The Return of King and the Divine Sword

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Big Fight

It was hard to leave his hometown.
After nine years, Meng Fan carried a canvas bag and walked on the streets where he grew up, adding a bit of sadness to this tough-looking man's face.
Not too far away, they heard the noise of the people in front of them, and a group of people gathered in the open space.
"Old thing, you are everywhere.
You are almost a native.
You'd better go back and wait for death!" A rough-looking man stared at an old man in the crowd and cursed fiercely.
"You..." The old man's body wasn't in good condition to begin with.
Under the fury, he actually felt dizzy.
Fortunately, he was supported by the little girl beside him, which prevented him from falling.
The old man's condition immediately caused dissatisfaction among the crowd.
"That's too much of a bully!" Several young people were so excited that they couldn't help but pick up the sticks around them and rushed up.
Before Meng Fan could react, a commotion broke out in the crowd.
The two sides were in a state of chaos.
Facing this, Meng Fan naturally couldn't sit idly by and do nothing.
He immediately prepared to go and help.
Before Meng Fan even arrived, he saw a middle-aged man blocking the old man's way.
He was standing in front of the little girl who was standing next to the old man, protecting the unconscious man.
This man was none other than Meng Fan's father!
When he saw his father again, Meng Fan felt a bit absent-minded.
He remembered that when he left home a few years ago, his father was still young.
He didn't have any mottled white hair, and his face had a few more wrinkles.
Meng Fan looked at his father.
Before he could say a word, he saw a wooden stick as thick as an arm heavily hit his father's head.
His father fell straight on the old man's body, and the red blood dripped down from his head.
Obviously, he was badly injured.
"Bastard!" Meng Fan's eyes were bloodshot.
This was the first time he had seen his father in the past nine years.
He had never imagined that something like this would happen before he had the chance to reunite with his father.
In a rage, Meng Fan rushed into the crowd and grabbed the man who had smashed his father's hair with the stick, and punched the man in the face.
Meng Fan's movements were very fast.
It wasn't something that a person could resist at all.
Meng Fan's punch was so powerful that it sent the person flying two meters away.
However, the chaos in the surroundings did not stop because of Meng Fan's intervention.
Occasionally, some people would be injured and fall to the ground.
As for Meng Fan, he had been standing guard beside the old man and his father the entire time.
"Xiao Fan?" In the midst of the chaos, a gray-haired woman looked at Meng Fan with moist eyes and called out softly.
Although the area was in a state of chaos, it wasn't difficult for Meng Fan to tell who was calling out to him.
Xiao Fan's name was something that only his parents would address him in such a way.
"Mom, I'm back.
I won't let you suffer any more." Tears welled up in Meng Fan's eyes.
It had been nine years since he had last seen his mother.
To a wanderer like him, he had always desired to see her, and that was why he had come back.
However, this wasn't the time to reminisce about the past.
Meng Fan needed to protect his parents, and that was what he had always wanted to do.
Little Hua is injured.
Brothers, beat him up for me!" It was only now that the thugs realized what had happened.
One of their companions was injured and someone shouted out.
Soon, a few people surrounded Meng Fan.
Meng Fan was still breathing.
When he saw those people surrounding him, he was not afraid at all.
Instead, he took the initiative to fight back and punched the nearest person.
In the eyes of Meng Fan's parents, he was, at the most, a naughty boy who loved to cause trouble.
Only Meng Fan himself knew exactly what he had experienced in the past nine years.
None of the thugs in front of him had warmed him up.
After a few minutes, all of the thugs around him, except Meng Fan, were lying on the ground, covering their wounds and wailing.
What had happened here had also attracted the attention of the others.
In a short period of time, everyone suddenly quieted down and looked at Meng Fan with a ghost-like expression on their faces.
The people around him were all ordinary people.
They had never seen someone like Meng Fan beat down a few fierce fighters with bare hands.
"Young man, don't be a busybody.
There are some people that you cannot afford to offend." The surrounding thugs looked at Meng Fan with fear.
The middle aged man from before looked at Meng Fan and said coldly.
From the meaning of his words, it seemed that he had thought Meng Fan was a passerby with an unfair package.
"This sentence should be for you." Meng Fan didn't care about the middle-aged man's warning at all.
He looked directly at the middle-aged man with no intention of backing down.
"Are you truly trying to make things difficult for me?" The middle-aged man's expression was unkind as he stared at Meng Fan.
Meng Fan turned to look at his injured father.
Based on his experience, it wasn't hard to tell that his father had just fainted.
Although he had bled quite a bit, he hadn't reached a critical level.
Moreover, he already knew that someone had called the police, and he was not worried about what would happen.
On the contrary, the condition of the old woman was a little bad.
As he thought about it, Meng Fan reached out and picked up a wooden stick.
He looked at the man coldly, but didn't say anything.
Because of this, he gave off the feeling of being cold-hearted.
It was as if he would continue to fight if anything went awry.
Meng Fan's actions were like a pill to the eyes of the onlookers.
The young men had already come to Meng Fan's side, looking as if they were going to fight him to the death.