Dragon Dominates the World

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Dragon God Fruit

Ling Haotian's five internal organs had only been slightly shaken.
Other than the excruciating pain at the beginning, it did not cause any serious consequences.
So after a slight examination, Qing Yumeng and Qing Yumeng both breathed a sigh of relief.
"You'd better pay attention to your punching skills in the future.
Although it's important to break through the realm, the injury is more important.
Before you recover, don't move." Qing Yu Xing said.
Ling Haotian nodded slightly, showing that he knew what happened.
The two people in front of him were very clear about his injuries.
As an outsider who only knew how to cure injuries outside his skin, it would be better if he could be obedient.
On the side, Qing Yumeng saw him nod his head.
She didn't know what he was thinking.
Her beautiful eyebrows slightly furrowed, and her pretty face revealed a thoughtful look.
Noticing the change in her sister's expression, Qing Yuxing asked in a hurry, "What's wrong, sister?" "Brother Haotian's internal injury has been delayed for too long, and he hasn't recovered.
I'm wondering if there is something wrong with him.
By rights, the medicine should be used well.
Why hasn't it recovered?" Seeing her brother asking this question, Qingyu shook her head slightly and said doubtfully.
"Yes!" Hearing this, Qing Yu Xing suddenly understood and said, "Uncle Mu Leng was hit by King Bear on the spleen some time ago and he soon recovered.
Your injury is much lighter than his.
By right, you should have recovered.
Why haven't you moved yet?
Is there really a problem?" While saying that, Qing Yuxing raised his hand and was about to help Ling Haotian to have a further check, but he quickly stopped Ling Haotian from doing any defensive actions.
Qing Yuxing said, "Don't bother Brother Haotian anymore.
I'll ask Grandfather Long to see him later.
You're experienced and knowledgeable, so maybe you know the reason." "Well, it makes sense." Qing Yuxing nodded and stood aside.
Ling Haotian's heart skipped a beat when he saw how odd the two were talking about his injuries.
As such, the joy he felt from breaking through to the first level of his sense of perception was quickly appeased.
In the afternoon, the famous senior doctor in the clan, Elder Long, came over and carefully examined his entire body.
He said in a puzzled tone, "This kind of injury is very strange.
Although it's not serious, there is always another force to stop his recovery.
If he wants to recover completely, I'm afraid that only Dragon God Fruit and Blood Spirit Spiritual Root can do it." "Dragon God Fruit?" Qing Yu and her brother exclaimed.
Looking at the expressions of these two people, Ling Haotian couldn't help but have a bad feeling in his heart.
He quickly pricked up his ears and listened.
"Correct, only the Dragon God Fruit can help him merge with this wave of power, moreover promote the budding vitality of his five internal organs.
Otherwise, no matter how many medicines there are, it won't be of any use." The old doctor nodded his head seriously.
"Can you replace it with other medicines, Grandpa Dragon?" Yu Mengmeng raised her head and asked with expectation, frowning her pretty eyebrows again.
But the old doctor sighed and slowly shook his head.
Suddenly, the whole room was silent.
Even Qing Yu, who was usually talkative, had a heavy expression on her face, as if Ling Haotian could not live any longer.
Seeing everyone's expressions, Ling Haotian's heart sank to the bottom again.
He looked up at the three people and asked, "Dragon Magic Fruit...
What is it?" Yumeng's expression darkened as she looked at him.
She sighed and said, "Brother Haotian, the Dragon God Fruit is a rare Spiritual Herb from the Dragon Valley of our Xiangyun Tribe.
Legend has it that it was the dragon god's blood that watered it.
It has an incredible power and can heal any injury in the world, but..." At this point, she stopped and wanted to speak but stopped on second thought.
"Is it very rare?" Ling Haotian swallowed and asked stiffly.
Qingyu was startled when she heard this.
She looked at him deeply before nodding her head and saying, "This has only happened three times since ancient times!" A bitter expression appeared on Ling Haotian's face when he heard that.
He shook his head and laid down once more.
Since ancient times, it had only appeared three times.
No matter how confident he was, he was not sure whether he could get it or not.
What's more, he had been delaying this kind of injury for so long that he might die at any time.
Seeing that his face was full of bitterness, Qing Yuxing felt uncomfortable.
She suddenly raised her head and said, "Brother Haotian, don't give up.
I will go deep into Dragon Valley tomorrow and find the Dragon Magic Fruit for you.
Since it can appear three times, it can appear four times.
You absolutely can't give up." "Yes, Brother Haotian, we shouldn't give up.
Your injury isn't fatal, so you must be saved.
The Dragon God Fruit is in the Dragon Valley, so you can definitely find it." Qingyu said cutely.
Upon hearing this, Ling Haotian was touched.
Looking at the excited and encouraging eyes of the two, and then thinking about his grandfather who was waiting for him hard on the earth, Ling Haotian could not help but feel a fighting spirit arising in his heart,As long as it was not the last minute, he could not give up, and he must live.
"Well, the three little guys are good.
It's good to have fighting spirit.
But if the old man says one more word, don't blame me for attacking you." At this time, the old physician on the side spoke again.
"The Dragon God Fruit isn't hard to find.
There's a lot of people in the depths of the Dragon Valley, but it's basically impossible to find the Dragon God Fruit that contains the Dragon God bloodline.
Since our ancestors passed away, the Dragon God's bloodline has dried up, and there will be no real Dragon God Fruit.
Unless you can find a dragon or dragon's blood to water it." "What?
It can't be like this?" When Qing Yuxing and his sister heard this, they immediately said the same thing.
There was great joy in their tone, and it was almost difficult to hide the question.
Ling Haotian had pure Dragon God Bloodline.
Wouldn't it mean that as long as he found the Dragon God Fruit and irrigated it with his blood, it would be a real Dragon God Fruit?
Therefore, when they suddenly heard the old doctor's words, they were not surprised but pleased.
They asked in a hurry.
Ling Haotian thought of this when he saw the two of them.
He relaxed slowly.
However, the old doctor did not know this.
Instead, he looked at the three people doubtfully and nodded, "Of course it's true.
I never lie.
But I remind you, even if you find the Divine Dragon's Blood, you must take the Dragon Magic Fruit after watering it within two hours.
Otherwise, the efficacy will be lost and you will have no chance to take it again." "Uh-huh, thank you, Grandpa Long.
We got it." Qingyu nodded cutely and sent him away under the old doctor's more and more puzzled gaze.
Although they felt the old doctor's doubts, the three of them naturally would not explain, so they could only be happy and continue to conceal it.
The matter of the Dragon God bloodline was of great importance and could not be leaked.
The three of them decided to head to the Dragon Valley in ten days to find the Dragon God Fruit after they returned to their rooms.
As for the previous ten days, an important problem needed to be solved.
It was to control the internal injuries of Ling Haotian so that he could protect himself.
The old doctor's last words reminded the three of them that there was a time limit for the consumption of the Dragon God Fruit, so they could only bring Ling Haotian into the Dragon Valley.
Starting from the tribe to Dragon Valley, one had to pass through a mountain range behind the tribe.
There were many fierce beasts and countless strange poisonous insects in the mountains.
Therefore, if Ling Haotian wanted to enter, he must have the ability to protect himself.
Otherwise, it was unrealistic.
However, how to help Ling Haotian to protect himself was indeed a big problem.
The three of them could not come up with a good solution even if they racked their brains.
Finally, Yu Jie thought of a solution, which was to seal up the mysterious power in Ling Haotian's body with a powerful force and paralyze the five internal organs with a painful medicine so that Ling Haotian could fight like a normal person.
Even though this might cause his injuries to worsen, as long as he could find the Dragon King's fruit in the end, he would be able to cure any kind of injury, and there was nothing to worry about.
After thinking about it, the three of them had always decided to use this method.
However, the mysterious force needed the help of the clan elder of the Auspicious Cloud Race, the power of the clear and pure father of Qingyu Cutie.
Qing Yu was the only master in the tribe who had broken through to the state of refining.
His every move could refine the power of Heaven and Earth, so he could certainly seal the power in Ling Haotian's body.
Now that they had found a way, they would carry it out.
The three of them were all vigorous people, so Qingyu quickly invited them to the scenery.
"Before the seal, let me see what kind of property that force is." Qing Zhijing was a kind middle-aged man.
He smiled at Ling Haotian and said directly.
Ling Haotian naturally did not object.
He sat cross-legged on the bed and closed his eyes.
Nodding slightly, Ling Yi was quite satisfied with Ling Haotian's character.
Without a word, he raised his hand and put it on Ling Haotian's head.
When everything was clear and peaceful, Ling Haotian could feel a strange heat flow spreading from the top of his head and quickly flowing into his body.
The heat flow was full of spirituality, flowing between his five internal organs, but it didn't touch the injuries of his five internal organs at all.
If he didn't have an extremely strong control over his strength, he wouldn't have been able to do this.
Ling Haotian was fully aware of how powerful the scenery was.
The Psyche Power circulated in Ling Haotian's body.
After a moment, the clear view changed slightly and he suddenly withdrew his hand with an intriguing expression on his face.
"Father, how is it?
Can you seal it?" Not knowing what her father had found, Qingyu could not wait to ask.
Ling Haotian also opened his eyes and looked at the scene with Qingyu, looking forward to his answer.
"Hehe, don't worry, we can seal it." Seeing that the three people were extremely nervous, the clear-cut scenery smiled and said.
The three people immediately let out sighs of relief.
Ling Haotian's son and daughter were on good terms with each other, which satisfied the till the end of the world.
Ning Que nodded his head and said, "Well, you two can leave now.
I'll help Haotian to seal the power." Seeing that her father was very confident, Yu Mengmeng was surprised.
She hurriedly ran out with her brother Yu Xing and closed the door by the way.
"Sit down, Haotian.
Don't resist.
I'm going to cast the seal now." Without any nonsense, Qing Jing raised her hand and waved.
Then a majestic power fell from the sky and then drilled into Ling Haotian's four limbs and all his acupoints.
Feeling the power coursing through his body like snakes, Ling Haotian hastily held his breath and concentrated.
He dispersed the power in his body and did not dare to resist.
These forces were all the power of heaven and earth.
They were refined and absorbed by Ling Haotian's powerful strength, and then they rushed into Ling Haotian's body and into his internal organs.
When Ling Haotian didn't resist, his face became serious and he raised his hand to take Ling Haotian up.
At the same time, he held Ling Haotian's hand as fast as lightning, knocking hundreds of times on Ling Haotian's body.
Every time he clicked, Ling Haotian felt an electric current coming into his body and disappearing.
By the time the Qing Dynasty had come to a complete standstill, the current in his body had already accumulated to a certain point and gathered together to fuse with the power of heaven and earth, forming a huge and complex cage-like energy barrier.
This energy cover was the integration of the power of heaven and earth and the clear scenery itself.
Although it was not perfect, it also had a strong seal function.
It enveloped the five viscera and six bowels, and the currents burst out.
Ling Haotian only felt a burst of numbness in his body, but he did not feel any pain.
A strange feeling rose.
Before Ling Haotian could react, his face changed.
He quickly spat out a mouthful of blood and did not fall in the air.
Instead, it kept changing.
The blood turned around and changed, as if it was going to produce something.
In the end, under Ling Haotian's surprised gaze, it turned into a lifelike blood dragon.
It was fierce and fierce, and bared its fangs and claws as it penetrated Ling Haotian's chest.
Ling Haotian was shocked to death as the extremely fine blood dragon entered his body.
The scene in front of him was so weird that he could not accept it as a modern man.
However, in the next moment, he felt an extremely powerful physical consciousness roaring inside his body, as if it was thunder and lightning.
A wave of heart-wrenching pain rose.
In an instant, he passed out from the pain and lost consciousness.