The Game is Slaughter

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The Residence Man Who Bears Hope

On Earth Star, a gloomy press conference was being held.
Pan Wen took back his eyes from Xiao Yu, who was staggering on the huge monitor on the wall.
He struggled to clear his throat.
He looked up at the reporters, who were unable to stand up and watch, and said in a hoarse voice, "Hello, I believe you all know that the Earth is now at the brink of life and death, but we can do nothing.
We can only pin our hopes on the Chinese named Xiao Yu." The journalists turned around with difficulty, their eyes staring angrily at Pan Wen's lifeless face.
After a few seconds of silence, all of the journalists began to ask questions.
Only a single reporter's eyes remained on the monitor and didn't pay attention to this highest ranking official on Earth.
"When did the two of you find out about the existence of Sovereigns?" "Why didn't you reveal the Sovereign's existence?
If it hadn't been for the Sovereign personally appearing, how long would you have been planning to keep it a secret?" "Who chose Xiao Yu?
Did she carry out combat training on him..." "You're incompetent.
Do you want to blame me for my resignation..." "...
" The reporters' voices were too mixed, and too many questions were asked.
Pan Wen and his assistant were embarrassed and rubbed their hands together, but they couldn't suppress the situation.
Ask questions one by one." A thick and loud voice rang out, causing all reporters to slowly stop arguing.
A fully armed forty or so year old soldier walked out with a dignified appearance, standing between the reporter and Pan Wen.
The soldier had a ferocious expression and developed muscles.
When he swept his eyes over the crowd, all of the journalists felt a chill run down their spines.
"Questions one by one.
Now, if you want to ask, just raise your hand and name yourself before you can speak.
Otherwise, you will be expelled from the venue." The military's gaze made all reporters afraid to look straight at it, and no one dared to raise their hand.
The reporter, who had been looking at the monitor, turned his head and slowly raised his hand.
"Go ahead." The soldier pointed at the reporter who raised his hand and said fiercely.
The reporter stood up, pushed his glasses on his nose, and said calmly, "My name is Ding Yuan, I come from China.
I want to ask you, when did the Central Plains start to know about the existence of a Sovereign?
Also, is the frequent earthquake and tsunamis that have happened in recent years related to the Sovereign?" There was a stir at Ding Yuan's words.
Indeed, the frequent production projects in recent years had caused people to feel as if the end of the world was approaching.
However, the government had always remained silent and had never made any evaluations about what had happened, which made everyone feel reassured.
In addition, in order to make money, the businessmen had been using the World of Doomsday as propaganda stunt.
Therefore, people dismissed their own doubts and thought it was just a coincidence.
However, now it seemed that these Ningshan trainings were probably the punishment given by the Master to the Earth Star to warn the Star people.
The Emperor was intentionally hiding the truth of the Sovereign's existence.
Pan Wen looked at Ding Yuan, who was wearing glasses, but his eyes were very resolute.
He said helplessly, "Yes, the latest disasters were caused by the Sovereign.
Five years ago, Meili Jianguo heard a strange wireless signal.
At that time, we organized a group of password experts to decode this wireless signal.
The result of the deciphering was that the Sovereign was warning the earth's starman.
If the earth people insist on not stopping all of the scientific activities and not praying to the Sovereign, they will give the earth's starman a warning." The reporters were absorbed in the story, and some even forgot to take notes.
"At that time, we all agreed that it was just a prank.
In the end, disasters happened one after another.
First, it was an earthquake, then a tsunami, then it was natural disaster, and so on.
Each time a signal appeared, these disasters would immediately happen.
Only now did we begin to believe that there really was a Sovereign.
Because there wasn't any concrete evidence, we didn't announce this to the outside world." The reporters immediately boiled.
Some began to shout abuse, and some people threw things to Pan Wen.
If the public had released the news earlier, many people would have been prepared and would not have lost their lives in these disasters.
These disasters had taken hundreds of thousands of people's lives.
"Half a year ago, a signal was sent again.
The result of the translation was that a person from the earth would be randomly selected as a sacrifice.
Then the result was that Xiao Yu was selected.
Because of the mistakes of the translation, we only informed our country of carrying out the simple Yuhang training for the selected candidate.
We did not carry out the combat training for Xiao Yu.
Here, I apologize to Xiao Yu and all the other people from the earth." Pan Wen stood up and bowed respectfully.
However, this obviously couldn't appease everyone's anger.
The people watching the live broadcast of the press conference in various places instantly smashed tens of thousands of TV screens.
The reporters on the scene were also excited and began to rush to speak loudly, but no one could hear what was being said.
Everyone knew the significance of a sacrifice.
It was a gift to a Sovereign with the use of a person's life.
The government's actions and actions had completely ignored the life of a Sovereign.
"Quiet." The soldier shouted again, and the reporters dared not to speak again because of the loud voice.
The soldier looked around the venue with his fierce eyes and said loudly until the crowd was completely silent, " raise your hand before you ask questions." The loud voice scared several female reporters in the conference room to tears.
Only Ding Yuan's expression remained unchanged.
He raised his hand again and stood up after the name was called.
Then he stared straight into Pan Wen's eyes and asked, "I want to know if you have told Xiao Yu that he is the chosen sacrifice?
Is it a sacrifice that will never come back from space?" Pan Wen's face was red, and the sweat on his face began to fall.
He awkwardly twisted a few times and said with difficulty, "No.
This matter has been hidden from Xiao Yu from beginning to end, and he didn't tell Huaxia." The people in front of the TV cursed again.
The public market was completely irresponsible.
They not only hid the most important thing from the public, but also let a confused person embarked on the trip to die without any reason.
"Get off the stage.
Pan Wen got off the stage!" Someone was shouting slogans, which immediately attracted everyone's response.
Pan Wen got off the stage one after another.
At this time, the crowd suddenly quieted down, and everyone's eyes were once again attracted by the contents on the TV.
What everyone was concerned about this time was not Pan Wen's hard-hearted press conference, but another person that everyone was more concerned about—Xiao Yu, who carried the hope of all the stars on earth.