The Saber and Sword

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First Step into Jianghu

Saber Master and Saber Master didn't seem to want to go through the scene of Western morning leaving, so when the west had already roughly cleaned up their luggage and was about to leave, the figures of Saber Master and Saber Master were all gone.
The luggage of Western morning was also very simple, which was a blade and a sword.
The master of the sword especially made a saber and a sword bag for him.
He always put the saber and sword on his back, and when he looked at himself in the water, he didn't have any special feeling, only feeling that it was quite clear!
In fact, Western was still a handsome young man, but he didn't have the skin like that of a child's, which was bronze-colored skin!
If he took off his clothes, solid muscles could be seen, unleashing an explosive power!
Before leaving, Western days had been spent on looking at the place where he had stayed for 18 years, and he sighed with emotion!
At last, all kinds of feelings welled up in his mind, and they gathered into a sentence!
There was a Sword Blade Peak in the ancient Hengshan Mountain Range.
As for its name, it was impossible to verify.
He guessed that it was probably because there were two divine weapons born here!
Each strike was named the Sword Blade Peak!
West had located himself early in the morning, and then with a long roar, he galloped towards the sun.
It was also his first destination, the Hengshan Sect.
The Hengshan Sect was no longer a very strong sect, but mainly because of the fact that the Hengshan Sect had Qiyue Sword, the most precious treasure of the sect, which had been built for a long time.
That was why the Hengshan Sect could have been standing in the Jianghu without falling!
This was also the reason why West had come to Hengshan Sect early in the morning.
Originally, Elder Sword had asked him to see the sword techniques of the Jianghu sect.
At the speed of the west, he should have come down from the Sword Blade Peak and climbed up the South Mountain in two hours.
However, he had stayed in the Sword Blade Peak for 18 years, so it was very fresh for him to see the novelty.
Therefore, he was satisfied with his curiosity and it took him six full hours to reach the peak of the South Mountain.
On the top of the mountain, what came into sight was a huge temple.
Driven by curiosity, Xi Long jumped to a tall pine tree and looked down on the house structure of the Hengshan Sect.
There was a gate in the middle, which was about 20 feet high.
There were two stone lions weighing hundreds of kilograms in front of the gate, and on the gate hung three strong and vigorous vermilion words, "Xiongshan Sect".
The sect was majestic!
It seemed to tell people that our sect was sacred and inviolable!
There was a martial-arts arena in the main gate, and then it was divided into east and west rooms, which were about 30 square rooms for ordinary disciples.
Then the inside was the main hall, where there were only two single rooms behind the hall, and it was estimated that it was the place where the chief of the Hengshan Sect lived!
Looking at the whole picture in the west, he was thinking that a small Hengshan Sect was so magnificent.
He didn't know what it was if it was a big sect.
Well, if there was a chance, he would have a good look at it.
When he was appreciating the quality of the beads in the west, suddenly a warning sign came from the main hall that a Buddha bead was attacking him for no reason.
It happened so fast that he didn't even think about receiving it with his right hand and grabbing it directly.
Such a speed was not enough to harm him in the west.
At this moment, a Buddha's voice came from the main hall.
"Immeasurable Longevity Buddha!
Since you're here, why don't you come in and sit?" It was not until then that Xi Fang realized that the master had felt his aura!
He patted his forehead and blamed himself for not remembering Master Sword's warning to hide his aura.
Then go straight in!
There was nothing to be afraid of!
After that, Lyu Liang had nothing to worry about!
He exerted his power and said to the main hall, "Please forgive me for the intrusion, master!" His voice was not loud, but it clearly spread to every corner of the Hengshan Sect.
After saying that, he landed safely under the tree and walked in slowly.
It was then that West had discovered that almost all the monks had gathered at the martial-arts arena.
It was obvious that he was treated seriously!
The attentive people should have found that the speed of the west's footsteps was not fast and the footsteps were not heavy, but the distance of each step was measured and every step was not missing a millimeter.
West had stopped in front of the martial-arts arena and then said calmly to the monks, "Is this the way you Hengshan Sect treat guests?" The voice from earlier continued to ask, "What business do you have in coming to the Jiang Sect, benefactor?" Xiting said in her heart, "The Headmaster is so calm that he doesn't care about my betrayal!
It can only explain why I'm here.
I'm Yan early, and I'm here to see the power of Qiyue Sword under the order of my master.
I hope my master will be generous to teach me!" When the disciples of the Hengshan Sect finished talking, they were shocked.
Who would challenge him in this way?
He was still a child.
Although his body was mature, he obviously felt that the west was still tender.
Newcomers Request for recommendations Xi long could not understand why the Hengshan Sect would be in an uproar with just one sentence.
Did he say something wrong?
He certainly would not understand that Qi Yuejian was the treasure of Hengshan Town.
He deserved his reputation in Jianghu.
Why should he challenge a young man?
It was human nature, because people all believed that it was impossible for this young man to have any high-level kung fu.
But it was still because they belittled Xi early...
After a few dry coughs, the head of Heng Mountain said, "I'm the head of Heng Mountain, Li Chen.
May I know who's your master?" Li Chen was the youngest of the Li generation and also the most perceptive one.
He had just taken over the head of Heng Mountain and Qi Yue Sword 10 years ago and was considered as a master in Jianghu.
There were still two more people who were still alive in Li Chen's generation, one was angry and the other was angry.
They were ranked in three and four groups respectively.
They were both old and rare monks and were also the only masters in Heng Mountain Sect.
West thought that this monk was quite polite.
After all, he was the head of a sect, so he should be polite to him.
He bowed to Li Chen and said, "Hello, head of Lichen!
I've offended you just now, and I just wanted to see the scenery on the tree without any other meaning.
I've indeed come to learn swordsmanship from my master!
But it's still not convenient to reveal the name of my master, which is also my master's order!" In the thought of the west morning, these two sentences were polite!
But in the ears of others, they were not the same!
What did it mean to climb to the tree to enjoy the scenery?
Obviously, it was to bully people from Hengshan Sect that no one wanted to leave...
A slightly fat monk rushed out from the left side of Li Chen.
He looked burly and fierce.
He rushed out and said to Xi Zhaoyuan, "You're really impolite.
It's impossible for you to climb to the tree to spy on the situation.
You even said that you're looking for the scenery!
I'm Li Shui, pull out my sword and fight with me!" After saying that, he pulled out his own sword, a more primitive and sharp sword.
Li Chen frowned slightly, but he did not stop his senior brother.
He also wanted to see what the origin of this guy was.
Xi breakfast laughed.
What the hell is this?
I am very polite to you, how dare you to be rude with me!
He said to Li Shui with a smile, "So you are my master, Li Xiao.
Excuse me, are you holding Qi Yuejian?" Li Sui replied quickly without thinking, "Do you think you're qualified to know Qiyue Sword?" Then a sword thrust from the west!
Xilai had long known that he wasn't holding the Qi Yue sword, but he was trying to anger Li Shui.
He had achieved the effect.
He quickly thrust the sword towards Li Shui's chest!
At that moment, three inches away from the chest in the west, the sword suddenly sank down again, and in a strange angle, the obliquely stabbed was like the abdomen of Li Shui.
This was the rather powerful move of the Heng Mountain Swordsmanship—the Sword Pointing at Heng Yue!
However, Xi Yuan still didn't move, and he had no intention of pulling out the sword.
When the sword was only two inches from him, he instantly slapped the sword edge with his right hand, which directly tilted the sword.
His left foot retreated, and Li Shui was moved to the side.
Then with a wave of his left hand, he hit Li Shui to shit.
These two attacks ended in an instant.
In the whole Hengshan Sect, only Li Chen and Li Nu could see clearly.
It was a pity that they could not help.
Without seeing Li Chen's anger, Xi Long turned around directly in the direction of Li Chen, with his back facing Li Chen who had climbed up from the ground.
Li Yan was furious.
He had never suffered such a loss in his life, not to mention under the gaze of the whole Heng Shan Sect!
Without thinking, he used all his power and moves to attack Xi Ming without any moves!
People would use these indiscriminate attacks when they were in a very angry situation!
It was Li Chen who made his move, not to the west but to cut Li Shui's sword off!
Qiyue Sword was finally out of the sheath.
Xifeng obviously felt the vibration of crystal sword, as if he had met an old friend for many years!
Li Chen activated his Lion's Roar Kung Fu and yelled at Li Chen, "May the Immeasurable Longevity Buddha!
Senior Brother, please wake yourself up!" Li Chen's body trembled.
Then he lowered his head with dull eyes and walked into the hall.
Li Chen said again, "Immeasurable Longevity Buddha!
You're so skilled!
Then don't blame me for not going easy on you!" If he had known that he might have really annoyed these monks, he would not have made a joke.
He said seriously to Li Chen, "Master Lichen, please!" As he spoke, he pulled out the crystal sword, pointing it diagonally at the ground; this was the starting move of the Sword Method.
Li Chen also raised the sword to the same height as his eyebrows, starting up the Heng Mountain Swordsmanship's starting stance.
Their eyes met, and then suddenly, both of them produced afterimages.
They interweaved together, and then only heard two ding sounds.
The two figures then separated again.
The west arrived at Li Chen's original position, still the sword's finger, still calmly standing there.
Li Chen arrived at the west side of the battlefield, but his left sleeve was broken from his upper arm, and blood continuously dripped down.
When it landed on the ground, Li Chen didn't pay it any attention, allowing it to drip down!
Xi early solemnly looked at the direction of the tip of the sword and said, "My master is called Sword Elder.
This sword is a crystal sword of the human world, and it is one meter and two inches long!" With that said, he disappeared in a flash, leaving Li Chen standing there in a daze.