The Return of King and the Divine Sword

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Demonic Training

Seeing this scene, Meng Fan's expression was the same as ever.
He quietly looked at the group of people who were lying on the ground like dead dogs, breathing heavily.
His eyes were shining and full of interest.
However, Meng Fan's behavior was very strange.
Back then, Meng Fan had taken the initiative to provoke Instructor Wu, and had fought him for a long time.
After that, he had received Instructor Wu's special permission to not participate in today's training.
However, Meng Fan's current appearance made it seem as if he was looking forward to it.
It was as if he wanted to join them in their training.
Anyone who saw it would be confused and confused, and would not be able to understand what Meng Fan was up to.
"Everyone has.
After finishing the training tasks, go to the canteen to have a meal.
Those who haven't completed the training tasks, get out of here!
There is no waste here!" At this time, an instructor standing on the side shouted at the top of his voice.
His tone was like a king of mountains.
Following the words of this person, everyone in the field suddenly showed extremes.
They were naturally very happy to complete the task and struggled to leave the training ground.
While those who had not completed the training task fell onto the ground, with frustration on their faces.
It was only now that Meng Fan realized the cruelty of this gathering.
Although he had been forced to come here, he couldn't bear to see the people who had been eliminated.
At the same time, he grew more and more curious about the mysterious and mysterious security group.
However, Meng Fan wasn't a sentimental person.
He believed that everyone's path was different.
Even if they were eliminated, it had nothing to do with him.
He immediately followed the people who had passed the training course to the cafeteria.
When he arrived at the cafeteria, Meng Fan ate a big meal.
Although he didn't like the base very much, after seeing the food here, he had completely changed his mind.
In fact, he even had the desire to stay.
After all, there was not a single vegetarian dish on the table anywhere.
Add to that the steamed bun, such treatment would probably not appear.
It was not to say that Meng Fan was a foodie, but rather, he was secretly speechless at the strength of the base.
But what Meng Fan didn't know was that this was originally the training base for selecting members for the safety team.
Every one of them was the elite among the elites.
In addition, the daily training mission was relatively heavy, which made the food here definitely not bad.
The emperor was not short of starve soldiers.
Moreover, this was a place for the safety team to select members.
How could it be bad?
Almost all the equipment was the best in the country, which was worthy of the name of a security team.
Meng Fan ate the meal very happily, and he ate even more than those who had undergone the first round of training.
After the meal, Meng Fan didn't waste any time and began to circle around the base.
At this point, Meng Fan gained a bit of understanding of the base.
However, based on his knowledge, he couldn't help but sigh inwardly.
At the same time, he also gave up on the idea of escaping.
When Meng Fan returned to the barracks, it was already midnight.
After carefully recalling the past of the day, he put on his clothes and fell asleep, preparing to receive tomorrow's training.
That night, Meng Fan slept very comfortably.
He was filled with anticipation and longing for the future.
He was looking forward to the day when he would become even more powerful.
He was looking forward to that day when he would leave this place.
As far as Meng Fan was concerned, he wasn't going to leave this place.
After all, there was a place that could make him strong.
Furthermore, the food there was especially good.
It was likely that no one would choose to leave.
Naturally, it was the same for Meng Fan.
The next morning, the sun rose from the east.
The sun slowly rose from the horizon, and the sunshine gently shone on everyone, making everyone feel refreshed.
Meng Fan stood at the door of the barracks.
He had just washed up and looked off into the distance.
He looked around at the bustling crowd, then began to walk toward the training grounds.
When Meng Fan arrived at the training grounds, he heard the voice of the gathering.
Meng Fan stood there very naturally, waiting for the others to arrive.
Maybe it was due to his wishful thinking, Meng Fan got up very early today.
He even got up before dawn.
During this period of time, he was ready to devote himself to training to improve his personal strength.
Earlier, Meng Fan had looked down on this type of training, but now that he had exchanged blows with Instructor Wu, he had completely changed his mind.
He knew that his future path would not be smooth.
Although Instructor Wu was no match for him, he wanted to learn his opponent's fighting techniques, which was why he had been so proactive.
Soon, the other training members rushed to the training ground.
When they saw Meng Fan, everyone was stunned.
For a moment, they didn't understand what Meng Fan meant.
After all, the arrogant Meng Fan had displayed enough power yesterday.
Many people had assumed that Meng Fan would still challenge an instructor today to stop training.
However, they had never imagined that Meng Fan would be the first person to arrive.
Furthermore, from the looks of it, he seemed to be more proactive than anyone else.
Of course, it wasn't just the trainees.
Even the instructors who had just arrived at the field looked at Meng Fan in astonishment.
They sighed in their hearts that Meng Fan's strength wasn't mediocre, but at the same time, they also couldn't figure it out.
"Very good!
Everyone is here.
Today is the first day of the formal training.
As long as you accept this training, I can't guarantee that you won't suffer any harm in this process.
I can't even guarantee that you will pass this training.
Because in this training, the people who fail to complete every training mission will be immediately eliminated!
Do you still want to continue this training?" Seeing that everyone was here, Instructor Wu stepped into the field.
The wound on his face had not fully recovered.
He looked at Meng Fan and the others and shouted.
As he spoke, Instructor Wu gave Meng Fan a long, deep look.
Obviously, most of his words were directed toward Meng Fan.
The power Meng Fan had displayed yesterday was far beyond his expectations.
After all, for anyone, it was not a good thing to train a person who was stronger than himself.
Not to mention the inexplicable feeling in his heart, if he really provoked the other party, he did not want to accept that he would challenge himself once.
Although it was not a big deal for a soldier to be defeated, it was indeed a shame for a high-ranking instructor.
"I'm willing to!" However, after Instructor Wu's words, everyone in the square began to shout out in unison.
Even Meng Fan was no exception.
In fact, he was the one who answered the most straightforwardly and loudly.
This scene caused everyone to be taken aback.
Even Instructor Wu had an incredible feeling.
Judging from Meng Fan's actions yesterday, he had always thought that Meng Fan was someone who had a higher opinion of him and was quite powerful.
However, Meng Fan's current behavior was totally different from yesterday's.
He was like a wild beast that had lived in the wild for years and suddenly became as docile as a domestic dog.
Everyone has an armed off-road zone for four hours!
There is no distance limit, but if anyone falls behind, get the hell out of here!" Although Instructor Wu couldn't understand Meng Fan's current change, he didn't care.
Maybe it was due to his duty, he immediately announced the next training task.
As far as he was concerned, Meng Fan's transformation was something he had been looking forward to.
In fact, Instructor Wu had been worried about how to get Meng Fan to compromise.
He had even been planning to get someone to use a spear to force Meng Fan into training.
But now, Meng Fan had taken the initiative to change his attitude.
Naturally, it would not cause him much trouble.
He had no reason to continue to investigate.
He only hoped that Meng Fan would continue to live like this and not cause any trouble for him.
In fact, Instructor Wu had even considered whether or not he should expel Meng Fan from the base if he didn't cooperate with the training.
However, the person who was personally ordered by Elder Lu, plus Meng Fan's strength was stronger than his, if Meng Fan was eliminated, there might not be a single person in the country who could pass the training.
But now, everything was settled, and Instructor Wu was naturally happy to be free.
After he said that, he saw that Meng Fan really went to arrange the equipment, just like the other trainees.
He immediately breathed a sigh of relief, and his whole body relaxed a lot.
In the following time, Meng Fan, like the others, first ran to the military off-road for four hours on the first day.
Then, he went through two hours of practical training.
After lunch, he watched the blazing sun for the whole afternoon, and stood in the training ground under the sun.
However, for Meng Fan, these topics only cost him physical strength.
They were not to the point that he could not accept.
However, Meng Fan's good days did not last for long.
In the past three days, he had been training like this.
However, on the fourth day, Instructor Wu suddenly increased the intensity of his training.
He held up wood, and there would be a few occasions where the tires would roll out.
Sometimes, he wouldn't even be able to eat lunch.
This caused Meng Fan to gradually lose his original advantage.
Just like the others, every time the training was over, he would be exhausted to the point where he would pant like a cow, and then sweat like rain.
More and more things would happen to him.
However, Meng Fan was very fond of this type of training.
He had discovered that although this type of training was monotonous, and didn't have direct contact with the actual battle, it was still the best way to train his stamina.
It was obvious that Meng Fan had been improving himself during this period of time.
This discovery made Meng Fan put more effort into the training, and every training was perfect.
It had almost become the model and example of all the Ants.
Every time Instructor Wu spoke, he would let others learn from Meng Fan.
Meng Fan naturally did not care about this kind of vanity at all.
Everyday, he would try his best to complete all the training missions.
He would not have any complaints about Instructor Wu.
Just like the others, they would be exhausted like dead dogs every day.
Meng Fan's performance made Instructor Wu completely relieved.
According to Meng Fan's physical strength, he would increase the intensity of his training every day, trying to find out where Meng Fan's limit was, and thus put him on top of the training missions.
In the blink of an eye, Meng Fan settled down in the base.
Every day, he worked at sunrise, and rested at sunset.
He did the same thing every day, repeatedly training himself to strengthen his own strength.
Time passed very quickly.
Meng Fan was in the base.
In the blink of an eye, a month had passed.
During this month, Instructor Wu increased the intensity of his training almost every day.
In the end, when Meng Fan was able to complete his training mission, there was no way anyone else would be able to complete it.
He might as well let Meng Fan receive the training alone.
This allowed Meng Fan to understand what the real Devil Training was.
When he trained with those people, Meng Fan only felt tired.
However, when he trained by himself, he was so tired that he stood up several times.
He even fainted several times.
If he hadn't been rescued in time, he might have been disabled.
Even so, Meng Fan continued to train every day.
He could sense the increase in his power, and understood the benefits of this training.
He began to forget himself.
Sometimes, even when Instructor Wu saw Meng Fan's training, he would call out to Meng Fan that he was a monster!