Cold Hearted CEO's Private Baby

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let go

"Send him to where he is supposed to be!" Xi Tianhao looked at her coldly.
"Don't worry.
He's very safe.
It's just that the jailer may not eat well and sleep well.
That's all." "You?!" Tong Siqi looked at the man in front of him in disbelief.
Without a doubt, he had gone back on his words, and he had even acted so righteously.
"Shi Tianhao, you actually went back on your words?
You are such a shameless and dishonest wretch!!" She raised her slender hand and hit Shi Tianhao in the face.
However, he grabbed her.
A wild and arrogant face slowly approached and stared at the prey in his hand with bloodshot eyes.
If this is called despicable, I believe you will understand more about the following days.
What does it mean to be more despicable?" There was a murderous look in Shi Tianhao's cold eyes.
"I warn you that the person who wants to beat me is not born yet, let alone you!
Remember, from today on, you are just a dog around me.
You only listen to me and have no right to say anything!" His unquestionable voice was unusually cold, and the smell of alcohol on his face was even stronger.
"In your dreams!
Let go of me!" roared Tong Sining as she struggled to free herself.
If this transaction were to fail, then she would have to think of another way to save her father.
As for this demon, she could only choose to leave as soon as possible, even if she was caught in a trap and suffered a huge loss.
However, the grip on her hand became even tighter.
Xi Tianhao fiercely pulled her into his own body, not showing any intention of letting her go.
"Let go?!
Hehe, don't forget, you are now the wife of Xi Tianhao.
I haven't enjoyed your body yet.
How can I let go?" The joking voice was without the slightest hesitation.
How dare you!!" She suddenly widened her eyes, and her chest heaved with anger.
There was only panic left in her clear eyes.
"I will kill you!" "Shut up!" Xi Tian Hao roared and gave a loud slap on Tong Sining's face without hesitation.
Immediately, his face turned dark red.
At the same time, he pulled the woman into his arms, and his teasing gaze did not change in the slightest.
"I want you to do everything you have to do as a madam!" After saying that, he pushed her onto the large bed behind him.
The great elasticity of the large bed sent Tong Sining high up into the air before landing rapidly.
Without giving her any time to react, a huge and strong body pressed down on her.
"Bastard, freak!
You devil, let go of me!!" Suppressing the burning pain on his face, Tong Sining resisted frantically.
However, the angry roar was completely useless.
Both of his hands furiously tore apart the huge rocks on his body.
His heart was already in pain, but he still couldn't stop the two devilish hands.
Her whole body was pressed under Xi Tianhao, and his big hand was firmly controlling her hands, while his other hand was freely moving around her body.
"Stop, you bastard!" Tong Sining roared in a loud voice that sounded like he was about to burst into tears.
His entire being was close to going mad.
"Xi Tian Hao, you're going to die a terrible death!" Tong Siqi twisted her body with all her might, trying to escape from under his body.
However, that huge body suddenly pressed down on her...
"Get lost!" Xi Tianhao's voice that sounded like it came from hell sounded by Shi Hao's ears.
The bloodless woman stood up from the couch and quickly put on her clothes.
She wanted to leave this devil as soon as possible, but she couldn't give up like this.
"Shi Tianhao, you'll get your revenge!" The voice full of hatred was choked with emotion as Tong Sining walked past him in disgust and rushed out of the door.
However, his long and slender hand suddenly grabbed her long hair tightly and pulled it towards his chest.
Tong Sining endured the huge pain and glared at him with fire burning in her eyes.
"Shi Tianhao, what exactly do you want?" Xi Tianhao turned his cold eyes to her and said, "I want you to suffer a fate worse than death.
I want you to be the most painful woman in the world, and I want you to pay for everything I've lost!" The voice from hell was filled with irresistible coldness, and it gradually attacked her bone marrow.
Tong Siqi suddenly felt extremely cold.
"So, you'd better be obedient.
Otherwise, you will die miserably!
Even your father..." The unquestionable voice seemed to come from the ancient era that had been frozen for a long time.
Tong Siqi's heart throbbed with pain.
Suddenly, as her hair was forcefully pulled, the weak girl threw herself onto the ground.
Her knee rubbed against the ground, causing blood to splash in all directions, pain, and lung-splitting pain!
However, the man did not look at it and turned away from the room.
Everything came to a standstill.
The strong smell of alcohol was not diluted by the intense battle just now.
On the contrary, at this moment, to Tong Sining, whose mind was numb, other than the smell of alcohol, everything else was an illusion.
It was so unreal that she thought she was dreaming.
It was a nightmare that he had never dreamed of before...
Suddenly, a thunder broke everything, a strong wind rose suddenly, and thunder and rain fell.
The dull weather of the whole day finally broke out at this moment.
Xi Hao's cold voice from hell echoed in the empty room.
Tong Siqi felt everything in front of her went black, and she was exhausted.
Dragging her tired body, she walked out of the door and rushed into the waterfall-like heavy rain.