The Immortal Extermination

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A Secret that No One Knows

After going back to his room, Ji Lie adjusted his state, and then went into the state of cultivation.
Time flew by.
In a blink of an eye, one month had passed.
On this day, Ji Lie slowly opened his eyes, stopped practicing, and then laughed at himself.
"Alas, how can I go on like this?
Am I going to stop at the beginning of my life?" Looking internally at his cultivation, he found that there was no substantial progress, and then Ji Lie sighed.
"After so many years, why does the cultivation always stagnate?
Is it really because of the lack of talent?" Thinking of the bits and pieces of these days, Ji Lie said to himself.
Among them, there was a secret in Ji Lie's heart that no one knew about.
He did not mention it to anyone,At this time, Ji Lie was not the real Ji Lie, nor was he a person from the Cultivation World.
Perhaps it should be this body that was not his.
It was only a weak soul, which meant that he was reborn!
Four years ago, there were meteors, blood-colored, and black holes in the sky.
At that time, Ji Lie was making wishes, and now Ji Lie was reborn in this physical body.
After four years, Ji Lie finally knew that he had been reborn on the Great Mysterious Path.
As for the reason why he had not broken through the bottleneck of Qi cultivation, he could only attribute it to his rebirth.
In other words, his soul had not completely integrated with this body.
Along the city was only a part of the Mysterious Sky Road.
Although it was called the Mysterious Sky Road, it was more suitable to call it the Cultivation World.
Because almost all the people on the road were cultivating.
Even those mortals without the Spiritual Root were working hard for the cultivation.
After trillions of years, the Cultivation World had developed to a certain scale, and there were many practitioners on the Mysterious Path to ascend to the Immortal Realm.
Under the stimulation of cultivating to the Great Way and immortal life, the Immortal Realm was pushed to the peak.
To become an immortal, not only the spiritual root was needed, but also the merit law.
Otherwise, it was impossible to successfully practice it.
For example, if you joined a family or a sect, your merit law would follow.
After many years of thinking, Ji Lie believed that only when he became a peerless master could he solve the mystery of his rebirth.
At present, he could only find clues of rebirth, which was just a jade pendant engraved with dragons and phoenixes.
"Hey, jade pendant, oh jade pendant, you can provide me with some information on my rebirth so that I can have a way to fight." This time, Ji Lie still wanted to explore the secret of jade pendant, but he still couldn't get any clue.
He couldn't help but scold, "F*ck, jade pendant, cultivation, can you give me more strength?
F*ck you!" Ji Lie, who was reborn, had no memory of his previous life at all.
The jade pendant that he had high hopes for was just a waste.
In addition, his cultivation had not made any progress, which made it difficult for him to move forward.
Fortunately, his willpower was much stronger than others, which gave him endless potential for cultivation.
The strong willpower made it even more difficult for Ji Lie to practice.
He had to work ten times harder than usual.
However, it was also destined that he would go far and far in the path of cultivation.
When a person lost his self-control, he would possess a strong willpower.
In addition, he could persist in his training.
This kind of never- lethargic spirit was sufficient to allow him to be arrogant amongst his peers.
However, it was also because of this that he needed to experience many disasters and grow up.
Only then would he be able to achieve something!
After venting, Ji Lie's thoughts slowly calmed down and restored his pale face, because he knew that since the result was already like this, there was no need to bear it in mind.
He could only look forward.
However, Ji Lie was a human, not a cold-blooded animal.
Even so, he still felt sad.
He smiled bitterly and said, "I don't know how long it will take to break through the bottleneck of Qi cultivation.
Perhaps it's already too late." At this time, Ji Lie saw someone coming through the window, so he looked back and said with a smile, "Father, why are you here?" In the past few years, even though Ji Lie was reborn, he had already known the way his father, Ji Zun, appeared, so he knew it was his father even before he saw anyone.
"Hehe, Ji'er, I saw that there was light in your room, so I came over to take a look.
It's already midnight, why don't you sleep?" After a while, Ji Zun came in and asked Ji Lie with concern.
Ji Zun was none other than Ji Lie's father, the Clan Chief of the Ji Clan.
His Cultivation base was at the late Core Formation stage, and he wore a long robe.
He walked like a dragon or a tiger, and emanated the air of a ruler!
"Oh, I'm thinking about something and forgot the time.
But father, how can I come to see me today?" Ji Lie was not stupid enough to be unable to understand why Ji Zun came to see him.
Although he was reborn, he did not dislike his father.
This father had always been his strong backer, and he had never abused or complained to Ji Lie.
You're always right.
Oh yes, Ji'er, I've already found the reason why you're stagnating.
The alchemist said that there's something wrong with your soul.
As long as he refines a Soul Three-soul Pill, you'll be able to cultivate as usual," Ji Zun said happily after sitting opposite Ji Lie.
"Ah, really?
That's great.
I'm finally not going to stop.
Father, thank you!" Ji Lie was immediately excited when he heard this.
"Ji'er, I have been busy with the family's affairs.
These years, you have suffered a lot.
You have not been able to lift your head for so long.
I have failed to do my duty as a father." Looking at Ji Lie's excited and pale face, Ji Zun uttered the words that he felt guilty of Ji Lie.
"Father, don't say that.
You are not only my father, but also the clan leader.
It's not too late now!" Ji Lie was moved to tears by his father.
He immediately shook his head and said, "Perhaps this is father's love." Ji Zun looked at Ji Lie carefully.
This was the first time he looked at Ji Lie in this way.
After a long silence, he said, "Ji'er, you must know that every descendant of the family will go out to train after 20 years old, right?" "Well, father, I've heard about it." Ji Lie nodded and replied.
"There are only five years left.
What are you going to do?" When Ji Zun spoke, he lowered his head and did not seem to dare to look at Ji Lie.
Without reaching a certain level of cultivation, one would go out to experience, and most of them would die without returning.
Obviously, Ji Zun did not want to see Ji Lie die.
"Father, don't worry!
There are still five years left.
I believe that I can do it!" Ji Lie was very clear about the family's rules, and even the patriarch couldn't change them!
After all, it was impossible for the descendants of the family to be recognized by the family without real experience outside.
At the same time, it was even more impossible for them to be the clan leader (young clan leader)!
"Well, it's good that you have this confidence.
That alchemist will refine the Soul Three-soul Pill soon.
At that time, you have to work harder and must have confidence in yourself.
Do you understand?" Ji Zun guiltily looked at Ji Lie and solemnly explained.
"Father, I know.
Now I feel that my whole body is full of energy!" Ji Lie smiled and said.
"With the Soul Three-soul Pill, it should be the starting point of my rebirth.
I believe it will work!" Although he wanted his father to be at ease and not worry about himself, Ji Lie still made up his mind.
Seeing Ji Lie say this, Ji Zun didn't know what to say.
He just waved his hand and said, "Well, I'm leaving.
Ji, don't think too much.
I believe that you will stand up."