The Game is Slaughter

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The Messenger of the Earth

Xiao Yu got up very early today and got up before 12 o'clock.
It was already the end of morning work for others, but for Xiao Yu, it should be the time when he was still asleep.
However, he felt that he had a secretion of hormones today and should get up early to vent his anger.
He turned on the monitor, turned off the game, and clicked on the goddess education film.
He made a bowl of instant noodles, took some toilet paper, applied some on his hand, and then sat down.
While smelling the familiar and nauseating flavor of the instant noodles, he began to make preparations for the war.
The phone rang untimely.
Xiao Yu didn't want to pay attention to it.
In this world, except for occasionally making a call to his parents, his phone was basically in a sleep state.
Looking at the number on the phone, it was obviously not from his parents.
Someone must have made a mistake or promoted the insurance.
The phone kept ringing, making the picture on the computer become dull.
Xiao Yu picked up the phone and said directly, "You're wrong." Then she was ready to hang up the phone.
But there was a pleasant female voice on the phone, "Hello, this is the National Abs bomber Bureau..." "Pa!" Xiao Yu hung up the phone directly.
Now the swindler was really getting more and more lawless.
He dared to pretend to be the National intervenement Bureau.
He was not a country old farmer.
He was a professional otaku.
He knew everything without going out.
The tricks of the swindler could not fool him at all.
Xiao Yu clicked on the pause image, and the fascinating voice sounded again.
Xiao Yu's hand also reached out to her lower abdomen, ready to start passing the favorite time of indoors men.
The phone rang again, and it was less than half a minute later.
"Hey, liar, go lie to others.
I'm very busy." Xiao Yu said angrily.
"Hello, this is the National Spaceship Agency." The female voice on the phone was not ashamed at all.
She still said in a nice voice, "You have been selected by the National Ab nanotechnology Bureau to prepare for the..." "Bang!" Xiao Yu hung up the phone without hesitation.
This was obviously a scammer's call.
She was only a indoorsman, but she was chosen to be the itself to become the itself treasure.
This was such a big joke.
This scammer must have short-circuited, saying such an unreliable lie.
She was an idiot, but he still treated others as idiots.
Less than two minutes after hanging up, the phone rang again, "Hello, you have been selected as a Preparation Yu Yuan in the country.
The national security bureau will send someone to greet you in two hours." This time, before Xiao Yu hung up the phone, the female voice in the phone quickly finished what she wanted to say.
"Ha, ha, ha.
I'll wait." Xiao Yu hung up the phone.
This swindler girl was very fun.
Now the phone was completely quiet, but Xiao Yu's nature was also driven away.
After eating instant noodles and turning on the computer game, Xiao Yu began to play sniping in the corner with a gun in her hand.
Two hours later, Xiao Yu had already forgotten about her phone.
When he was fighting fiercely, someone knocked on the door.
Xiao Yu ignored him because she knew that it must be the man next door who knocked on the door because he drank too much.
Every time this guy drank too much, he would knock on the door from door to door.
It was just that this guy drank too much at noon, and he got drunk five or six hours earlier than usual.
It seemed that he went to eat at the country's lunch at noon.
It was good to be a civil servant.
Although his salary was not as good as that of the senior white-collar workers, they didn't even need money to buy anything for eating, drinking, whoring, and gambling.
That was the nationality of the country, and he lived well.
Speaking of which, Xiao Yu was also a civil servant.
But compared with other people, she was not that good.
The year before last, Xiao Yu got the civil service qualification by the highest score.
When it came time for distribution, all the good positions had been given to those who had other ways than him, and it was his turn to give them to the small town in the mountains.
His monthly salary was 1,200, and the bonus was 300, which was low in the town...
The only benefit was to be free.
It was too free to do anything.
So Xiao Yu simply became a professional otaku.
When she was really tired, she went to the office to report it, drink tea and take a nap.
She had been working for two years, but few people knew him.
"Knock, knock, knock!" The sound of knocking on the door became louder.
This drunkard actually had a lot of patience today.
Xiao Yu ignored him and aimed at a guy who dared to jump in front of her.
If she clicked the mouse, that guy would die.
The knocking on the door finally stopped.
Xiao Yu didn't take it seriously and continued to aim.
With a loud bang, the door was forced open.
Two strong men came to Xiao Yu, took out a photo and compared it with Xiao Yu's, then walked out while lifting up Xiao Yu.
The poor Xiao Yu was wearing only a dirty pair of briefs.
She was skinny and had no muscles at all.
The two strong men walked out of the shabby building with two or three steps.
Xiao Yu was completely stunned.
There was actually a helicopter that could only be seen on TV in the yard.
Two strong men carried Xiao Yu into the helicopter.
The helicopter hovered and flew far away under the surprised eyes of the people in the town.
Half a year later.
Xiao Yu stared at the staff and allowed him to put on his Yuhang costume.
His experience in the past six months and what the minister said to him just now made him unable to wake up.
In the past six months, he had been forced to do all kinds of exercises and training.
Some muscles had grown in him.
At least he did not look like a malnourished refugee.
He also crammed a lot of knowledge into his knowledge of Yuhang, which made him gradually realize that he had inexplicably become an stated.
However, the words of the minister just now made him feel like dreaming again.
"Xiao Yu, after half a year's training, you have become a qualified huhr.
Tomorrow, you will take a rocket to fly in the sky and become the ninth person of Celestial Empire in the universe.
Congratulations." The minister's words had been haunted in Xiao Yu's mind and made Xiao Yu feel a little uncomfortable.
However, the busy staff members around him made him know that he was going to go to heaven.
This was too incredible.
Half a year ago, he was just a otaku with a career, but after half a year, he would go to space?
However, there were also some things that confused him.
That was, the rocket he took this time was not in the series of God Ship, and no one in the outside world knew about it.
In any case, it was like a secret action.
Even the request of making a phone call to his parents was dismissed.
The minister just said that after he passed away, he would contact his parents once.
However, if the rocket failed, wouldn't he be unable to talk to his parents anymore?
The businessmen in various major cities had started to do publicity activities on December 22nd, which was the day after the end of this world.
There were 52/16 everywhere.
"The end is coming.
What are you still waiting for?" This kind of promotional advertisements.
No one took the matter of the end of the world seriously.
Everyone just took it as a joke.
No one knew that at this time, a remote place was where a rocket was flying into the space with a salts who had not yet been in line for half a year.
The sky suddenly darkened without warning, and the sunlight was completely blocked by something unknown.
The people on the road looked at the sky in surprise.
There were no dark clouds in the sky, and there was no Japanese meal today.
There were few clouds in the sky.
How could the sky suddenly get dark?
A blurry and huge face suddenly appeared in the dark sky.
There was an angry pair of eyes on the face.
The face was so huge that anyone in any corner could see it, but no one could see it clearly.
It had a very mysterious feeling, which made people involuntarily have an impulse to worship it.
Everyone in the area was stunned.
Regardless of whether they were male, female, or female, male, female, or female, as well as the local officials and citizens, they all stared at the sudden human head in the sky, their legs trembling...
Suddenly, the enormous face opened its mouth and released a whistling sound.
The great earth began to tremble, and the river began to flow backwards.
No one was able to stand up, and they immediately knelt onto the ground.
Her face began to disappear gradually, and then it was completely invisible.
But the whole sky was still dark, and no one could tell that it was the sunny moment in the afternoon.
People who were still in shock stood up gingerly.
At this time, all the screens, including the computer, TV, electronic screen on the street, mobile screen, and advertising screen in the elevator, began to light up, and then flickered.
People looked at the sky in surprise and felt a little panic when they saw the dark world.
Everyone used to think that the end of the world was a joke, but now it seemed that there were signs of the end of the world.
However, there were still two months left before December 22nd.
Did the end of the world come earlier?
All the screens shook, and then the same picture appeared.
A man with gorgeous clothes and a bit excessive dressing appeared on the screen with a fake smile.
It was strange that someone pulled out the plug of the TV, but the TV was still on, and the man on the TV was still there.
"Lowly Earth Starman, just now, it was the Sovereign who gave you a small punishment.
The highest mountain peak on your planet has already collapsed and was flattened by the will of the Sovereign.
The current peak is no longer Mount Zhumu Langmma, but Johann Peak.
The reason is that although you Earth Starmen are addicted to pleasure and pursuit luxury, you forgot your lowly identity and have forgotten to create your gods.
In the past, there was once a race on Earth that dared to challenge the dignity of a Sovereign.
But now, they no longer exist.
If you refuse to accept it, then they are a role model for you." To be frank, he knew what this guy said seemed to be Maya's business.
"If you still refuse to understand, then an even greater punishment is yet to come.
That will be the end of the world, when you say you don't take it seriously." The man's expression changed very quickly.
In an instant, the fake smile on his face turned into that of a fiendish one.
"The almighty Sovereigns have created countless living planets.
The people of these planets all sincerely thanked the Sovereigns for their care, but there were always a few planets who believed in the power of science, and in the end, completely forgot about the existence of the Sovereigns.
Your planet is one of them.
All of your sins are not suited for living in this world at all." "However," the man's voice changed, and at the same time, his fake smile once again appeared.
"The Sovereigns gave you all a chance to save your own fate.
Every planet that falls to the bottom of the rankings of the Sovereigns will randomly select a random person to participate in the game set up by the Sovereigns.
In the end, only one of these twenty individuals will survive.
As for the person chosen from your Earth Star, his results will determine the fate of all the living beings on your planet." The man, who dressed too much, walked to a gorgeous chair and sat down.
"I am the host and commentator of this game.
My name is You Kaso and I am the messenger of the Sovereign.
Since it is the first time for you earth stars to participate in this game, I will explain the rules of the game in detail to you." The man waved his hand, and the screen screen switched to the rocket of Xiao Yu.
Xiao Yu was also looking at the screen in front of him on the rocket.
He thought it was a lame mythological drama, but when he found it also appeared on the screen, he was shocked.
He felt a little uneasy.
Was he the representative who was randomly chosen to participate in the Sovereign game on the earth?