Revenge On the Shanghai

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Chapter 3

Ou Yanghong said angrily, "Didn't you see any guests?
What made you so scared?"The soldier said, "Two young men led hundreds of workers to block the entrance of the building and shouted to let them go."Ou Yanghong said angrily, "Why aren't you letting them go?
If you cause any more trouble, arrest them all."Li Hanxu was shocked.
He wondered if they were his two sons and asked, "Do those two youngsters look alike?"The soldier replied, "Yes, yes, very similar."Li Hanxu said angrily, "Aiya!
Big brother, those are my two rascal sons." At the same time, he rejoiced.
Fortunately, nothing big happened.Ou Yanghong smiled and said, "I see.
Why don't we invite the two Young Masters up and have a seat together?
It's very lively..."Li Hanxu thought to himself that his wife must have been worried that he had been out for so long, so she sent her son out to look for him.
He was afraid that he would cause a huge disaster, so he said, "Big Brother, let's go another day.
I've been out for so long, so my family must be in a hurry.
I will definitely pay my respects to you another day!"Ou Yanghong said, "Since that's the case, I won't bother you anymore.
Take care, Brother!"Li Hanxu arrived at Dongfang Mingzhu's entrance.
Indeed, it was Li Zongqing and Li Zuyao's workers who were holding onto sticks, axes, and other weapons.
They were currently facing off against Ou Yanghong's troops.
He couldn't help but feel a surge of gratification in his heart.?As expected, he was indeed his own son.
For the sake of his father, he would risk his life.Rumor has it that the soldiers leading the way had stopped fighting.
After Li Hanxu expressed his gratitude, he led everyone away.The news of Ou Yanghong's private meeting with Li Hanxu had spread like wildfire, and no one dared to cause trouble at the Nine Days dock.
The Li Clan finally had a place on the beach.
In order to consolidate the fruits of victory, Li Hanxu would bring his wife and children to meet Dongfang Ming Zhu from time to time to deepen their relationship with Ou Yanghong, and even let his two sons acknowledge Ou Yanghong as their foster father.One day, the sun was shining brightly.
Li Hanxu sat alone by the riverside and smoked as he watched the sunrise.
Only now did he realize how wonderful and beautiful life was.All of a sudden, a red sedan sped over, raising up the rolling sand.
Li Hanxu recognized it as Li Zongqing's car.
It was a new car that Ou Yanghong had sent to the two brothers on his birthday not too long ago.Li Zongqing got out of the car and stepped forward, "Father, my foster father said that he has something urgent to discuss with you.
He wants you to come over."Li Hanxu didn't hesitate to agree.
As Ou Yanghong's backer, he would definitely obey everything he said.
No matter what he was busy with, Li Hanxu would leave him alone.Arriving at Dongfang Mingzhu Building, Ou Yanghong and Li Zuyao were playing a game, while Li Hanxu was observing the game from the side.
When Ou Yanghong noticed him, the two of them exchanged a few pleasantries and went straight to the point.Li Hanxu opened his mouth and asked, "Big Brother is in a hurry to find me.
What's the matter?"Ou Yanghong revealed a sorrowful expression and said, "Brother, I'm preparing to rush back to Beiping.
President Yuan has urged me again.
The military situation is urgent, so there's nothing I can do.""Big brother..." Li Hanxu choked with sobs and fell silent, while Li Zongqing and Li Zuyao also revealed their grief.Ou Yanghong said, "It's my fortune to meet a brother as brave as you in this life.
I've already explained everything to Aqing and Ayao in the past few days.
The rest will depend on you."Li Hanxu nodded and said, "Big Brother, when will we set off?
I'll send you off."Ou Yanghong said, "Tomorrow morning."There was another silence...After that, everyone started to drink and only stopped when they were drunk.Before dawn arrived, Li Hanxu's family arrived at Dongfang Ming Zhu and sent Ou Yanghong off.
This scene wasn't as quiet as it had been yesterday.
Instead, there was a bit of laughter.Ou Yanghong smiled, "I hope that sister-in-law can give birth to another pair the next time we meet."Everyone burst into laughter.Du Yuping said, "Big Brother has been fighting and protecting his family all year round, but no one has taken care of him.
Why don't we let Aqing follow you and give him a chance to train?
What do you think?"Everyone was stunned.
Even she herself could not believe what she said.Ou Yanghong said, "This..."After a long time, Li Hanxu finally came to his senses.
He thought to himself, "Ou Yanghong loves my family so much, and Zongqing likes to fight and kill.
It might not be a bad thing to follow him." Then, he added, "Big brother, what I'm saying is exactly what I want.
You can take Zongqing with you!"Li Zongqing was overjoyed as he said, "Godfather, Mother is right.
Let me go to war with you and make a contribution!"Ou Yanghong said, "Ah Qing, get in the car!"After Ouyang Hong left with Li Zongqing, Li Hanxu's family moved into Dongfang Mingzhu's mansion.
Li Zuyao lived alone on the second floor, while Li Hanxu, his wife, Zhang Yuping, and Liu Zhong and Zhao Hui lived on the first floor.Li Hanxu had taken full control of Ou Yanghong's business on the beach, including Dongfang Mingzhu, Huangpu District, and Xu Huang District.
In addition to his Nine Days Port, Li Hanxu had truly become one of the most influential figures on the beach.
In order to consolidate his wealth and status, he had recruited hundreds of people, equipped with the guns and ammunition that he had obtained in that chaotic battle, and formed a considerable army.Li Hanxu no longer worried about the chaotic war between the warlords on the beach.
This was because even though Ou Yanghong and the other two warlords were on the surface at odds, they were Yuan Shikai's subordinates.
In order to completely eradicate the threat of the warlords on the beach, the three great warlords had already wiped out all of the smaller warlords by force and force before returning to Beiping.Li Hanxu didn't know, but it was Li Zuyao who had told him about it.
He recalled that there had been signs of an army moving along the streets not too long ago.
It turned out that it was a big fish eating small fishes.Without the warlords, the beach gradually returned to its former prosperity and tranquility.In the early morning of autumn, Dongfang Mingzhu shone brightly under the sunlight like a pearl.
Liuzhong went to the pier and Zhaohui was busy in the kitchen.
Li Hanxu was just whispering to his wife, Zhang Yuping, when Li Zuyao rushed in, shocking the two of them.Li Hanxu said, "I don't know what's wrong with knocking on the door."Li Zuyao retorted, "The door isn't locked!"Li Hanxu was so angry that his face turned red.
He looked at his wife, who was sniggering, and sourly said, "Enough nonsense, hurry up and talk!"Li Zuyao said, "Father, the owner of the Yongsheng Ship Factory, Zhu Linyong, sent someone over to treat you to a meal.
Do you want to go there?"Li Hanxu naturally knew that Zhu Linyong and Dongfang Mingzhu had been his in the past.
Even though this man possessed the brains of the economy and had earned quite a bit of money, he was an honest man who couldn't recognize the ways of the world.Li Hanxu said, "Of course we have to go.
Hurry up and prepare the car."Li Zuyao asked, "Dad, how many people did you bring with you?"Li Hanxu said impatiently, "What kind of people are you bringing?
Let's go alone."When Li Hanxu and his son arrived at the Zhu Family Mansion, Zhu Linyong was strolling around the living room with his daughter, Zhuxian, in his arms.
However, when they entered, Zhu Linyong immediately handed his daughter over to his wife, Liufei, and smiled respectfully.
"It's really my honor that Boss Li and the young master are willing to give me such respect.""..."Li Hanxu replied, "Boss Zhu, you're too polite."Zhulin Linyongji served the tea and poured it with much more eagerness.Li Hanxu asked, "May I ask what business Zhu Laoban has with me today?"Zhu Linyong said, "Since Big Brother has already said so, I won't beat around the bush." His words drew closer to Li Hanxu's relationship.
Then he added, "Now that the problem with the warlords on the beach has been eliminated, the tenants wouldn't dare to act recklessly.
The stronger ones belong to Big Brother, the Zheng Clan, the Lan Clan, and my younger brother.
We are the four great clans' most powerful force."..."Li Zuyao said, "Zheng Ren lives on the beach.
The foundations of our ancestors have a gauze factory, a casino, and countless amounts of money.
His younger brother, Zheng Xiao, is the chief of the police and has a powerful influence.
He has a son named Zheng Ze.
He's only twenty years old, but he's ruthless and merciless.
As for Lan Jue, he's a Japanese dog.
He's opened many brothels and casinos, and he often smuggles national treasures for ghosts.
He has two younger brothers: Lan Zhenbiao is the leader of the Pinghai Gang, and Lan Gubiao is the President of the Nine Dragons League.
Dark forces cannot be underestimated."..."Zhu Linyong said, "Second Young Master's analysis is very correct.
The Zheng Clan and the Lan Clan are not people to be trifled with.
As long as Big Brother is on the same side as me, we won't lose in the battle of the four great clans on the beach."Zhu Linyong was the first to show his sincerity, and Li Hanxu agreed with the idea of the competition between the four great clans.
Therefore, he agreed to his request to unite against his enemies.It was early winter, and the weather was a little cold.
When Du Yuping was about to give birth, Li Hanxu stayed in the hospital with her, not daring to take a single step away."Mm...
mm..." Du Yuping suddenly frowned and groaned in pain.Li Hanxu asked in shock, "What's wrong?"Du Yuping struggled, but before he could open his mouth, he fainted.Li Hanxu hurriedly ran towards the door and shouted, "Doctor, doctor...
come here!"After a pretty doctor in her twenties arrived, she looked at the situation and said to the nurse beside her, "Mrs.
Li is about to give birth.
Hurry and prepare for the surgery."Li Hanxu looked extremely nervous as he asked, "Why did my wife faint?
Will she be in danger?"The female doctor replied, "Your wife is only temporarily unconscious, so it doesn't matter.
You elderly people should pay more attention in the future.
Giving birth at such a young age is still very dangerous.
Our hospital has contraceptives, and if you want to, you can give it a try.
It's very cheap."The female doctor used the nurse's time to prepare her surgical tools to sell to Li Hanxu.
It was obvious that she didn't know Li Hanxu's identity.
Otherwise, even if she used ten thousand of her courage, she wouldn't have dared to sell condoms to the boss of the beach.A nurse said, "Dr.
Chen, we can start the operation now," a nurse said to the doctor.The female doctor said to Li Hanxu, "Please leave first.
I want to give birth to your madam."Li Hanxu stood alone outside the ward, waiting anxiously.
At this moment, he suddenly felt a sense of guilt.
Just as the female doctor surnamed Chen had said, he and his wife were indeed quite old.
What if they were really in danger?
Time is unforgiving!
Listening to Du Yuping's screams in the ward, Li Hanxu felt like his heart was being cut off.
Right now, he only wanted his wife to be safe.
It didn't matter if he had a son or not..