A King So Cold: Solitary Concubine

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A Weird New Marriage Night

Dahong Xi was dressed in red and tears streamed down her cheeks.
The person sitting quietly on the couch did not move.
Her eyes fluttered under the red veil and her lashes fluttered.
Today was her day of joy.
She had changed from a beggar to a princess and from a princess to a princess.
She did not know how to describe her current mood with words.
She was ethereal, Yama of Chu and the Emperor's younger brother, Empress Dowager's son.
He was cold and handsome.
There were many rumors that she had indeed seen him from afar in the imperial gardens that day and it was hard for others to look away.
"Bam!" Without much time to think, the door was pushed open crudely.
The maidservants inside the room were dispersed, and the sound of footsteps drew near.
Although Heavenlyvalent was a little nervous, he could only calm down and breathe.
He had someone in his heart, so...
he shouldn't touch himself.
"Dry Wood?" A slightly low voice rang out from the top of his head.
The veil had yet to be removed, but his voice was very pleasant to listen to.
This was the first consciousness of the Heavenly Wood.
"Men, send the princess to the place she should go." Qian Mumu did not know how to respond to his voice.
His voice was very cold, blocking his line of sight.
He moved his lips but did not speak after hearing his words.
Where should she go?
Where should she go?
She had planned on observing the situation in the prince's manor first before making any plans.
However, she did not expect that she would be sent out of the bridal chamber on the first day before the veil was lifted.
At this moment, she could not describe the complexity in her heart.
Someone had grabbed her shoulder tightly with his wrist.
She subconsciously wanted to struggle, but the next moment, a push made her body stagger.
Her rough actions made her frown and she could not see clearly what was in front of her.
There was someone in front of her who was pushing her, and she was walking step by step against the cold wind.
Then, she stopped.
"Have we arrived?" After a pause, Qianshu Mushi saw that the hand on his shoulder had been released, but there was still no sound.
He could not help but ask, but no one answered her question after waiting for a while.
He thought for a moment and tore off the veil that obstructed his line of sight, only to see a green area.
Under the moonlight, the bamboo was arranged in a row and looked around.
Was this a small bamboo forest?
At least now he could not see its end.
Where was the Prince Yu's Manor?
She was certain that it was definitely not within the scope of the power of the Hades Mansion.
A cold wind blew, and the Qianshu Mu's wooden ring wrapped around her shoulders.
Was she going to stand here all night?
"Is anyone there?" Qian Mu once again probed the air under the moonlight, but no one answered her.
He looked back and walked toward the corridor, but he did not expect that something came before his feet had just landed.
The dart, shining with silver light, looked a bit strange under the moonlight.
Qian Mu Mu subconsciously withdrew his feet, which was a warning.
She couldn't go back.
There were eyes staring at her around.
Thinking of this, she suddenly felt colder.
She couldn't stand here for a night, could she?
She turned around and walked to the bamboo forest path.
She had to take shelter from the wind.
It was not late at night, and it would be colder if she stayed late.
"Hey, is anyone there?
Someone came out and told me where to go?" Qian Mu initially thought that since he had been stuffed as a prince's concubine, the person who had a girlfriend would definitely vent his anger on him.
He had already prepared himself to meet the fury when they got married.
However, he did not expect such a cold treatment.
It was in the cold autumn, so he was not so thickly dressed that he stood here and enjoyed the wind all night.
Tomorrow, he would definitely catch a cold.
As soon as the voice fell, a stone hit a stone road in front of them.
Blackwood looked around and saw that there was still no one.
It was really weird!
However, that stone should lead the way, right?
She looked back at the dart behind her feet, thought for a moment, pulled it down and put it on her waist.
Then she walked toward the place where the dart led the way.
Sure enough, there were no darts coming.
Then there were stones again.
After several rounds, they stopped.
She just looked up and there was a stone house with a frown.
"What on earth is he going to do?" Qian Mu muttered.
He looked at the stone room, which was covered by tall branches and leaves.
It was slightly shadowed, but Qian Mushi did not come forward.
It was too weird.
With her intuition, she always felt that there was danger there.
"Ouch..." Suddenly, a wolf howl rang out, causing Gan Mu's entire body to freeze and his blood to flow backward.
It was a wolf, right, it was really a wolf howl, but how could the prince's residence utter such a howling sound?
Furthermore, although the prince's residence was located in the city and there was a back hill behind it, it should still be considered the territory of the Yama's mansion.
After all, it was still under the capital city.
How could a wolf show up there?
The voice was not loud, but it was enough to make the hair on the mummy stand on end.
When he was begging before, he had never heard of wolves in the city, but the voice obviously came from the back of the stone room.
Thinking of this, Heavenly Evergreen took two steps back and subconsciously put his hand on the side of his waist.
The dart he just picked up was frozen outside the stone house with his mouth tightly closed.
He had been standing still in the cold wind.
"Your Highness." In the wedding room, Ming Rufan was holding a glass made of colored glaze.
The remaining half of the transparent liquid was rippling in the glass.
He looked at the glaring red color in the room with a poker face.
He could not refuse his royal brother and his mother, especially when he heard that the Top Beauty Bai Yanyin of the Thousand Fragrance Building had followed him for three years.
Recently, when the news that he was going to marry her came out, she forced him to marry that woman.
If it were in normal times, he would not care.
But for a woman, he would just ignore her, and at most, she would just be eating in the manor.
But at the critical moment, the appearance of this woman spoiled his plan.
At the thought of it, Ming Rufan tightened his hold on the glass more tightly as if he would crush it the next moment.
"Aye, have we entered?" Ming Ruo Fan faced the black figure that had suddenly appeared beside him and merely replied in a faint voice.
"Your Highness, she didn't go into the secret room.
She stood outside the bamboo garden and didn't dare to step into it." Underworld Fanfan's dark eyes turned slightly.
"Go down." He ordered without raising his head.
A gust of wind instantly blew, and the only sound left in the room was the burning candle.
"Humph, a woman as timid as a mouse." After a long time, Ming Fan drank up a cup of wine with sarcasm under the candlelight.
Ming Rufan stood up and looked at the redness that filled his eyes.
He suddenly felt disgusted and frowned silently.
Then, he flicked his red sleeves and the candlelight went out.
In a flash, he lay on the couch and closed his eyes to rest.
In the bamboo garden of the back garden, dry wood gripped her sleeves tightly, and the cold wind entered her collar.
She found a clean stone slab and sat on the ground, her body lying on the stone.
The phoenix crown on her head was a little heavy.
She carefully took off her white little hands and took off her hairpins one by one.
Finally, she chose a slightly simple hairpin and put her scattered hair together.
When the cold wind blew, the black black hair hanging down poured into her neck.
The dry wood drooped down and closed its eyes little by little.
It nodded slightly.
After a cold wind blew, it suddenly woke up and she was sleepy again.
After several times, she finally endured till dawn.
When he heard the cry of a chicken, the mummy instantly came to his senses.
It squirmed its numb limbs and its stiff neck as it stood up and stretched a few times.
Suddenly, it felt like it was a little hard to breathe.
Sure enough, the cold wind that had blown for an entire night was chilly.
Even though life was not satisfactory when they were begging in the past, there were always some places that could be used for shelter in the wind and rain.
And now...
he was wearing a red wedding garb that could not resist the cold wind, and he laid on a rock for another night.
He turned back to look at the stone house.
When he went down a little, he realized that it was actually a wolf head at a stone door.
Combined with the wolf howl he heard last night, his skinny body trembled.
He felt lucky that he did not enter that house.
It was too strange.
"Hey, can I leave this place?" Dry Wood cleared his throat and shouted into the air.
Although he was not sure if someone would be here after one night, he would know after asking.
"Hey, is anyone there?
If you don't say anything, I'll go forward?" Qian Mumu asked again.
There were no darts or rocks.
He took a step forward and indeed, there was no reaction.
He took a few more steps forward and saw that there was still no reaction.
Qian Mumu boldly took a few steps forward and arrived at the long corridor.
He looked left and right and did not know where to go.
"Princess, come with me." A maid dressed like a maid suddenly appeared at the corner of the corridor on the right side.
In the quiet morning, such a sound could be heard just as dawn broke.
Moreover, her footsteps were so clear that she didn't even notice it.
The dry wood slightly narrowed her eyes and quickly sized up the maid who had appeared.
After that, she looked away and smiled.
"Thank you." Qian Mu kept thinking in his heart.
This servant girl was not simple, and Prince Yu's Mansion was even weirder.
Since yesterday, someone had been spying on him for a long time, and now this girl had appeared inexplicably.
"Are you the person from yesterday?" The idea suddenly came to Cool Wood's mind.
The girl in front of him stopped and turned back to look at the smile on Cold Wood's face.
It was amiable and amiable.
"What are you talking about, Your Highness?" His attitude was humble and polite.
However, Heavenly Evergreen always felt that he was the maidservant.
Even when he addressed her like this, he felt that she was looking down on him.
It felt a little...
Just like the arrogant tone of the prince from yesterday, Heavenly Evergreen shook his head and smiled, indicating for her to continue leading the way.
He then lowered his head and pursed his lips.
They came to a house.
The house in front of her made dry wood feel as if it was the Yama's Mansion.
But she knew it was impossible.
However, was this dilapidated place really supposed to exist in the Yama's Mansion?
"This is?" C 2008-2012 looked at the worn out place in front of him and had an ominous premonition.
His eyelids twitched.
Sure enough, the next moment, her guess was confirmed.
The little girl turned around and smiled again.
"Princess, His Highness ordered that this is your residence in the future." As soon as the little girl finished, the Heavenly Evergreen seemed to have been immobilized and fell silent for a moment.
"Is there anything to eat?" In any case, it was better than losing her virginity.
At least it was left here after yesterday's cold treatment, and now it was in a state of exile.
It might be better to calm down and find a way.