The Game is Slaughter

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Big End

However, when Pan Wen had not run a few steps, a figure blocked his way.
A familiar voice that made him scared said, "Pan Wen, do you think you can escape from my eyes?" Pan Wen gingerly raised his head and saw Xiao Yu's playful eyes.
Xiao Yu picked Pan Wen up like picking up a chick and strode to the high platform.
She threw Pan Wen on the platform, raised her hands and said, "Earthly people, the spies on this planet intend to run away.
You tell me, what should we do to such traitors and star spies?" "Kill!
Kill..." Waves of shouts rang out rhythmically.
Everyone wanted nothing more than to tear Pan Wen apart and swallow his flesh.
Xiao Yu raised her hand to calm everyone down.
With a smile, he said, "I want to kill him as well, but we have a legal planet.
The planet's court will be extremely happy to carry out a trial on Panwen.
I..." At this point, Xiao Yu suddenly stopped, and his body quickly retreated.
At the place where he had just stood, a crater suddenly appeared on the ground.
If it weren't for Xiao Yu's quick reaction, he would have been killed by this sniper rifle.
Xiao Yu raised her head to look at the building on his left.
He knew that the sniper was the bullet that was fired from this building.
Before Xiao Yu could speak, a jet of light flickered on a spaceship, and a cannonball hit a room in this building.
A figure fell from the window, screaming.
The earth people suddenly burst into warm applause and cheers.
Just now, people didn't have much confidence in fighting against the Honorable Star, but now the dish showed their fighting capacity to tell people that these dishes were the guarantee for the earth people to fight against the Honorable Star.
Since Xiao Yu and the others had mastered such an excellent skill, then Xiao Yu should have mastered more new science and technology.
With the support of new science and technology, it was no longer impossible for her to fight against Zun Xing.
"We will hold the election for the whole planet in the near future.
We will choose a real president of the planet and begin the preparation for the invasion of Zun Xing under the leadership of the new president." Xiao Yu's words made people more excited.
"The Star people are now more advanced in science and technology, so they should be far ahead of the Earth.
But the Earth is not a helpless lamb.
The Star people reach the Earth at least a few decades later, and these decades are the time for us to work hard to catch up with the Superstar.
During this period, every Earth person has to work hard to protect our planet.
I believe that every Earth person is also willing to work hard to survive on the Earth.
Isn't that right?" After the experience in the game, Xiao Yu had mastered some of the skills of speech, and his encouragement was very moving, making the Earth people excited.
"Xiao Yu - President.
Xiao Yu - President..." A burst of fanatical cheers burst out from the crowd below, and more people came from all the streets and alleys, and they were all shouting the same slogan rhythmically.
Not only here, but also other places on the earth began to shout the same.
It could be said that Xiao Yu, although young, was the most ideal president candidate of the planet in everyone's mind.
Xiao Yu looked at the crowd below, and his heart was surging.
In fact, he also wanted to be the president of this planet.
It was not easy for him to win this time.
Moreover, the president of this planet had to shoulder the responsibility of leading the earth people to fight against the mighty Star people.
He was the most suitable candidate.
No one knew the star better than he did.
He also worried that the good result he had worked so hard to get was destroyed by some politician with evil intentions.
He did not want to be ruined by a useless politician.
The weary Earth needed a young president, so that the Earth would have a new glory, and it would be able to abolish the drawbacks, remove the major launch, and quickly surpass the technology of the Earth to the Zun Stars.
Dozens of years were neither short nor short.
Every minute required everyone to cherish it.
Xiao Yu once again reached out her hand to press it, and the people under the stage immediately quieted down.
"Dear earthmen, I, Xiao Yu, will be the temporary replacement of the planet's president until the first election begins when I choose a new planet's president.
I order that during this period of time, all the armed forces on the earth should obey my command.
Do you agree?" Xiao Yu shouted loudly.
"I agree.
Long live!" "Long live." All kinds of cheers sounded again, representing the voice of the whole world.
Xiao Yu turned to look at the pale Pan Wen and said scornfully, "The scum of this planet, this star traitor, will be sent to the planet's court and be judged by justice.
What will be waiting for him will be severe punishment." "Oh, oh, oh, oh..." The cheers of people were getting louder and louder, and it lasted for a long time.
On the other planets, the silence was also broken.
The riots began one by one.
The president of the puppets planets were overthrown, and new planets' government homes were established one by one.
With the free technology support of the Earth people, they also joined the alliance that opposed the Honorable Star.
The power of the Honorable Star Alliance was growing, and the domain ruled by the Honorable Star was decreasing.
All of a sudden, Manmiao understood Xiao Yu's action back then.
Xiao Yu's action back then wasn't because she didn't appreciate her, but because she didn't trust her.
She was a little disappointed.
"Man Miao.
Hello." Xiao Yu suddenly appeared on Man Miao's computer.
"Xiao Yu?" Man Miao was both surprised and delighted.
"Sorry, I didn't believe you at the beginning.
Now I know, you actively set up an entire universe peace organization on the Honorable Star.
You are a woman worthy of my respect.
But, we are too far away.
Maybe we will never meet again.
I can't apologize to you face to face.
I'm sorry now.
I hope you can forgive me." Xiao Yu said sincerely.
Blushing, she murmured, "I really want to touch you." After a while, she straightened up and said, "I will continue to stick to my dream.
I don't want the people on the earth to be enemies.
It is my goal to make everyone in the universe live peacefully together." Youcardo looked at the indicators in front of him and kept silent.
The indicators were originally controlled by the green Zun Star people, but now the red areas continued to erode these green territories.
These red lights were the powers of the Anti-Coverts Star Alliance.
Letting these red lights develop, the whole universe would be out of the control of the Zun Xing.
Then, the life of the Zun Xing people would be greatly impacted, and the status of the Zun Xing people would no longer exist.
This was what every star did not want to see.
"If you want to destroy the Evil Star Union, you must first kill the earth.
The earth people are the core of the Evil Star Alliance.
If you kill the earth people, the Evil Star Alliance will only exist in name only," Lusor said, standing behind You Kaso.
Now, Miso had become You Cao's think tank.
"But if we want to invade the earth, we have to build an army first, and then a huge expedition fleet.
Even so, it will take decades to arrive at the earth.
We have discovered that the earth people have stolen all our technologies.
After a few decades, with the current development and development degree of the earth people, they are likely to surpass us in science and technology.
Moreover, Xiao Yu knows very well about our Zun Xing people.
At that time, there is only one way for us to go.
We can't deal with Xiao Yu," You Kadou said decadently.
He was not a fool.
He was very clear about the difference in strength between enemies and himself.
Although the earth people were outdated now, after a few decades, the Earth people who were diligent would probably completely surpass the Honorable Star.
It seemed that the good days of the Holy Star were coming to an end.
Ruo suddenly shook his head.
"Do you have any good ideas?" You Kajen asked doubtfully.
"Xiao Yu is indeed hard to deal with, but if that person is willing, he can help you to deal with the Earth.
Only he can be Xiao Yu's opponent." Luodao suddenly said mysteriously.
You Kajen furrowed his brows and asked, "Which one?" "A person you don't want to meet, but also a person that cannot be considered a human." Luosu became more and more mysterious.
"You mean..." You Kajen frowned more tightly.
"Fe Li Group?" "He's not called Fei Li Group, Fei Li Group is just someone else's name he borrowed." Ruo said.
You Kajen shook his head and said, "He won't help us." Luosu said, "A thousand years ago, the highest level ruler on the Honorable Star called for a research to stop.
If we were to use this research, I believe that he will come and help us." You Cao frowned.
"The research that stopped a thousand years ago?" After a while, he suddenly said, "You mean the research that violated moral ethics?" "Correct.
This research is a research that specializes in the fusion of virtual consciousness and the true body, because this research requires a large amount of human body to research before it can be stopped.
If we start this research again, he will come and help us, because he needs our research to allow himself to revive." Luosh said.
You Kajen took a deep breath and said, "Are you sure he can deal with Xiao Yu?" Ruo nodded and said with certainty, "If there is anyone in this world who can deal with Xiao Yu, then Fitzdurk is the best choice.
Right, he isn't called Fitzdurk, his real name is -- 'Millennium Bug'." The whole book is over.
The setting sun was like blood.
On a grassland with the characteristics of nature and under a big towering tree, the figure of a woman was as delicate as paper-scram, forming a perfect picture with everything around her.
A shooting star-like object suddenly streaked across the sky.
It wasn't all that eye-catching in the blood-like sky, but the woman's body moved, starting to carefully observe this object that was getting closer and closer.
Ten or so minutes later, the grain of rice-sized flying object gradually became larger, ultimately landing near the woman.
It was a spaceship that could travel with a star star.
It was also a new type of spaceship that was developed by Earth people after a year of imitations with the technology on the Zun star.
The ability of Huaxia people to replicate high technology was fully displayed on this spaceship.
It could be said that after the replica of Huaxia people, the performance of this spaceship had exceeded those star-like star-like interstellar spaceships.
It could be seen that the ability of Huaxia people in the fortress was excellent.
A shadow that wasn't all that strong, but rather rather heroic walked out from the opened cabin door.
Before it could even step on the ground, the shadow-like woman rushed out, and then threw herself heavily into the man's embrace.
"Ahem, Jun Yan, you didn't miss me that much, did you?" Xiao Yu said with a smile.
However, she didn't know whether she should push Jun Yan'er away or hug her.
"Of course there is.
From the day we separated, I have been missing you all the time." Jun Yan stubbornly held Xiao Yu in her arms and did not let go.
Xiao Yu sighed and said, "This is no longer a game of the Sovereign.
There's no need for you to try to please me.
Moreover, even if you hate me, I will negotiate with you Katan Xing about the alliance.
I won't reject this negotiation because you are so evil." Jun Yan suddenly bit down heavily on Xiao Yu.
Xiao Yu stopped in pain and said, "I've said that my feelings for you are real.
There's a saying in our Cartan Star that the more a woman bites, the more deeply she loves you.
I love you as much as you hurt." Xiao Yu rubbed her nose.
She didn't know if she should walk well or let Jun Yan carry her.
"If you don't mind, I can share a husband with you." A familiar voice suddenly came from behind Xiao Yu.
Her tone was calm and imposing, as if she was talking on the side of the winner.
Jun Yan's heart sank.
She looked up and saw Margie behind Xiao Yu.
She couldn't say a word.
Xiao Yu shook her head.
He patted Jun Yan, who was still in a daze, and let her go.
Then he began to shake hands with the president of Car Tan Star, who had come to welcome him.
Xiao Yu came here with a mission this time.
From the latest technology data, it was known that many of the materials on the earth could not be found, and they could only be obtained on other planets.
Only when all the planets were united and the resources were interoperable could they resist the threat from the Honorable Star.
Therefore, Xiao Yu came to the Titan Station to find the resources that the earth people needed.
At the large aircraft airport.
A few glass doors opened.
Bloan, Nisse, and Ason stood up in confusion.
They looked at Junyan, Maji, and Xiao Yu, who were standing in front of them, and couldn't say anything.
"You don't have to doubt that you are really alive now." Xiao Yu said with a smile.
Nie Li rubbed her head and suddenly looked up and said, "In fact, whether we are alive or not, it doesn't matter.
Game is life, and life is game.
Are you sure that you are not in the game now?
Maybe we just jumped out of a game and then entered another game?" The others all remained silent.
"Perhaps we are still in the game.
It's just that the controller of the game has changed from a Sovereign to another God." Nie Li's words caused everyone to fall silent once again.
Everyone was deep in thought.
In the Star Technology Institute, Professor Wang Lidong stretched his limbs and said, "I think Nie Li's words are very meaningful.
It's estimated that Xiao Yu won't be able to answer in such a short time." Ding Yuan said, "I still don't understand how you survived?" Professor Wang Lidong shrugged and said, "Maybe we are now in a game, so I am alive." Ding Yuan looked at the photo of Xiao Yun on his mobile phone, frowned and said, "It's better not to play games.
I am in a hot love now.
If I know that I love a virtual girl, I will go crazy." ...
Ten years later.
A piece of information was transmitted from a distant galaxy to the earth.
A warship commander said with a serious expression, "We encountered the first wave of enemies, enemies from the Honorable Star.
From our current observations, their science and technology didn't stop, instead displaying a type of strange development method." Xiao Yu turned her head to look at the others.
What they were worried about had really happened.
The technology that had been silent for a long time on the Honorable Star was actually restarted.
Although the earth's science and technology were developing, no one knew how far the star people's science and technology would progress.
After all, the star people used to be the most developed planet with the most developed technology in the universe.
The dead camel was bigger than the horse.
If the star people tried their best to develop science and technology, they would also be terrible.
Now the net of Zun Xing had been completely closed, and it could no longer enter.
No one knew how far the technology on Zun Xing had developed.
As she looked at the image of the other party's star fleet, Xiao Yu suddenly felt a familiar feeling.
The shape and arrangement of this star fleet gave him a very familiar feeling.
This was especially the case with the male standing in the flagship command room, feeling especially familiar, as if he was an old friend.
However, Xiao Yu clearly knew that she had never seen this man before.
He didn't know why he had such a similar feeling to this man.
The picture was magnified, and the man's image was getting clearer and clearer.
Xiao Yu was more and more sure that she had never seen him before.
Suddenly, the man smiled, and his smile was strange and mysterious.
Xiao Yu's heart was suddenly raised.
He knew who the commander of the starship of Honorable Star was.