Against the Sky,Cultivate Immortals Change Lives

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Catching Chickens

The cold northern winds whistled, whistling sharply against Lin Liutian's tender skin.
It felt like a knife being cut, and it was painful and unbearable.
He ate as the cold wind raged.
After eating two steamed buns, he closed his eyes and walked with his hands curling up.
After a while, the steam that came out of his mouth and nostrils was condensed into layers of frost that froze around his hair.
Even the air seemed to solidify.
As he walked, his icy body began to warm up.
"We must get ready before the snowcock comes out for food!" Thinking of this, Lin Liutian couldn't help but clench his teeth and speed up his pace.
He started to kick towards the majestic back of the mountain.
After climbing for three hours, crossing a rugged trail and the "Tiger Jumping to the Cliff" of Heaven, Lin Liutian finally arrived at the "unique hunting ground" that he had opened in previous years.
It was a lush primeval snow pine forest.
The heavy snow had broken some branches, and the snow under the tree was more than one meter thick.
Lin Liuhong gasped for breath during the day.
Without any rest, he took out his backpack, took out a dozen pine pagodas from some broken branches, and threw them into his backpack.
At the same time, he took out the self-madeZhaoqi in his backpack and examined it carefully.
The board should be 90 centimeters long.
Lin Liutian was made by years of sturdy zhennan bamboo, which made it convenient and convenient for him to walk on the thick snow and enjoy freedom.
Lin Liutian tied the board to his feet firmly.
He took a deep breath and slid forward.
Soon, it slid to a snow-covered pine tree.
Lin Liutian stopped and carefully observed the terrain.
"It's here!" He grabbed his backpack and took out the secret weapon that the old hunter taught him—a strong pony tail.
He found a good place nearby, fixed it, set up a trap, and put down the bait—A pine cone.
A simple but strong hunting trap was settled!
He continued on.
Less than half an hour later, more than a dozen hunting traps were set in place one by one.
Lin Qin stood up, stretched his aching waist, and smiled satisfactorily.
He then glided forward for a while and arrived at the old sheltered harbor—a small cave.
When he reached the entrance of the cave, he took down the motorcycle, stamped it in his hand, and walked inside.
"Just like last year, it's still the same!" Lin Qintian walked more than ten steps, put down the things, took out a small piece of old carpet, laid it on the ground, and sat down.
He took out a bottle of ice water, threw his neck up and took a few sips.
Now he was left to wait!
After resting for a while, he thought of the delicious snowcock and could not help but think back to the days before him,After school, Lin Yongtian went home alone.
After his grandfather passed away, the only inheritance he had left for Lin Yongtian was a 40 square meter public apartment.
Just like this, his mother, who never cared about him, wanted to collect a rented apartment.
If Auntie Bai hadn't known about Lin Yongtian's situation, she would have avoided him wandering the streets!
One of them walked to the KFC restaurant from time to time.
Through the window, Lin Qintian looked at the delicious food inside and touched his empty belly.
He swallowed a mouthful of saliva and was reluctant to leave.
Just then, a BMW pulled its way out and stopped at the door.
It almost knocked into Lin Qintian.
But Lin Qintian fell to the ground with fright.
You beg for food at the door.
You're looking for death!" A fat and two-legged boss got off the car and pointed at Lin Qintian and scolded him.
"Husband, is there anything wrong with the car?
If it's trouble, you can't even afford to be sold!" As soon as the back door opened, another middle-aged beautiful woman came out.
Lin Qintian lifted his head to look coldly at the corpse.
It was Lin Qintian's mother, who had abandoned her husband for the first time.
The beautiful middle-aged woman had already recognized Lin Qintian, who was lying on the ground, all these years ago, but his appearance had not changed much.
Panic flashed across her eyes as she said, "Forget it, husband.
There's no need to be fussy about this.
My son, let's go.
I'll take you to eat a chicken leg!" She grabbed a fat man by the hand and trotted inside, not even sparing a second glance at Lin Qintian.
The fat man lowered his head and spat.
"Bah!" He shouted, "Count my bad luck today!" He looked over his shoulder and walked inside.
Lin Qintian supported himself with one hand on the ground and slowly stood up.
He looked at the triumphant family of three and his heart was as cold as a ghost!