Desires At Late Night: The chief spoiled lover

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Luring the Beauty 4

Pear blossoms with rain, delicate and lovely.
Her childish face was as white as jade.
There was no trace of being washed off.
Her face was clean and fragrant, which was worth kissing.
Her forehead was full and white, shining softly.
Although the bridge of his nose was not very high, the tip of his nose was very perky.
She looked a little cute.
Right at this moment...
It was pitch-dark in front of her eyes, but his fingers moved between her lips and teeth with a frequency that made people blush and heartbeat, as if they were not fingers but something else...
Her heart was pounding.
At her age, she was at the age where she was ignorant of everything.
At the same time, the back of her head felt a strange feeling...
Although she didn't know much about love affairs, she had been trained in physical health.
And she saw such a living painting of the Spring Palace today, so she probably understood what this meant!
She had lived for so many years and had not even held hands with a man.
She did not speak much...
His father was afraid that his daughter's relationship would affect her studies, so he specially sent her to a female school—go to the most important school.
Some were an old man over fifty years old or a science glasses man with a square face and a square face, which made the female student have no worries about teacher-student love...
As a result, although Shu Xiaoman was 14 years old, there were still quite a few girls living in the same school or job at the same age as her.
They were either living together or living with kids...
But in their school, even the hand contact with the boys was a piece of big news.
Shu Xiaoman had never been close to any boy, nor had she ever secretly fallen in love with any boy.
She was a typical obedient girl.
She never thought about how to kiss.
At most, she just touched her lips.
It was just like the pictures on the comics, warm and lovely.
Under the maple leaves of autumn, her first love was immature.
However ...
However ...
How could this be?
What was a woman?
She was just a tool.
Regardless of whether it was the 24th or the 34th, it was the same.
But she was so small, as if she was melting in his arms.
"Umm!" "Umm!" She didn't have time to think about it anymore.
She clenched her teeth tightly and bit down recklessly!
Gradually, their breathing became more and more rapid...
The mixed taste of blood between the two of them carried a hint of excitement, as well as the cruelness of guilt and punishment.
Invisibly, it made the two people more close to each other.
Squinting his starry eyes, he tilted his head.
At that moment, she suddenly felt very tired, very tired...
She had been abandoned by her father.
No, it couldn't be abandoned.
Maybe she could never go back to the past carefree, rich family.
The only problem was that she only had pimples on her face, or she failed to make it to the top three in the exam...
Perhaps, it was destined that she was just a luxury car of a stranger, entangled with a completely strange man ten minutes ago shamelessly.
Perhaps this was the effect of genetic genes...
This little girl was really a special kind of delicious meal...
It seemed that the newly-bloomed cherries with dewdrops were particularly attractive!
He bent down and sucked hard!
"What a beautiful taste!"