The God of Demon

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Increase the Level Test

After I sent Mi Xue out of the door, in a secret compartment in the room, I took out a bronze ghost mask.
It was a identity known to the public after the sunset of the Thunder-feather Phoenix!
After I put on this ghost mask, only my eyes were exposed.
I stood in front of the mirror and looked at it.
It had a green-faced, tusk, and two curved horns.
It was no different from the demon race I created in the Devil World.
It only lacked the wing of the demon and the triangular pointed tail!
According to the memory of Lei Yu, I came to an abandoned house twenty meters away from Lei Yu House through a secret underground channel.
As soon as I came out, I was surrounded by a woman and two men.
"Big brother Shura!" In my view, they were younger than Lei Yu, and all of them were orphans.
Lei Yu bought them from the slave market.
At the same time, only they knew the true identity of Death Shura, but Lei Yu did not tell them his real name and identity!
The oldest of them was the young girl named Yanyin.
She was from the Holy Wind Continent and was only twelve years old this year.
She had the blood of the Dragon Race.
The other two teenagers were Jia Hess.
They were blood brothers.
Roland was an imperial person, but he was only eleven this year.
He had the blood of a beastman.
These were the pieces of information that I obtained from Leyu's memory.
But I could clearly sense the great power that was hidden within their blood.
The bloodline of the Dragon Race in Xunyin was the same as that of Dark Dragon King Gins.
It was the bloodline of the Dark Dragon Race.
Although it was only fifteen percent of the Dark Dragon Race's bloodline and was not enough for her to transform, as long as she was trained, she would definitely be a top-tier Magic Swordsman.
Furthermore, with my strength, I could help her break through the limits of her bloodline and obtain the Black Dragon Warrior's transformation ability.
On the other hand, there were two races of the Leo and Wolves who were related to brothers Jia He and Bi Si.
The Lion and Wolf were related by twenty-five percent, while the Wolf bloodline was only ten percent.
Bi Si had only fifteen percent of the Lion bloodline, but the Wolf bloodline was thirty percent.
After they were sixteen years old, they could undergo a beastman transformation.
According to their bloodline, Bi Si could train the military officers, and Bi Si could train the military knights.
At this moment, I immediately recalled the information about the power of transformation in my mind.
According to the Sacred Warlock, the power of the transformation was guided by the Dark Lord, Lord Odin.
After the intermarriage of the seven races, he had bestowed upon them the Codex of Gods.
At the beginning, due to the simple-blooded administrative lineage, almost all of the new humans could transform into thecarved Gods, Elves, Angels, Dragons, Elves, or Orcs!
However, after ten thousand years, because the administrative lineage was too complicated, there were very few people who could transform.
According to the research report issued by the Senior Priestess of the Divine Hall, there must be around twenty percent of blood in order to transform.
That was to say, the transformation of the Dragon Warrior needed to have twenty percent of the blood of the Dragon Clan, and the transformation of the Angel Clan needed to have twenty percent of the Angel genes!
Of course, in the history of Suan Ni, there had also been people who had two types of transformation at the same time.
For example, the first generation Emperor of the O'Brien Empire, Salomon, possessed both the Green-eyed White Dragon warriors and the Lion King Beastman transformation at the same time!
However, the Seven Clans had been married for more than a hundred thousand years.
The original common power of transformation was now in the middle of the political legend.
Of course, there were still people who could transform in the royal family and the royal family who had always maintained strong tradition and strength.
And in the past thousand years, people had been supervising and pursuing power, so they broke the rules of normal society.
However, there were mother and sister concubines, getting married to each other, marrying a daughter and marrying a wife, and so on.
So there were more people who had the power of transformation!
However, I knew that these individuals who possessed the ability to transform were actually the mutated genes produced by the biological soldiers left behind by the ancient civilization after combining with the humans of the new civilization.
Only, under normal circumstances, these mutated genes were completely useless.
However, under the stimulation of magic or true energy, these mutated genes could be activated, allowing these individuals to obtain a small portion of the ability of the biological soldiers!
The reason why he used the transformation method was because the human body could not accept such a great power.
Therefore, he could only activate the relatively strong gene groups in his body, such as the gods, the elves, the angels, the dragons, the fairies, or the orcs, to change their physical strength so that they could withstand the power beyond the limits of the human body.
Therefore, after the transformation, there would be half a year, even around the same year, so there would be no way for them to use magic or True Qi.
For the current me, I had absorbed the bodies of Luxi Fa and Lei Yu, so I had also absorbed the genes in their bodies.
Therefore, in addition to my original original True Body of Primordial Devil, I could also transform into the falling angel of Luxi Fa and the flaming phoenix of Leiyu Phoenix.
Honestly speaking, I really admired Lei Yu phoenix's insight.
He could actually find these three raw stones with hidden strength among thousands of slaves based on his intuition.
Although he had a good eyesight, his own experience and strength were not enough to make their potential release.
Although they had been trained by Lei Yu for more than a year, their strength was still only about 40, and they couldn't even enter the lowest G-class!
Right now, I decided to train their bodies until they were in the state of Invariable.
I could use my own will to mutate genes and activate their power.
After that, I could activate the alien bloodline in their bodies so that they could transform as they wished, without being able to use magic or the aftereffects of True Qi after birth.
Due to the fact that I decided to train Xunyin in running spells, I didn't teach him the Devil Dragon Dou Qi of Giers.
Instead, I asked her to learn the Dark Moon True Qi that I've improved to lay the foundation for her future dual cultivation of both magic and martial arts.
The additional target was a warrior.
Therefore, I let him learn the Lion King's Upstanding Qi.
This cultivation technique could increase the attack power and the Defense Strength of the body.
It was the most suitable cultivation technique for a warrior.
Yu Ba Si's goal was to become a Knight, therefore, I let him learn Heavenly Wolf Dou Qi.
This set of cultivation techniques could increase one's speed, flexibility of the body, and spirit.
It was the most suitable cultivation technique for a Knight.
I requested for the three of them to increase their zhenqi to 100P per second within half a month.
After that, I will teach them basic offensive skills and magic.
Looking at them who were following my instructions to train, I couldn't help but think of my comrades in the Sacred Light Empire army.
Although they were the Dragon Race, Beast Race, and Elf Race, they were my loyal brothers.
If they weren't sent to the frontlines to guard, Lici Sacred Light wouldn't have dared to kill me.
I wonder how they are doing now?
Thinking about this Suan Ni, I looked at the three people in front of me and secretly decided that I would start with the three of them to establish an invincible team.
With the foundation of the management in the Jiana Kingdom, I would unite the Sacred Fire, Sacred Moon, and Sacred Wind Continent, and finally return to the Sacred Light Continent.
I would have Liss and Sacred Light beg for my forgiveness at my feet and make the Chaos Temple regret investigating my enemy!
Due to the vast Hongtao of the God of Discipline, apart from retrieving the power and memory of the original devil Lansius, the memories of the past hundred generations, including Dark Night Shadow, were also vast.
Coupled with the knowledge I had learned from the Creation God World of the Creation God World, the current me could be said to be the most advanced and knowledgeable person in the human world of O'an jolted.
Of course, due to the fact that the knowledge in the management system was too large and its memory too messy, there was still a period of time before I could digest the bed!
But because I chose a fifteen-year-old student named Goshawk Academy for my physical condition, I got up early and went to school to attend classes from 7 p.m.
to 7 p.m.
The 'Ashen Eagle Academy' was the number one academy in the Jia Nan country.
The people who were recruited into it were regardless of whether they were commoners or nobles.
Anyone who passed the entrance examination could become a supervisor of the 'Cang Eagle College's students.
Additionally, every year, the 'Cang Eagle College' would also recruit all the common students and leave behind thirty free students.
As long as they were born in civilian families, and with the previous thirty students were enrolled into the 'Cang Eagle College', all of his tuition would be paid by the Jia Nan country.
However, after they graduated, they would enter the army or work as a base officer based on their skills.
This policy had persisted for over a hundred years.
Currently, in the Jia Nan country, these junior officials and officials who were born into the country had lost over forty percent!
"Eagle College" had four tests for comprehension, potential, physical strength, and mental strength.
Each year, 'Eagle College' would recruit one thousand students and receive three students per year.
Every year, half of them would be eliminated from the examination.
This meant that there were only five hundred students amongst the first grade students who could advance to the second grade.
Only two hundred and fifty of the second grade students could advance to the third grade students.
As for the third grade students, only fifty of them could obtain their diploma on the day they graduated from the academy.
As for the other two hundred students, they had to complete the graduation mission set by the academy before they could receive their diploma.
Those who couldn't complete their missions would not be able to receive a certificate.
Moreover, in the past few years, the average chance of getting a diploma through graduation mission was only three percent.
This was why the competition amongst 'Eagle College' was so intense!
The school method of the "Ashen Eagle Academy" was very liberal.
The first grade students were able to learn the basics of martial arts, magic, the activation and application of Dou Qi, as well as determine their occupation.
After the second grade, other than the necessary differentiation of martial arts in the continent and the analysis of Magic Beasts of the entire continent, they would be allowed to study freely.
Therefore, the library of the "Ashen Eagle Academy" was the largest in Jiana Kingdom.
It had a total of seven floors.
Each floor could accommodate six hundred students at the same time.
The books in the library were allowed to be used by students to use, but they were brought out of the library to register.
As for the books that had magical seals on them, the ones with insufficient magic power or lacking Dou Qi were unable to see the contents on the shelf.
"Today is the last class of first grade students.
From tomorrow onwards, you'll all have to undergo the leveling up test.
You only have half a chance to get to the second grade.
Therefore, according to the rules, before I tell you about the missions for the examination, I'll first explain the levels of the professional classes in the Sacred Fire Continent.
On the Sacred Fire Continent, there are teachers in charge of the Department of Martial Arts and martial artists, while abilities are divided into 8 levels.
The highest level is level A, B, C, D, E, F, and even the lowest level G.
I would like to say that the level analysis of the mage was based on the signature of magic elements in the dimension.
The mage was recorded in the diary of the sacred angel, Michael, which was used by Her Highness, the goddess of sacred light.
She also wrote down the name of Gracie, which was used to describe the magic elements in the space.
The mage's grade was determined by the number of Gracies that the mage could control.
A-level Gracie above above 50, F-level Gracie above 100, S-level Gracie above 200, D-level Gracie above 400, C-level Grab above 800, B-level Gracie above, A-level Gracie above 1600, A-levelye above above 166,000, S-level Gracie above 16,000, above 110,000, above 110,000.
At present, the most powerful magus in the history of mankind was the first Emperor of the O'Gu Empire, Colonels.
With the two transformations of 'Green-eyed White Dragon' and 'Lion King Beastman', he could reach the maximum value of enough to reach 770,000, while the five current magic instructors were all at S-rank.
None of them had a rectangular worth of over 350,000.
According to the regulations of Temple Aguers, they would divide mages into supervisors, level-five magic apprentices, level- F magicians, level-three magicians, level-A magicians, level- B Magic Mentors, level-A Magic Mentors, level-five Grand Mages.
As to the legendary supreme-level Grand Mages of Sage level, the management system had exceeded the limits of human beings, so they were ranked as supervisors of level-A.
After passing the test of the Magicist Union, the guild would give you a title according to your level.
For example..." The teacher looked at Li Ya'an Erley sitting at the very front and said, "For example, Student Li Ya'an Erley.
She passed the assessment assessment program last month and was ranked D.
As a result, she was given the title of Mage of D rank.
"Furthermore, we're talking about the ranking analysis of the warriors and the difference between the levels.
In the beginning, it wasn't as easy to divide the ability points of the mage system, until the first Saint Demon Swordman Peter Bie Qi in history two thousand years ago.
With his personal experience, he converted the spindle points of his True Qi, and the first rewrite post of his name.
After that, the warriors have the basis of grading.
Generally speaking, it can be divided into two stages.
He had successfully created his True Qi for the first stage.
However, he was still unable to convert the supervisor's Dou Qi period.
The supervisor's True Qi point above 50P, F-level True Qi point above 100P, E-level True Qi point above 200P, D-level Warriors' True Qi point above 400 P.
As long as his True Qi was unable to convert the supervisor's Dou Qi, even if his True Qi was worth over 1000P, it would still be stuck at the stage of a Warrior Master.
If he wanted to level up, he had to comprehend and transform the True Qi in his body into the secret Dou Qi.
The management system for the second stage has already completed the transformation of Qi into Dou Qi.
As long as you send out Dou Qi, you will become a C level fighter.
As for the Dou Qi, it will be divided into different levels and different red colors.
From the bottom to the bottom, it will arrange the Blue Crystal Dou Qi, Red Flame Dou Qi, Violet Thunder Dou Qi, Silver Moon Dou Qi and Gold Qi five stages.
As for the Water Mastiffs that send out Dou Qi, they will be called C level Blue Crystal Dou General, B level Red Flame War King, A level Purple Thunder Martial King, S level Silver Moon Dou God, and the highest level, SS level, Gold Martial God!" This time, the teacher looked at me and said, "For example, our dear student, Lei Yufeng, who has always been keeping a low profile, used his Blue Crystal Dou Qi yesterday.
Therefore, even though he did not pass the test of the school or the guild, he had already sent a Blue Crystal Dou General to our classmates at that time.
Xian Ming was a Blue Crystal Dou General with C-rank strength.
However, due to the fact that he did not pass the test of the school or any guild, he was unable to obtain the title of Blue Crystal Dou General.
Right now, he could be called an external supervisor, a C-rank Fighter Apprentice, in order to distinguish him from other normal Apprentices!
In addition, some items with attributes, such as weapons, armors, magic crystals, magic cores, and a few different-scale professions, such as thieves, archers, adventurers, mercenaries, Magic Swordsman, etc., used the same way to divide the levels.
However, their titles had no system and were chaotic, so this part of the class classification could only be learned after you had been promoted to the second grade.
On one hand, I listened to the countless lines of nonsense that my teacher had said.
On the other hand, I looked at the scenery outside the window.
The sun's reflection told me that I was currently looking towards the north.
In a distant place, there was a continent with a Sacred Light Continent that no one else knew about.
On top of the continent, there were three other races that were close to extinction,Dragon, Beastman, Elf, Elf, Light Angel, and Dark Angel.
At the same time, there were seven women whose names were marked with a huge stain in my hundredth life!
Seven women whom I've once loved with my whole heart.
I was assigned to express my love for them and, at the cost of half of the magic inspection, I forced a part of the conditions in the master slave contract, such as not betraying the master, not hurting the master, not cheating the master, not keeping away from the master and so on, but what I got in return was a plan to subdue me and a betrayal that pained me!
Anger filled my heart.
If it weren't for the reason that I was still in the administration, I would have killed all the humans I saw, but the cold momentum still came out of my body.
Fortunately, the former owner of this body was in charge of the administration; and the Guan Tian of Lei Yufeng, no one sat around me.
Therefore, all the people in the classroom, except for the cold air, found nothing wrong!
Just as the anger was filling my heart, the teacher also pointed out the key point of this exam, so I had to concentrate on listening to what he was going to say next.
"The target of this leveling up test is ten thousand gold coins!
When you leave the classroom later, everyone can receive a blank occupation card at the entrance.
After receiving it, you have to decide on your profession within three days and join a Guild.
During the four-month period of governance, you will have to receive missions to search for treasures, beat magic beasts, join the mercenary company, and so on to earn ten thousand gold coins.
Your money supply and income will be recorded on your professional card.
Any money without a complete record will be deducted and the money given by your family will also be deducted.
So will the money obtained from fake missions.
Four months later, according to the amount of money in your professional card, the amount of 10,000 gold coins will be deposited, and the origin of the money will determine the rank.
Only 500 out of all the first-class students can be leveled up.
I hope to see you again when the next term starts!
Now dismiss!" After the teacher dismissed, more than half of the fifty students in the class immediately rushed to the door, intending to get the professional card one step earlier so that they could start to accept tasks earlier to make money.
After all, 10,000 gold coins could let the five ordinary people use it for 100 years.
The remaining people slowly formed a group, intending to work together to make money.
There were also people like me who wanted to wait a little later to get the jobs cards when there were fewer people.
I sat on the chair and looked on coldly.
There were only three people like me.
They were the eldest princess of the Jiana Kingdom, Her Highness Belinda.
She had the title of magician, was good at wind magic and water magic, and her real strength had reached the top of D level.
She was a well-hidden character.
The other one is the only Swordman Dark Flame in our class.
He only has the title of trainee Swordman, but his true strength is also at the top of D level.
He kept looking at my actions and it seems that he has a fight with me in order to transform the True Qi management and Dou Qi secret!
The last one was Xuela, the only professional member in our class.
She had the title of Sky Lady and specialized in light-style magic.
She was the only C-rank student in the first year and also the only one who had been determined by her occupation.
Other than that, the other people were divided into four or five groups.
The only one that caught the attention of everyone was the group of the leader of879.
There were a total of twelve people.
They were all girls, and each of them was a top class E rank Water Mastiff.
In terms of strength, they were also the most powerful group.