Desires At Late Night: The chief spoiled lover

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Temptation of Beauty (2)

Shuhang had reached an extremely happy state in his body and unconsciously spoke his mind.
He murmured, "Daughter...
I'm nothing.
I'm just a money-losing girl...
I always think I should have a son!
Zi'er, you have to give birth to a son!
No, two!
To inherit my family business, to inherit everything...
to my Zi'er..." These words made Xiaoxiao's heart ache so much that it was going to bleed!
It turned out that his father was always talking about equality between men and women.
He said that Xiaoxiao was his most cherished treasure, but it was all fake!
They were all lying to her and her mother.
It turned out that not only did her father not love her mother at all, he also did not love her at all!
His father wanted a son!
He was also the mistress who had ruined other people's family, the son of a bitch!
Shu Xiaoman only felt that all her self-esteem was going to be destroyed.
She wanted to shout, but she could not.
She really wanted to think about it.
She wanted to shout and roar.
She threw everything she could with her hands at the crazy man and woman mercilessly!
However, she finally made a decision after a moment of silence.
After glancing at the b*tch couple who were still gasping for breath, Xiaoxiao slowly walked out of the door.
And he also carefully closed the door for them.
She sneered from the bottom of her heart.
"In fact...
I really want everyone to see the ugliness of you two...
I can ignore you.
I can let you perform in front of others and be scolded...
But, after all, this is my mom's house, my mom's garden...
my mom's bed..." A teardrop flowed down her face.
Very soon, it was submerged in the boundless rain...
She could not let her mother know all this...
Her mother was such a gentle and kind woman.
If she knew that her most beloved and most respected husband not only cheated on her and another woman behind her back, but also said such cruel and heartless words, she would definitely go crazy...
Her mother always gently embraced her and whispered in her ear, "Xiaoxiao, baby, you are everything to me..." "What about dad?" "Silly, daddy and mommy are one.
Daddy loves mommy, mommy loves daddy, so she gave birth to you.
Xiaoxiao, you have to be happy, mom and dad always love you..." "Ah, mom, you're so stupid!" Why should he believe in love?
Men were all unreliable things!!
At that moment, Shu Xiao made up her mind...
She would do her best to keep this secret forever.
One day, she must find a way to punish them...
Punish the man who abandoned his wife and destroyed the woman of someone else's family!
However, she was only fourteen years old and had no idea how to punish an adult.
He staggered through the increasingly heavy rain, his face covered with tears and rain...
He had a fever, and after taking a cold medicine, he was dizzy.
He was stimulated just now, and his whole person was like a wandering doll...
She had thought about the road.
A sudden clap of thunder sounded above her head, as if it was warning her!
She blinked her watery eyes in fear, which made people feel sorry for her.
She stopped her steps timidly like a frightened deer.
—Perhaps, the heavens were going to punish her...
—Since she had seen something she shouldn't have seen, perhaps the heavens wanted her to disappear from this world...
she couldn't die!
She still had to protect her mother!
She wanted revenge!
She must get justice back.
She could not let her mother be bullied like this and be trampled by others!!!
Thinking of this, she felt hot in her heart.
She actually stopped in the middle of the road!
He looked up and shouted, "Come on!
Come on, all of you!
Wait and see.
You will get what you deserve if you do immoral things!!!" In that instant, the once innocent and innocent Shu Xiao was dead!
However, there was an adult's heart in his fourteen-year-old body!
Just at that moment, a sharp brake suddenly sounded behind her!
Shu Xiaoman suddenly remembered that this was the middle of the road.
He was in a cold sweat and sat on the ground in despair!
Almost, she was going to die!
Her entire body was stiff.
She felt as if cold sweat was a small meandering snake that was slowly sliding down her back.
Perhaps at that moment, she really did not want to live.
Seeing that her father was so ugly, she felt completely disheartened...
However, in the end, the heavens still allowed her to live...
—how was he going to take revenge?
She didn't even know who that woman was!
Her mind was in a mess.
After a while, she heard the indifferent voice of an impatient man coming from a few meters behind her.
"Miss, are you leaving or not?" When he turned his stiff neck slightly, he saw that less than a meter behind him, there was a jade-blue, bright Bugatti Veyron's extended sports car parked in front of him!
Of course, Xiaoxiao did not know whether the car was expensive or not, but she was shocked subconsciously—this car was so beautiful!
It was elegant and noble, romantic and mysterious.
It was like a cheetah made by machinery.
Every line showed the natural combination of strength and aesthetics.
Not to mention the nobleness and extraordinary bloodline of the master!
But this good-looking car almost took her life.
Xiaoxiao was so frightened that one of his invisible eye fell off when he was running.
In addition, the rain was too heavy, so the field of view was even more hazy.
She could barely see a man's face coming out from the rolling down window.
Her skin was as fair as ivory, and her hair was slightly curly.
Under the green pine-colored sunglasses, his face seemed to be very handsome, but she could not see him clearly.
He was not in the mood to see clearly.
The key was that although his tone was a little impatient, it was still kind.
She suddenly felt sad, and her tone was like a folded angel...
Looking at the dark clouds in the sky, the petite girl was in tears, rubbing her hair in a trance.
"I don't have a place to go...
I don't have a place to go...
I don't know where I'm going..." The man frowned, and under his thick black eyebrows, a sharp light flashed in his sparkling obsidian eyes.
She pursed her thin and delicate lips and quickly sized up the little girl from top to bottom!
She was probably no older than 20 years old.
She was petite and well-proportioned.
It was the typical body of little beauty Dongfang.
He was wearing a thin student uniform.
His four limbs were slender and delicate.
It seemed that he could hold her with one hand.
His straight black hair, which was not hot or wet, was wet by the rain and stuck quietly on the side of his cheek.
But she didn't look like a drowned mouse.
She looked so lovely and charming.
It was hard to tell what her facial features were like, but her fair and charming skin could be broken easily by blowing on it.
The first button of the school uniform had been opened, revealing a slender neck like a swan's neck.
"Not bad." The little girl's figure had not yet fully developed, but there was already a kind of soul-stirring sweet soft light.
She seemed to curl up her shoulders to hide the slightly bulging curves in front of her.
That kind of expectant and unpracticed place, which seemed to be an inviting place, caught his attention at that moment.
After being drenched in the rain for a long time, her sailors' skirt hemline and shirt were already soaked through.
Coupled with her shaky posture, she looked delicate and charming.
His dazed expression seemed to be a fatal temptation.
Fortunately, because of the heavy rain at this time, there were not many people on this road, and there was not even a shadow at this time.
Today, he was sent by his father to this city to have a business deal, but he was unlucky and had a roadiaia in his mind.
In addition, he was not familiar with this city.
After a long time, he could not find out where his five-star hotel was.