The Saber and Sword

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The Sin of Being In possession of a Trea

Night, a deep night, only the moon was lazily hanging in the sky.
In Yan family's fort, situated on a piece of land of Hunan, was a brightly lit fort.
However, in the study room, the master of Yan family's fort, Yan Ming, was frowning.
What was he anxiously thinking about?
Or perhaps waiting for something?
Suddenly, two men in black broke through the window!
At this moment, they were very calm, as if they had known that these people would appear!
Then, there was a fearless voice,"Haha, Master Yan, have you been waiting for a long time?" A very burly man came straight in from the study door and also covered his face.
He said, "Ximen Huatian, I knew you would come, but I just came a little early!
However, it's useless for you to come.
You can't get the thing!" Ximen Huatian said, "Hum, you're dying, but you're still arrogant here.
Usually, you have the support of the Sword School, but I have already taken your head!
Hand over the crystal sword quickly, and I will leave you a whole body!" Yan Ming said, "Didn't I tell you that you can't get it?
If you want to kill me, you can take it at any time!" "Haha..." Another burst of laughter came from outside.
It was a laugher that seemed to be full of self-satisfaction!
Another tall and thin masked man walked in from the door.
"Ximenhuatian, are you happy too early?
I haven't asked you to take things, and you came first?" Ximen Huatian was stunned,"Nangong Que, you are a dead cripple, don't think that my Ximen family is afraid of you!" Nangong Que said angrily, "Well done, I'll let you know how powerful you are!" His face was estimated to be flushed with anger!
When he finished speaking, he only saw the other two men in black in the study room with knives in their throats.
Then with a puff, he fell to the ground and could not get up.
Ximen Huatian didn't even want to see the life or death of the man in black who came with him.
He directly took out the sword that he carried with him and stabbed at Yan Ming!
However, he was fast, with a knife faster than Yan Ming.
When his sword was still two feet away from Yan Ming, he was also shot in the throat by the flying knife and then fell to the ground!
Silence, absolute silence!
One could even hear a pin drop.
However, those who were cautious would realize that there were not many living people left in Yan Clan Citadel; at least, some people would not be so quiet!
In the end, Yan Ming broke the silence and said to Nangong Que, "Nangong Que, what do you want?
Kill all 12 Yan family members?" Nangong Que said clearly, "Don't you understand?
Hand over the Heaven Blade and the crystal sword quickly, and I'll spare your life!" He said, "I won't hand over the things, not to mention that the King of Heaven and Earth Saber and the human crystal sword can't fight against ordinary people like you.
I advise you to give up your idea!" Nangong Que said, "Since I'm here, I must take the things with me.
You'd better hand them over as soon as possible!
I'm not trying to scare you.
If you want someone to come and save you, don't even think about it!
Today, the owner of the Nangong Flying Blade Hall comes personally.
I swear I'll never give up until I get the things!" Yan Ming said, "Fine, fine, fine...
since you all want so much, then I'll give it to you all!" He then turned around, picked up the sword on the table, and swiftly wiped it on his neck!
Unfortunately, Nangong Que was fast, but he still wasn't as fast as a flying knife!
With a ding sound, a small knife was already inserted into the right hand of Yan Ming holding the sword!
It was too late.
After Yan Ming hit the flying knife in his right hand, he immediately grabbed the sword that had not yet fallen to the ground and quickly wiped it on his neck!
This was a point that Nangong Que didn't expect, and he didn't even react in time!
It was already too late.
Another flying knife flew over.
However, it wasn't inserted into Yan Ming's left hand, but into his throat!
In fact, the goal of the flying knife was to stab Yan Ming's left hand, but Yan Ming intentionally bent his body to let his neck meet the flying knife!
These series of movements, until Yan Ming fell to the ground, were all a matter of a moment!
Nangong Que came to his senses at this time and immediately turned over Yan Su's body, only to find that he was out of breath!
Then, a masked man in black quietly walked into the study room.
He said to Nangong Su, "Search Yanjia Castle as soon as possible.
We must keep the survivors alive!" Nangong Nu said seriously, "It's the hall master!" He turned immediately out of the study room, afraid that it was too late to come out!
In the study room, the man who was called the hall master, "Alas!
Is it true that our Nangong Family is not worthy of using the Heaven Blade?" He did not know, but he was asking someone...
So far, of the twelve members of the Yan Clan Citadel, there was only his only son, Yan Xi, and Yan Ming's wife, Tan Yan, who had been dismissed a few days ago!
The members of the Nangong Clan might not have been able to find any survivors, nor did they have any clues, so they went back in disappointment!
At this moment, they were still in the study room.
A woman had climbed out from a secret door under the table!
This woman was Tan Yan.
When Tan Yan walked to the side of her husband's corpse, he did not cry.
There was not even any sadness on her face, only a serious expression!
Suddenly, two old men came in from the door of the study.
They were all white-haired, white-browed, and white-bearded.
They were at least sixty years old.
The thin old man said to Tan Yan, "Ai!
Sister Yan!
We're still late.
Please accept our condolences!" He then shook his head and said nothing.
Before he could finish his words, with a puff, Tan Yan fell to the ground and could never stand up again!
However, the plump old man said to the thin old man, "Master Dao, I have already seen Sister Yan's determination to die, so I can't save her!
However, only we can take her away at the west and let her son create a world with our swords!
This is the wish of brother Yan Ming before he died!" The old Taoist Dao said, "You, old swordsman, sigh!
Poor Brother Yan and Sister Yan...
This is the only way!
Damn the world!
Damn the Nangong family, I will let them pay with their blood!
Let's go!" After that, he entered the secret door, held the baby in his arms, and held two long boxes.
"Whoosh!" The two old men disappeared!
Five years had passed without anyone knowing.
The child who had been taken away by the Sabre Master and the Sword Elder was already five years old; about six years ago, the child was indeed a child who had borne too many burdens, including the eighteen years of martial arts.
This five-year-old child had already learned many things that other five-year-old children could not understand.
What he had learned in the past five years was something that other five-year-old children could not understand!
He might even not be able to master what he had learned over the past five years, what others had not been able to!
In the past five years, both Saber Master and Saber Master had spent their whole lives teaching the disciples they had acquired!
Including his own skills, when he was three years old, Saber Master and Saber Master had passed on his skills to Yan Xi, which made Yan Xi's skills and insights about martial arts spread to a shocking degree over the past hundred years, which were passed down to Xi Zhaoshan.
Poor Xi Zhaoming, who was five years old, had already learned the ability that others had not been able to achieve with their whole life's effort.
It was a hope!
Saber Master and Saber Master had considered Xi Zhao as their only offspring and their children.
Because Xi Zhao had borne too much hatred towards him, Saber Master and Sword Elder had steeled their hearts and taught him all their lives!
When he was five years old, his father had made a shocking record!
With bare hands and bare hands, it was difficult for him to win.
This was a rare achievement!
What kind of figures were Saber Master and Saber Master?
As early as 60 years ago, they had been famous.
Saber Master once made a name for himself and broke into the soul of the saber alone.
Saber Master was more powerful than him.
One year later than Saber Master, he also broke into the Sword School alone and severely injured the four great Protectors of the Sword School!
Six years ago, in the Jianghu, the evaluation of Saber Master and Saber Master was that the one who used a saber belonged to Saber Master and the one who used a sword belonged to Sword Master.
No one could be compared to them!
Because the soul of the saber and the Sword School were never defeated for the last 60 years!
Whenever the soul of the saber and the Sword School appeared, they would usually use the soul of the saber and the Sword School as benchmark!
Yan Clan Citadel became nothing overnight after what happened five years ago, causing Yan Clan Citadel to become an orphan early in the day.
There was a reason for the change, because the grave of the blade and the grave of the sword had been separated by Elder Xiang and Elder Jian.
They had sent invitations to the grave of the sword and invited Elder Jian to join them.
However, in order to visit the grave of the blade and the grave of the sword, Elder Dao and Elder Jian had been late for two hours, causing the Yan Clan Citadel to become a mere nonentity...
In the end, Saber Master and Sword Elder finally realized that it was deliberate of someone to fake the grave and the grave to invite them!
However, it was too late, and everything that should have happened had already happened!
Hence, the two elders decided to exhaust everything they had learned in their lives to turn Yan Xi into an adult and inherit the mantle of the two elders.
They would then kill 14 people in Yan family's for the sake of Yan family's fort.
They would also take revenge on whoever had faked the name of a blade and a sword tomb!
Five years ago, the master of Yan Clan Citadel said that under the guidance of the Saber Master and the Sword Master, he had obtained the "King of Heaven and Earth" and "Stone Sword" on earth!
An innocent man would be accused of a crime for owning a treasure!
This caused the Yan Clan Citadel to become nothing!
All in all, it had been caused by the Saber of Heaven and the Crystal Sword!
Therefore, over the course of five years, both the Saber Master and the Saber Master had given Yan Xi breakfast everything they knew!
Regardless of whether they had learned it from the West or not, they did not have the time to learn it!
It was early in the west, just when his two masters were on a par with him!
Saber Master and Saber Master called the West!
The three of them seldom have the chance to be together!
It was Sabre who spoke first, "Eawn, I have taught you for five years.
How much have you learned about it?" Yanxi replied quickly, "We have taught me a lot of things in the past five years, but I have only learned a little.
Therefore, I can only tell you that what I have learned is trivial!" "Eon, I'm telling you.
We can tell you that we were already few enemies since we were renowned 60 years ago!
What we are good at is not boxing, but daggers and swords!" The old man continued, "We know very little about five years for you, but we need to teach you a lot of things in the future.
It depends on your hard work and your ability!
Tomorrow, we will teach you!" He said, "Masters, how can I not understand what you said?" He said, "You don't need to understand now!
You will understand it naturally in the future!
But our time is limited!
We will teach you everything we know!
From tomorrow on, you will learn the Heaven Blade and the Crystal Sword!
Go to bed early!" With a stunned expression, he walked back to the cave where he had rested early in the morning.
He fell on the straw mat and began to sleep!
How many things could a five-year-old child carry?