The Songs of Hongmeng Mysterious World

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The Establishment of a Sage by Hongjun,

"Taoism peer, you don't have to ask too much, and you will know it in the future." Xuan Tian said a few words and threw off Tongtian's head.
He held a Primordial Supreme Treasure in his hand, happy and depressed.
What kind of mood was this?
"Why did my teacher give me such a primordial supreme treasure?" Zhen Yuan found it hard to accept.
His teacher was so generous that he gave it to someone else even before they could rob him of the treasure.
"This is definitely to make a fuss about it in the future.
Tongtian lacks the Luck of six out of six primordial supreme treasures." Xuan Tian said, but did not speak too much.
"You have the Book of the Nether World to protect yourself.
I will give you another item today." The two landed in the clouds.
Xuan Tian waved his sleeves and a Taoist temple appeared before their eyes.
It was Fifth Manor on Longevity Mountain.
Then, a cyan flag appeared in Xuan Tian's hand.
"This is the Emerald Lotus Flag.
You can come to Penglai Island after you put it away and refine it." "Disciple bids you farewell." Daolord Zhen Yuan was very happy to see this flag.
It really was a good thing.
He had been transformed from the Green Qi of the Innate Wood Wood.
Now that he had the Green Lotus Flag of the Primordial Spiritual Treasure, the Primordial Flag of the Five Regions, he wouldn't have to be afraid even if he met someone on the level of a Quasi-Sect Master.
Soon after the Heaven and Earth were created, the space of time was created at the same time.
However, time was nothing for masters of magic skills, but the space was hard to break.
In Zixiao Palace, Ancestor Hongjun's lotus flower was shining on the ground, and auspicious clouds were wreathing it, showing that Hongjun's Way of Great Way was extraordinary.
Suddenly, Hong Jun stopped and said, "At this moment, I've dated 129,600,years on the Way of Dao, and the time for teaching is 18,000,years.
I'll never teach the Way of Dao again in the future, and you'll have to come again after 100,years." The Three Pure Ones in the front hurriedly asked, "Teacher, is there any way to actualize the Tao?" Hongjun nodded and said, "There are six aspects in the Way of Heaven,One is to use your power to actualize the Tao, which isn't a Fated Chance for those with great wisdom and perseverance can't do it.
For example, if you fail to actualize the Tao, you will turn into ashes, which even I can't do anything about it.
The other is to leave your obsession with primordial spiritual treasures, so you need to separate your Three Separations.
This is not the only way for me to comprehend the Way of Tao.
The third is to become a Sage by Merits, which means that my supernatural power is second to none." "I wonder if teacher has a sage's seat in his sect?" Tongtian was the most straightforward and straightforward, asking without scruple.
Hong Jun burst into laughter and waved his sleeves, then three Immortal Qi flew into The Three Pristine Ones' body.
Others just saw Ancestor throwing three Immortal Qi to them, which was the basic foundation for actualizing, "There must be seven Sages in my clan.
Three Pristine Ones, you three have the Merit of Pan Gu Creation, so you can be Sages." "Nuwa, in the future, you will have to receive great merit and be able to become a Saint." After finishing his words, a ray of violet energy flew into the body of Nuwa.
"Teacher..." Taoist Cundi said urgently.
"You two will establish a great clan in the future.
With the merit of teaching all living beings, you can be a Sage." Zhun Ti and Jie Yin were also full of joy.
Everyone sat down and looked at Hong Jun.
They knew it was fate when they saw him give a piece of Immortal Qi to a person who became a Sage, but they still looked at him.
Hong Jun suddenly felt confused.
He casually waved his hand, and the Immortal Qi was rotated in the air and went straight to Hong Yun.
"Master, do you know if there is any chance for you to become a saint except for your Senior Brothers and Sisters?" East Emperor suddenly stood up.
Hongjun closed his eyes and unleashed his Magic Skills.
However, he was confused and shocked.
He thought, "I will be uniting with the Great Way in 100,years.
Why can't I see the parts that I don't know clearly until now?
Do I have to do it after I have merged with the Great Way?" "The Will of Heaven is boundless.
I can't be considered one of them." Everyone was surprised to hear that.
In their eyes, Honourable Ancestor Hongjun's cultivation was limitless.
How could there not be something he knew?
"Master, I have a question for you." Zhunti respectfully looked at Hongjun and said, "One hundred and twelve thousand and six hundred years ago, on the way to Zixiao Palace, my senior brothers and I found a Primordial Wood with Yi Wood and Green Water in its shape.
After my careful calculation, I figured out that he didn't come out." After hearing that, Hongjun knew what had happened before, but now it was a mist that blocked his Magic Skills, which was located on the East Sea.
"On the East Sea, there's an island called Penglai, which is formed by the Chaos fragments.
It has the Chaos Formation to protect the Tao.
I can't see clearly what's on the island unless I go there in person.
However, the Way of Heaven leads me here, and the person you're asking about is on this island." Penglai Island had been chosen as a Taoist rite by Xuan Tian and Sheng Tian.
Xuan Tian covered the entire Taoist rite with his own lotus platform of the Chaos.
Even without the Formation of Chaos, there was no way for Hong Jun to predict it with his current cultivation.
In the duration of the Yuanhui, Penglai Island was immersed in the chaotic road of Holy Sky.
Many innate things took shape.
For more than a hundred thousand years, the people who listened to the Great Way were crowded under the Holy Sky Island, including Zhen Yuan who rushed here after refining the Emerald Lotus Flag.
Xuan Tian wandered around alone on the bed of clouds.
The primordial gourd on Mount Kunlun was used by him as a vessel to hold wine.
The wine in the gourd was naturally the primordial spiritual fruit planted by the holy heaven when Penglai opened its manor.
This leisure was the Yiyuan meeting.
In an instant, his heart jumped.
Knowing that Hongjun was exploring Penglai, he could not help but laugh.
"How dare you peep at my Immortal's Manor with your current cultivation?" Hong Jun was really unfair.
Since Goddess Nv Wa was the Demon Clan, she could be a Sage just by having Merit.
There was no good point for Hou Tu to transform herself into the reincarnation so that the Wu Clan was exterminated.
What a good plan!
However, it seemed that the Wu Clan and the Demon Clan would be the balance under the Great Way.
It seemed that he had to make a trip.
All the Ancestors of Sorcery were seated in the Wu Tribe of the Untainted Land.
Only fresh-comer Houtu was unhappy.
Emperor Jiang said, "Sister Houtu, you've been listening to the Teachings in Zixiao Palace.
Why do you always feel unhappy when you come back?
If you have something to say, let's figure it out." "Brothers, I don't know that Teacher has seven Sages under his tutelage.
Goddess Nvywa of the Demon Tribe received a Sage placement, but our Wu Tribe..." Houtu sighed after hearing Minghe's words.
She looked very depressed.
Xuan Ming laughed and said, "Sister, you don't have to worry about the position of Sage.
Since we Ancestor of Sorcery enjoy Great Divinity Pan Gu's creation magic power, I think our supernatural power won't be weaker than his." Houtu shook her head and said, "My sister also knows that we can't become a Sage without a Original Spirit after listening to Honourable Ancestor for so many years, so she must be a nonentity.
I think Goddess Nvywa's cultivation is similar to mine.
However, as a Sage, I can't be sure of her cultivation when the Hong Meng Immortal Qi is in my body.
Besides, as a Sage, we can't fight with her any more." "Hou Tu, come out and meet me." Zhu Rong, the most ill-tempered person in the world, was just about to speak when someone outside of the palace shouted.
He was instantly enraged.
It was not up to anyone to speak of the Ancestor of Sorcery.
However, it was not so.
Houtu's voice came to her heart at once.
She felt it was so mysterious and hurried to go out.
The Twelve Ancestors of Sorcery walked out of the hall together.
Outside, the Wu clansmen saw that the Taoist above the clouds was so unlucky, "Who are you?
Why are you shouting here?" As soon as Zhurong arrived outside, he roared, which made Xuan Tian very puzzled.
"If you don't cultivate your Original Spirit, chances are not to come tomorrow.
Hou Tu, are you willing to be my disciple?" When Xuan Tian said this, a Ancestor of Sorcery was furious, except for Hou Tu.
Xuan Ming was also angry.
Who was Hou Tu?
She was their spiritual leader.
In front of Xuan Tian, who appeared in the blink of an eye when Dijiang flapped his wings, Zhurong changed rapidly.
His power increased by more than one thousand feet, while the others had not yet made their move.
Something strange happened.
Emperor Jiang found the Taoist was in front of him, but no matter how hard he tried, he could not fly to the Taoist.
Zhu Rong's height of 30,thousand feet did not reach his height.
The Taoist was only about 100,feet off the ground and he just wanted to step on him.
But it was too bizarre.
This also proved that this Taoist was not simple.
Houtu did not know how to answer his question when she saw that the Taoist was looking at her with a smile.
However, the situation of the two brothers did not allow her to consider it further.
She said, "Houtu is originally an Ancestor of Sorcery.
With Houtu around, the Wu Tribe can still arrange the Twelve Divine Beings Formation.
They don't need to fear the other tribes.
But if Houtu leaves..." Xuan Tian laughed and said, "You can't predict the future even if you don't cultivate your purusa.
Thousands of years later, the war between the Sorcerer and Demon Clan will be inevitable.
However, if you're a Sage, you can still save a chance for the Wu Clan." Hearing that, Houtu suddenly knelt down and said, "Master, please show your mercy." Xuan Tian waved his big hand and said, "I will give you the Hong Meng Immortal Qi.
You go back to Penglai with me and try to comprehend the Great Chaos Way." Houtu was elated when she heard the name Penglai.
Even Hongjun, the honorable ancestor in Zixiao Palace, could not be counted as a matter of Penglai.
She quickly bowed and said, "I'll obey your order, Master." "Younger sister..." "Elder Sister..." The eleven Ancestors of Sorcery were anxious.
Hou Tu smiled and said, "Sisters, don't worry.
I'll go with you to realize the opportunity to become a Sage, so that we can have a good plan for the Wu Clan in the future."