"The captain of the special forces stationed in Huhai, Wu Nufeng, ignored the clamoring of the members of the Green Gang.
He remained silent until Tie Cheng walked up to him and whispered a few words.
Wu Zhifeng's eyes were sharp as he asked coldly, "Are you really not going to move away?"Leilong touched his bald head and said disdainfully, "If we don't hand over the murderer's family, we won't give way.
If you have the guts, then shoot and kill me.
I'm going to be a hero again after eighteen years.""Then I'll let you be a hero after eighteen years!
Shoot!" Accompanied by Wu Nufeng's command, the sound of gunshots resounded throughout the quiet morning.
Leilong didn't believe that he would look at the countless bullet holes on his body.
He stared powerlessly at Wu Nufeng and collapsed to the ground."Hurry up, they'll really shoot." The people behind the Qing Gang looked at the rows of people in front of them and quickly dispersed."Stop!" Wu Nufeng made a gesture to stop firing.
The sound of gunshots reverberated through the air!
The shrugs were all pulled back into the carriage and they returned to their encampment."