The Supreme Master

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Inexplicable Time Travel

"Ah!" Liu Yun cried out in surprise.
He looked around and found nothing out of the ordinary.
It seemed that he was making a fuss.
He raised his head and looked at the night sky.
It seemed to be a cloudy day.
Tonight, the night was particularly hazy, and the moon in the sky was dim.
Gently closing the window, Liu Yun washed and rustled.
He came to his bed and opened his laptop.
First, he flipped through some of the historical records about the Tang Dynasty, and then he clicked on the Cool Dog Music.
It's really a narrow road for enemies.
A familiar name, Tan Liang, appeared on the revised version of the cool-fashioned home page.
I've only heard of Siyu's ex-boyfriend, but have never seen him before." Liu Yun smiled contemptuously and looked at the riffraff Tan Liang.
He said proudly, "A woman needs a strong arm.
Only a person like you who pretends to be a playboy will like you." At this moment, Liu Yun didn't care about a new folder.
Who built this folder?
I don't seem to have built it before.
Did Yu'er build it when she played her computer?" "Well, it's possible.
A few days ago, Si Yu's family's network was not good, so I kept my laptop in her home.
Hey hey, what could be in it?
Is it a surprise prepared by Yu'er?" Liu Yun's eyes were filled with hope as he thought about how many useless documents he had contained.
He looked dizzy as he looked at them.
There was a small stack of video files in an inconspicuous corner.
If not for Liu Yun's sharp eyes and sharp heart, he wouldn't have been able to find them.
Liu Yun couldn't wait to click and play it.
At first, the screen was black for a minute, but there was no image.
He could only hear some rustling sounds.
After a minute, the image suddenly changed, and a man and a woman appeared on the bed naked.
The woman was kneeling on the ground like a dog, while the male was sprinting fiercely behind him.
His mouth was shouting vulgar words, his hands patting the woman's buttocks without any pity.
The entire room was full of men's curses, women's grunts, as well as loud and clear sounds of water.
The computer fell onto the bed feebly.
Liu Yun gawked at the woman writhing like a snake.
Was he seeing things?
This woman was his girlfriend—Meng Siyu.
And this grinning person was Tan Liang.
A deep coolness spread all over Liu Yun's body.
An inexplicable sense of loss and anger swept over his heart.
At this moment, the phone rang.
Liu Yun picked up the phone absent-mindedly and looked at it.
It was a message from Siyu: "Well, I know.
Don't worry about your work.
I will take care of myself.
Bye, call me when you come back." Bang!
Without hesitation, Liu Yun threw the phone in his hand to the ground, and looked at the computer on the bed, still breathing.
He lifted it up twice, thinking about it, and didn't fall down.
She took a deep breath, took out more than a dozen ham sausages from her backpack, and ate them.
She feebly leaned against the wall, took out her earphones, and put them on the computer.
She turned on the Cool Dog player and switched to random mode.
Then, she lost herself in self-intoxication without purpose, in order to commemorate the first love that had died before it was in full bloom.
The more he thought about it, the more he felt grief and indignation.
His consciousness gradually began to blur.
Suddenly, a chill ran through his body, waking him up from his daze.
After his mind was clear, Liu Yun felt that something was wrong.
There was an infinite cycle of a song in his earphones, like a single song.
Listening carefully, the melody was intermittent, a little gloomy, and resentful.
"Isn't it a piece of work?
I've heard it from my classmates that it's scary, so I've heard it once.
But why would it be placed on this song randomly?
It's not on the list at all." Thinking of this, Liu Yun opened his eyes uneasily and looked at the computer.
The computer slipped from Liu Yun's hand and fell onto the bed.
Liu Yun rubbed his eyes and looked at the cool TV on the table in disbelief.
The skin of the whole media had turned blood red, and on the list, 107 different songs had all turned into wedding music.
What, what was going on?
Did the computer fail?
Was it a screen?
Liu Yun tried his best to suppress the uneasiness in his heart and clicked on the mouse without any response.
He pressed the keyboard, but there was still no response.
In a hurry, Liu Yun turned off the mouse.
But it was still useless.
The computer was still running, and Saoyi was singing it over and over again.
Liu Yun was shocked.
After all, he was an archaeologist and a supporter of the Atheanism.
However, what he saw completely subverted his cognition.
At this moment, the song stopped, and the music and melody also stopped.
It seemed that the whole world had quieted down.
Liu Yun breathed a long sigh of relief, thinking that it was just a false alarm.
Suddenly, an extremely eager woman's voice came from his earphones.
"Young Master, save me!
Young Master, save me!" Liu Yun's face froze, and he wondered if he had heard something wrong.
He asked in a trembling voice, "Who are you?
Don't play jokes." "Young Master, save me!
Young Master, save me!
Ah!" Suddenly, the woman let out a heartbreaking cry.
The desktop of the computer suddenly turned black, like a black hole.
While Liu Yun was wondering if it was a prank by some online friend, a white dot appeared in the center of the dark screen.
The dot was getting bigger and bigger, like a hole in the screen.
And he was like a bug, rushing uncontrollably into the hole.
Then with a bang in his mind, he lost consciousness.
Wake up, and if you don't get up again, we will cancel your qualification for examination." Slowly opening his eyes, Liu Yun looked blankly at the man in front of him.
His dry lips parted slightly as he asked, "Where is this place?
Who are you?" "It's good that you've woken up.
Do you still remember who you are?
Think about it.
This is the three-year-old county exam in Wenshui County.
It's only the third day and you're already so tired.
Your body is a little too weak." The soldier smiled and said.
Hearing this, Liu Yun's face changed greatly, and he felt like he was in a dream.
First, he inexplicably dug up the miserable female corpse, and then the computer out of control played the wedding song.
Now, he inexplicably and cleverly participated in the county examinations.
What was going on?
Suddenly, he felt a sharp pain in his head, and trivial memory pieces appeared before Liu Yun's eyes.
This was also a guy named Liu Yun, who was weak and sickly, thin and short, and even autistic.
When she was nine years old, her parents died of illness, leaving him and his cousin alone.
His cousin was in poor health and needed to pay the money for his private expenses.
Since then, his cousin, who was eight years old, had been responsible for all the family burdens.
Every morning, when the rooster woke up, it would go up to the mountain to cut firewood and sell money.
At night, it would do some sewing work.
During the day, it would work as a maidservant for an old landlord.
This job would last for six years, which would provide for his cousin for six years.
On the other hand, this cousin did not appreciate it at all.
Perhaps it was due to autism, he always scolded and shouted at his cousin.
He was so pretentious that he looked down upon him as a maid.
Liu Yun gritted his teeth and sorted out the information in his head.
He came to a shocking conclusion that he had transcended through time, and that he had transcended through time to the body of this sickly scumbag.